• List of Articles Anthropology

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Origin of Human’s Nature and Aspects in Mathnavi
        بخشعلی  قنبری
        Human is one of the key concepts in Mowlavi’s works, especially in Mathnavi. Mowlavi considers human as an eye created to gaze at God and thereby, take pleasure; the essence of existence is thought, the thought whose object is The Divine. One can certainly ask where hum More
        Human is one of the key concepts in Mowlavi’s works, especially in Mathnavi. Mowlavi considers human as an eye created to gaze at God and thereby, take pleasure; the essence of existence is thought, the thought whose object is The Divine. One can certainly ask where human originated from. According to the divine religions and the Gnostic schools following them man was made out of mud, and Adam was the first referent of humans. So, it is worth asking what processes human has left behind to reach to his present stance. The question is investigated as genealogy. Mowlavi introduces different stages in human’s genealogy. Having passed these stages, he reached the present stage. Now, he has come up with the question that, how his present situation is. The answer lies in human’s nature, which Mowlavi considers it of double quality. In sum, all these issues are reflected in Mathnavi. The humans’ creation out of various kinds of soils is the symbolic way of suggesting their different faculties and natures. At the same time, he has the potential of being the place of the Divine revelation; the soul breathed in him is the symbol of God’s presence in this place. This soul involves the levels including vegetative soul, animal soul, and holy soul. According to Mowlavi, human is the ultimate cause of the creation, though he is the last being to be created. Now, if he could reach perfection, he would acquire the capacity to be exalted. Such exaltation would result in his turning to be God-like, which would promote him far beyond plans, animals, and angels, to an exalted rank. This is so because human moves from these stages, while non-human beings are permanently fixed in their stages. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Transition from Agency of Actors to Citizenship Preparation for Inadequacy of Philanthropist Principles of Capability Approach
        A m saeed nariman
        Although Amartya Sens capability approach initially emerged in academic area as a critique to normative and ethical economic foundations, especially welfare economics in 1980s, it has been employed extensively in the context of human development. One of the main concern More
        Although Amartya Sens capability approach initially emerged in academic area as a critique to normative and ethical economic foundations, especially welfare economics in 1980s, it has been employed extensively in the context of human development. One of the main concerns of this approach was the marginalization of human being from the axis of development and well-being and its main critique to others was to consider human as a passive being. Some critics have suggested that, although this approach attempted to introduce a new concept of human beings in economic area, it could not go beyond the current economical human of economics and it just provided more humane conception of development than development for human beings. The majority of criticisms of anthropological basis of Sens approach include three critiques of misinterpretation of human notion, being pre-socio political and methodological individualism. In this paper it's attempted to response to these three critiques based on the definition of agency which Sen has expanded in his approach and then design a theoretical-philosophical agency for misinterpretation anthropological foundation of capability approach by transition from agency (of actors) to citizenship. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Right to Human Development
        Abbas  Manouchehri Mohammad Dashti
        Upcoming doubts and challenges of 'growth theory' for development, and its uncertain pathway over the recent decades, have led to the consideration of the theory of 'human development', with guarantees and provisions such as ' development ethics' and 'the right to dev More
        Upcoming doubts and challenges of 'growth theory' for development, and its uncertain pathway over the recent decades, have led to the consideration of the theory of 'human development', with guarantees and provisions such as ' development ethics' and 'the right to development', for realizing the advancement that its object is 'humans' and people. Nevertheless, since these pre-mentioned provisions from Amartya Sen’s standpoint ultimately require an understanding and interpretation of the "human" identity, and in the theory of "human development" this argument does not have the necessary theoretical adequacy, this article has attempted to be an intellectual aide by "existential anthropology" and “the human existential right" in the theory of human development. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Evaluating the Cultural Anthropology of Artefacts of Computer Mediated Communication: A Case of Law Enforcement Agencies
        Chukwunonso Henry Nwokoye Njideka N. Mbeledogu Chikwe Umeugoji
        The renowned orientations of cultural models proposed by Hall and Hofstede has been the subject of criticisms. This is due to the weak, inflexible and old-fashioned nature of some designs resulting from them. In addition, is the ever-changing, formless and undefined nat More
        The renowned orientations of cultural models proposed by Hall and Hofstede has been the subject of criticisms. This is due to the weak, inflexible and old-fashioned nature of some designs resulting from them. In addition, is the ever-changing, formless and undefined nature of culture and globalization. Consequently, these vituperations have resulted in better clarifications when assessing the cultural anthropology of websites. Based on these later clarifications and other additions, we seek to evaluate the cultural heuristics of websites owned by agencies of the Nigerian government. Note that this is verily necessary because older models did not include Africa in their analyses. Specifically, we employed the online survey method by distributing questionnaires to different groups of experts drawn from the various regions of Nigeria. The experts employed methods such as manual inspection and use of automated tools to reach conclusions. Afterwards, the results were assembled and using the choice of a simple majority, we decided whether a design parameter is either high or low context. Findings show that websites developers tend to favor low context styles when choosing design parameters. The paper attempts to situate Africa in Hall’s continuum; therein, Nigeria (Africa) may fall within French Canadian and Scandinavian and/or within Latin and Scandinavian for the left hand and right hand side diagram respectively. In future, we would study the cultural anthropology of African websites employing the design parameters proposed by Alexander, et al. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Status of self-control (Muraghebe) on rational ethics Abstract
          حمید رضانیا شیرازی
        Meditation(Muraghebe ) or self-control has a special place in Islamic ethics, So that all human's activities in ethics in order to achieve perfection comes, puts under its surrounding , and without this monitoring , no act will not reach the desired result. In this pa More
        Meditation(Muraghebe ) or self-control has a special place in Islamic ethics, So that all human's activities in ethics in order to achieve perfection comes, puts under its surrounding , and without this monitoring , no act will not reach the desired result. In this paper, the meditation (Muraghebe ) of the four approaches in ethics (Intellectual, mystical, traditional and compilation), in rational ethics has been examined and explained its presumption of the works of this dimension. As well as some epistemological foundations of anthropology of Meditation (Muraghebe) in rational ethics has been examined and has been raised its relation with their basis. As a result, according to texts of rational ethics philosophers, the (Muraghebe) understood as: "Care for moderate behavior from exceed and dissipate .In the other word, it is a virtue that avoid the man from slipping and errors. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The Educational Fields of Resistance Economics Based on the Philosophical Foundations of Imam Khomeini's Science
        Mehdi  Imani Moghaddam
        What is the role of knowledge of man and his inner and inner layers in determining the priorities and goals and methods of realizing a resistance economy? The claim is that the realization of many general policies of the system about resistive economy - the announcement More
        What is the role of knowledge of man and his inner and inner layers in determining the priorities and goals and methods of realizing a resistance economy? The claim is that the realization of many general policies of the system about resistive economy - the announcement of the Supreme Leader - direct affiliation or Indirectly, it recognizes human existential dimensions (as the main factor in all stages of each economic process), so efforts to grow and educate managers and people are the most important priority for the realization of a resilient economy. In this regard, policies such as activation Human Capital (First Policy), Empowerment of Labor to Grow Productivity (Third Policy), Increase The Contribution of Human Capital in the Production Cycle (Fifth Policy) Conserving Consumption Patterns (Eighth Policy) Saving Public Expenditure (Sixteenth Policy) Preventing Corruption in Economic Spheres (Policy of the 19th Century) Strengthening Jihadist Culture in Economic Activities (Policy Twentieth) Cited. In the current research, and based on its arguments, the resistance economy is well-recognized with Islamic economics and, accordingly, the flourishing of human transcendental talents and the adjustment and adjustment of the internal power of man, which is a prerequisite for the realization of resistance economy policies, requires religious wisdom Philosophy is in human identity. Therefore, resistance economy is a jihadi movement for the universal, material and spiritual excellence of man. Imam Khomeini, the resurrectionist of Islam in this age, can be considered the most prominent figure in the Islamic Jihadist economy (= resistance economy). His philosophical and anthropological basis is based on Sadr al-Mutalehyn's ideas. Imam is also full of revelation and discovery and intellect as Mulla Sadra. Mulla Sadra, based on his innovative principles in wisdom, including the originality of its existence and its subtle levels, has provided a comprehensive definition of human identity based on the genuineness of the soul and its internal strength, and its management tools and modifications, which can be understood by the understanding of the desirable human being for Realizing the Resistance Economy. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Explaining the God’s Position in the Anthropology of Mullah Sadra
        The God and His image which exists in transcendent philosophy plays a significant role in the anthropology of Mullah Sadra. On the basis of Sadra's view, the whole universe is the various manifestations of God and man is His the most perfect manifestation which in Quran More
        The God and His image which exists in transcendent philosophy plays a significant role in the anthropology of Mullah Sadra. On the basis of Sadra's view, the whole universe is the various manifestations of God and man is His the most perfect manifestation which in Quran has been described as Caliph of Allah and the trustees of God. The most important base of Sadra’s anthropology are originality of existence, graded unity of existence and substantial motion. He believes that the man’s ego is in the substantial motion with hierarchy of material, examples and wise which ultimately gained the level of super-wise. This hierarchy does not affect the unity of soul, since the God has different manifestations such as material, samples and wise but it is not incompatible with His unity. God's unity is real and human has inalienable unity in the shadow of His unity. The correspondence of God and human does not end to this issue. In the Sadra's view, since the God is the creator and the source of being, man also, as Caliph of Allah and his successor, has the same features. It means that man with the imagination power, creates the mental existences in his dream. The only difference is that God could be created in the realm of outside but the imagination in the realm of mind. The present paper, explained the position of God in the anthropology of Sadra based on originality of existence and substantial motion. The position which Sadra is given to God and presented His image as the origin and end of things, could well be regarded as an expression of the God’s position in his anthropology Manuscript profile
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        8 - Anthropology from the perspective ibn sina
        masome alvandiyan Ali alah behdashti
        Human thinking has a long history of human life. One of the main human issues from the very beginning was the question of itself and the surrounding environment. Religious scholars and religious theologians have made many theories about different aspects of human life i More
        Human thinking has a long history of human life. One of the main human issues from the very beginning was the question of itself and the surrounding environment. Religious scholars and religious theologians have made many theories about different aspects of human life in different periods, from all over the world. Among these would be Ibn-e Sina, whose philosophical opinions had a tremendous impact on other scholars. This research is based on descriptive-analytic method, with the study of the topics of Sheikh Al-Rais in the sciences, in his philosophic books such as healing, salvation, hints and punishments in the fields of humanities, to explain his thoughts on human life. He examines humanity in two stages and two stages: the first stage is pure philosophical and theoretical, In which he looks at the human being and his existential dimensions with a rational and philosophical view; the second stage, which is the culmination of his anthropology, is the stage of enlightenment and intuition. In his mystical rhetoric, such as Haye Ibn Yaghazan, Al-Tha'ir, Salam and Abbasal, and in the final sentences of hints and punishments and lines from the book of discussions and the book of healing, with an illogical and mystical view, he has discussed the human. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Importance of the Position of Evil and Good Forces in Zoroastrian Cosmology and Anthropology
        Mansooreh  Eskandari And Al_Hussein Tarighi Behzad Saleki
        In the beginning, there was nothing but only Ahura Mazda, the lord of wisdom , who lived in endless light , and his twin Ahriman, the spirit of evil ,who lived in absolute darkness, Between them lay only emptiness. If these two antonym forces hadn,t been against , hum More
        In the beginning, there was nothing but only Ahura Mazda, the lord of wisdom , who lived in endless light , and his twin Ahriman, the spirit of evil ,who lived in absolute darkness, Between them lay only emptiness. If these two antonym forces hadn,t been against , human,s life wouldn,t have had diversity. Also , if this univers had been created only based on one of these forces (good and evil) the life wouldn,t have had meaning. So the contrast between these two antonym forces , has revealed human positions, as these two forces , one force has appeared as the axis of goodness and one force has appeared as the axis of evil. At last the battle good and evil ends by wisdom between of human and the good force is gained vivtory this battle. therefore this present study discus about why Importance of good and evil forces in cosmology and anthropology of the Zoroastrian. Manuscript profile
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        10 - An Analysis of the Philosophical Principles of Anthropology in Ancient Egyptian Philosophy
        Mohammad Hossein Madad Elahee Hossein  Zamaniha
        The Greeks were familiar with Egyptian culture long before Thales in the 6th century BC and greatly benefitted from their teachings particularly in the field of mathematics. Recent studies in the realm of philosophy also indicate that Thales had a thorough knowledge of More
        The Greeks were familiar with Egyptian culture long before Thales in the 6th century BC and greatly benefitted from their teachings particularly in the field of mathematics. Recent studies in the realm of philosophy also indicate that Thales had a thorough knowledge of ancient Egyptian philosophy and was influenced by it in developing his own philosophical views. In ancient Egyptian philosophy, in spite of resorting to myths in order to analyze and explain the truths of the world, there are also some traces of philosophical thought in its particular sense. For example, there are some traces of pure philosophical thought in the realms of ontology, politics, sociology, and anthropology. This kind of philosophical thought is formed based on the profound and multi-dimensional concept of ma’at. This word means order in the field of ontology, justice in the field of politics and sociology, and honesty in the field of anthropology. Within the domain of anthropology, ancient Egyptians specifically believed that Man’s existence has nine grades and dimensions which enjoy a kind of unity among themselves. What has led to the final emergence of such grades, particularly the last grade called thought, and, thus, Man’s eternity, is following ma’at or the laws governing the order of being. Accordingly, they establish a tight relationship between their ontology and anthropology. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Appearance of Ibn Sina’s Philosophical Anthropology in his Allegorical-Gnostic Treatises
        Furugh al-Sadat  Rahimpoor Afsanah  Lachinani
        The knowledge of various aspects of man is the main concern of Ibn Sina’s philosophy. In his philosophical system, man is a created existent whose immaterial soul and material body, both, come into existence by the Active Intellect. From the very beginning, the soul is More
        The knowledge of various aspects of man is the main concern of Ibn Sina’s philosophy. In his philosophical system, man is a created existent whose immaterial soul and material body, both, come into existence by the Active Intellect. From the very beginning, the soul is immaterial by essence and parallel to separate intellects. However, it is material in terms of acts and depends on bodily means. The soul-body relationship is unique: The soul is the administrator of the body and the main agent of all human acts. The body, as the unique instrument of the soul’s acts, enjoys worldly life and is the mediator of the actualization of faculties and their capabilities. Man has no life prior to his worldly life and is not pre-eternal; however, its immaterial soul is eternal and, unlike the body, which is destroyed after death, is not annihilated and is immortal. Three of Ibn Sina’s allegorical-gnostic works center around anthropology: in the treatises of al-Tayr, Hayy ibn Yaqzan, and Salaman wa Absal, he explains human life and the factors leading to or hindering his perfection in the language of stories, secrets, and symbols. Moreover, following an approach which is less philosophical and more gnostic and didactic, he tries to reveal the way of perfection and happiness to its seekers. The present paper intends to explore the appearance of philosophical anthropology of Ibn Sina in the anthropology embedded in his three-fold allegorical-gnostic treatises. In this way, it seeks to discover the differences and similarities between these two approaches to man from the viewpoint of this dexterous Peripatetic philosopher. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Ontological Principles of Mulla Sadra’s Anthropology
        Ali  Arshad Riahi Hadi  J‘afari
        This paper is intended to investigate the effects of Mulla Sadra’s most important philosophical principles on his anthropological discussions. In line with this purpose, the writers have presented six philosophical principles which Mulla Sadra has employed in explaining More
        This paper is intended to investigate the effects of Mulla Sadra’s most important philosophical principles on his anthropological discussions. In line with this purpose, the writers have presented six philosophical principles which Mulla Sadra has employed in explaining ontological issues, and almost 20 of such issues have been discussed based on these six principles. The writers have initially explained each of these principles in short and referred to the important points in relation to each of them. Then they have examined their places and applications in anthropological discussions from Mulla Sadra’s point of view. As a result, they have argued that he has philosophically analyzed and explained many anthropological problems based on his own ontological principles and succeeded in establishing a profound relationship between his own particular principles in philosophical ontology and anthropological discussions (so far as they can claim that the basic principles of Mulla Sadra’s anthropology are based on the principiality of existence). Moreover, the writers hold that, based on this particular relationship, he has managed to remove many of the intricacies and difficulties of anthropological problems which some philosophers have failed to solve or presented certain contradictory ideas about. They emphasize that he has even revealed some novel and innovative dimensions of anthropological discussions. Besides, by clarifying the relationship between Mulla Sadra’s anthropological discussions and ontology, the writers have also explained his claim as to man’s being the essence of existence (based on ontological principles) in this paper. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Methodology of T’awil in the View of Fayd Kashani with an Emphasis on the Role of Ontology
        Nafiseh  Ahl Sarmadi
        In Fayd Kashani’s view, t’awil (esoteric interpretation) is a strategy for attaining the innermost and depth of meaning. He believes that denying t’awil is a sign of superficiality. His writings, particularly his two books of ‘Ayn al-yaqin and Usul al-m‘arif and his Miz More
        In Fayd Kashani’s view, t’awil (esoteric interpretation) is a strategy for attaining the innermost and depth of meaning. He believes that denying t’awil is a sign of superficiality. His writings, particularly his two books of ‘Ayn al-yaqin and Usul al-m‘arif and his Mizan al-qiyamah treatise, testify to the supreme place of ontology in discovering the secrets of religious teachings. Fayd’s research in the field of t’awil is based on his philosophical-gnostic thoughts. He conceives of ontology as a window through which one should view the vast spread of revealed teachings. The writer believes that the treatise of al-Insaf introduces Fayd’s methodology of t’awil. Moreover, it describes the process of the writer’s journey towards the truth. According to this gnostic philosopher, some of the conditions that are necessary for one’s attaining the knowledge of t’awil include recognizance of theoretical and practical wisdom, spiritual perfection, patience, and truth seeking. Manuscript profile
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        14 - An Analytic Study of the Arguments for the Necessity of Corporeal Dimension of Man in Mullā Ṣadrā
        Hadi  Jafary Ali  Arshad Riahi
        Philosophical anthropology is one of the important and interesting categories which has attracted the attention of philosophers since the beginning of the history of philosophy. As one of the distinguished philosophers of the world of Islam, Mullā Ṣadrā has paid particu More
        Philosophical anthropology is one of the important and interesting categories which has attracted the attention of philosophers since the beginning of the history of philosophy. As one of the distinguished philosophers of the world of Islam, Mullā Ṣadrā has paid particular attention to Man and the related problems. One of the important issues in the realm of anthropology is Man’s corporeal dimension and the relevant issues. This paper deals with the necessity of the corporeal dimension of human beings in the view of Mullā Ṣadrā. The authors conclude that this necessity can be demonstrated in the light of some of the philosophical principles of Mullā Ṣadrā such as commensurability, gradation of existence, corporeal origination and spiritual subsistence of the soul, possibility of the lower, Man’s potency for receiving trust, as well as the principle of opposition and some others. They also argue that in Mullā Ṣadrā’s view, the corporeal dimension is in fact necessary for developing a human identity and promoting and perfecting human existence. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Anthropological Bases of Sadrian Philosophy for the Interaction of Religious Sciences and Psychology
        Mohammad Sadeq Fazeli Askar Dirbaz
        The interactions between religious and modern sciences is presently one of the concerns of Islamic societies. This study investigates the anthropological principles of Sadrian philosophy based on which religious sciences and psychology can interact and exchange knowledg More
        The interactions between religious and modern sciences is presently one of the concerns of Islamic societies. This study investigates the anthropological principles of Sadrian philosophy based on which religious sciences and psychology can interact and exchange knowledge with each other. In other words, it aims to demonstrate the interactions between religious sciences and modern psychology in the context of philosophical anthropology as one of the scientific foundations of these two disciplines. Following the library and content analysis methods, the researchers conclude that Sadrian philosophy, because of its anthropological principles in the two general realms of “cognitive science” and “cognitive concept”, provides an appropriate context for the exchange of data between religious sciences and psychology. Philosophical anthropology provides the necessary context for the mutual relationship between these sciences in “cognitive science” through the correct explanation of the purposes, methods, instruments, sources, structures, and criteria of religious sciences and psychology. In the context of conceptology, Sadrian philosophy has created an appropriate interactive context for the exchange of conceptual science between these disciplines through the explanation of quiddity and employment of such concepts as motivation, love, and meaning of life from an anthropological viewpoint. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Ontological Functions of the Corporeal Dimension of Man in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View
        Hadi  Jafary Ali  Arshad Riahi
        Man’s corporeal dimension is of great significance from various angles in Mullā Ṣadrā’s anthropology. In this paper, the authors deal with one of its important dimensions, that is, its ontological functions. Mullā Ṣadrā has not allocated any independent section to the f More
        Man’s corporeal dimension is of great significance from various angles in Mullā Ṣadrā’s anthropology. In this paper, the authors deal with one of its important dimensions, that is, its ontological functions. Mullā Ṣadrā has not allocated any independent section to the functions of Man’s corporeal dimension in his works and has not even directly referred to it. However, these functions can be inferred from his views. A study of his works indicate that Man’s corporeal dimension performs some important functions from an ontological perspective. In this regard reference can be made to the following functions: developing belief, promotion and evolution of Man, having free will, performing opposite acts, completing mental and rational acts, constructing and improving the world, realizing the noblest order, granting identity to the soul, and developing the identity of the perfect Man and some apparently contradictory roles such as becoming the source of evil and the source of freedom from evil. This study, which has been conducted following the library and content analysis methods, in addition to demonstrating the significance and necessity of Man’s corporeal dimension in the world of creation, illustrates that the functions of this dimension have various aspects from an ontological viewpoint and pertain to a number of important realms in the world of being. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Specificity of Attaining the Station of Perfect Man in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View: Arguments and Consequences
        Maryam Ahmadi Sahar Kavandi Mohsen Jahed
        One of the most comprehensive studies in the Sadrian philosophical system pertains to the field of anthropology. Moreover, one of the manifestations of the comprehensiveness of this discussion is dealing with the nature and place of the perfect Man in the order of being More
        One of the most comprehensive studies in the Sadrian philosophical system pertains to the field of anthropology. Moreover, one of the manifestations of the comprehensiveness of this discussion is dealing with the nature and place of the perfect Man in the order of being and its referents and worldly and other-worldly functions, which have been explored in several studies. However, what they have all neglected is the attention to the reasons of the specific nature of this station and its consequences in this school of philosophy. It seems that the attention to this point can grant more depth to anthropological discussions in the Transcendent Philosophy and Islamic philosophy. Accordingly, this study aims to provide an analytic account of the reason for the uniqueness of this station in Mullā Ṣadrā’s works. Here, while analyzing the factors affecting the emergence and perfection of human beings through difference of souls within the framework of apriori and aposteriori multiplicity, the authors explain the restriction of this station to quite a few people. The findings of this study indicate that the station of the perfect Man can be attained through the prophet’s invitation, obligation, courtesy, etc. Nevertheless, developing the highest levels of this station is not possible for all, which justifies the quality of the voluntary perfection of the Infallible Imāms (‘a) and the prophets (ṣ). Manuscript profile
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        18 - The Relationship Between Gratitude and Happiness in the Transcendent Philosophy
        Nafiseh  Ahl Sarmadi
        Mullā Ṣadrā believes that “gratitude” is a level and station that Man can attain and considers the knowledge and perception of the truth of gratitude to depend on anthropology. The three-fold pillars of gratitude in his view consist of knowledge, happiness, and act. Act More
        Mullā Ṣadrā believes that “gratitude” is a level and station that Man can attain and considers the knowledge and perception of the truth of gratitude to depend on anthropology. The three-fold pillars of gratitude in his view consist of knowledge, happiness, and act. Act is the prerequisite for attaining happiness, which, in turn, is a prerequisite for acquiring knowledge. Therefore, knowledge is the basis for gratitude, and act functions as a prerequisite to it. Accordingly, one can say that a truly thankful person is always happy, which manifests itself in practice in the form of benevolence, generosity, and sympathy. The reason behind this happiness and kindness to all people is the belief in God and His Oneness. In the Transcendent Philosophy, God is the source of infinite happiness; therefore, any relationship with Him is the same as being connected to the source of happiness and joy. Therefore, it can be concluded that gratitude is based on philosophical principles in Mullā Ṣadrā’s works so that reaching the highest level of thankfulness is only possible through attaining wisdom. Manuscript profile
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        19 - The Relation of Anthropological Foundation of the Theory of Bildung with the idea of University in the Thought of Wilhelm von Humboldt
        Ahmad Banyasady Mahdi Sajadi khosrow Bagheri Meysam Sefidhkhosh
        The theories of Bildung are among the most extensive theories in German thought. An illustration of Bilung is given by Wilhelm von Humboldt in the concept of university named after him as “Humboldtian University”. A certain anthropological framework plays an important More
        The theories of Bildung are among the most extensive theories in German thought. An illustration of Bilung is given by Wilhelm von Humboldt in the concept of university named after him as “Humboldtian University”. A certain anthropological framework plays an important role in this idea. The main purpose of this article is to, firstly, explain and identify the basic components of this framework. The next step is showing the relationship between these components and the pillars of the idea of a Humboldtian university. The results show that "human" in Humboldt's thought is not a predetermined being, rather the ideal of humanity will be raised through humans' purposeful and ongoing actions. Essentially, it depends - more than anything else - on the principle of freedom, the expansion of situations/ situations and empowerment conditions in an inclusive interactive context with the (non-human) world. It is also the achievement of a balanced and homogenous personality that this theory represents for human beings. In addition, the achievement of Bildung in the social field is the promotion of popular culture, which will bring it to the attention of the whole community. It is shown that Humboldt’s idea of the university also includes such features. The result of this research is expected to increase our insight into the theoretical foundations of one of the famous university ideals, the Humboldtian ideal, of which we as yet have paid little attention Manuscript profile
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        20 - Ethnographic Study of the Tourists' Motivation for Recreational Trip to Mazandaran Province Through the Lens of Rite of Passage Theory
        Zohreh Korani Fatemeh Sam
        Considering the relationship between tourists' motivations and the type of their trip, a clear and logical perception of the process could be of great significance. Therefore, this study sought to analyze the tourists’ motivations for traveling to the coastal cities of More
        Considering the relationship between tourists' motivations and the type of their trip, a clear and logical perception of the process could be of great significance. Therefore, this study sought to analyze the tourists’ motivations for traveling to the coastal cities of Mazandaran province, taking a distinct anthropological perspective by highlighting the concepts of leisure trips. As ethnography is the main method used by anthropologists to discover the elements existing in a field, this study used a qualitative method with an emphasis on ethnography. Primary data were collected through participant observation and semi-structured in-depth interviews. To this end, 16 tourists who had visited the three coastal cities of Mahmoud Abad, Fereydoonknar, and Babolsar were selected via purposive sampling. The collected data were then analyzed using a three-stage coding system. In this regard, first, three categories, including "a place with a different structure", "in search of novel experiences", and "suspension" were identified. Finally, after performing the selective coding, the core category of "rites of passage" was extracted. According to the study’s results, it appears that the tourists who travel to the cities mentioned above for recreational purposes experience a mixed feeling of suspension and freedom from the requirements and responsibilities of daily life during the trip, which could be considered similar to the second phase of the theory of rites of passage. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Anthropology of Tourism, Creative Space, Creative Tourism, Social Communication
        mehdi karoubi razieh Rabani Javad Yousefi
        This study sought to identify and describe social communication methods used in terms of cultural signification by tourists and the host community in Chaharbagh Avenue, Isfahan, Iran. To this end, a qualitative approach was adopted, using the meaning coordination manage More
        This study sought to identify and describe social communication methods used in terms of cultural signification by tourists and the host community in Chaharbagh Avenue, Isfahan, Iran. To this end, a qualitative approach was adopted, using the meaning coordination management model as the theoretical framework. The population of the study comprised the residents of Isfahan City, among whom thirty people were selected through purposive sampling until theoretical saturation was achieved. The required data were collected via participatory observation and semi-structured interviews, which were then analyzed through content analysis, and open and axial coding. The study’s findings indicated that while the majority of Isfahani people expressed a positive attitude concerning the presence of tourists and establishing communication with them in Chaharbagh Avenue, poor creative hardware and software infrastructure in street communication, lack of coordination among policymakers, planners, and operational units in establishing effective communication and failing to consider creativity in redefining the third generation tourism products have prevented the avenue to gain a desired position in terms of tourism success. However, it could generally be argued that the residents of Isfahan City (as the host community) had a favorable attitude towards making effective communications with tourists in Chaharbagh Avenue. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Anthropological study from the perspective of the Qur'an and Western humanism
        Shohreh  Rahmani Firoozabad
        The purpose of this study was to study anthropology from the perspective of the Qur'an and Western humanism. The present research method is descriptive-analytical and its contents have been collected by the library method. The humanist philosophy that I think of in the More
        The purpose of this study was to study anthropology from the perspective of the Qur'an and Western humanism. The present research method is descriptive-analytical and its contents have been collected by the library method. The humanist philosophy that I think of in the sixteenth century with the Cartesian principle is that I came to a particular way of thinking and considered man as the only basis for cognition in his path: Rather, he denied the human soul, which was the axis of cognition. After Hume Kant, he tried to revive the "I" with his Copernican revolution, but the annoying Doraxim of "Nomen" and "Phenomenon" and the lack of access to the truths of things forced his descendants to establish unity between "Nomen" and "Phenomenon". While loyal to Kant's subjectivism, they proposed solutions. Anthropology is the science of man and the state of the soul in terms of general and specific matters, individual and social, theoretical and practical sciences. Accordingly, anthropology encompasses a very wide range of sciences and schools of thought. Therefore, the roots of anthropology should be sought in the humanities, arts, experimental sciences, and social sciences schools. With the advent of Islam and the teachings of revelation, the Qur'an, as the most important source, opened new horizons for human cognition. The Qur'an, by directing the sciences and knowledge involved in the education and guidance of man, believes that man, in addition to the body and the physical, also benefits from the soul and the clergy, and that the truth of man is the soul. In a way, the Qur'an emphasizes that man should know himself and recognize his place in the world, and the goal is for man to reach the high position he deserves. This article tries to compare anthropology from the perspective of the Qur'an and Western humanism and the challenges it faces. Manuscript profile
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        23 - A Comparison of Anthropological Principles of Mullā Ṣadrā and Maslow
        Mohammad Azadi Seyyed Mohammadali  Dibaji Masoud Azarbaijani
        Maslow, as a humanist psychologist, and Mullā Ṣadrā, as one of the greatest thinkers of Islamic tradition, have provided different views regarding the whatness of human beings. Given the fact that both thinkers have paid particular attention to explaining the required f More
        Maslow, as a humanist psychologist, and Mullā Ṣadrā, as one of the greatest thinkers of Islamic tradition, have provided different views regarding the whatness of human beings. Given the fact that both thinkers have paid particular attention to explaining the required features and pre-requisites for Man’s perfection itself and the process of Man’s perfection as well as the characteristics of perfect Man, a comparison of their anthropological principles can yield some valuable results. Some of the shared principles of these two philosophers’ include enjoying essential dignity; free will; the ability to move towards perfection, and pre-mordial nature and accepting spiritual experiences and the infinity of the process of Man’s perfection. However, they have provided various interpretations of these principles. Moreover, they have different views regarding the centrality of God in Man’s life, existential dimensions, fundamental needs, stages of Man’s growth, end of Man’s perfection, and characteristics of Perfect Man. Mullā Ṣadrā has managed to present a system based on cognitive principles through benefitting from religious, gnostic, and philosophical fundamental rules, synthesizing them with each other, and introducing a comprehensive and consistent portray of Man’s truth. An all-inclusive and meticulous analysis of such principles can be of great value to related discussions in modern philosophy. A synthesis of gnosis, religion, and reasoning is one of the most important features of Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thoughts, which affect all the acceptable elements of Man’s Whatness. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Investigating and analyzing the role of anthropology in the foundation of modern Islamic culture and civilization
        Rohollah  Pour Asiab Dezej Seyyed Hossein  Vaezi mohammad reza shamshiri
        Islamic culture and civilization has an incomparable richness due to its connection with the revelation, Quranic and narrative world which can guide all people at any time and place and under any conditions until the Day of Judgment and guarantee their happiness in this More
        Islamic culture and civilization has an incomparable richness due to its connection with the revelation, Quranic and narrative world which can guide all people at any time and place and under any conditions until the Day of Judgment and guarantee their happiness in this world and the hereafter. On the other hand, the unique role of Islamic philosophy as the intellectual and epistemological support of Islamic culture and civilization is extremely important. Now, it should be noted that in the future, what is the role of the anthropology of Islamic philosophy in designing the theoretical foundations of the new Islamic culture and civilization and the Mahdavi society, which is repeatedly emphasized by the Imam of the ummah and the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution? With its anthropological approach, Islamic philosophy enters the theoretical foundations of modern Islamic culture and civilization and the Mahdavi society and explains it fully and accurately and based on this, he plans the shape of a good human life. In other words, solving this problem will solve all practical problems of modern Islamic culture and civilization, because behavioral and practical issues have a direct and close relationship with theoretical issues and are affected by them. This research aims to investigate and analyze the anthropology of Islamic philosophy in the modern Islamic culture and civilization and the Mahdavi society and with a descriptive-analytical method, it seeks to show the important and vital role of the anthropology of Islamic philosophy as a theoretical topic of the modern Islamic culture and civilization and the Mahdavi society. The findings of the research include the implementation of detailed and deep theoretical topics of anthropology of Islamic philosophy in modern Islamic culture and civilization. Manuscript profile