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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Analysis of Alexander Journey in Darab-name of Tarsusi based on Archetype of “The Journey of Hero” by Joseph Campbell
        rahman zabihi parvin paykani
        The analysis of old narratives is one of the significant approaches in archetypical criticism through the “The Journey of Hero” by Joseph Campbell. One of the significant narratives of Alexander journey is the narrative of Darab-name by Tarsusi. The events of this journ More
        The analysis of old narratives is one of the significant approaches in archetypical criticism through the “The Journey of Hero” by Joseph Campbell. One of the significant narratives of Alexander journey is the narrative of Darab-name by Tarsusi. The events of this journey can be analyzed using the elements of archetype of the “The Journey of Hero” by Joseph Campbell like departure, invitation, mystic help, respect, the path of test, tempter woman, final blessing, return, the hand of salvation, and so on. The most important stage of The Journey of Hero in Departure section is the invitation to journey by Aristotelis in the role of archetype of Wise Old man. Dominating on “Dara” as the guard of First Threshold, facing with Buran-Doxt in the role of tempter woman and then marrying with her and converting her to Positive Anima in Section of The Path of Test, searching alkahest as the final blessing, visiting angels, and reaching a prophet-like stage, seeing strange and extravagant matters and dominion on world are all the important steps of the Journey of Hero in the narrative of Tarsusi. The study shows the evolution of a historical event in epic and mythological frameworks. One can arrive at a new reading of this narrative within these frameworks. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - An Analysis of Jung’s Process of Individuation in Nezami’s “Eskandarnameh”
        maryam آخسسثهده  
        The two epopees, Sharafnameh (The Letter of Dignity) and Eqhbalnameh (The Letter of Luck) by Hakim Nezani Ganjavi, which are known as Eskandarnameh, are stories about the travels and wars of Alexander of Macedon. In the creation of these epopees, Nezami employs not only More
        The two epopees, Sharafnameh (The Letter of Dignity) and Eqhbalnameh (The Letter of Luck) by Hakim Nezani Ganjavi, which are known as Eskandarnameh, are stories about the travels and wars of Alexander of Macedon. In the creation of these epopees, Nezami employs not only the historical events, but also the myths and legends, and has created a new pattern. In these two epopees, Alexander is not that famous conqueror in the history, but he is a legendary and prophet-like character whom all the earthly and unearthly forces helped through the vicissitudes of his journeys, and throughout the process of developing individuality, and the path of self- awareness. In Sharafnameh, Alexander is a sage who departed on a journey to gain wisdom. However, in Eqbalnameh he experiences an inner journey as a prophet. Psychological analysis of these two epopees indicates that this young king, encounters the elements of unconsciousness, such as: Shadow, Anima, and the Wise old man in his journeys. Eventually Alexander achieves selfhood and the sublime truth of existence. This article aims at analyzing these archetypes based on Jung’s views. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Feminine Roles in the Novels “Pirzad” and “Wolf” Based on Jung's Archetypal Theory
        Maryam Ramin Nia Mona Ali madadi Maryam Bay
        The critique of archetype, based on the theories of Carl Gustav Jung, explores archetypes in literary texts and explains their roles, functions, and transformations.Among the archetypes that Jung enumerates in his works, we can mention four female archetypes that appear More
        The critique of archetype, based on the theories of Carl Gustav Jung, explores archetypes in literary texts and explains their roles, functions, and transformations.Among the archetypes that Jung enumerates in his works, we can mention four female archetypes that appear as feminine roles in their lives. These four roles are: the role of mother, wife, Madonna and the role of Amazon. These roles appear in relation to others, the environment and the culture that governs the living environment in women's behaviors. By examining the literary works of women, it is possible to see how and to what extent these roles are present. By studying the literary works of women, one can see how these roles are present. Western and Iranian female writers drawers these roles in different ways.In the present study, we, comparatively, analyze these feminine roles in the novels “Cheraghha Ra Man Khamoosh Mikonam (I turn off the lights)” and “Aadat Mikonim (We get used to)” by Zoya Pirzad and “Mrs. Dalloway” and “To the Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf. The conclusion shows that the feminine roles based on Jung archetypes are not used in the same way in Pirzad and Wolf. As a Western novelist, Wolff deals with the roles of mother and wife in a more balanced way. She has applied much more Madonna's role for “The Lighthouse” but Amazon role in Mrs. Dalioway has drawn powerfully. Wolf's feminist approach has not been ineffective in addressing these issues. In Pirzad's works we see the role of the mother in a sacrificial approach and the role of wife in the conservative approach. She has a special place for the role of Madonna and has gradually incorporated the role of Amazon in the framework of traditional Eastern culture in a step-by-step and faint way in her works. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Archetypes and Political Myths of Modern age: Based on the theoretical framework of “Carl Gustave Young”
        mohamad ali tavana farzad azarkamand
        “Carl Gustave young” is one of the most prominent contemporary intellectuals who studied the subject of Archetypes and their reproduction in modern political myths framework. From young’s view, the Archetypes are included as categories that are inherited from forefather More
        “Carl Gustave young” is one of the most prominent contemporary intellectuals who studied the subject of Archetypes and their reproduction in modern political myths framework. From young’s view, the Archetypes are included as categories that are inherited from forefathers and lineages and consists some parts of our unconscious. The Archetypes showed off in the frame of myths and fables ; but- in contrary to enlightenment prediction-not only they did not eradicate , but also they expose the modern political life to much changes. One of its prominent changes is the formation of modern political ideologies and mass movements. Simply said, the Archetypes continue to live in another form in modern age. Based on this fact, this essay tries to study the relationships between modern political myths and Archetypes, Based on the theoretical framework of “Carl Gustave Young”. The main question of this essay is: How do the Archetypes reproduce in modern human’s soul? The hypothesis of this essay is that these Archetypes have sediment in unconscious of human and the modern charismatic leaders have activated them again through rearticulating of Archetypes. The approach of this essay is ideology (Knowing thought). It means that it reconstructs the formation process of Archetypes in modern age. The method of the essay is also qualitative content analysis. It means that it deals with analyzing (derivation, argumentation for or against) the ideas and concepts related with Archetypes. We can consider the most important finding of the present research as following: in the recent modernity age, the Archetypes exist in human’ unconscious and the psychological and social crises (like confusion among tradition and modernism) can provide this opportunity for authoritarian charismatic leaders to activate them again. Simply said, in the current age, the context of totalitarian ideologies formation-based on Archetypes -is provided Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Introduction to the concept of “up” and “down” in the event of archetype Islamic-Iranian architecture with an emphasis on distinguishing between the semantic fields of people attitudes (Cases study: Toopkhane square, Laleh Park, shahzade garden, naqhsh-e- jahan square)
        Naser Barati elham kakavand
        In purposive architecture in the field of environmental interventions, there are many details of size, shapes, combinations and certain mysteries that distinguish architectural elements, even in a single society. Reflection in the mysterious urban biological system, ori More
        In purposive architecture in the field of environmental interventions, there are many details of size, shapes, combinations and certain mysteries that distinguish architectural elements, even in a single society. Reflection in the mysterious urban biological system, originates from the debate of thought and intuition, reason and love, and knowledge and insight. The present article explores the explanation and revelation of an ancient pattern that has linked many of our architectural elements throughout history.An archetype with “Up-Down” concepts that has reflected from the people’s imagery into the in urban architecture space. In the meantime, the question arises that what is the connection between these ideas, behaviors, the value system and the human living space system, especially in cities? To achieve this, the content analysis method is used. First, the relationship between the elements is conceived qualitatively and afterwards, the relation between the phenomena is explained by selecting the study areas and surveying citizens based on the semantic differentiation method. The results indicate that the idea of perfectionism and movement towards peak and perfection (up and down) in Iranian literature and culture has always been present and the association of its meaning in people’s minds, has led to the formation of a specific spatial arrangement and urban living system. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The ancient resurrection of Jung's model in awakening the devil Mu'awiyah is the time of prayer
        azadeh ebrahimipoor
        Archetypes are the eternal primordial forms common in the collective minds and subconscious of human beings that manifest themselves in the common beliefs of that period in each period, and their attitudes can increase our knowledge of deep cultural, literary and religi More
        Archetypes are the eternal primordial forms common in the collective minds and subconscious of human beings that manifest themselves in the common beliefs of that period in each period, and their attitudes can increase our knowledge of deep cultural, literary and religious currents in historical periods. . In his works, Jung mentions several archetypes and considers each of them individually and in general connection as one of the most meaningful manifestations of the collective unconscious. In this article, Jung archetypes in the form of a story from the second book of Masnavi (Awakening of Iblis Mu'awiyah is the time of prayer) are analyzed. In this study, Jung's school of psychoanalysis is viewed from the perspective of Rumi's poetic world and it is found that this category Archetypes have had a significant impact on the mind and language of this poet. Also, the influence of archetypes such as love, death, rebirth, hero, etc., which have always occupied the human mind, has been studied in Rumi's poetry. has taken. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - An Introspective Analysis of the Concept of Soft Total Quality Management with Emphasis on the Themes of Archetypes
        Hamzeh Amin-Tahmasbi S. Sina Masoumi
        Quality represents a philosophy, a combination of methods and practices, as well as a commitment to excellence, and has been considered in theoretical research as an important driver of sustainable competitive advantage. The concept of quality has evolved over time, mak More
        Quality represents a philosophy, a combination of methods and practices, as well as a commitment to excellence, and has been considered in theoretical research as an important driver of sustainable competitive advantage. The concept of quality has evolved over time, making it a good time to reflect on the philosophy of quality. The concepts of quality management today are derived from human findings that have been experienced, evolved, and remembered throughout history. Therefore, the use of archetypes can lead to a better understanding of direct data from psychological experience and a better grasp of the soft and hard aspects of quality management. For this purpose, the qualitative method of introspection was used to analyze the archetypes related to these two dominant approaches. Twelve academic experts were interviewed about the concept of soft quality management, and a local model for soft quality management was presented. To measure the model, the quantitative method of path analysis was employed, and a questionnaire was developed based on the extracted components. This questionnaire was provided to the managers of 64 active economic units in Guilan province. The components extracted from library resources were analyzed, and three “normative” variables (expressing interpretations and explaining systems of common meanings among groups), “relational” variables (describing human relations within and outside the organization), and “structural” variables (determining patterns within the organization) were explained. According to experts, causal relationships between variables were defined and evaluated. The results of this study provide management guidelines and operational strategies in accordance with the analyzed dimensions of soft quality management. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Psychology and Political Action; Feasibility Study of Establishing A Collective Political Psychology Theory
        mohammadamin akbari Iraj Ranjbar
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5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:Arial; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} </style> <![endif]--></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%; text-indent: 14.2pt; line-height: 97%;">The main issue of this article is to explore the possibility of <span style="color: black; letter-spacing: -.3pt; mso-bidi-language: FA;">establishing a collective political psychology theory by drawing on the views of Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, and Erich Fromm. The authors are concerned about the lack of attention given to the theoretical framework provided by psychologists who assess collective political actions and analyze psychoanalytic aspects of groups, organizations, political movements, and troubled societies. They believe that this aspect of political psychology has been neglected. They also believe that the subject of political psychology has been limited solely to the psychology of individuals and prominent political figures, within the framework of a narrative that is historical and past-oriented. While this theoretical approach has had some relative success in behavioral psychology of politicians and exploring the roots of their public decisions, it cannot provide convincing answers to researchers about the reasons behind the collective behaviors of a society, organization, or political group by divorcing itself from the tools of collective political psychology. Hence, authors have attempted to provide a theoretical framework through a descriptive-analytical method, based on collecting a library of metatheoretical positions. In this framework, by considering the paths and cultural, social, economic, ideological, political, and historical roots common in the collective unconscious of society that constitute their psychological disposition, and replacing the production of individual negativities with neurotic consequences within society, they aim to achieve a novel approach to collective-focused political psychology.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%; text-indent: 14.2pt; line-height: 97%;"><span style="font-size: 5.0pt; line-height: 97%; color: black; letter-spacing: -.3pt; mso-bidi-language: FA;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;"><strong><span style="color: black;">Keywords:</span></strong><span style="color: black;"> Political psychology, collective unconscious, archetype, social disposition, patriarchy.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Manuscript profile