Feminine Roles in the Novels “Pirzad” and “Wolf” Based on Jung's Archetypal Theory
Subject Areas : Research in Iranian classical literature
Maryam Ramin Nia
Mona Ali madadi
Maryam Bay
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Keywords: Feminine Roles Yung Woolf Pirzad Archetypal theory,
Abstract :
The critique of archetype, based on the theories of Carl Gustav Jung, explores archetypes in literary texts and explains their roles, functions, and transformations.Among the archetypes that Jung enumerates in his works, we can mention four female archetypes that appear as feminine roles in their lives. These four roles are: the role of mother, wife, Madonna and the role of Amazon. These roles appear in relation to others, the environment and the culture that governs the living environment in women's behaviors. By examining the literary works of women, it is possible to see how and to what extent these roles are present. By studying the literary works of women, one can see how these roles are present. Western and Iranian female writers drawers these roles in different ways.In the present study, we, comparatively, analyze these feminine roles in the novels “Cheraghha Ra Man Khamoosh Mikonam (I turn off the lights)” and “Aadat Mikonim (We get used to)” by Zoya Pirzad and “Mrs. Dalloway” and “To the Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf. The conclusion shows that the feminine roles based on Jung archetypes are not used in the same way in Pirzad and Wolf. As a Western novelist, Wolff deals with the roles of mother and wife in a more balanced way. She has applied much more Madonna's role for “The Lighthouse” but Amazon role in Mrs. Dalioway has drawn powerfully. Wolf's feminist approach has not been ineffective in addressing these issues. In Pirzad's works we see the role of the mother in a sacrificial approach and the role of wife in the conservative approach. She has a special place for the role of Madonna and has gradually incorporated the role of Amazon in the framework of traditional Eastern culture in a step-by-step and faint way in her works.
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