• List of Articles ماهیت

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The effect of work ethic and job identity on job involvement in staffs at University of Kashan (research in university: strategy for industry)
        hamid rahimi
        The purpose of this research was the effect of work ethic and job identity on job involvement in staffs at University of Kashan. Research type is descriptive correlative. The statistical population consisted all of staffs' in University of Kashan (N=547) that by Cochran More
        The purpose of this research was the effect of work ethic and job identity on job involvement in staffs at University of Kashan. Research type is descriptive correlative. The statistical population consisted all of staffs' in University of Kashan (N=547) that by Cochran Formula and simple randomized sampling 242 ones were chosen as sample. To gathering data’s used from three questionnaire work ethic in four components with 23 items, job identity in five component with 15 items and job involvement with 10 items in terms. Questionnaires content & construction validity confirmed. Through Cronbach alpha coefficient, reliability coefficients were obtained equal to 0.73 for work ethic, 0.82 for job identity and 0.83 for job involvement. Data analyses done in two level descriptive & inferential statistics through Spss & Amos software’s. Finding showed mean of work ethic, job identity and job involvement were upper than average. Correlation coefficient showed work ethic components on job involvement have positive & significant effect but job identity components on job involvement have positive & no significant effect. Regression coefficient revealed only work ethic could predict job involvement in staffs.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Designing a Framework for Business-Universities Knowledge Flow Modeling
        Mohammad Ghaem Tajgardoon mohammadtaghi manzouri habibi habibi
        ارتباط کارامد دانشگاه و صنعت مسأله‌ای است که محققین حوزه‌های مختلف چه در صنعت و چه در دانشگاه به دنبال یافتن راه‌کارهایی برای رفع مشکلات آن هستند. در یک دسته‌بندی می‌توان راه‌کارهای ارائه شده را مبتنی بر سه رهیافت عمل‌گرا، نهادگرا و ماهیت‌گرا دانست. راه‌کارهای عمل‌گرا د More
        ارتباط کارامد دانشگاه و صنعت مسأله‌ای است که محققین حوزه‌های مختلف چه در صنعت و چه در دانشگاه به دنبال یافتن راه‌کارهایی برای رفع مشکلات آن هستند. در یک دسته‌بندی می‌توان راه‌کارهای ارائه شده را مبتنی بر سه رهیافت عمل‌گرا، نهادگرا و ماهیت‌گرا دانست. راه‌کارهای عمل‌گرا در پی اثربخشی سریع بوده و عمدتاَ با شتابزدگی در عمل نیز مواجه هستند. راه‌کارهای نهادگرا به دنبال نقش دادن به نهادهای واسط نظیر دولت به عنوان حلقه مفقوده ارتباط صنعت و دانشگاه هستند. رهیافت ماهیت‌گرا صنعت را مظهر فنّاوری یا علم تجاری شده و دانشگاه را تولید کننده دانش می‌دانند. اگرچه این رهیافت‌ها هریک از زاویه‌ای به ارتباط صنعت و دانشگاه می‌نگرند لیکن همگی قائل به جریان دانش مناسب در زمان و مکان میان دانشگاه و صنعت هستند. در این مقاله، یک پژوهش توسعه‌ای و مبتنی بر مطالعه کتابخانه‌ای به انجام رسیده است و از میان 47 مقاله منتشر شده در مجلات معتبر علمی در حوزه مدیریت دانش، تعداد 12 مدل استخراج شده و از میان آنها 4 مدل که دارای کاربرد عام بوده و اعتبارسنجی آنها نیز گزارش شده بود به عنوان مدل‌های منتخب جهت به‌کارگیری در ارتباط دانشگاه و صنعت بررسی و مقایسه شده‌اند. در این مقایسه تطابق این مدل‌ها با رهیافت‌های مذکور مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و استفاده از این مدل‌ها در ارتباط صنعت و دانشگاه امکان‌سنجی شده است. سپس با استفاده از نتایج حاصل از مقایسه، یک چارچوب مفهومی برای مدل‌سازی جریان دانش در ارتباط صنعت و دانشگاه ارائه شده که با استفاده از آن می‌توان یک نگرش جامع به مدل‌سازی جریان دانش در ارتباط صنعت و دانشگاه داشت. این چارچوب مبتنی بر چارچوب زکمن است و چهار جنبه از چارچوب زکمن را از شش منظر و سطح وقوع جریان‌های دانشی برای مدل‌سازی جریان‌های دانش میان دانشگاه و صنعت بررسی می‌کند. ارزیابی چارچوب ارائه شده از طریق ارائه مدل جریان دانش صنعت و دانشگاه به انجام رسیده است. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Semantic and Structural Dimensions of Decision- making in Islamic Republic of Iran’ Foreign policy
        GHOLAMALI SOLEIMANI Sayed Jalal Dehghani Firozabadi
        Along with the victory of Islamic Revolution, a fundamental change has occurred in Iran's foreign policy. But neglecting the domain of foreign policy and international relations in the study of the role of political system domain, confront the foreign policy study domai More
        Along with the victory of Islamic Revolution, a fundamental change has occurred in Iran's foreign policy. But neglecting the domain of foreign policy and international relations in the study of the role of political system domain, confront the foreign policy study domain of Islamic Republic Of Iran with special difficulties that in fact leads to the weakness in conceptualization in this domain. With regard to the area of foreign policy analysis and the achievements of this sub-domain, this article aims to answer these basic questions that: what is the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy decision-making model? Answering this question requires considering different effective levels in the analysis of foreign policy that the present study , examines this subject in three levels of decision-maker, decision-making structure and decision-making orientation of foreign policy as main effective elements in foreign policy decision-making and their role in foreign policy decision-making , hoping that it can illustrate the action and decision-making logic and also effective structural and organizational factors affecting on the Islamic republic of iran’s foreign policy. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A Comparative Study Of The Nature Of The Head And The Right To Trade With An Approach To Free Trade And Industrial Zones
        Farshad  Akbari Balanga Seyed Alireza   Mirheidari Langroudi
        Goodwill is one of the most important issue’s of renting , which has emerged in the contemporary period and was first established in France , and then French law has entered Iran's rights. In 1997, it was recognized by the legislator. This was right before the laws ente More
        Goodwill is one of the most important issue’s of renting , which has emerged in the contemporary period and was first established in France , and then French law has entered Iran's rights. In 1997, it was recognized by the legislator. This was right before the laws entered into Iran's commercial convention. What was recognized in Iran's laws in the past was the right to business and trade that most of the jurists called to oppose it and declared it a non – religious. Consequently¬ opposition , the Convention on the Trade , which was reflected in the form of goodwill in the writings¬ of jurists, influenced their legal theories for the first time in the framework of the legal Relations Law and the tenant of 1997. Although the law could not be all to goodwill issues. Because the concept of goodwill and its nature is not clear, and at the same time the conditions of realization of the goodwill and the implementation guarantee¬ Failure to comply with these terms and also the right to the third parties is not clear. Also , the goodwill and conditions of realization of the transfer and conformity of it in Iran's free trade and industrial zones have ambiguities. Hence , in this thesis we are going to clarify the ambiguities and solutions to solve this issue. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Rational Fundamentals for Absoluteness of Collective Knowledge
        Seyed Abolqasem  Naqibi Mohammad Hossein  Soheily
        Abstract:The fundamentals of absoluteness of collective knowledge can be accurately explained in two separate categories: First, absoluteness of collective knowledge in rational terms, i.e. free from practical canonical principles. Second: Absoluteness of collective kno More
        Abstract:The fundamentals of absoluteness of collective knowledge can be accurately explained in two separate categories: First, absoluteness of collective knowledge in rational terms, i.e. free from practical canonical principles. Second: Absoluteness of collective knowledge in terms of Sharia law and with a view on those principles. This paper intends to study the first section. To that end, prohibition of the conclusive discord and the necessity of the conclusive consent has been studied. In the course of these discussions, it will become clear that although the prohibition of the conclusive discord is easily provable, proving of the necessity of conclusive consent has only two logical solutions: First, the rule of incumbency that is attributable only according to Mohaqeq Araqi’s theory of interpretation of collective knowledge. Second, absoluteness of the probability of religious duty in each segment of the collective knowledge that will be accurate only based on the negation of the rule of indecency of punishing the one who has not received the penal warrant. Also in this paper, attempts have been made to provide responses to the doubts posed by the opponents of the prohibition of the conclusive discord and the necessity of conclusive consent and the refutation expressed by Shahid Sadr to the rule of punishment of the one who has not received the penal warrant. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - An Analysis of the Ethical and Legal Nature of International Rules in International Commercial Arbitration
        amin rostami Masoud zamani manochehr tavasoli naeini
        International law books on arbitration have discussed, and in a brief and transient way, the nature and nature of the rules of international trade arbitration, and most of the books and articles on this subject have been published abroad. Since arbitration is one of the More
        International law books on arbitration have discussed, and in a brief and transient way, the nature and nature of the rules of international trade arbitration, and most of the books and articles on this subject have been published abroad. Since arbitration is one of the most important and common ways of resolving disputes in international business litigation, this research can help to identify its substantive dimensions and thus be effective in responding to existing uncertainties. And in this research, the nature of the rules of ethics in international commercial arbitration has been examined ethically and legally. And the researcher concludes that although the rules of international commercial arbitration imply a modality of ethics, but because ethics is a matter of credit and ultimately abstraction, the rules of international law in international business arbitration cannot be ethically In the conventional sense, it is examined and made clear because the relation between ethics and interest in international relations is of the contradiction. And these rules should be seen as a purely legal tool, derived from the rules of public order whose ethics are one of the constituent elements of its legal approach Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The meaning of existence and existence with Husserl's phenomenology and Transcendental wisdom
        Seyed Mohammad Amin  Madaen Ali  Haghi Abbas  Javarshakiyan
        In this essay, we will first consider the proofs of the authenticity of the existence of Sadr al-Muta'līn, based on the principle of authenticity, in order to make clear to us the clear meaning of the existence and nature of this great Islamic wise. Let's take a look at More
        In this essay, we will first consider the proofs of the authenticity of the existence of Sadr al-Muta'līn, based on the principle of authenticity, in order to make clear to us the clear meaning of the existence and nature of this great Islamic wise. Let's take a look at Husserl's phenomenology. So, first, we will discuss Husserl's meaning of nature. In order to clarify the meaning of Husserl's term of nature to the mind, we will discover the nature of the discovery by the subject or transcendental nature. And finally, let's talk about what factors play a role in building a Husserl-style structure. In the third and final part of this article, we will compare the meaning of the term "nature", and we will judge in this regard, which, according to the meaning of nature, the originality of nature to Husserl, is it the same thing that is rejected by Mulla Sadra? Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Study and analysis of the nature, principles, extent, types and sources of epistemology
        Mohammad farajzadeh Mohammad Reza  Sarmadi
        The present study aimed to study and analyze the nature of epistemology, principles, extent, types and sources of knowledge. This applied research is descriptive and analytical. According to the results, science and knowledge are obtained using various sources such as n More
        The present study aimed to study and analyze the nature of epistemology, principles, extent, types and sources of knowledge. This applied research is descriptive and analytical. According to the results, science and knowledge are obtained using various sources such as nature, wisdom, revelation, etc. Meanwhile, the lack of access to such knowledge is a major obstacle to achieve the ultimate goal. Since different ways can be used to develop knowledge in the learners, teachers must pay attention to the best way of acquiring knowledge through such philosophical studies. Knowledge can only be obtained through experience. It should be noted that the purpose of education needs to be accompanied by knowledge. The anthropological perspective of existentialism, therefore, searches for the root of knowledge in man. Accordingly, more freedom must be given to the students in order to search for knowledge, given their psychological needs. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Study of the nature of death and the goals of praising death in Molana's view
        Manouchehr  Kamari  
        The nature is a term that refers to the essence and nature of the objects and phenomena of the universe and accordingly, the meaning of the nature of death, is its truth. Death in public use means the inexistence of this universe and the end of life. But writers and sc More
        The nature is a term that refers to the essence and nature of the objects and phenomena of the universe and accordingly, the meaning of the nature of death, is its truth. Death in public use means the inexistence of this universe and the end of life. But writers and scholars in different domains of thought, especially in the domain of mysticism and Sufism, have, from their point of view, explained the nature and concept of death, based on their attitude of the post-death world. In addition,Molana has a significant position in the field of poetry and mysticism. The praise of death and the conceptual relationship between the nature of death and life in his intellectual geometry with another form, been specially considered by him. He is not the first and the last person to strive to explain the nature of his death and praise. But praising the death with passion-centered and foreignization of its nature and its image, in addition to emphasizing the meaningful hidden attractions in the philosophy of life in the form of artistic imaginings, has a high and unparalleled frequency in his works. In this essay we have tried through precision and research in his perspective and based on his valuable works, especially the valuable book of Mathnawi, the nature of death, the goals and motives of praise of death and the story of his passion for dealing with this mysterious incident in addition to enumerate his sources of thought in this field, We will analyze and research. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - explaining the problem of mind ( ghost theory) and its analysis
        Amir Yaghoobi hossein Yazdi
        The category of the mental mode of existence (mental knowledge of the external world and its quality ) is one of the concepts in Islamic philosophy that plays a significant role in terms of realizing and enlightening the science .Fakhr-e-Razi was The first fig More
        The category of the mental mode of existence (mental knowledge of the external world and its quality ) is one of the concepts in Islamic philosophy that plays a significant role in terms of realizing and enlightening the science .Fakhr-e-Razi was The first figure who postulated the concept of the mental mode of existence in the realm of philosophy since he devoted the sixth unit in the first chapter-"on Existence"-to this concept in his book titled Mabahith al-mashriqiyya fi, ilm al- ilahiyyat wa – l-tabi iyyat(Eastern Studies in Metaphysics and Physics)under the argument "On proving the existence of the mental mode of existence". The aforementioned chapter is followed by an argument expounding that it is only the image and the image of an external entity can be reflected in the mind ( this theory is known as the Ghost Theory ), a theory, which is not explored in Islamic philosophy .This research with descriptive - analytical method , while explaining the problem of mental existence and Ghost theory , analyzes some of the criticisms on this theory : the arguments against the theory of the Ghost which claim to be in the end to the fallacy and another criticism that in the recognition of things should be called mental phantoms. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The nature of divine rites; examples and their insult with the focus on verse 2 of Surah Ma'idah
        Mahin SHahrivar Mohammad Ali Rabbipour Alireza  Radbin Sadra  Alipour
        The phrase "rituals" is explicitly stated in the Qur'an, especially in Surah Ma'idah.By quoting some examples of Islam, God has commanded Muslims to glorify and honor the divine rites.And she considers honoring and following the rituals as a sign of piety of the believe More
        The phrase "rituals" is explicitly stated in the Qur'an, especially in Surah Ma'idah.By quoting some examples of Islam, God has commanded Muslims to glorify and honor the divine rites.And she considers honoring and following the rituals as a sign of piety of the believers.Islamic rituals are places and signs that God places for worship and reminds man of God.For example, Safa and Marwa in the Holy Quran are two places of worship mentioned in the Hajj of God. Of course, other examples have been mentioned for Islamic rituals; Such as: prayer, fasting, Hajj, Zakat, Adhan, Iqamah... Which is a sign of Muslim people.And Muslims are gathered on its axis and are protected from misguidance and misguidance. For this reason, poems have been interpreted in the form of religion and the commands and prohibitions of God. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Challenges and recommendations (guidelines) in the conceptual development of entrepreneurship
        Seyed mehdi Alvani hasan boudlaie Mona Gharib Gorgani
        Anecdotes and strong empirical evidence of the importance of entrepreneurship as a field of study are available. Entrepreneurs, by creating new technologies and new services, upgrade their quality of life, increase productivity, provide more entertainment, health improv More
        Anecdotes and strong empirical evidence of the importance of entrepreneurship as a field of study are available. Entrepreneurs, by creating new technologies and new services, upgrade their quality of life, increase productivity, provide more entertainment, health improvement and promotion of communication. The knowledge which is known as the science of entrepreneurship is finding it difficult and sometimes its usefulness makes it suspicious. In fact, despite the passage of more than three decades, the discipline of entrepreneurship still remains over its legitimacy and acceptance. Among such challenges can be: the challenge of defining the phenomenon of entrepreneurship, the subject and scope of the research, scientific nature of entrepreneurship: the trends of single or interdisciplinary and, debate about the methodology, as the major challenges in recent decades. Now several decades after the birth of entrepreneurship, the need to confront with and meet the challenges of entrepreneurship is necessary to redefine it and meet its challenges more realistically. In this paper, an overview of the challenges to the emerging field of science and major efforts to meet its future are presented. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The Nature, Effects and Requirements of Child Adoption in Iranian Law with a Comparative View of Islamic Principles and British law
        marjan Arastuei
        Adoption is an essential entity in current societies which in addition to providing the benefits for children without a guardian and couples without children, will have positive social implications and so it’s necessary to adapt its rules to social requirements. In this More
        Adoption is an essential entity in current societies which in addition to providing the benefits for children without a guardian and couples without children, will have positive social implications and so it’s necessary to adapt its rules to social requirements. In this study, the nature, conditions and effects of adoption in Iranian law were reviewed with a comparative looking at Islamic law as well as English law. Data analysis indicates that in Iranian law, following Islamic law, there is incomplete form of adoption and despite recent legislative progress and development, the effects of adoption are not sufficiently and effectively provided in the law, while the principles and Islamic teachings show capacities to strengthen the entity of adoption by considering social conditions and requirements. In English law, on the other hand, a complete adoption system is applied, according to which the relationship resulting from adoption is fully consistent with the legal relationship between the children and their biological parents. However, in recent rules, a kind of incomplete adoption under the name of special guardianship has been identified in the law of this country, which has provided a dual system for taking advantage of different approaches to adoption. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - On the Translation of Aristotle’s Ousia as Substance
        Hamid Khosravani Hamidreza  Mahboobi Arani Seyyed Mohammad Ali Hodjati
        Aristotle’s discussion of the Ousia are diverse and confusing since there are various definition of the term especially in Metaphysics, Physics and Categories. He refers to it sometimes as the underlying layer, sometimes he means something similar to the meaning of bein More
        Aristotle’s discussion of the Ousia are diverse and confusing since there are various definition of the term especially in Metaphysics, Physics and Categories. He refers to it sometimes as the underlying layer, sometimes he means something similar to the meaning of being, and sometimes as essence and quiddity. Hence, the difficulty and disagreement among the translators and interpreters on the best equivalent for Ousia in other languages. In the present paper, after a short historical discussion about Ousia, I examine some common equivalents for the Ousia in Latin and English and attempt to discuss the different reasons for and against each equivalent. My argument, in general, goes for the term Substance, and I will bring 8 reasons to establish the argument. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - graduteness in whatness a critical study of Mirqavamuddin Razi's view
        Mahdi Askari Mansour Nasiri
        Muslim philosophers consider any contingent being to be a combination of nature and existence. Since Mirdamad, the question has been raised as to which of the two is the fundamental/objective (Asill). Following the discussion of the fundamentality of the existence and w More
        Muslim philosophers consider any contingent being to be a combination of nature and existence. Since Mirdamad, the question has been raised as to which of the two is the fundamental/objective (Asill). Following the discussion of the fundamentality of the existence and whatness, the question of Graduate, the question was whether the existence is graduated or the whatness. Those who believed in the fundamentality of existence believed that graduteness is of that existence. On the other hand, those who believed in the fundamentality of whatness believed that graduteness is of that whateness. In the meantime, Mir Qawam al-Din Razi has taken a third promise. He believes that graduteness in whatness means inherent presuppositions are impossible and in transverse presuppositions whose derivation is not documented in the essence and essence of the subject is also impossible, but in transverse presuppositions whose derivation is documented in the essence and essence of the subject, graduteness occurs. The main issue of this article is to examine Mir Qawamuddin Razi's view on graduteness in transverse shipments. The purpose of this study is to show the third promise in this issue that has been neglected so far and the research method is descriptive-analytical and to some extent with a historical approach. The conclusion of this study is that the words of Mir Qawamuddin Razi can be correct and defensible according to the words of Mashaei philosophers such as Aristotle. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Foundations of Denying the Trans-Substantial Motion in the Philosophy of Ḥakīm Mullā Rajab‘alī Tabrīzī
        Zeinab Azad Moghaddam Abbas  Javareshkian Seied Morteza  Hoseini Shahrudi
        Mullā Rajab‘alī Tabrīzī was one of the philosophers of Isfahan School of Philosophy and a contemporary of Mullā Ṣadrā. His thoughts, originated in a school which was almost in contrast to Sadrian philosophy, clearly show the strengths and weak points of Islamic philosop More
        Mullā Rajab‘alī Tabrīzī was one of the philosophers of Isfahan School of Philosophy and a contemporary of Mullā Ṣadrā. His thoughts, originated in a school which was almost in contrast to Sadrian philosophy, clearly show the strengths and weak points of Islamic philosophy. The purpose of the present study was to examine the roots of Mullā Rajab‘alī Tabrīzī’s thoughts regarding the trans-substantial motion. Since he believed in the principiality of quiddity as opposed to the principiality of existence, he considered motion to be disconnected and of the type of generation and corruption and maintained that gradual and trans-substantial motion was impossible. In addition to the lack of a subsistent subject and the mortality of the species in the trans-substantial motion, the belief in certain philosophical principles has resulted in the rejection of the trans-substantial motion as a philosophical principle by some philosophers such as Mullā Rajab‘alī Tabrīzī. Manuscript profile
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        17 - A Study of Mulla Sadra’s Ultimate View of the Meaning of the “Mentally-Positedness of Quiddity”
        Seyyed Shahriyar  Kamali Sabziwari
        In Mulla Sadra’s works, two different meanings are provided for the “mentally-positedness of quiddity”. In the first one, it means the subordinate realization of quiddity through existence. However, in the second one, it means the mental and virtual existence of quiddit More
        In Mulla Sadra’s works, two different meanings are provided for the “mentally-positedness of quiddity”. In the first one, it means the subordinate realization of quiddity through existence. However, in the second one, it means the mental and virtual existence of quiddity in the outside. In this paper, the author suggests three hypotheses as potential strategies in order to attain Mulla Sadra’s ultimate view regarding the meaning of “mentally-positedness of quiddity”. Finally, through the confirmation of the third hypothesis, he concludes that the first meaning of this concept is not acceptable because of its rational defects and argues that only the second meaning can be considered as the one intended in the Transcendent Philosophy. Manuscript profile
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        18 - گزارش نشست «کند و کاوی در ماهیت خیابان لاله زار و پیامدهای اجتماعی احیاء آن»
        v kh
      • Open Access Article

        19 - The concept of soul in the Mahabharata system
        Hamidreza  Barati Pour Ghorban Elmi Abdolhossein  Latifi Jamshid  Jalal Sheikhjani
        In the historical study of the philosophical ideas of the land of India, we come across common themes that have caused much intellectual debate among the thinkers of that land. These debates have been in such a way that each of the sages and thinkers of that land have d More
        In the historical study of the philosophical ideas of the land of India, we come across common themes that have caused much intellectual debate among the thinkers of that land. These debates have been in such a way that each of the sages and thinkers of that land have dealt with it according to their views and have expressed their opinions and reasons for that position. One of these challenging topics is the issue of soul or its fate. It is after separation from the body that has long been considered by them. All the historical traditions of India have accepted the basic hypothesis that there is a moving and vital aspect of man that distinguishes life from death and shows it in the form of a worm cycle in most schools, as in the schools of" Samkhaya" and" Vedanta", where, one is "the duality of denial of thought" (Porsche and Percret), and the other is "the unity of existence" (Atman and Brahman). This is also reflected in the Mahabharata system. In this article, we try to examine the concept of soul first in general in the religious literature of Hinduism and then specifically in the book of Mahabharata and answer the following questions: "What is the meaning and nature of the soul in Mahabharata?", and, "what is it's end?" For this purpose, we will analyze the concept of the soul in this book in an analytical way. Manuscript profile
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        20 - A Critical Study of Suhrawardī’s Method of Defining Things
        Mohammad Hosseinzadeh
        Suhrawardī has leveled five criticisms in order to demonstrate the inefficiency of the Peripatetic theory of definition and, in return, has suggested another method for defining things. This method, which is known as the “conceptual definition”, is based on a common sen More
        Suhrawardī has leveled five criticisms in order to demonstrate the inefficiency of the Peripatetic theory of definition and, in return, has suggested another method for defining things. This method, which is known as the “conceptual definition”, is based on a common sense understanding of the meanings of words. According to this method, words are defined through providing their conceptual bases in the view of linguists or the people of language. Here, the author firstly explains Suhrawardī’s method of defining things and then examines it critically. The critical analysis of his view reveals that the logical conclusion of his criticism of the Peripatetic theory of definition is the correction of this theory through employing intuition rather than leaving the definition of things based on their quiddity aside and advocating the theory of conceptual definition. Moreover, Suhrawardī’s theory of definition, as a replacement for its Peripatetic counterpart, suffers from several problems. Therefore, even if Suhrawardī’s objections to the Peripatetics’ theory of definition are accepted, his own method in this regard is not acceptable by itself. At the end of this paper, the author explains and criticizes the views of a contemporary researcher of Suhrawardī’s ideas who believes that the relationship between Ibn Sīnā’s and Suhrawardī’s logic of definition is one of completion rather than difference. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Reflection of Nature of Aesthetics in View of Quran and Hadiths
        ایمان  سعیدی
        Beauty is among the fundamental issues that has always captivated human mind. Aesthetics is a science formed to correctly understand beauty. The origin of this science is in humans’ quest for beauty and what humanity has gained from change in views about this branch of More
        Beauty is among the fundamental issues that has always captivated human mind. Aesthetics is a science formed to correctly understand beauty. The origin of this science is in humans’ quest for beauty and what humanity has gained from change in views about this branch of knowledge is the variety of arts styles, philosophical views, geometric patterns and other human tastes. The Holy Quran and Hadiths of the Infallible (AS), as the main Islamic sources, have presented a complete framework for comprehending the nature of aesthetics. This framework has led to the creation of outstanding works of Islamic art. Hence, this research investigates the framework of aesthetics in view of the Quran and Hadiths. It first tries to reflect the nature of aesthetics from the Quranic viewpoint and based on that offer a general framework for comprehending beauty. To that aim, content analysis has been used for presenting the framework. The results of the research showed that the Quran’s aesthetic pattern has a hierarchical nature which begins with objective beauties, goes on to objective-subjective beauties and finally reaches subjective beauties. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Problem of Attributing Quiddity to Existence in Seyyed Ṣadr al-Dīn Dashtakī and an Evaluation of Mullā Ṣadrā’s Narration of his Views
        Seyyed Ahmad  Hosseini Sangchal
        Solving the problem of attributing quiddity to existence in Dashtakī’s view is intertwined with the theory of predication, derivative, and the principle of subordination. Through separating existence in the sense of being in existence and existence in the sense of exist More
        Solving the problem of attributing quiddity to existence in Dashtakī’s view is intertwined with the theory of predication, derivative, and the principle of subordination. Through separating existence in the sense of being in existence and existence in the sense of existent and distinguishing accidents by-themselves from mentally-posited accidents, Dashtakī has analyzed the problem of attribution in line with the pre-supposed elements. He agrees with the occurrence of existence to quiddity only in existence in the sense of existent in the mind. Mullā Ṣadrā has usually provided an incomplete narration of Dashtakī’s view of attribution, theory of predication, derivative, and the necessity of demonstrating the source of the predicate for the subject. In fact, he has explained all the related elements in one place. In his analysis of the subordination principle, he is completely influenced by Dashtakī. It seems that, in spite of his great efforts at providing a consistent narration of Dashtakī’s view, Mullā Ṣadrā has failed to present some elements consistently in his own theory. Manuscript profile
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        23 - The effect of self- awareness on the creation of life quality in the architecture of religious places (case study: DezfulJam’e Mosque)
        Ahmad Sarrafzadeh Minou  Ghareh Baglou Mohammad Ali  KayNejad
        Human has always been in interaction, one of its aspects is the communication with himself. In this relationship, on one hand, human is placed as a self- aware being and on the other hand, as the real self. In such a way that common sense is affected by his existential More
        Human has always been in interaction, one of its aspects is the communication with himself. In this relationship, on one hand, human is placed as a self- aware being and on the other hand, as the real self. In such a way that common sense is affected by his existential nature and affects the quality of life. The goal of the research can be considered to evaluate the biological aspects affecting the internal relationships of self- knowledge between human and the architectural body. Biological quality is created at different levels and shapes the environment in interaction with humans. The method of this research is a combination of qualitative and quantitative factors. So that, in the qualitative review, the topic is addressed using descriptions, observations and library studies, and in its quantitative aspect, it benefits from numerical data and analysis using the scientific method of Codas. The findings of the research show the formation of an internal relationship that has affected the quality of life and architectural environment. so that in each of the senses affecting self- awareness, Different quality levels are created. In this regard, it can be concluded that the purposeful design of architecture in order to shape the quality of life is influenced by the common senses of faith and time with the greatest impact, the sense of unity, presence and place with an average impact, and the sense of safety and awareness with the least impact. So that it is formed in a direct relationship between independent components (spatial physical perception, collective behavior, psychological) and connected components (common senses) and is a platform for achieving a desirable life. Therefore, this issue can be considered as a result of the internal relationship between three aspects of self- awareness, common senses and architecture, which is formed according to the relationship between independent and dependent components in architecture. Manuscript profile
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        24 - The nature of light from Imam Khomeini's point of view
        Malahat jaliliahmadabad Khosrow  Zafar Nawai seyed mohamad banihashemi
        Understanding the nature of light is one of the important issues that mystics, according to their inner and intuitive perceptions, have expressed the truths of the deep ocean of this concept. The purpose of this article is to study the views of Imam Khomeini, a prominen More
        Understanding the nature of light is one of the important issues that mystics, according to their inner and intuitive perceptions, have expressed the truths of the deep ocean of this concept. The purpose of this article is to study the views of Imam Khomeini, a prominent contemporary mystic, on the nature of light, which has been done by descriptive-analytical method in his works and texts. Examining the nature of light from the perspective of a person who has attained the position of guardianship is effective for spiritual growth. Imam Khomeini considers light to be the source of existence, which is the light of light and true light, and calls all other lights the manifestation of divine and transcendental light. In addition to referring to external and internal light, he has divided light into two specific and general parts. According to him, all levels of existence and degrees of knowledge are part of the evolution of light. Finally, in explaining the nature of light, he deals with the collective oneness and the truth of Muhammad and the name of God Almighty and the perfect man and the guardianship, and expresses the truth of light beautifully. Manuscript profile
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        25 - A Jurisprudential Approach To The Nature Of The Medical Contract
        Keyvan Rezayi Seyyed Mohammad Asadi nejad
        The medical contract expresses the mutual cooperation of the patient's will with the doctor or treatment group. And due to the integration of the two fields of law and medicine, it is of special importance. Of course, this agreement is not the only reason for creating a More
        The medical contract expresses the mutual cooperation of the patient's will with the doctor or treatment group. And due to the integration of the two fields of law and medicine, it is of special importance. Of course, this agreement is not the only reason for creating a legal relationship. In medical emergencies, due to the lack of a healthy will on the part of the patient, it may not be possible to realize an effective agreement. In this case, the permission of the law replaces the permission of the patient, and exceptionally, the law creates this relationship. It is very likely that there will be a difference between the doctor and the patient, Therefore, knowing the "legal nature" of the contract and using the general and specific rules of the chosen contract, Not only does it have intrinsic value in theoretical discussions, but it also makes it scientifically come from the stage of theorizing into the field of practice. And finally, this method is a way to solve the disputes of the parties. In the review and analysis of a contract, it is particularly important to know the "legal nature" in comparison with the secondary rights and obligations arising from that contract. In the analysis of this contract, there are two theories of "definite contract" and "indefinite contract". It seems that in this contract, by which the doctor finds the very dangerous position of the authority to seize the body and life of the patient, The obligations of the doctor and the patient towards each other are an "indirect and secondary" effect and precede the existence of another legal entity called "proxy". And knowing this concept due to the necessity, including: compliance with jurisprudential and legal principles and principles, preserving the patient's dignity, as well as compliance with the ethical principles of medicine, is the beauty of this contract. Manuscript profile