explaining the problem of mind ( ghost theory) and its analysis
Subject Areas : Islamic theologyAmir Yaghoobi 1 , hossein Yazdi 2
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Keywords: the Mental mode of existence, science, Ghost, essence, Sadr- al- Mutaallihin,
Abstract :
The category of the mental mode of existence (mental knowledge of the external world and its quality ) is one of the concepts in Islamic philosophy that plays a significant role in terms of realizing and enlightening the science .Fakhr-e-Razi was The first figure who postulated the concept of the mental mode of existence in the realm of philosophy since he devoted the sixth unit in the first chapter-"on Existence"-to this concept in his book titled Mabahith al-mashriqiyya fi, ilm al- ilahiyyat wa – l-tabi iyyat(Eastern Studies in Metaphysics and Physics)under the argument "On proving the existence of the mental mode of existence". The aforementioned chapter is followed by an argument expounding that it is only the image and the image of an external entity can be reflected in the mind ( this theory is known as the Ghost Theory ), a theory, which is not explored in Islamic philosophy .This research with descriptive - analytical method , while explaining the problem of mental existence and Ghost theory , analyzes some of the criticisms on this theory : the arguments against the theory of the Ghost which claim to be in the end to the fallacy and another criticism that in the recognition of things should be called mental phantoms.
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