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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Persian Writing in the Most Viewed Websites in Iran from a Technical Editing Point of View
        vahid khaliliardali Mohammad hakimazar asgar rezaporian
        The cyberspace and internet have caused so many problems for the national languages and writing systems all around the world due to the extensive access and the production of large-scale writing. There are not so many researches that have published accurate information More
        The cyberspace and internet have caused so many problems for the national languages and writing systems all around the world due to the extensive access and the production of large-scale writing. There are not so many researches that have published accurate information based on statistics about the status of Persian writing in different cyberspace platforms (Web, Desktop, and Mobile). In this study, through the non-probabilistic purposive sampling methods, about 8000 sentences from a corpus of 50 of the most popular databases in the country were examined in ten separate topics. The degree of deviation from Standard Persian Writing was estimated based on the "technical editing" criteria. Results show that the most common mistakes according to technical editing indexes were as follows: rules of writing (39%), punctuation (30%), word independence (22%), spacing (6%), number writing (2%), typographical or typing mistakes (1%). Finally, solutions and suggestions were made to help improve writing correctly in cyberspace. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Internet and Radical Democracy: Introduction to the Formation of Radical Virtual Democracy
        Meisam Ghahreman Majid Abbaszadeh Marzbali
        Pluralist radical democracy of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe is a way to end any kind of innate thought about political life; a way in which sporadic powers, parallel hegemonies and as a result various discourses are formed. Discourses whose predicates’ capacities t More
        Pluralist radical democracy of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe is a way to end any kind of innate thought about political life; a way in which sporadic powers, parallel hegemonies and as a result various discourses are formed. Discourses whose predicates’ capacities to satiation and saturating can turn them to hegemonic discourse; but something which seems very important in this radical democracy is that as a result of cultural development due to post-modernism and language games, otherness and plurality in society must be reserved in contest form. Authors believe that against the real world, this kind of contest can be applied in virtual space; hence we call it radical virtual democracy; a radical democracy which has great abilities to affect social and political life; therefore, the main question of this article which we try to answer is that, how is the formation and realization of radical virtual democracy caused by Internet? The hypothesis of the current writing is that the virtual space of Internet with its unique features like hypertext, hyper-network, interactional action and the decentralization of medium power which is assured by two features of access possibility to virtual identity and technical and non-exclusive skilled facilities, has the ability to form radical virtual democracy. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Analyzing "The Political" in Cyberspace From Arendt's Perspective *
        As we are convinced about the role and impact of cyberspace and online social networks in human life today, we are more or less equally skeptical about the possibilities, capabilities, and effectiveness of cyberspace for political, democratic and civic change. Particula More
        As we are convinced about the role and impact of cyberspace and online social networks in human life today, we are more or less equally skeptical about the possibilities, capabilities, and effectiveness of cyberspace for political, democratic and civic change. Particularly in the area of political theory, we need to think carefully about cyberspace through the wisdom and political theories to gain a proper understanding of the possibilities of online social networking for politics. This article is a research on the political possibilities of online social networks and evaluating the political implications of cyberspace from an Arendt perspective and its possible placement in the public domain or a virtual agora in relation to Arendt's concepts and minutes of politics. In this assessment, we analyze Hannah Arendt's perception of the political and try to clarify whether virtual social networks can facilitate real political action in a meaningful way or not. In other words, Are virtual networks for politics, opportunity or anti-political and threat? This study shows that while politics from Arendt perspective is inter-disciplinary, pluralistic, participatory, linguistic and dialogic, cyberspace and online social networks are more dominant in personal desires and livelihoods, inappropriateness, overcoming. The social, homogeneous and anti-pluralistic features make their political possibilities in serious doubt. Manuscript profile
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        4 - A Comparative Study of Witnesses Hearing in Virtual Arbitration in Arbitration Systems of the US, European and Iranian
        masoud akhavan Reza  Shahidi Sadeghi
        In the present era, due to advances in new technologies, including cyber-space, we face quantitative and qualitative opportunities, including the issue of hearing the testimony of witnesses in cyber-Space arbitration. Hearing the testimony of witnesses in the cyber-spac More
        In the present era, due to advances in new technologies, including cyber-space, we face quantitative and qualitative opportunities, including the issue of hearing the testimony of witnesses in cyber-Space arbitration. Hearing the testimony of witnesses in the cyber-space in accordance with the specification or implication of valid international laws and conventions such as the UNCITRAL Model Arbitration Law and the Arbitration Rules of the International Chamber of Commerce and also by the meaning of some provisions of Internal arbitration laws and the International Commercial Arbitration Law and explicitly stipulated in the Electronic Commerce Law, has been supported by the Iranian legislator and has been granted judicial validity. In this descriptive-analytical article, the authors intend to discuss the hearing of witness testimony in cyber-space arbitration in a comparative manner in the arbitration systems of the united states, europe and Iran. witnesses hearing as well as opportunities and challenges in the process of hearing to witnesses in cyber-space arbitration should be explored. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Protecting the rights of the virtual citizen for the rights of citizens
        Nafiseh  Nekouie Mehr Atefeh  Hosseini Fard
        Virtual citizen is one of the concepts that is being evaluated today on various topics. The virtual citizen or the electronic citizen also has the rights and duties that it is obliged to observe in order to restore order in society. Perhaps some of the uncertain nature More
        Virtual citizen is one of the concepts that is being evaluated today on various topics. The virtual citizen or the electronic citizen also has the rights and duties that it is obliged to observe in order to restore order in society. Perhaps some of the uncertain nature and idiosyncrasies of some users may be seen as a reason for not respecting the rights of citizenship in cyberspace and are allowed to commit any offense, abuse or misconduct. It should be noted that in the last decade, virtual identity may not have clearly been the true identity of individuals, however, the growth of social networks and the transfer of individual interactions in group networks or on-line multimedia devices has led individuals to move towards their actual representation on the basis of limits in the real world, and to introduce themselves, as in the real world, with their real identities. The current paper examines the rights of citizenship in the virtual world, addressing the challenges ahead. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Instagram Child Labor Concept: A Study on Iranian Children on Cyber Space
        Atefeh Aghaei Zahra Rezania
        Instagram is considered a new medium context where users involving parents and children are able to actively act. Instagram Child Labor is a new phenomenon on cyberspace where children are exploited by their parents to be of use by expressing various aspects of their bi More
        Instagram is considered a new medium context where users involving parents and children are able to actively act. Instagram Child Labor is a new phenomenon on cyberspace where children are exploited by their parents to be of use by expressing various aspects of their biological life. With this in mind, media power is capable of creating a concept of child as well as behaving to the detriment of children in favor of businesses and family wealth. This study aims at identifying the meaning of "Instagram Child Labor" and what it collocates with. To this purpose, eight influencer pages working on children scope were picked out to be analyzed qualitatively utilizing MAX QDA. The results indicate that children’s body and communications equal to "display means", "mothers’ identity and brand maker", "a means to advertise" and moreover, children’s personal information is akin to "a way to satisfy children’s curiosity" that with the prior one create the concept of Instagram Child Labor so that families become more lucrative by helping advertising firms make more followers. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Responsibility of Governments and Mechanisms for Protecting Children's Rights in Cyberspace
        Mohammad Reza Hosseini
        The increasing development of cyberspace and the use of ICTs have had an effective role in the production, dissemination and transmission of information and have provided the community with access to online content. As such, cyberspace is an enabling tool to promote fun More
        The increasing development of cyberspace and the use of ICTs have had an effective role in the production, dissemination and transmission of information and have provided the community with access to online content. As such, cyberspace is an enabling tool to promote fundamental freedoms such as freedom of speech, freedom of access to information and an effective means of promoting human rights, however, at the same time it can provide the conditions for breach, violation or restriction of individual's rights. Amongst them, children's rights, as the most vulnerable segment of society, are often abused and invaded. In the contemporary world, children spend a great deal of time on educational, leisure and entertainment activities in cyberspace and online. In this space with the expanse of its domain, anonymity, the high speed, the lack of borders, the lack of mechanisms of government oversight, would have an intensive impact on the domain of users' cognition and perception and pose special risks to individuals, especially children and adolescents. Therefore, the rights of the child must be protected by governments, non-governmental organizations, civil institutions and other child affairs authorities. The main question of this study is what are the positive and negative obligations of governments to protect children in cyberspace under international customary law and internationally accredited documents? What technical, legal and structural mechanisms are available to protect children against online' damages? What has been the practice of governments and international institutions and civil society in protecting children's rights on the one hand and maintaining a free flow of information and freedom of expression on the other? To answer these questions, the researcher uses a descriptive method to provide a coherent legal framework for protecting children in cyberspace. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Data Credibility and Electronic Records in The Face of Rights of the Child in Cyber Space
        Mostafa Mandegar Reza Zareie Masoud Reza Ranjbar Sahraei Merhzad Razmi
        After the emergence of innovative information technologies and them casting a shadow upon people’s lives, the effects of this gift on many aspects of individual and social life will become apparent and its domain will expand to an extent that some Pillars of personal an More
        After the emergence of innovative information technologies and them casting a shadow upon people’s lives, the effects of this gift on many aspects of individual and social life will become apparent and its domain will expand to an extent that some Pillars of personal and public rights of individuals and nations will be under its sphere of influence. The issue of rights of the child have such great significance that many international documents focus on them and a convention under the name of the Convention on the Rights of the Child has been assembled upon basis of which children in need will receive more protection. Also, anything that would threaten the personal future and reputation of the child needs to be reexamined, because by publishing content in cyber space a proof and document of a an event is created in an endless space in which the deletion of said data is almost impossible; therefore the preservation of dignity and protection of children’s rights in cyber space is a fundamental issue that needs special examination. Thus in this study which is conducted in an analytical-descriptive manner, the focus is on the subject of the right of the children in cyber space by relying on the laws regarding electronic trade in Iran, Convention on the Right of the Child and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights with focus on credibility of data and electronic records. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Iran's penal policy towards providing security for children in cyberspace
        Seyed Abbas Khalilpour Chalkiasari
        The astonishing advancement of information technology in the early years of the twenty-first century has brought about countless changes in the various fields and opened another door to the new world so that all human economic, social, political, cultural and scientific More
        The astonishing advancement of information technology in the early years of the twenty-first century has brought about countless changes in the various fields and opened another door to the new world so that all human economic, social, political, cultural and scientific activities are fundamentally changed. Law is also a branch of the humanities that regulates human relations in the context of collective life. It has developed laws to prevent children from unsecured entering the virtual world and legal measures to protect them. Adopting a distinct approach to the substantive criminal law of cybercrime can minimize harm to children and adolescents by prevention. In the meantime, questions and doubts have been raised about the limits of freedom of use of the Internet for children, the limits of free flow of information against child users, protection of child privacy in cyberspace and finally the role of legal regulations to protect this vulnerable group that easily can be exploited in this boundless world. In this research, through data collection tools and using library and internet resources with rational analysis of the content to study the legislative policy of criminal law on criminal security for children in cyberspace, in comparison with the iranian legal system and international documents, in order to better confront and prevent these crimes, the issues and problems and the strengths and weaknesses of the enacted laws are presented and suggestions and solutions for solving these problems are discussed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Children, Teenagers and Cyberspace: The Impact of Internet Dependence on Intergenerational Rupture
        Maryam Sha’ban Seyed Mohammad  Hosseini
        The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between internet dependence and intergenerational rupture in high school girls; for this purpose, 300 female high school students were selected by random cluster sampling from schools in the sixth district of Tehra More
        The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between internet dependence and intergenerational rupture in high school girls; for this purpose, 300 female high school students were selected by random cluster sampling from schools in the sixth district of Tehran. The research method was quantitative with a survey research design. "Internet Dependence" and "Parent-Child Relationship Scale" questionnaires were used to collect data. Statistical analysis of this study was performed using Pearson correlation coefficient. The results showed that there is a significant and inverse relationship between internet dependence and parent-child relationship in high school girls. As the Internet dependence increases in this sample, the father-child relationship and the mother-child relationship decrease. In addition, among the components of the father-child relationship, paternal relationship and paternal intimacy, and among the components of the mother-child relationship, positive maternal affection and maternal relationship, there is a significant correlation with internet dependence at the level (P <0.05). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Impact of Teaching Program of Philosophy for Children upon the Development of Critical Thinking in Using Cyberspace
        Maryam  Solgi
        Education is considered to be one of the most important activities of human being in all communities. The increasing spread of social structure and the demand for training and preparing the people for a life in progress on the one hand, and the existence of different ap More
        Education is considered to be one of the most important activities of human being in all communities. The increasing spread of social structure and the demand for training and preparing the people for a life in progress on the one hand, and the existence of different approaches concerning the role of man in the present age on the other hand, more than ever, have prompted the upholders of teaching systems to undertake the guidance and organization of teaching process. Modern education seeks to focus on promoting critical and proper methods of reasoning and thought in curriculum. Rapid changes of societies, increasing growth of information, intrusion of cyberspace into human life and necessity of proper confrontation with these changes prompt us to think properly and develop our imaginal faculty and judgment in order to come to term with these changes. In this regard, three decades ago, a program of teaching philosophy for children was worked out in order to modify and strengthen their intellectual power. This program is considered to be one of the latest methods for strengthening the reasoning, judging and detecting power of children as well. Moreover, this program possesses certain cognitive and social objectives and its main objective is to teach thinking method for children. To meet this end, a kind of qualitative method of study has been adopted in collecting data in this work. The conclusions of this study indicate that in this program a great attention has been made to various dimensions of philosophical mind. But keeping in view the changes in the field of internet technologies and cyberspaces and the confrontation of children with these developments, they should be guided through this program toward criticizing the information that come to their mind. More important, threat of cyberspace against children is an important factor for drawing the attention of the educationists to this crucial issue. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - A Study of the Place of Cyberspace in Education: Opportunities and Threats
        Kobra  Ahmadvand Zahra  Taghyzade Ghavam Samane  Dastforoshan Soheila  Gholami Haredashti
        The present world is subjected to an increasing changes, and in this event, cyberspace has a great role to play. Basically, any change in different fields, including cultural and educational ones, may bring in its wake certain effects and consequences proportionate to i More
        The present world is subjected to an increasing changes, and in this event, cyberspace has a great role to play. Basically, any change in different fields, including cultural and educational ones, may bring in its wake certain effects and consequences proportionate to its aims and functions, and cyberspace is not exceptional in this regard. Cyberspace apart from creating some opportunities may face certain challenges as well. Since education organization turns out to be one of the most effective factor in training children, it enjoys a particular place, and so the use of cyberspace seems to be inevitable. The present paper is aimed at exploring the place of cyberspace in education, and casting some light on its opportunities and threats in a descriptive and documental method. So if we learn to exploit it properly, we will be saved from its negative impacts. As an opportunity, cyberspace can bring about as a virtual training means, expenditure reduction, speeding up and unifying of data collection, and so on and so forth. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Virtual Education in Corona and Post-corona Period: Human Relations and Challenges
        Abdol Ghafour  Jamy Roudy Towfigh   Jamy Roudy Towhid   Jamy Roudy
        Correspondence education is one of the methods of education which is followed in certain critical conditions during which students are not able to attend the classes and both teachers and students are asked to form certain virtual groups to hold classes. This method has More
        Correspondence education is one of the methods of education which is followed in certain critical conditions during which students are not able to attend the classes and both teachers and students are asked to form certain virtual groups to hold classes. This method has the following merits: the rise of the self- control of students, restriction of the students to time, the rise of responsibility of students, and the expediting the efficiency and teaching. Apart from the merits of virtual education there are some demerits as well such as: internet addiction of the students, lack of confidence in learning, lack of control over home works by teachers, and inaccessibility of internet facilities in certain times and regions. To improve virtual teaching we have to take the followings steps: television should involve in virtual teaching, valid teaching systems should be used, standard questions should be sorted out, and family internet information should be promoted. The present work aims at detecting problems of virtual teachings and suggesting solutions in Iran particularly in poor regions. The method of this work is based on library and field work. After expressing the demerits and merits of e-learning, provide readers with solutions to increase the quality of e-learning and human relations in the current situations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Sociological analysis of the effect of cyberspace on students' academic achievement
        sayyed atollah sinaee sara mousavi mashhadi
        The growing use of digital technologies has made cyberspace and social networks an important part of people's daily lives. In addition, digital technologies and cyberspace have revolutionized the tools, methods, and content of learning in education systems. At the same More
        The growing use of digital technologies has made cyberspace and social networks an important part of people's daily lives. In addition, digital technologies and cyberspace have revolutionized the tools, methods, and content of learning in education systems. At the same time, the study of the dimensions and effects of the widespread use of communication and information technologies has been the focus of researchers from the beginning and the present study pursues such a goal. This research was conducted by correlation research method and a questionnaire. The statistical population includes all female students in the first year of high school, district two of education in Mashhad, in the academic year 1300-1400. The sample size was selected based on Morgan formula 380 people and information was collected using available sampling method. Findings of this study show that the motivation for the development of the user group in cyberspace and social networks was higher than the average motivation for the development of the non-user group. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - foreword
        Hossein  Kalbasi Ashtari
        Philosophy in Cyber World
        Philosophy in Cyber World Manuscript profile
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        16 - Editor's Note
        Seyyed Mohammad Khamenei
        Cyberspace coronavirus Natural order The divine system
        Cyberspace coronavirus Natural order The divine system Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - virtual media influence on the spread of iranian culture IRAN
        tahereh nikpoor ALIASGHAR KEYA mohammad reza rasouli
        abstract the purpose ofthisstudy was toinvestigate the effect of cyberspace and specifically social networks on the promotion of iranian environmental culture .this study was anapplied research in terms ofpurpose and exploratory mixed research design which was carriedo More
        abstract the purpose ofthisstudy was toinvestigate the effect of cyberspace and specifically social networks on the promotion of iranian environmental culture .this study was anapplied research in terms ofpurpose and exploratory mixed research design which was carriedout in two stages .in the qualitative part , semi structured interviews were used to explore and describe ideas and attitudes ofinterviewees .so , atfirst , an expert was interviewed and then data analysis was performed in three stages : open , axial and selective coding .as aresult , the open source codes were extracted in the form of axial codes of information functionality , educational and cultural performance , correlation function , promotional function , persuasive function and supervisory function .in quantitative section , among all actors of the environment in the form of ngos and virtual space activists ofiran , 217 people were selected and tested by cochran formula and randomly .aresearcher -made questionnaire was used to collect data in this section .finally , in order to investigate therelationships between variables , structural equation modeling technique was used with smart pls software .the results indicate that thevariables ofinformation function , educational and cultural function , correlation function , advertising function , persuasive function and monitoring function in promoting environmental culture of iran and cultureof environmental pollution are effective .in addition , demographic variables have moderator role in therelationship between thecomponents of cyberspace and culture of culture Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - The structure of play and play from the perspective of five religions and subject law
        Masoumeh  Pourshabanan Najaf Abadi mohammad ali hedari Masoud  Raee Dehghi
        The social revolutionary revolution is a social political goal. It is a process that is driven by mass action leading to the aspirations arising from long-term ideas and by breaking away from the past, which is accompanied by inequality and the future of new norms with More
        The social revolutionary revolution is a social political goal. It is a process that is driven by mass action leading to the aspirations arising from long-term ideas and by breaking away from the past, which is accompanied by inequality and the future of new norms with justice And Aristotle believes that existing inequalities are among the factors behind the revolution. The purpose of the present study is to explain the sociology and comparisons of the revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Iran, which has been analyzed using the ideas of the Jews and the people. The research methodology is the methodology for reviewing and analyzing The content of the relevant texts is a tool for collecting field information. The results showed that among the common causes behind these revolutions: the political and administrative failure of the rulers, despotism and absolute freedom, and the taking of people, the widespread financial and social crises and its consequences (unemployment, Inflation, reduced economic growth, social harm, reduced social trust and socialism, anomalies, etc.), the presence of intellectuals and people in the scene, the existence of virtual social networks from other revolutions, the existence of guiding and minded leaders, dependence and unbalanced development, and the separation The revolution of Iran with these revolutions: the root of it Another distinction was that of the leadership of Iran, which came from the people and the people. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Development and evaluating the effectiveness of a cognitive rehabilitation package on reducing the cognitive damages of active adolescents in cyberspace
        faezeh adibnia Mehrdad Kalantari soghra akbarichermahini
        The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation package on cognitive damages reduction in active adolescents in cyberspace. The research method was exploratory mixed (qualitative-quantitative). For this purpose, by using t More
        The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation package on cognitive damages reduction in active adolescents in cyberspace. The research method was exploratory mixed (qualitative-quantitative). For this purpose, by using the thematic analysi, by studying articles and interviewing professors and active adolescents in cyberspace, damages were identified. Based on the identified cognitive damages, a rehabilitation package (in four areas: attention, information processing, thinking and social cognition) was developed to reduce adolescents' cognitive damages in cyberspace, to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed package, a quasi-experimental design with an experimental group and a control group of pre-test, post-test and follow-up were used. 40 active girls in cyberspace in Arak who were screened by the pathology inventory constructed, were selected by purposive method and 20 were randomly assigned to the experimental group and 20 to the control group. The results of mixed analysis of variance showed that the implementation of the developed package improved the performance of the experimental group in attention, information processing, thinking and social cognition (p <0.001). It can be concluded that the developed cognitive rehabilitation package is also effective for improving the cognitive damages of adolescents in cyberspace. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Virtual education during the Corona pandemic
        Afshin  Saberi Fard
        In cyberspace education, teachers are in touch with their students, and in critical situations where it is not possible for students to attend schools, teachers form different virtual groups and teach lessons. The benefits of e-learning include: reviewing the curriculum More
        In cyberspace education, teachers are in touch with their students, and in critical situations where it is not possible for students to attend schools, teachers form different virtual groups and teach lessons. The benefits of e-learning include: reviewing the curriculum, increasing students 'self-control, not being limited in time, increasing students' responsibility, easy access and up-to-dateness, and high efficiency and speed of teaching. Despite the many advantages of e-learning, there are many problems and disadvantages, especially in the corona and post-corona e-learning, such as: Internet addiction of students, lack of confidence in learning, lack of supervision over homework and verification, inability of some teachers, parents and Students in the use of cyberspace, inability of parents to buy phones and the Internet, lack of access to the Internet at certain times or in some areas, lack of attention to productivity, failure of radio programs to promote education and many other factors caused the crisis Manage the situation well, the lack of depth and seriousness of virtual education, threats to privacy, lack of attractiveness, etc. are among them. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Civil liability of arbitrators in online arbitration
        Reza Shahidi sadeghi
        Arbitration is one of the most common methods of peaceful dispute resolution in domestic and international disputes outside of state courts. In the present era, international commercial arbitration has become more important among merchants due to its faster resolution a More
        Arbitration is one of the most common methods of peaceful dispute resolution in domestic and international disputes outside of state courts. In the present era, international commercial arbitration has become more important among merchants due to its faster resolution and cost savings for both parties, and therefore, access to new communication technologies by the global community has led to the emergence of arbitration in the virtual world and become a matter of concern. Therefore, arbitrators accept certain duties under the arbitration agreement between the parties, which, if not fulfilled, may result in civil liability for breach of contract and consequently, cause material and moral damages and establish causation. In general, the legal system of customary law has accepted immunity (exemption) from liability for international arbitrators, and in written legal systems and the arbitration system of Iran, the principle of civil liability of arbitrators has been accepted. The question that arises in the mind of the writer is what effects and provisions are applicable to the civil liability of arbitrators in virtual arbitration? In response, it should be said that due to the lack of independent, explicit, comprehensive, and coherent laws and regulations on the civil liability of arbitrators in virtual space in domestic and international areas and the fact that virtual arbitration is essentially similar to traditional arbitration, and only differ in formalities and procedures governing the process, it seems that the issue of civil liability of arbitrators in traditional and virtual arbitration does not have much difference in terms of effects and provisions. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Children's Health And rights In Cyberspace.
        Mohammad Taati sereshke Seyedeh Maryam Asadi nejad
        Right is the most central concept of legal science, the ambiguity in its definition and description causes misplaced expectations and, as a result, the feeling of injustice. According to the abstract concept of right, the researcher should go to analytical tools to get More
        Right is the most central concept of legal science, the ambiguity in its definition and description causes misplaced expectations and, as a result, the feeling of injustice. According to the abstract concept of right, the researcher should go to analytical tools to get rid of the misconception, using Hofeld's theory in identifying and expanding the types of rights helps the researcher.The right of the child has been given special support by the institution of society due to their special position in the foundation of the future of human society on the one hand and their vulnerability as the first ones who are exposed to the direct attack of harm. Of course, how children's rights are violated is different in different parts of the world. In developing countries, children mostly face poverty and its consequences such as malnutrition, lack of health, medical and educational facilities. And in developed countries, moral problems and the weakness of the family foundation plague them. In any case, the main players in this arena, namely the family, the private sector, and the government, should try to protect everyone from this concept in an all-round interaction.Loneliness, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and physical problems such as diabetes and dry eyes are some of the possible problems of children in excessive use or early entry into cyber space.Addiction to this space has reduced the child's motivation to interact with others, which has negative effects on his (her) personal communication and social interactions. One of the easiest ways to prevent this problem is to limit the time you use the Internet.The expansion of cyberspace and the great impact of this field on the life and norm of the need to protect the rights of the children in this field, The author's attempt in this article is to use the descriptive and analytical method to identify the right and its analytical structure, define the child and virtual space and health and health and also identify his rights in the relationship between the child and the virtual space in the relevant laws of Iran and Other international laws and documents are discussed and called for moderationIn the current research, the ethical aspects of library study, including the authenticity of texts, honesty and trustworthiness, have been observed Manuscript profile
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        24 - Designing and Explaining the Conceptual Model of Training Female School Employees in Virtual Space
        Abadaleh Ah,madi Nader Shahamat Moslem Salehi hamed khoramshokuh
        <p>Considering the numerous challenges in online education, this research aims to compile and design a new and innovative model of virtual education. In the qualitative phase, among the qualitative research strategies, the grounded theory was used to develop a comprehen More
        <p>Considering the numerous challenges in online education, this research aims to compile and design a new and innovative model of virtual education. In the qualitative phase, among the qualitative research strategies, the grounded theory was used to develop a comprehensive model that includes causal factors, intervening factors, contextual factors, and conceptual model strategies for training female school employees in virtual space. Interviews were used as the primary data collection tool. Based on the obtained results, a total of 143 concepts and 21 categories or open codes were identified and extracted. The 21 identified categories were placed in the 6 main grounded data categories. Based on the results of the qualitative method, a questionnaire based on the extracted model was compiled and provided to female teachers. According to the results of the structural equation modeling of the questionnaire data, causal relationships with a factor loading of 0.435 and a T-statistic of 9.624 have a direct and significant effect on the main category. Therefore, causal conditions have a positive and significant effect on the main category. The main category, with a factor loading of 0.471 and a T-statistic of 7.734, has a direct and significant effect on strategies. The main category positively and significantly affects strategies. Strategies, with a factor loading of 0.512, affect the outcomes. Strategies have a positive and significant impact on outcomes. Intervening conditions have a direct and significant effect on the outcomes with a factor loading of 0.491. Therefore, intervening conditions positively and significantly affect the strategy. Finally, the contextual conditions, with a factor loading of 0.529, have a direct effect on the outcomes. Contextual conditions have a positive and significant effect on the strategy. In the end, the statistical validity of the model was confirmed.</p> Manuscript profile