• List of Articles علائم

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Evaluation of Application of Probiotics in Periodontal Disease
        Yeganeh Mehrani
        Periodontal disease is the number one health problem in small animal patients. Periodontal disease is generally described in two stages, gingivitis and periodontitis. Periodontitis is the later stage of the disease process and is defined as an inflammatory disease of More
        Periodontal disease is the number one health problem in small animal patients. Periodontal disease is generally described in two stages, gingivitis and periodontitis. Periodontitis is the later stage of the disease process and is defined as an inflammatory disease of the deeper supporting structures of the tooth (periodontal ligament and alveolar bone) caused by microorganisms. It is caused by plaque buildup on teeth. The plaque is a smooth membrane, adhesive, contaminated with saliva bacteria and debris. Normal gingival tissues are pink in color, and have a thin, knife-like edge, with a smooth and regular texture. The first clinical sign of gingivitis is erythema of the gingiva. This is followed by edema, gingival bleeding during brushing or after chewing hard/rough toys, and halitosis. Probiotics are live micro-organisms administered in adequate amounts with beneficial health effects on the host.The presence of these organisms is an indicator of good periodontal health. Probiotics are effective in preventing candidiasis, reducing dental caries, and treating periodontal diseases. This article discusses the use of probiotics in the treatment of periodontal disease. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Protected Works in Iranian Industrial Property Rights with the Approach of Paris Convention
        Hamidreza Salehi
        Nowadays, industrial property rights play an important role in international trade, e-commerce, investment and growing economic relations. In general, industrial property rights system has been introduced as one of the fundamental issues of modern economic policy at the More
        Nowadays, industrial property rights play an important role in international trade, e-commerce, investment and growing economic relations. In general, industrial property rights system has been introduced as one of the fundamental issues of modern economic policy at the national level and as a context and important tool for sustainable development in developing and least developed countries. Furthermore, robust and effective protection of industrial property rights is very important and decisive factor in facilitating technology transfer policies and to attract foreign direct investment in certain sectors of economic that is vital for sustainable development. Countries that are experiencing liberalization of economic and industrial policies, the existence of a strong and robust intellectual property system is one of the most important factors that are necessary to ensure the process of liberalization. One important result can restructure the industrial and commercial sectors and finally to encourage small and medium investors to use the intellectual property system as a tool for economic and national technology development. However, in spite of the great quantitative and qualitative potentials in Iran, it is not happened any significant growth in the field of knowledge, production and preservation of the protected examples in the field of industrial property; On this basis, the patents system, industrial designs, trademarks, integrated circuits, trade secrets and geographical indications of origin in the system of industrial property rights are reviewed and studied and a comparative study to Paris Convention and Trips Agreement is conducted in this paper. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Effect of Positive Mindfulness Training Program on Stress Response and Depression Symptoms in Male Adolescents with Depression Symptoms
        Mohammad Yazdani Maryam Esmaeili
        The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of positive mindfulness training program on stress response and depression symptoms in male adolescents with depression symptoms in Isfahan. The current research was a quasi-experimental design with pre-test, pos More
        The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of positive mindfulness training program on stress response and depression symptoms in male adolescents with depression symptoms in Isfahan. The current research was a quasi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test and follow-up and a control group. A total of 40 students were selected from second grade high school male students in Isfahan during the academic year 2016-2017, based on the inclusion criteria and multi-stage cluster sampling procedures. The experimental group received positive mindfulness program for 8 sessions of 90 minutes. Subjects were evaluated by Stress Response Inventory (Kuh Park, Kim & Chow, 2001) and Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (Beck, Stear & Brown, 1996). Data were analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance analysis. The results showed the effect of positive mindfulness training on stress response and depression symptoms in post-test and follow up stages (p <0.01). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Efficiency of Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral therapy on Mood and Somatic Symptoms of Children with Interpersonal Trauma
        somaye Shahabi Vand Afrooz Afshari leila Cheragh Molaei
        The aim of present study was to evaluate the efficacy of Trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy on mood and somatic symptoms reduction of children with history of interpersonal trauma. This was a single subject experimental study with Multiple baseline design and t More
        The aim of present study was to evaluate the efficacy of Trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy on mood and somatic symptoms reduction of children with history of interpersonal trauma. This was a single subject experimental study with Multiple baseline design and the population consist of all primary school children (boys and girls) in 2019-2020 academic year in Saghez city. 4 (9-12 years old) students with interpersonal trauma history were recruited by convenient sampling method. Child and parent forms of life incidence of traumatic events questionnaire (LITE-C & LITE-P), child and parent reports of post traumatic symptoms (CROPS, PROPS) and Takata & Sakata psychosomatic complaints scale were administered to them at baseline (A), two first, two middle and two last sessions and after completion of treatment in follow up sessions. In B experimental phase each of these 4 student, receive 14 individual treatment sessions of TF-CBT on average. Spss-25 software was used to analyze data with graphic analysis and improvement percentage as well as descriptive statistics, repeated measure variance analysis and dependent T test. Results indicated that clinical and statistical improvements were occurring in reduction of children’s mood and somatic symptoms and post-traumatic stress symptoms, which was, remain constantly in 3 weeks follow up. Hence, this treatment could reduce the mood and somatic symptoms of children with interpersonal trauma. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Simple Method for Online Recognition of Farsi Subwords
        S. M. Razavi E. Kabir
        In this paper, a method for online recognition of Farsi subwords is presented. First, the dots and other signs of the input subword and their relative locations are recognized and the related group to that subword is chosen. If there is only one member in that group, it More
        In this paper, a method for online recognition of Farsi subwords is presented. First, the dots and other signs of the input subword and their relative locations are recognized and the related group to that subword is chosen. If there is only one member in that group, its class is assigned to the input subword, otherwise, the subword body is compared to those of the group members and the subword with minimum distance to the input subword is found. The recognition system also proposes a maximum of nine subwords in the next ranks. The proposed method was tested on a database of 11 samples of 1000 subwords from different writers. The correct recognition rate for the first choice was 74.95%. It reached to 97.87% for the top 10 choices. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Effectiveness of Forgiveness-Based Group Therapy on Depression and Psychological Distress Symptoms of Elderly Women
        parvaneh Mohammadkhani
        Abstract: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of forgiveness-based group therapy on depression and psychological distress symptoms of elderly women who had been referred to Omid Gerontology Center in Theran. To evaluate the effectiveness of More
        Abstract: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of forgiveness-based group therapy on depression and psychological distress symptoms of elderly women who had been referred to Omid Gerontology Center in Theran. To evaluate the effectiveness of for-giveness-based intervenetion, quasi-experi-mental design with pre-test, post-test, and three-month follow up was used. The statistical population consisted of all elderly women who had been referred to Omid Gerontology Center in Tehran The sample consisted of 30 women meeting the research criteria who were ran-domly divided into control (N=15) and experi-mental group (N=15). Participants in both groups were assessed by Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and Brief Symptoms In-ventory (BSI). After pretest, the experimental group met for a total of 8 forgiveness-based intervention sessions (2 hours each). Data showed a reduction in depression severity in experimental group (P<0.05). It also showed remission on Brief Symptoms Inventory subscales and its 3 total indexes, namely Glo-bal Severity Index, Positive Symptom Total, and Positive Symptom Distress Index (P<0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that Forgiveness-based group therapy is an effec-tive intervention in depressed elderly women and could be useful in promoting mental health in this stage of life. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

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        rasol ataee
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Mediating Role of Psychological Distress in the Relationship between Inferential Confusion and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms
        Zahra Khosravi Roubiat Mahmoud  Najafi
        The purpose of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of psychological distress (depression, anxiety and stress) in the relationship between inferential confusion and obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The research method was descriptive-correlational (path More
        The purpose of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of psychological distress (depression, anxiety and stress) in the relationship between inferential confusion and obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The research method was descriptive-correlational (path analysis) and the statistical population of the study was all Social network users (between 20 to 50 years old) in mashhad in year 2022. Using the available sampling method, 345 subjects participated in the research through an online survey. The instruments used in this study include Obsessive-Compulsive Insentory-Revised (OCI-R), Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21), and Inferential Confusion Questionnaire (ICQ-EV). Data analysis done through Pearson correlation coefficient and path analysis. The findings showed that inferential confusion has a direct and significant relationship with obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Also, psychological distress had a mediating role in the relationship between inferential confusion and obsessive-compulsive symptoms and the model has a good fit. According to the research results and the mediating role of psychological distress in the relationship between inferential confusion and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, In condition of high psychological distress, the relation of inferential confusion with obsessive-compulsive symptoms is stronger than when the components of depression, anxiety and stress are low. Also, planning to reduce psychological distress can be effective in reducing the effect of inferential confusion on obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The mediating role of metacognitive beliefs in the relationship between anxiety sensitivity, responsibility and obsessive-compulsive symptoms
        Morteza Aghaeimazraji Mahmoud  Najafi Mina Shirmohammadali
        The purpose of this research was to determine the mediating role of metacognitive beliefs between anxiety sensitivity, responsibility and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in the general population living in Tehran. The descriptive research method was correlation type (path More
        The purpose of this research was to determine the mediating role of metacognitive beliefs between anxiety sensitivity, responsibility and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in the general population living in Tehran. The descriptive research method was correlation type (path analysis). 300 people from among the general population living in Tehran city were selected through an internet call, according to the entry criteria in the accessible sampling method. The tools used in this research include the Revised Obsession Scale (OCI-R); (Foua et al., 2002), Anxiety Sensitivity Inventory (ASI) (Rice et al., 1986), Responsibility Attitude Scale (RAS); (Salkovskis et al., 2000) and metacognitive beliefs questionnaire (MCQ-30); (Wells, 1997). The data showed that anxiety sensitivity and responsibility have a direct and significant relationship with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and metacognitive beliefs have a mediating role in the relationship between anxiety sensitivity and responsibility with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and the indirect effect of metacognitive beliefs in the relationship between anxiety sensitivity, Responsibility and obsessive-compulsive symptoms were significant.In general it can be concluded that anxiety sensitivity and responsibility can cause the emergence and continuation of obsessive-compulsive symptoms by increasing metacognitive beliefs. According to the research results and the mediating role of metacognitive beliefs in relation to obsessive-compulsive symptoms, planning to improve people's education in the field of anxiety sensitivity and responsibility can play an important role in reducing obsessive-compulsive symptoms through metacognitive beliefs. Manuscript profile