• List of Articles عطار

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        1 - The Status of Plate and Pen in Mystical Ontology of Ibn-e Arabi and Attar of Neyshabur
        Mehdi Zamani
        In mystical Ontology of Ibn-e Arabi “Supreme Pen” equals “First intellect”, “global Soul” and “Muhammadian Truth” which have main roles in composition and formulation of the Book of Creation, but making the pen demands ability which is reflected in form of “guarded plat More
        In mystical Ontology of Ibn-e Arabi “Supreme Pen” equals “First intellect”, “global Soul” and “Muhammadian Truth” which have main roles in composition and formulation of the Book of Creation, but making the pen demands ability which is reflected in form of “guarded plate” or “general self”. Ibn-e Arabi attempted to clarify the role of plate and pen in revelation of divine Science and Will via allegory. Along this way, he interprets the Quranic verses based on intuition and mystical doctrine, but in addition to this, he adjusts them with the philosophical principles and old physics; an action which is done by some of Muslim scientists in specification of Grace Theory. Attar of Neyshabur, in the climax of explicating his Ontology in “Mosibat-Name (Tragedy-Letter)”, introduces Plate and Pen respectively as the symbol of Features of knowledge and power of “spirit” and considers the light of Mostafa (the Prophet) or the truth of Perfect Human as the genuine “spirit”. In his descriptions and allegories about the Plate and Pen, he also mentions to the intellectual principles of philosophy and doctrines of old astronomy or the Nine (Skies) Theory. Explaining the doctrines and expressing the similarities and differences of these two famous Muslim mystics are among the results of this study. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Stylistics of the Iranian Ancient anecdote: the Study of Elements of Creating Content and Form Based on Two Tales from Jame’ al-Hekayat
        جمشيد  مظاهري آرمان  ماناسريان
        Iranians are the people with ancient traditions and culture. Their folkloric works are rich and reflective of their beliefs. So far, there have been various approaches to the study of folklore, each focusing on different aspects such as content, structure, style, langua More
        Iranians are the people with ancient traditions and culture. Their folkloric works are rich and reflective of their beliefs. So far, there have been various approaches to the study of folklore, each focusing on different aspects such as content, structure, style, language, and so on. The present article studies “the unity of form and content” in popular tales, concentrating on two of them, chosen from Jame’ al-Hekayat. Its main purpose, which distinguishes it from the previous researches on the subject, is to find the relationship between content and form, the way they match in the course of a tale, the process of forming a tale, and the elements involved in forming the Iranian ancient tales. Manuscript profile
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        3 - In search of Seven kingdom of Attar in the Houses of God
        ايمان  زكريايي كرماني
        Mysticism has had a great impact on the Iranian art. In order to reach the most paramount stage in suffism, there are several stages to go through. Each of these stages are defined by different mystics differently. Suffism has even penetrated into industries and art, an More
        Mysticism has had a great impact on the Iranian art. In order to reach the most paramount stage in suffism, there are several stages to go through. Each of these stages are defined by different mystics differently. Suffism has even penetrated into industries and art, and this way it was manifested in architecture of mosques. The structure of mosques can be taken as one of the manifestations of mysticism. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Analysis and Comparison of Prophet Mohammad's Praise and Ascension in Attar's Four Massnavi Books (Elahi-Nameh, Assrar-Nameh, Manteq Al Tair & Mosibat-Nameh)
        The Prophet Mohammad's praise and ascension are among the topics of concern to most poets and writers; in a manner that in our literary tradition these two issues are counted as the major themes of classic works. Attar Neishabouri, who followed this tradition, has discu More
        The Prophet Mohammad's praise and ascension are among the topics of concern to most poets and writers; in a manner that in our literary tradition these two issues are counted as the major themes of classic works. Attar Neishabouri, who followed this tradition, has discussed these two topics in detail at the beginning of his four versified works; “Elahi-Nameh”, “Asrar-Nameh”, “Manteq-Al Tair” and “Mosibat-Nameh”. This research has studied the mentioned themes in the four works. The result of the research revealed that the praise and spiritual ascension found two different structures in these works. While in Elahi-Nameh and Manteq-Al Tair these two parts are intermingled, they are quite separate in Asrar-Nameh and Mosibat-Nameh. Still the praise of the Prophet have one structure in all the four works; yet the story of the Prophet's ascent is more reliable in Mosibat-Nameh. These two parts do not possess much poetical parts and one can only regard the story of the Ascent as the most poetical part in Elahi-Nameh. Ambiguity was Aattar's most favorite literary figure. Within the linguistic domain and its related features, the repetition of words and the repetition of a linguistic phrase at the beginning, are the most significant linguistic features in these two parts. Manuscript profile
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        5 - A Study on the Functions of Contradiction and Conflict in the Aesthetic Analysis of Attar’s Sonnets Imagery Based on Jorjani’s Views
        عطیه مشاهری فرد حسینعلی قبادی maryam آخسسثهده علیرضا  نیکویی
        Abdolghaher Jorjani is one of the well known rhetoricians and syntacticians of fifth century who is best known for his “construction theory” and “the meaning of meaning”. Two of his great books named Asrar al-balaghah and Dala'il al-I'jaz explain aesthetic issues of the More
        Abdolghaher Jorjani is one of the well known rhetoricians and syntacticians of fifth century who is best known for his “construction theory” and “the meaning of meaning”. Two of his great books named Asrar al-balaghah and Dala'il al-I'jaz explain aesthetic issues of the discourse. What he has expressed about these imageries can also be useful for studying other literary devices. Although he has referred to simile, allegory, metaphor, and metonymy to explain the effective elements of aesthetics, the method he has used to analyze the aesthetic value of the text, and the effective factors he presented for aesthetic analysis of the imageries can also be useful in studying other figures of speech. Using a descriptive-analytical approach, and according to Jorjani’s views, this study aims at analyzing the function of contradiction and conflict in the aesthetic analysis of Attar’s sonnets. This study attempts to show that what Jorjani had considered to be important aesthetic factors can be found in different representations of the elements of contradiction and conflict (e.g. antonyms, different types of paradox, etc.). Based on the findings, contradiction is one of the effective elements of literariness of the text. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The Study of "Tone" and Its Function in Attar’s Elahi-nameh
        ali mohammad moazzeni  
        Elahi-nameh is one of Attar Neishabouri’s mystical and ethical poems with two major and minor narrative plots, which has been written to inspire readers with important mystical and ethical issues. A careful review of this book shows that the obvious weakness in narrativ More
        Elahi-nameh is one of Attar Neishabouri’s mystical and ethical poems with two major and minor narrative plots, which has been written to inspire readers with important mystical and ethical issues. A careful review of this book shows that the obvious weakness in narrative elements such as suspension and setting has made the "tone" of the stories the most important factor in influencing the reader. In Elahi-nameh, The key element in promoting the plot of major and minor narratives in is the dialogue, and the tone of the book has been repeated in a regular manner with the least variation, in a way that it fits the characters taking part in the dialogues. The main contrast between the characters in the major narrative is the opposition of the father and the son, which is manifested in the themes and the tones of the dialogues. The dominant tone of the father is preaching and the dominant tone of the son is persisting. The contradictory preaching/ ignorant tones are repeated in short stories, amongst the characters "the wise and the fool", "the lord and the peasant", "the king and the slave", "the mystic and the ignorant" and so on. The preaching tone is the resultant of wondering, blaming, fanatical and pseudo-philosophical tones. For this reason, elements such as the question, condition, adjective, and exclamation are used repeatedly in the dialogues, which are the main elements of the creation of the above-mentioned tones. Another important tone in Elahi-nameh is the ironic tone that is found only in short anecdotes. Elements such as prayer, sarcasm, paradox, condition, and questions have been used to create this tone. The positive character of most of the comical anecdotes is the fool which is in contrasts with God and the wise. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Theological Thoughts on Tawhid in Attar’s Masnavies
        Farideh  Mohseni Hanjani Ahmad Khatami
        Mystical literature has always been accompanied by secrets and mysteries; and understanding the concepts, interpretations, terms and themes mentioned in mystical poems and proses such as theological themes has never been easy since they are mixed with special symbols an More
        Mystical literature has always been accompanied by secrets and mysteries; and understanding the concepts, interpretations, terms and themes mentioned in mystical poems and proses such as theological themes has never been easy since they are mixed with special symbols and allegories. The elements of mystical literature, though not that complicated, bring up deep questions in mind, for which finding the answers requires true understanding of mystical, religious and theological insights of the authors. Attar is one of those mystic poets who has incorporated his beliefs and religious attitudes with a mystical virtue in all his works. Using a descriptive-analytical method, assuming that Attar’s mystical thoughts are incorporated with his theological thoughts, this paper tries to investigate the effects of different theological schools on the intellectual and mystic basis of monotheism (Tawhid) theme in Attar’s works with respect to his well-known four Masnavi books. The results show that the influence of theological issues on these works is too much that any account of Attar’s works without learning about his theological insights would be incomplete. However, it would be useless to insist on assigning him to one specific theological school. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Disciple relationship and meaning in asrar nameh and elahe nameh
        Mansour  Nik Panah
        Attar and mysticism two strings are woven together for the development of both the other groups. In fact, the evolution and development of the Persian mystic Attar through mysticism, particularly through the efforts of Attar's poetry. Henchman place and meaning in the w More
        Attar and mysticism two strings are woven together for the development of both the other groups. In fact, the evolution and development of the Persian mystic Attar through mysticism, particularly through the efforts of Attar's poetry. Henchman place and meaning in the works of Attar and the type of interaction and dialogue were the encapsulation of a strong manifestation of his works. Therefore, in this article we are going to work in a divine meaning and purpose Asrarnamh to Attar's view of the status of our deal and how discerning disciple Guidance. What is certain though narrative anecdotes and quotes the poet can be flexible in this regard affect. In this regard, the tables have tried to show how this relationship. In total, thanks to a narrative that is both visible effect of the differences between the two poles of mysticism in these two indices achieved. Finally, the distinctions of the attitude expressed in the above worksy. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Similarity between the Qualities of God and Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Attar’s Works
        Affiliation and devotion of Gnostics of the Muslim lands to the holy presence of the Islam Prophet (PBUH) has been recognized everywhere. Sheikh Attar has a special position in this regard. There are no doubt that Attar’s sayings on describing the status of Mohammedan M More
        Affiliation and devotion of Gnostics of the Muslim lands to the holy presence of the Islam Prophet (PBUH) has been recognized everywhere. Sheikh Attar has a special position in this regard. There are no doubt that Attar’s sayings on describing the status of Mohammedan Mission and Light reminds us viewpoints of scholars and experts of the Intellectual Mysticism. This paper tries to explain and demonstrate the fact that for the creator of Mantiq-ut-Tayr (The Conference of the Birds) there is no contrast between name, qualities and essence of the Prophet and the divine essence and attributes. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Investigating the relationship between God and man in the tragedy of Attar and Haft Aurang Jami
        Man, God and their relationship with each other is one of the most fundamental topics in mystical literature. Mystical poets, as the possessors of the gentle and sensitive divine spirit, have included the relationship between God and man in the form of grace and pleasan More
        Man, God and their relationship with each other is one of the most fundamental topics in mystical literature. Mystical poets, as the possessors of the gentle and sensitive divine spirit, have included the relationship between God and man in the form of grace and pleasantness, which has become one of the deepest phrases of their works. This study has examined the relationship between God and man in a library and in a comparative way in the tragedy of Attar Neyshabouri and Divan Jami. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between God and man based on the basic human principles of help, guidance and love, which shows that the relationship between God and man is one of the important concerns of these two mystics and they offer different ways and factors to achieve it. In; The most important results This research includes the fact that the works of Attar and Jami are full of the relationship between God and man, and this relationship is sometimes quoted from the language of the poet and sometimes from the language of fictional characters. The recklessness, courage and intimacy that exist in the poems of these two have given a special depth to their verses that give the reader a feeling of tenderness and the peak of servitude, while the loving relationship of God has been the highest type of relationship. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Investigating the relationship between God and man in the tragedy of Attar and Haft Aurang Jami
        زهرا قزلسفلی Akbar Shabani Mohammad Fazeli
        Man, God and their relationship with each other is one of the most fundamental topics in mystical literature. Mystical poets, as the possessors of the gentle and sensitive divine spirit, have included the relationship between God and man in the form of grace and pleasan More
        Man, God and their relationship with each other is one of the most fundamental topics in mystical literature. Mystical poets, as the possessors of the gentle and sensitive divine spirit, have included the relationship between God and man in the form of grace and pleasantness, which has become one of the deepest phrases of their works. This study has examined the relationship between God and man in a library and in a comparative way in the tragedy of Attar Neyshabouri and Divan Jami. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between God and man based on the basic human principles of help, guidance and love, which shows that the relationship between God and man is one of the important concerns of these two mystics and they offer different ways and factors to achieve it. In; The most important results This research includes the fact that the works of Attar and Jami are full of the relationship between God and man, and this relationship is sometimes quoted from the language of the poet and sometimes from the language of fictional characters. The recklessness, courage and intimacy that exist in the poems of these two have given a special depth to their verses that give the reader a feeling of tenderness and the peak of servitude, while the loving relationship of God has been the highest type of relationship. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Review of some Reverend Narratives of Attar for Teens
        sajad najafi behzadi masoomeh mehri ziba alikhani
        Mystical texts contain valuable concepts and messages for children and adolescents. Creative rewriting of these texts can familiarize children and adolescents with important mystical material. The purpose of this research is to compare the some of the narrative of Attar More
        Mystical texts contain valuable concepts and messages for children and adolescents. Creative rewriting of these texts can familiarize children and adolescents with important mystical material. The purpose of this research is to compare the some of the narrative of Attar Neishabouri with its rewritten text from the collection of Mahdi Azar yazdi’s rewritings to understand the important principles of a creative rewriting. The research method is content and document analysis. By studying the stories from the original text and adapting them to the rewritten text, they are examined from the perspective of the elements of the story and the appropriate rewriting methods. The results showed that Azar yazdi was seeking to acquaint children with mystical texts by changing the mystical theme and turning it into an ethical theme. An increase in the number of characters, an increase in the element of conflict and dialogue, the expansion of spaces and incidents, and the change in the title of stories are one of the most important techniques that Azar yazdi has intended for rewriting. Presenting the story directly and not paying attention to the element of suspense is one of the weak points of the dramatic rewriting. Manuscript profile
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        13 - The study of Attar's deterministic thought based on Unity of acts (tawhid al-af'al (and Nearness to God via supererogatory worships (Qurb al-Nawafil)
        Abolfazl  Afshari Pour reza Haidari Nori reza fahimi
        The subject of determinism and free will, among the various philosophical, theological and mystical issues, is one of the topics that has always been considered by various religions and sects. In this regard, philosophers and non-philosophers also agree on this question More
        The subject of determinism and free will, among the various philosophical, theological and mystical issues, is one of the topics that has always been considered by various religions and sects. In this regard, philosophers and non-philosophers also agree on this question of whether the actions and behaviors that occur to man or what happens to him are all in the hands of man himself or under the influence of other factors and forces. The belief that man is a free or compelled has always influenced man's social vision. Its importance is such that great men, artists and virtuous people like Attar with all their scientific insight and taste and intuitive understanding seek to answer this question to get an appropriate answer on the issue of human determinism and free will. Attar is a Ash'ari in theology and is also a Sufi. But unlike the Ash'arites and the Sufis, who are absolute determinists, he has expressed different views on determinism and free will. Attar does not accept verbal, reprehensible and disgusting determinism and in many cases he means determinism, as a mystical point of view and describing the attribute of the tyranny of God, and explaining the satisfaction of the servant against the truth and Unity of acts. Hence, Attar's view of Unity of acts, which is one of the monotheistic levels, has caused his thought to be similar to the theological beliefs of the Ash'arites. The results of this research, which has been obtained by library method, descriptive-analytical method and document research, show that Attar in the universe, according to the principle of Unity of acts, sees God as the only agent in the universe and The issue of determinism from a mystical point of view by depriving man of any power and will is explicitly raised and in many of his poems. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Examining the moral and intellectual characteristics of the perfect man in the works of certain Attar
        Shahrokh Hekmat
        The search for the perfect man and following him has always been the human aspiration throughout history. Attar always thinks of human perfection by establishing divine prophets and believes that access to the world of science, knowledge and truth is possible only by ar More
        The search for the perfect man and following him has always been the human aspiration throughout history. Attar always thinks of human perfection by establishing divine prophets and believes that access to the world of science, knowledge and truth is possible only by arresting a perfect human being. Attar, a famous poet of the seventh century, is a heartbroken old man who, with divine loves to walk the path of truth, has lit the light of the Shari'a and placed it in the way of the Taliban of truth, to seek the seven valleys of mysticism from desire to poverty and destruction. Go home. He always thinks of human perfection and in all his works he raises the issue of a perfect human being. Sheikh Attar is a great poet and mystic who has both theoretical and practical mysticism and has established a connection between them and has expressed many moral points carefully, which may have acted as a moral teacher in his works in this regard. Is. Using the method of allegory, he has been able to reveal both mystical issues and moral points derived from Quranic culture and religious orders. This article intends to express Attar Neyshabouri's attitude and thought about the moral and intellectual characteristics of a perfect human being and how to go through the stages of perfection in Attar's certain works through a descriptive-analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Explanation of Attar’s approaches in achieving God’s immortality in Elahi Nameh
        Afsaneh Agha Hassani Mahabadi reza fahimi Manijeh Fallahi
        Religious experiences are based on three axes: God, the world and man. The process of human transformation to a transcendental level is a kind of liberation from oneself and presence in society. According to Attar’s opinion, the most important stage in mysticism is immo More
        Religious experiences are based on three axes: God, the world and man. The process of human transformation to a transcendental level is a kind of liberation from oneself and presence in society. According to Attar’s opinion, the most important stage in mysticism is immortality in God. During the path to God, seeking the knowledge of the truth, he finds the alchemy of divine love, and by being attracted by the blessings of the Lord, he travels the path of perfection with the desire to be near the truth, until he reaches the stage of immortality in God, to martyrdom, the highest level of human status. The present research, with content analysis, has explained the approaches of Attar in Elahi Nameh, to achieve the stage of immortality for the sake of Allah. The result of the search is that in order to reach the stage of immortality and closeness to the truth, the mystic needs the equipment without which it is not possible to reach this stage, such as : giving up attachment, patience in hardships, silence, the presence of the heart, insight and God's care. Manuscript profile
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        17 - The perfect movement of beings from Attar's point of view in Asrarnameh
        Afsaneh Agha Hassani Mahabadi reza fahimi Manijeh Fallahi
        The purpose of creation in the philosophy of creation is to benefit the creatures. By getting close to the Lord, the main source of perfection and benefiting from him, creatures reach perfection and closeness to God. According to the divine order, all beings in the univ More
        The purpose of creation in the philosophy of creation is to benefit the creatures. By getting close to the Lord, the main source of perfection and benefiting from him, creatures reach perfection and closeness to God. According to the divine order, all beings in the universe are moving towards the main origin, continuous and permanent movement.Every creature in the lower rank, with the veils of darkness, is perfected and promoted in the movement towards the higher rank.In this journey, the Ashraf of creatures tries to turn his abilities into reality through change and transformation, and by constantly observing his actions, by enduring hardship and extreme worldly patience, he actually travels in a deep journey and by passing From the world of plurals to the world of unity.The present study with a descriptive-analytical approach and library method seeks to examine Attar's view in Asrarnameh about the evolutionary movement of organisms, especially humans, with the quality of this journey.According to Attar, man, like other creatures, is constantly in dynamism, and his achievement in this journey is the enjoyment of divine love, the acquisition of the divine blessings of truth, and as a result the promotion of servitude to absolute perfection. Manuscript profile
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        18 - A comparative study of the plague of greed and greed in educational Masnavas with an approach to the Tragedy of Attar and Maulana's spiritual Masnava
        Mojtaba  Arefkhani farzad abasi mahbobehe Zia Khodadadian
        In the explanation of moral foundations and concepts, especially moral vices, the most useful categories are in the expression of definition, cause and treatment methods. What is evident in the expression of greed and greed in the view of these two mystics and poets is More
        In the explanation of moral foundations and concepts, especially moral vices, the most useful categories are in the expression of definition, cause and treatment methods. What is evident in the expression of greed and greed in the view of these two mystics and poets is the benefit, citation and attention to Quranic concepts and Islamic narrations. It is in this context that both mystics consider greed and greed in human existence as other institutional instincts in his nature and nature, with the difference that Maulavi points to two types of greed, acceptable and reprehensible, but Attar relies on the reprehensibility of this trait. Condemnation of greed and greed and advice Avoiding it by remembering death and remembering God and having contentment is common in the words of both poets. Maulavi's different view on greed is to pay attention to greed and the consequences of it. Maulavi has given a more detailed description of greed and greed than Attar in Masnavi, which of course It is not possible to make small mistakes on the book of calamities, which is smaller than Masnavi. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Comparative study of seven mystical stages in the works of Maulavi and Attar
        Leila Farzaneh Hossein-Qoli Sayyadi Seyyed Mahmoud Reza Gheibi
        <p>The seven stages of mysticism are among the most important and thought-provoking topics in mystical cirrhosis. Examining and understanding their meaning and concept, the seeker and the path of the truth helps to follow this path with more awareness. Provide mystics a More
        <p>The seven stages of mysticism are among the most important and thought-provoking topics in mystical cirrhosis. Examining and understanding their meaning and concept, the seeker and the path of the truth helps to follow this path with more awareness. Provide mystics and Sufis. Also, clarifying the concepts of each of these officials according to the views of Attar and Rumi and expressing how these concepts are used in mystical and moral stories are two other goals of this research. Showed that in some cases the views of Attar and Rumi are different. Sufis and mystics each have opposing views on the journey to God and meeting God. What arose at the beginning of the official emergence of Western-influenced Sufism in Iran and its sphere of ritual and linguistic influence until it reached Rumi and Attar, although beautiful in appearance and constantly in conflict with the Shari'a, is an amalgam of philosophical views. Greek and eclectic were other ideas, forming parallel and sometimes contradictory currents, which played a significant role in the continuation of Sufism..</p> Manuscript profile