The perfect movement of beings from Attar's point of view in Asrarnameh
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
Afsaneh Agha Hassani Mahabadi
reza fahimi
Manijeh Fallahi
1 - Saveh Azad University
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Keywords: Attar, Asrarnameh, perfectmovement, transformation, promotion.,
Abstract :
The purpose of creation in the philosophy of creation is to benefit the creatures. By getting close to the Lord, the main source of perfection and benefiting from him, creatures reach perfection and closeness to God. According to the divine order, all beings in the universe are moving towards the main origin, continuous and permanent movement.Every creature in the lower rank, with the veils of darkness, is perfected and promoted in the movement towards the higher rank.In this journey, the Ashraf of creatures tries to turn his abilities into reality through change and transformation, and by constantly observing his actions, by enduring hardship and extreme worldly patience, he actually travels in a deep journey and by passing From the world of plurals to the world of unity.The present study with a descriptive-analytical approach and library method seeks to examine Attar's view in Asrarnameh about the evolutionary movement of organisms, especially humans, with the quality of this journey.According to Attar, man, like other creatures, is constantly in dynamism, and his achievement in this journey is the enjoyment of divine love, the acquisition of the divine blessings of truth, and as a result the promotion of servitude to absolute perfection.
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