The study of Attar's deterministic thought based on Unity of acts (tawhid al-af'al (and Nearness to God via supererogatory worships (Qurb al-Nawafil)
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
Abolfazl Afshari Pour
reza Haidari Nori
reza fahimi
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Abstract :
The subject of determinism and free will, among the various philosophical, theological and mystical issues, is one of the topics that has always been considered by various religions and sects. In this regard, philosophers and non-philosophers also agree on this question of whether the actions and behaviors that occur to man or what happens to him are all in the hands of man himself or under the influence of other factors and forces. The belief that man is a free or compelled has always influenced man's social vision. Its importance is such that great men, artists and virtuous people like Attar with all their scientific insight and taste and intuitive understanding seek to answer this question to get an appropriate answer on the issue of human determinism and free will. Attar is a Ash'ari in theology and is also a Sufi. But unlike the Ash'arites and the Sufis, who are absolute determinists, he has expressed different views on determinism and free will. Attar does not accept verbal, reprehensible and disgusting determinism and in many cases he means determinism, as a mystical point of view and describing the attribute of the tyranny of God, and explaining the satisfaction of the servant against the truth and Unity of acts. Hence, Attar's view of Unity of acts, which is one of the monotheistic levels, has caused his thought to be similar to the theological beliefs of the Ash'arites. The results of this research, which has been obtained by library method, descriptive-analytical method and document research, show that Attar in the universe, according to the principle of Unity of acts, sees God as the only agent in the universe and The issue of determinism from a mystical point of view by depriving man of any power and will is explicitly raised and in many of his poems.
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