• List of Articles رقابت

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The relationship between decision-making styles and competitive advantage in small and medium enterprises
        naser poursadegh
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between modes of decision-making is a competitive advantage for small industries in west Azarbaijan province. The licensed Food Research of Industrial Estates in West Azarbaijan is considered as the population. More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between modes of decision-making is a competitive advantage for small industries in west Azarbaijan province. The licensed Food Research of Industrial Estates in West Azarbaijan is considered as the population. Due to limited population, the census method used. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of the test light Decision (752/0) and competitive advantage (857/0) is estimated. After collecting the questionnaires, the resulting data using descriptive and inferential statistics such as Pearson's correlation test was analyzed by spss software. Hypothesis test results confirm the main hypothesis and sub hypothesis suggests. In other words, there is a significant relationship between decision-style small industries with competitive advantage in West Azarbaijan Province, and there is a significant relationship between Decision style and entrepreneurial, adaptive planning, competitive advantage for small and medium industries in West Azarbaijan . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A New Method to computational intelligence to improve network lifetime in wireless sensor networks
        faezeh talebian hassan khotanloo mansour esmaeilpour
        Recent advances in wireless electronic and communications provide us the ability to build small, economical sensors with low power consumption and many diverse applications. Limited energy capacity of sensors is a huge challenge that will affect these networks. Clusteri More
        Recent advances in wireless electronic and communications provide us the ability to build small, economical sensors with low power consumption and many diverse applications. Limited energy capacity of sensors is a huge challenge that will affect these networks. Clustering has been used as a well-known method to handle this challenge. To find appropriate location of clusters' heads, imperialist competitive algorithm as an emerging topic in computational intelligence has been used. Clusters' heads are connected in a three-level model so that cluster heads with low energy capacity and far from station are considered as level three indirectly communicating with base station. This eventually increases lifetime of wireless sensor networks. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Modified orthogonal chaotic colonial competition algorithm and its application in improving pattern recognition in multilayer perceptron neural network
        Payman Moallem mehrdad sadeghi hariri MAHDI hashemi
        Despite the success of the Colonial Competition Algorithm (ICA) in solving optimization problems, this algorithm still suffers from repeated entrapment in the local minimum and low convergence speed. In this paper, a new version of this algorithm, called Modified Orthog More
        Despite the success of the Colonial Competition Algorithm (ICA) in solving optimization problems, this algorithm still suffers from repeated entrapment in the local minimum and low convergence speed. In this paper, a new version of this algorithm, called Modified Orthogonal Chaotic Colonial Competition (COICA), is proposed. In the policy of absorbing the proposed version, each colony seeks the space to move towards the colonizer through the definition of a new orthogonal vector. Also, the possibility of selecting powerful empires is defined through the boltzmann distribution function, and the selection operation is performed through the roulette wheel method. The proposed multilevel perceptron neural network (MLP) algorithm is used to classify standard datasets, including ionosphere and sonar. To evaluate the performance of this algorithm and to evaluate the generalizability of the trained neural network with the proposed version, the K-Fold cross-validation method has been used. The results obtained from the simulations confirm the reduction of network training error as well as the improved generalizability of the proposed algorithm. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Presenting a method based on computational intelligence to improve energy consumption in smart wireless sensor networks
        faezeh talebian حسن  ختن¬لو منصور  اسماعیل¬پور
        Recent advances in the field of electronics and wireless communication have given the ability to design and manufacture sensors with low power consumption, small size, reasonable price and various uses. The limited energy capacity of sensors is a major challenge that af More
        Recent advances in the field of electronics and wireless communication have given the ability to design and manufacture sensors with low power consumption, small size, reasonable price and various uses. The limited energy capacity of sensors is a major challenge that affects these networks. Clustering is used as one of the well-known methods to manage this challenge. To find the suitable location of the cluster heads, the colonial competition algorithm, which is one of the branches of computational intelligence, has been used. Cluster heads are connected by a three-level model, so that cluster heads with low energy capacity and far from the station are known as the third level and exchange information indirectly with the base station. This increases the lifespan of wireless sensor networks Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - context-aware travel recommender system exploiting from Geo-tagged photos
        rezvan mohamadrezaei larki Reza Ravanmehr milad  amrolahi
        Recommender systems are the systems that help users find and select their target items. Most of the available events for recommender systems are focused on recommending the most relevant items to the users and do not include any context information such as time, locatio More
        Recommender systems are the systems that help users find and select their target items. Most of the available events for recommender systems are focused on recommending the most relevant items to the users and do not include any context information such as time, location . This paper is presented by the use of geographically tagged photo information which is highly accurate. The distinction point between this thesis and other similar articles is that this paper includes more context (weather conditions, users’ mental status, traffic level, etc.) than similar articles which include only time and location as context. This has brought the users close to each other in a cluster and has led to an increase in the accuracy. The proposed method merges the Colonial Competitive Algorithm and fuzzy clustering for a better and stronger processing against using merely the classic clustering and this has increased the accuracy of the recommendations. Flickr dataset is used to evaluate the presented method. Results of the evaluation indicate that the proposed method can provide location recommendations proportionate to the users’ preferences and their current visiting location. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Caspian Sea geopolitical crises emphasizing the geo-economics’ competition between coastal countries and its impact on Iran's national security
        Geo-economic competition of Caspian coastal states in some cases such as the legal regime of the sea, energy transfer plans and exploitation of sea bed resources are considered including the geopolitical crises affecting Iran's national security in this region. The purp More
        Geo-economic competition of Caspian coastal states in some cases such as the legal regime of the sea, energy transfer plans and exploitation of sea bed resources are considered including the geopolitical crises affecting Iran's national security in this region. The purpose of this article is analysis of Caspian Sea Geopolitical Crises emphasizing the geo-economics competition between coastal countries and its impact on Iran's national security. The main question of the paper is that the geopolitical crises of the Caspian Sea Focused on geo-economics’ competition between coastal countries how will affect Iran's national security? The findings of this article show that these rivalries also trigger Iran's economic insecurity in the field of energy equations and also deprives Iran of the markets and the permanent and stable economic partners of the region it also provides for cultural and ethnic insecurity in the cultural geography of Iran. Given this introduction, this paper will attempt by using library resources as well as scientific and research articles to be paid analyzing and explaining the geopolitical crises of the Caspian Sea, with emphasis on geo-economic competition between coastal countries and its impact on Iran's national security. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Analizing quality of life compelitivens of Tehran in the Global area
        Tehran's territory is about 23 cities, 237 villages and hundreds of activities, covering a total of about 2 million people, which, along with national conditions, continues to attract immigrants, population growth and sustainability. Spread of official and informal sett More
        Tehran's territory is about 23 cities, 237 villages and hundreds of activities, covering a total of about 2 million people, which, along with national conditions, continues to attract immigrants, population growth and sustainability. Spread of official and informal settlements if we ignore the harassment of the northern part of Tehran, the southern zone is the focus of the poor and dense lives that seems to be the mechanism of civil disarmament of urban and regional development programs, Acceptance of this type of residence has made. In this article, referring to the studies and the secondary data collected in the field of social and cultural issues of the Tehran metropolitan area (especially the social and cultural impact assessment of the comprehensive plan of privacy) and SWOT analysis of about 30 experts in this area, summing up Challenges and socio-cultural issues of Tehran metropolitan area, the strategies of macroeconomic stability and sustainable development are based on the assessment of the socio-cultural impact of privacy in Tehran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Designing a competitiveness model using strategic cognitive complexity; Investigating the mediating effect of market intelligence
        gholamreza Amini Khiyabani davood feiz
        Competitiveness is a complex and multidimensional concept, making it possible to get high-quality feedback from the environment. This research was designed in order to improve the competitiveness capability; because competitiveness plays a basic role in an organization’ More
        Competitiveness is a complex and multidimensional concept, making it possible to get high-quality feedback from the environment. This research was designed in order to improve the competitiveness capability; because competitiveness plays a basic role in an organization’s productivity. To this end, we employed the cognitive complexity as a strategic concept using its key components including market sensation and customer psychology. Moreover, we examined three dimensions of market intelligence to develop the model. Data was collected through in library studies and interview with master students of Tehran University, school for performing arts and music. Collected data was analyzed by the system dynamics method with the aim of variables’ future behavior estimation. In doing so, 2 scenarios were simulated using Vensim PLE software. In the first scenario, market sensation led to strategic innovation through requisite infrastructure to create and disseminate intelligence. In the second scenario, customer psychology was identified as an effective factor in market accountability and competency creation. Findings showed that little improvement in customer psychology causes more customer perceptual competency. To understand and interpret the complex environment, designing an integrated and intelligence information systems is recommended. This is required to achieve both strategic innovation and organization competency simultaneously in order to increase the capacity of competitiveness. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The Incentives and Methods of Moving towards Self-governance at Iran’s Universities: A Critical Investigation
        mohammadreza zahiremami
        The author of this research is an experienced investor with a long-standing and established presence in the industry and has a dynamic relationship with local universities. He considers the first step as clearly defining the goals of academic self-governance, followed b More
        The author of this research is an experienced investor with a long-standing and established presence in the industry and has a dynamic relationship with local universities. He considers the first step as clearly defining the goals of academic self-governance, followed by a thorough identification of incentives for self-governance at higher education institutions. Why should universities be self-governed?What measures need to be taken to achieve “self-governance” at universities?Below, the underlying reasons for progressing towards “self-governance” in higher education institutions will be explained in detail: -The need for investment to develop infrastructure pertinent to universities. -The Government’s limited and arguably insufficient funding for universities. -The need to foster financial and income diversity among universities. -Benefiting from the process of financing as a tool for transformation. -The need to increase welfare benefits and enhance general standards of living for academics through wealth creation by universities themselves. -The need for quantitative and qualitative enhancement of resources made available to university researchers, specialists, and consultants in the field of Industry and Economy. -Helping mitigate the “brain drain” crisis . -The need for improved standards of accountability with respect to university stakeholders. (Through a more prominent involvement of universities in the nation’s development process). -The need for innovation in the field of technology. -Increasing the competitiveness of local universities in accordance with international standards. -The need for independence and financial autonomy of universities to grow and evade restrictions. In this section, we will attempt to clarify our definition of "self-governance at universities" as financial self-governance – aiming to minimize reliance on public funds as the main source of endowments. By emphasizing on the lawful self-governance of universities, in line with their institutional missions, the potential of universities will no longer be constrained by the “what ifs” and “only ifs” commonly heard at academic institutions dependent on public funds. The need for self-governance (financial self-sufficiency) can also be traced in the Constitution. Finally, it is essential to note that by paving the way for self-governance at universities through the allocation of responsibilities among academia as their “national commitment”, we can help transform the industry and promote the sustainable development of the country. Addressing the methods of achieving self-governance, we should reevaluate our perception of universities by looking through a different lens. Perceiving universities as “enterprises” or “firms” reveals the nuanced dimensions of the issue and allows for greater emphasis to be put on "industry" as the main customer of universities. At the third and final stage of the quest, the deviser of the Bridge plan suggests that there will be a systematic yet creative connection between the notion of academic self-governance and the Bridge plan itself. The wagons of academic self-governance will fit perfectly on the railway tracks of the Bridge plan, and the train will head for the destination. In this part, we will provide a brief overview of the Bridge plan for those not familiar with it. The Bridge Plan: The metaphorical use of the term “bridge” is meant to describe the dynamic relationship between the industry and universities, as the driving forces behind the economic development of the country. It should be noted that the Bridge plan is a trnasformational progress towards tackling the most fundamental issues in the national economy–through a process-oriented and purposeful act of “bridgin Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Improving imperialist competitive algorithm for solving the nodes placement problem in three-dimensional grid wireless sensor networks
        Sayed Wafa Barkhoda Hemmat Sheikhi sudabeh mohammadi
        One of the basic and important research fields in wireless sensor networks is how to place sensor nodes where by using minimum number of sensor nodes all target points are covered and all sensor nodes are connected to the sink. In this paper, a novel method based on imp More
        One of the basic and important research fields in wireless sensor networks is how to place sensor nodes where by using minimum number of sensor nodes all target points are covered and all sensor nodes are connected to the sink. In this paper, a novel method based on imperialist competitive algorithm is used for solving the mentioned problem. In the proposed method, a colony can immigrate from a weak empire to more powerful empire. The idea of immigration is inspired from human society in which a human can emigrate from a country to another country. The network is supposed to be a three-dimensional grid network and the sensor nodes can be only placed at cross-points of the grids while the target points can be deployed at each point of three-dimensional space. The simulation results show that the proposed method uses fewer number of sensor nodes than other similar algorithms and has the less running time. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Technology acquision methode model peresentation Based on porter industrial competition pattern ‎ In auto part industry
        Kambiuz tALEBI Somayeh Sahebi
        In the path of economical development for promoting technology levels of a country, different methods of acquisition of technology, improving current technology and also developing and boosting a new technology by localizing and also R&D are used. Although transferring More
        In the path of economical development for promoting technology levels of a country, different methods of acquisition of technology, improving current technology and also developing and boosting a new technology by localizing and also R&D are used. Although transferring and technology acquisition is considered as an effective tool in developing industries but importing machineries and industrial tools does not just mean acquisition. The appropriate acquisition is accompanied with technical knowledge and the knowledge of how to use it. In this regard, the balance between technology strategy and business strategy is extremely important on the increase of competitive advantage and also to technology adaption in the national level. The aim of this research is to identify correlation of Porter's five strategic factors with technology acquisition modes with respect to cho and you's technology absorption model and also determine the correlation of these factors with the absorption of technology method and finally provide a model to align strategic and technological goals of company. Nonparametric test is used for achieving research purposes. Chi-square test is used to determine the independence or correlation between independent variables and the dependent variable, and Kendall tau b is used to determine the homogeneity of the criteria. Based on the results, the alternative of buyers bargaining power has the highest correlation with technology acquisition methods. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - فهم شكل گيري رقابت بین استراتژی¬ها در سازمان¬های دولتی
        حسن  دانایی فرد مهناز  محمدی خورزوقی
      • Open Access Article

        13 -  Survey the effect of market orientation on Business performance using the model of Harrison and walker
        علی اکبر  جوکار نبی الله  نجاتی زاده
        We live in an era of knowledge and information to that wonderful era, the era of technology and creativity is incredible acceleration. With quick access to computers and information technology and media publicity by advanced economies century, no country and no little e More
        We live in an era of knowledge and information to that wonderful era, the era of technology and creativity is incredible acceleration. With quick access to computers and information technology and media publicity by advanced economies century, no country and no little electronic century, little infrastructure to handle. One of the important factors in management decision making information. Accurate information, accurate, timely decision making and increase the speed of the front of the decisions will be wrong. During these years, the process of globalization and rapid technological advances that markets are changing fast. Future success in challenging markets require informed and ready to react fast. Shadow is possible to provide greater customer satisfaction. The study will attempt to identify the expectations of customers, markets and competitors to provide a way to pay for things. Thus, according to Harrison and Walker model to 4 competitive orientation, customer orientation, market orientation and organizational performance refers to the 250 Employees of the National Bank has been studied. According to some experts seem to believe, the impact of market orientation with business performance in order to reach good results. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - طراحي مــدل مــعادلات ساختاري عوامل رقابت پذيري شرکت هاي بيمه
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Identification the components of Distinguishing management using Delphi fuzzy technique
        Seyyed Najmuddin Mousavi Ali shariat nejad
        The present study aimed to provide distinguish management cpmponent for pharmaceutical companies using Fuzzy Delphi method. This research is a mix research with exploratory approach which in terms of quantitative and qualitative research in the field of methodology and More
        The present study aimed to provide distinguish management cpmponent for pharmaceutical companies using Fuzzy Delphi method. This research is a mix research with exploratory approach which in terms of quantitative and qualitative research in the field of methodology and in terms of research philosophy includes deductive-inductive research. The statistical population of this study is all pharmacies, pharmacy companies in Lorestan province. In the qualitative section, the sample members of the research using a bullet-sampling method are selected and in the quantitative part of the research, they selected by Multi-stage cluster sampling. Since the present study is a mixed research with a quantitative and qualitative approach, both the interviewing tools and the questionnaire are used simultaneously. Regarding to analyze the research data, it should be noted that for analyzing qualitative data, the coding method and the ATLAS.TI software were used, also analysis in qualitative section with fuzzy Delphi were used. The results of the research show that the powerful knowledge chain in drug production, the use of medicinal plants, the dependence of the world's pharmaceutical companies on medicines and medicinal herbs, and the existence of a monopoly on the expertise in some of the drugs produced are most effective factors influencing for competitiveness of pharmaceutical companies. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Investigating the effective factors on the effectiveness of electronic signature in the prosperity of inter-firm business environment (Case study: Oil industry)
        In the current study, identification and analysis of the factors affecting the electronic signature effect on the prosperity of the job area between the institutions (case study: oil industry) had been studied.In this study, in order to analyze the resulted data, the de More
        In the current study, identification and analysis of the factors affecting the electronic signature effect on the prosperity of the job area between the institutions (case study: oil industry) had been studied.In this study, in order to analyze the resulted data, the descriptive and deductive statistical methods have been used, and the SPSS Software is used in this regard. For choosing the test of the hypotheses, first, the data normality test (Kolmogrov-Smirnov) was used for the calculation. The results of the normality test showed that there is no condition for the equality of the variances and the data are not normal. Therefore, in order to perform the test, the non-parametric tests were used, because the conditions related to the parametric tests were not available. For performing the test of the mean difference between the education and using the digital (electronic) signature, regarding the fact that the education level was in the form of categories, and it was higher than two categories, the one-way variance analysis test was used. To compare the means with each other and to determine the level of the meaningfulness of the differences, Tookie Test was used. Regarding the point that all the persons are inside two categories from the viewpoint of the job backgrounds, the T-Test of the independent groups is used in order to review the job backgrounds of the people. Eventually, the final result of the test of the hypotheses showed that considering all the variables, excluding verifying the identity and being undeniable in the process of job units, the effect of utilizing the electronic signature in juicing up the job in two institutes is too much, and the effect of these two ingredients is lower than the average. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Attribute Reduction Based on Rough Set Theory by Soccer League Competition Algorithm
        M. Abdolrazzagh-Nezhad Ali Adibiyan
        Increasing the dimension of the databases have involved the attribute reduction as a critical issue in data mining that it searches to find a subset of attributes with the most effectiveness on the hidden patterns. In the current years, the rough set theory has been con More
        Increasing the dimension of the databases have involved the attribute reduction as a critical issue in data mining that it searches to find a subset of attributes with the most effectiveness on the hidden patterns. In the current years, the rough set theory has been considered by researchers as one of the most effective and efficient tools to the reduction. In this paper, the soccer league competition algorithm is modified and adopted to solve the attribute reduction problem for the first time. The ability to escape the local optimal, the ability to use the information distributed by players in the search space, the rapid convergence to the optimal solutions, and the low algorithm’s parameters were the motivation of considering the algorithm in the current research. The proposed ideas to modify the algorithm consist of utilizing the total power of fixed and saved players in calculating the power of each team, considering the combination of continuous and discrete structures for each player, proposing a novel discretization method, providing a hydraulic analysis appropriate to the research problem for evaluating each player, designing correction in Imitation and Provocation operators based on the challenges in their original version. The proposed ideas are performed on small, medium and large data sets from UCI and the experimental results are compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms. This comparison shows that the competitive advantages of the proposed algorithm over the investigated algorithms. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Permeability estimation using petrophysical logs and artificial intelligence methods: A case study in the Asmari reservoir of Ahvaz oil field
        Abouzar Mohsenipour Bahman Soleimani iman Zahmatkesh Iman  Veisi
        Permeability is one of the most important petrophysical parameters that play a key role in the discussion of production and development of hydrocarbon fields. In this study, first, the magnetic resonance log in Asmari reservoir was evaluated and permeability was calcula More
        Permeability is one of the most important petrophysical parameters that play a key role in the discussion of production and development of hydrocarbon fields. In this study, first, the magnetic resonance log in Asmari reservoir was evaluated and permeability was calculated using two conventional methods, free fluid model (Coates) and Schlumberger model or mean T2 (SDR). Then, by constructing a simple model of artificial neural network and also combining it with Imperialist competition optimization (ANN-ICA) and particle swarm (ANN-PSO) algorithms, the permeability was estimated. Finally, the results were compared by comparing the estimated COATES permeability and SDR permeability with the actual value, and the estimation accuracy was compared in terms of total squared error and correlation coefficient. The results of this study showed an increase in the accuracy of permeability estimation using a combination of optimization algorithms with artificial neural network. The results of this method can be used as a powerful method to obtain other petrophysical parameters. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Influence of competition intensity on the performance components of the organization in the metal industry
        Javad Naseri Mostafa  Mobalighi
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of competition intensity on the performance components of the organization (investment and financial dimension, customer, internal process and learning) in the metal industry. The research method is descriptive-sur More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of competition intensity on the performance components of the organization (investment and financial dimension, customer, internal process and learning) in the metal industry. The research method is descriptive-survey and is applied in terms of purpose. From 230 senior managers in the field of metal industry in East Azerbaijan province, using Cochran's formula, a sample of 144 people was randomly taken from this community. The research tool was a questionnaire and in order to check the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, in content validity by asking experts and in assessing the validity of the structure, factor analysis of research variables was used. Cronback alpha for all questionnaire questions was 0.902, which confirms the high reliability of the questionnaire. Kolmogorovw-Smirnov test was used to distribute the data and the results showed that all factors in the sample followed the normal distribution. To analyze the hypotheses, regression test was used and SPSS software was used to analyze and process the research data. According to the research findings, the intensity of competition affects the financial dimension, customer dimension, internal processes dimension and the organization's learning processes dimension. The results of regression tables showed that the intensity of competition has the greatest impact on the customer dimension of the organization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        20 - A comparatives study of Unfair comptetion in iranin law with shiit jurisprudence and the paris convention
        mohammad reza habibi mehr hamid samadifard
        prudence and the paris convention Competition has different titles, but fair competition in recruitment make the benefits of a all society. But in some instance, competitor use irrecoverable harm to their compet-ing commercial interests by using illegal and unprotected More
        prudence and the paris convention Competition has different titles, but fair competition in recruitment make the benefits of a all society. But in some instance, competitor use irrecoverable harm to their compet-ing commercial interests by using illegal and unprotected methods. In this case, it is a type of competition in which business competitors use equipment unfairly and compete for unfair titles. Unfortunately, there is no exact definition of the meaning of unfair competition, but in addition to unfair competition, which is discussed in private law, there is no definite way of defining public rights and economic rights, which they call competition law. In the law of instance such as offensive and discriminatory pricing, monopoly, similarity of name and trademark, as well as cases in the field of industrial property rights, we can mention the obstacles to fair competition, in other words, unfair competition. In Imamieh jurisprudence, with its rich resources, it is prohibited to disor-derly competition, among which, in addition to many verses and narratives, it is possible to mention cases such as hoarding, reckoning, and the rule of lawlessness. Given the above, it is clear that the law defends a fair competition and request to reform the com-petitive relationship between individuals, which, assuming this important, can be seen as a Justice-centered economy. In this study, to clarify the nature of Fair competition , con-cept and examples of unfair competition, and to better understand the unfair competition law, compare it with some of the relevant institutions in the Paris Convention and other conventions. Manuscript profile
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