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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Design and Presentation model of competency-based succession management system of Islamic Azad University managers (research based on qualitative approach grounded)
        ALI RAEIS POOR siros tadbiri ehsan sadeh alireza afsharnejad
        Succession management is an forecasting an organized effort by the organization to maintain the continuity of leadership in key positions and ensures capital development knowledge for the future.Studies have shown that even in developed countries can be seen succession More
        Succession management is an forecasting an organized effort by the organization to maintain the continuity of leadership in key positions and ensures capital development knowledge for the future.Studies have shown that even in developed countries can be seen succession at the low level of university . This study aims to explain and modeling for succession management system, Islamic Azad University, using a qualitative approach has been grounded theory.In the present study is to collect data on in-depth interviews among 22 qualified experts, former and current executives and faculty members in research then sampling was chosen. The present study in terms of goal is applied research with a developmental approach and In terms of data collection and data analysis nature is qualitative research and environmental survey. The results of data analysis in three stages open coding, axial coding and selective coding showed nine categories of the model paradigm including causal conditions, pivotal concept meritocracy, strategy deployment, underlying factors and confounding conditions and conditions facilitator and the consequences of the process of succession planning and management at the University of relations between different dimensions reflect it. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The model of expansion meditation succession planning in kargaran refah bank
        Mohammad Jafarpour Reza Najafbagy Alireza Aghighi
        Targeted attention to the issue of succession in banks is urgently needed. Many of banks especially governmental banks without to competitional future in that manner executute the primitive methods for select managers. the purpose of this research is to investigate and More
        Targeted attention to the issue of succession in banks is urgently needed. Many of banks especially governmental banks without to competitional future in that manner executute the primitive methods for select managers. the purpose of this research is to investigate and explain the model of a comprehensive system of succession in Refah Bank. The research is descriptive and correlational. The statistical population includes 600 senior managers and middle managers all of the country. In the sampling process, using Morgan table, a sample of 234 people was selected by stratified random sampling. A questionnaire containing 90 questions was used to measure the variables. Data analysis was performed using SPSS and Smart PLS2 software and structural equation modeling. Based on path analysis, the strongest causal relationship between the three components of the model is the direct and significant influence of behavioral factors on the establishment of a comprehensive succession system in the study. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Designing a strategic model of succession planning with emphasis on organizational learning in the country's universities (Case study: Islamic Azad University of Khorasan Razavi)
        Mohammad Ghasem Aghel hamdolah manzari tavakoli Masoud Pouekiani saeid sayadi
        The purpose of the current study is to present a strategic model of succession emphasizing on organizational learning in Iran universities particularly the Islamic Azad University of Khorasan Razavi. Mixed-methods, exploratory deign was used in this study in which qua More
        The purpose of the current study is to present a strategic model of succession emphasizing on organizational learning in Iran universities particularly the Islamic Azad University of Khorasan Razavi. Mixed-methods, exploratory deign was used in this study in which qualitative approach was initially utilized and subsequently the quantitative approach was used based on the results obtained from the qualitative phase of the study. The researcher proposed the initial conceptual framework and model, based on the results of interviews analyzed with the Delphi method. Then, the model was evaluated using the Field information and survey results. Data were collected through interviews with 25 academic experts who had scientific publications. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire and interviews with university experts. The findings of this study revealed that the conceptual model of the study indicates that succession is influenced by 7 variables that were considered in designing the questionnaire and measuring the pattern of these variables. The results also confirmed the dimensions and factors affecting succession planning and identified the importance of each variable, which are: a) system of education, b) evaluation and measurement of policy performance and c) talent identification d) strategy and the formation of a talent treasury e) human resources. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Identify Mechanisms and Barriers to Employing Coaching for Managers' Succession (Case Study: Khorasan Razavi Relief Committee)
        Farzad Mashhadi Davood Ghorooneh
        The present study examines the process of employing coaching to replace managers in the General Office of the Khorasan Razavi Relief Committee. The research approach has been qualitative and the case study method has been used for this purpose. Data collection tools inc More
        The present study examines the process of employing coaching to replace managers in the General Office of the Khorasan Razavi Relief Committee. The research approach has been qualitative and the case study method has been used for this purpose. Data collection tools included semi-structured interviews with twelve managers and heads of the organization as well as analysis of organizational documents. In order to analyze the data, the coding method was used in two stages of open and axial coding. The results of data analysis indicate that coaching can provide a substitute for managers through mechanisms. The main mechanisms are: on-the-job learning, improving problem-solving skills, providing growth opportunities, foresight, delegation, rotation and career advancement, and risk-taking opportunities. The results of this study also show that the process of applying coaching in the organization has faced structural, legal, financial, cultural and individual challenges. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Designing a model of managerial competencies based on succession planning using the structural equation model approach
        Mohammad Reza  Javidi Hadi  pourshafei Mehdi  Zirak Hossein  Momeni Mahmavi
        The main purpose of this study is to design a competency model for managers based on the succession of the Education Organization of Khorasan Razavi Province. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection. First, More
        The main purpose of this study is to design a competency model for managers based on the succession of the Education Organization of Khorasan Razavi Province. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection. First, the competency model of managers with emphasis on succession breeding has been tested by structural equation modeling. The research community has been used for the structural interpretive modeling section of the group of experts including 15 experts, university professors and management researchers. Also, in a small part, the views of 180 experienced employees in this field have been used. They were selected by stratified random sampling. According to the theoretical literature of research and study of models along with the opinions of experts, changing the environment of government organizations significantly requires updating the necessary competencies and competencies of a manager. To manage and organize, competence is a set of behaviors that achieve a functional goal. In total, the model obtained in the present study consists of 9 dimensions, 23 components and 80 indicators, respectively. The research examined and related to the competence of managers with emphasis on succession breeding, showed that firstly, the research conducted was not systematically mixed. This means that 9 factors affecting managerial competencies based on succession planning have not been identified and mentioned; Secondly, from all aspects such as individual, family, social, occupational, cultural, economic, physical, etc., they have not looked at the issue of managerial competencies based on succession breeding, while all the aforementioned aspects have been addressed in the present study and for each Which indicators and components have been identified that indicate the comprehensiveness of the model. But in general, research in this field has to some extent confirmed the indicators and components obtained in this research. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Investigating the Relationship between Transfer of Management Skills and Substitutation with the Mediating Role of Coaching in Mobarakeh Steel Company of Isfahan
        Iraj Soltani Navid Izadi Elham Ehsanifarid
        Abstract Objective: The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the transfer of management skills to subordinates and successor parenting according to the mediating role of coaching in Mobarakeh Steel Company of Isfahan. Method: This study More
        Abstract Objective: The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the transfer of management skills to subordinates and successor parenting according to the mediating role of coaching in Mobarakeh Steel Company of Isfahan. Method: This study was descriptive-correlation in 1398 and its statistical population included 432 managers, deputies, heads and supervisors of Mobarakeh Steel Company. The sample size was obtained through Morgan table of 205 people and the samples were randomized. Simple were selected. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire with 76 questions that hypothesized after content, formal and structural validity (confirmatory factor analysis method) and reliability (Cronbach's alpha method 0.88) with partial least squares method and SPSS software and SmartPLS 2.0.M3 was analyzed. Results: There was a significant relationship between the transfer of managerial skills (technical, perceptual, human and professional) and succession based on the results obtained. Also, there was a significant relationship between the transfer of managerial and coaching skills and between succession and coaching Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Design a succession planning modelin the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization with the human resource development approach
        saeed koozehgaran Malikeh Beheshtifar Mohammad Ziaaddini
        The purpose of this study was to design a succession planning model with the human resource development approach in the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization using a meta-analysis. To do this, after studied the research literature and identifying the components of substituti More
        The purpose of this study was to design a succession planning model with the human resource development approach in the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization using a meta-analysis. To do this, after studied the research literature and identifying the components of substitution breeding from its heart, they were classified and separated and the components were extracted. This research was based on the purpose of applied research and based on descriptive and exploratory nature. In terms of method, meta-analysis technique has been used to extract the results, which was a qualitative study. In the present study, articles published in domestic and Latin journals have been used. At the beginning of the study, in the first stage, 81 studies were collected. In the second stage, those articles that had p-value, t-value and other statistics were separated from each other. Of these, 43 accepted articles were used. Based on the findings of this study, Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization was prone to successful implementation of succession planning and The strategic improvement of human resources, and on the other hand, organizational commitment to succession planning, Senior management support in the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization. It is also possible to provide the necessary platform to improve the other components associated with this condition. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Designing and presenting a model for human resource development with a succession approach in universities (Case study: Universities in Region 9 of the country)
        hadi  keikhosravi Farshad Faezi Razi Seyed Abdollah heydariyeh
        Human resource development is one of the important tasks or in other words the most important task of human resource management in organizations, which plays a vital role in the survival of organizations by focusing on training and helping the development of employees. More
        Human resource development is one of the important tasks or in other words the most important task of human resource management in organizations, which plays a vital role in the survival of organizations by focusing on training and helping the development of employees. One of the best ways to develop employees and the organization is to use the succession system in the career development of employees, which will have numerous benefits for both the employee and the organization. This research has been done with the aim of designing and presenting a model of human resource development with a succession approach in universities.The research is based on data theory and is descriptive and exploratory in nature and method, and data collection is qualitative and based. It is based on semi-structured and purposeful interviews. The data required for this study were obtained by interviewing 14 university administrators in the country who had experience or expertise in the field of human resource management. Data analysis was performed using SPSS and Atlas.ti software in three stages of open coding, axial coding and selective coding inspired by the systematic paradigm model of Strauss and Corbin and the validity and reliability of the data using participants' review methods. And review obtained by experts. The central phenomenon of the present study is the development of employees based on the system of succession planning "which according to the causal, contextual, intervening conditions and its consequences, strategies have been formulated and the final model has been presented. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Succession Planning in Schools and Educational Centers: A Synthesis Research Approach
        Behzad Jahanshiri hadi pourshafei Hossain Momenimahmouei
        Efficient human resource is a major indicator of the superiority of an organization over other organization. One of the indicators of retention, empowerment and development of employees in organizations is to pay attention to the replacement of people for the future pos More
        Efficient human resource is a major indicator of the superiority of an organization over other organization. One of the indicators of retention, empowerment and development of employees in organizations is to pay attention to the replacement of people for the future positions of the organization. This is of special significance in educational organizations considering their goals, hence the aim of the current research was to identify the indicators and components of the replacement of managers in schools and educational centers. The approach of the current research was qualitative and the method was synthetic. The research corpus included all the articles published in the last decade (2006-2023), of which 24 articles were selected as samples based on thematic content monitoring. The research data were collected by qualitative analysis of the studied documents. By analyzing the data, key factors in 4 dimensions, 11 factors and 54 categories including the dimension of succession management (components such as competence-oriented, knowledge management, transformational and creative leadership, strategic planning); cultural organizational dimension (components such as strengthening the culture of cooperation and teamwork, delegating authority, maintaining talented human resources), approaches and strategies of parenting dimension (components such as approaches based on self-development and approaches based on cooperative learning), and monitoring and evaluation dimension (components such as program monitoring and evaluation of individual competencies) were classified. The results showed that in order to design succession planning patterns, in addition to the personal components of the succession, organizational culture, attention to effective approaches in education, proper management in succession planning, and appropriate evaluation should be considered. Manuscript profile