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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Caspian Sea geopolitical crises emphasizing the geo-economics’ competition between coastal countries and its impact on Iran's national security
        Geo-economic competition of Caspian coastal states in some cases such as the legal regime of the sea, energy transfer plans and exploitation of sea bed resources are considered including the geopolitical crises affecting Iran's national security in this region. The purp More
        Geo-economic competition of Caspian coastal states in some cases such as the legal regime of the sea, energy transfer plans and exploitation of sea bed resources are considered including the geopolitical crises affecting Iran's national security in this region. The purpose of this article is analysis of Caspian Sea Geopolitical Crises emphasizing the geo-economics competition between coastal countries and its impact on Iran's national security. The main question of the paper is that the geopolitical crises of the Caspian Sea Focused on geo-economics’ competition between coastal countries how will affect Iran's national security? The findings of this article show that these rivalries also trigger Iran's economic insecurity in the field of energy equations and also deprives Iran of the markets and the permanent and stable economic partners of the region it also provides for cultural and ethnic insecurity in the cultural geography of Iran. Given this introduction, this paper will attempt by using library resources as well as scientific and research articles to be paid analyzing and explaining the geopolitical crises of the Caspian Sea, with emphasis on geo-economic competition between coastal countries and its impact on Iran's national security. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Analyzing the Capacity of Islamic Ethics in the Protest Movement of the Palestinian Jihadists on the Israeli National Security Doctrine
        Zionists know well that in Islamic ethics jihad is a defensive but not aggressive war; Muslims do not fight for the purpose of securing and violating the rights of non-Muslims; it is the struggle of Muslims to preserve the existence of the Islamic society and defend Isl More
        Zionists know well that in Islamic ethics jihad is a defensive but not aggressive war; Muslims do not fight for the purpose of securing and violating the rights of non-Muslims; it is the struggle of Muslims to preserve the existence of the Islamic society and defend Islam. This article, based on the SWOT model, will show that the Muslim-Palestinian struggle against Islamic racism against rapes of the Zionist regime does not mean war, violence, and morality common in today's wars, but Palestinians, in any case, value moral values in accordance with religion. Islam is respected and the battlefield is considered as the stage of defending the legitimacy of the religion of Islam and its homeland; this paper seeks to analyze the matrices of the Arab Spring and the security of Muslim Palestinians in a comprehensive view of the efforts of the resistance movement and the Hamas movement based on Islamic morality To protect the security of the Palestinian people against the Zionist regime's national security doctrine T offer Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Multilateral Export Control Regimes: a Legal Mechanism or Tool of Political Pressure?
        غلامحسین   دهقانی فاطمه  هاشمی
        Multilateral export control regimes are among major tools used by developed Western countries during the past six decades to maintain their technological supremacy under the pretext of preventing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. These regimes have grown and More
        Multilateral export control regimes are among major tools used by developed Western countries during the past six decades to maintain their technological supremacy under the pretext of preventing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. These regimes have grown and developed unprecedentedly in both quantitative and qualitative terms especially in the past decade following 9/11 terrorist attacks. Opponents and proponents have offered various viewpoints on the legality or illegality of these regimes on the basis of the international law. This research first presents a theoretical framework for the assessment of those viewpoints. Since both opponents and proponents have emphasized on the relationship between these regimes and international nonproliferation regimes, their implications for availability of equipment and material related to weapons of mass destruction, conventional weapons, missiles, and dual-use goods and material are briefly discussed. Finally, developments of these regimes in addition to viewpoints of proponents and opponents about legality and illegality of export control regimes are explained using a comparative study of commitments of states members of these regimes and their commitments under international nonproliferation treaties. The conclusion is that such export control regimes, which have been developed by their members to create monopoly on technical know-how and technology, are incompatible with commitments of member states under international law Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Human dignity and weapons of mass destruction
        Mohosen Reza  Mosaddegh,khah Morteza  Bayat Hasan Soleimani
        Human dignity is one of the most key concepts that have received the attention of heavenly religions, legal systems, international and regional human rights documents and the constitutions of countries in the protection of human beings and human status; So that today it More
        Human dignity is one of the most key concepts that have received the attention of heavenly religions, legal systems, international and regional human rights documents and the constitutions of countries in the protection of human beings and human status; So that today its reputation has gained global fame and has become an adornment of human rights discourses at the world level. More than all legal systems and before them, the holy school of Islam, respect for the dignity of human beings is emphasized as a fundamental principle. He has given and refrained from insulting and humiliating people and even massacre without accounting. Islam, if not more than all the schools, at least among the other schools, considers the right to dignity and social respect of the human being valid and necessary, so that even the persons themselves are prohibited from attacking their human dignity, which is a gift of God. It is because the scene of war can become the scene of the manifestation and fall of human dignity, ignoring human dignity and fighting has the most ugly and abominable face, because this is the heavenly call of the Holy Qur'an, which says: "And peace is good", peace is the best and the ideal of the Prophet. The seal, may God bless him and grant him peace, for humanity; The realization of world peace is, therefore, the Islamic government and the rulers of the Islamic society who care about the affairs of Muslims are worthy of secondary rulings and also according to the provisions of international law sources such as the Treaty (NPT), the United Nations Charter and the consultation of the International Court of Justice in 1996, which is an explicit reason for prohibiting There has been no use of weapons of mass destruction, and the use of this type of weapon for the legitimate defense of the country has been considered permissible. In order to preserve human dignity and advance military and defense goals, such as preventing the military attack of the enemy or defending against attacks against Islam, the Islamic government and Muslims, and especially to protect Human dignity, by forming full preparedness mechanisms, by all-round military preparation or acquisition of strength and jihadi preparation, has put fear and terror in the hearts of unbelievers and enemies, which prevents them from any military action against Islam and Muslims, and even insulting the human dignity of the people of this planet. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Investigating weapons of mass destruction with a focus on moral values in jurisprudence and international law
        Mohsen Reza  Mosaddegh khah Morteza  Barati Hasan Soleimani
        Along the roaring waves of the development of contemporary modern technology, we witness the emergence of weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons, biological weapons, etc., with a special index of destructive power and inseparability in the targets. And, amo More
        Along the roaring waves of the development of contemporary modern technology, we witness the emergence of weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons, biological weapons, etc., with a special index of destructive power and inseparability in the targets. And, among the secondary headings that will change the verdict is the rule of necessity, the prohibition of prohibitions, with its occurrence, the obligation is removed from the duty of the obligee, and the result of that is the permission to commit a forbidden act. Among other secondary headings is the rule of countering with like in legitimate defense. According to the results of the research, the use of weapons of mass destruction under secondary headings is also not allowed. However, in the sources of international law, such as the NPT, the United Nations Charter, and the consultation of the International Court of Justice in 1996, there was no clear reason to prohibit the use of weapons of mass destruction, and the use of this type of weapon for the legitimate defense of the country was allowed. Therefore, based on the arguments of Arbaah and the general provisions of international law treaties and for the purpose of legitimate defense and neutralization of modern weapons of war, with research and development and the acquisition of modern technology in order to create a suitable platform for the prevention of treatment, preservation and protection from the Islamic government, ensuring national security, human dignity, for example "Wa'adolham Mastatetam Potential" has taken action so that the Islamic homeland is mastered and equipped with modern weapons of war and relevant antidotes in special circumstances, especially in the form of legitimate and obligatory defense. Also, what can be inferred from Islamic ethics is that based on the teachings of Islam, from the Holy Book to the traditions, there are documents in the field of weapons of mass destruction, all of which emphasize the prohibition of the use of weapons of mass destruction and the use of such weapons in any The face is inhuman and immoral. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Investigation and effects of regional developments on the security of Iran and Turkey borders
        Mahdi Najafi Jalil nayebian Parviz Ahadei  
        In the past twenty-five years, stability in the security environment of Central Asia has always faced increasing complications and challenges. Nationalist tendencies have been experienced with intensity and weakness in Central Asian republics. As regional powers, Iran a More
        In the past twenty-five years, stability in the security environment of Central Asia has always faced increasing complications and challenges. Nationalist tendencies have been experienced with intensity and weakness in Central Asian republics. As regional powers, Iran and Turkey are located next to each other and in the most sensitive regions of the world, including the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. These two countries have their own semantic system and interests, and they have a series of common interests and some conflicts. On the other hand, the importance of the border in diplomatic relations is the recognized boundaries based on international covenants and international law, which are considered a factor for stability and peace between countries or differences and conflicts and territorial claims of countries against each other. An important part of the foreign and domestic policies of the countries are formed and defined according to how they share their borders with each other and enjoy the geopolitical position affected by the borders. Borders can create obstacles against plans and threats that endanger their economy. Therefore, one of the most tense borders of Iran is the northwestern border strip, which has long been the focus of Iran's security and law enforcement authorities, and the issue of security in this region is of the highest importance. It has been special. The main goal of this research is to examine the effects of regional developments on the security of the borders of Iran and Turkey. This research has been done using analytical-explanatory method and using library sources and articles and macro documents. The method of data collection is library and using scientific-research articles. The tool for collecting information is the use of charts and graphs. The results of the research show that recognizing the impact of border markets, the issue of ethnicity, the role of the media, Turkey's membership in NATO, and the presence of terrorist groups in the border strip are among the regional developments that have an impact on the security of Iran and Turkey's borders. Manuscript profile