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        1 - Investigation of the Relationship among factors affecting Science Development, Technology Development and Economic Growth in Iran using System Dynamics
        Hooman Shababi mahmood yahyazadehfar saeid rasekhi meysam shirkhodaei
        Knowledge-Based services and high-tech industries contributions in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of countris are increasing, since these contributions are reaching about 40 percent in countries such as USA. Entrance of Knowledge and technology elements in production func More
        Knowledge-Based services and high-tech industries contributions in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of countris are increasing, since these contributions are reaching about 40 percent in countries such as USA. Entrance of Knowledge and technology elements in production function means an enormous increase in returns and ignorance from the daily importance of technology in economic growth and development will lead to a gap between developed and poor countries, exponentially. The present research reviewed the related literature of the three fields of science development, technology development and economic growth and their relationships thoroughly, and found 14 cofactors that affect the three fields and their relationships. Using experts' suggestions (13 Iranian experts which resides in Iran and abroad), the cofactors were applied in system dynamics approach in Vensim software to test the relationship and dynamics of the three fields in Iran in four different scenarios and in a 10-year period. The results showed that the three fields are interact with eachother in a complex, interwined structure in Iran and political- economic convergence is the key factor in this relationship. The results will be useful for policymakers of the three fields in Iran.   Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Role of Research and Development Centers in System of Innovation (R&D)
        mohsen keshavarz mohsen rahimi مجيد  سليمي
        : One critical factor which has given rise to the gap among countries is the difference among them regarding their capabilities for fostering innovation in all aspect including political, economic, culture and social. Given the rapid technology advancement so far, and w More
        : One critical factor which has given rise to the gap among countries is the difference among them regarding their capabilities for fostering innovation in all aspect including political, economic, culture and social. Given the rapid technology advancement so far, and with regard to predictions as to the continuation of the existing trend in the future, one can say the gap will be enlarged in the years to come if no precautions are taken. One way to cope with the challenge is to improve the innovation capacity within the country through increasing research and development activities in all economic sectors countries with more costs spent on research are more developed technologically and industrially. Therefore, the article seeks to explore the role of research and development centers in innovation; the methodology used to achieve this goal was documental analysis. Findings indicate there ought to be appropriate interactions among the main components of "National Innovation System", i.e. government, industry, university and other research institutions; these interactions need to be accomplished through expanding research and development activities and making applicable the finding of research. Therefore, one can conclude there exists a direct relationship between research and innovation and hence the actual development in all countries, especially Iran .So, the obstacles impeding the progress of research and innovation (some of which have been reviewed in this study) should be abolished. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Impact of Innovation on Economic Growth in Developed and Developing Countries
        Mohammad Hassanzadeh Hatef Hazeri Zahra Davazdahemami
        Innovation is one of the most important means of companies' competitiveness, which, if appropriate infrastructures are provided, can lead to economic growth of countries through scientific and technological development. In this study, the impact of the number of patents More
        Innovation is one of the most important means of companies' competitiveness, which, if appropriate infrastructures are provided, can lead to economic growth of countries through scientific and technological development. In this study, the impact of the number of patents as one of the most important measures of innovation on the economic growth of selected developed and developing countries during the period of 2000-2020 has been analyzed with a panel data approach. Experimental results show that, taking into account control variables, innovation has a positive and significant effect on economic growth in developed and developing countries. The comparison of the impact of innovation in the two studied groups shows that in developing countries that have a lower level of innovation, the effect of innovation on economic growth is greater than in developed countries. Based on this, supporting innovation, intellectual property rights and strengthening institutions related to the national innovation system in order to strengthen and extend innovation as one of the basic factors of economic growth should be considered in national planning Manuscript profile
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        4 - Measuring the Impact of Human Capital Promotion on Economic Growth in Selected Countries of OPEC
        Roya Al emran Seyed Ali  Al Emran
        One of the most important discussions in recent decades is human capital. Human capital, or in other words, quality of labor or institutionalization of knowledge in human, increases production and economic growth. Although human capital has been discussed since the clas More
        One of the most important discussions in recent decades is human capital. Human capital, or in other words, quality of labor or institutionalization of knowledge in human, increases production and economic growth. Although human capital has been discussed since the classical period in economics , modeling and presentation of national models of economic growth, in which, human capital is considered, captured the attention of researchers in recent decades. In classical models, production was assumed to be the function of labor and capital; however, the quality of labor or human capital must be also considered in this function as an effective factor. The impact of human capital and technological knowledge on economic growth is commonly accepted. This study aims to measure the impact of human capital promotion on economic growth in selected countries of OPEC. Economists have presented different indicators for measuring human capital, one of them is the amount of government expenditure on education. In this study, the growth rate of government total education spending, along with other influential variables (R&D expenditure, Investment) are analyzed through the panel data approach for the period of 1998 to 2007.The research results of this method, indicate that the impact coefficient of all variables are confirmed by theoretical bases, coefficients for all variables are significant, and human capital has a positive effect on economic growth. According to the research findings, improving human capital by increasing labor skills and capabilities, which leads to increase in productivity and production, along with enhancing research and development expenditure is recommended in order to achieve higher economic growth. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The Role of Intellectual Properties Rights in Innovation of Developing Countries
        Neda Garshasbi niya Kamareddin Badry Vig
        Much debate in the field of intellectual property rights and its role in economic development is going on. This paper out of four economic variables that affected by IPR, FDI, trade, innovation, public health, genetic resources and traditional knowledge discuss about th More
        Much debate in the field of intellectual property rights and its role in economic development is going on. This paper out of four economic variables that affected by IPR, FDI, trade, innovation, public health, genetic resources and traditional knowledge discuss about the effects of stronger IPRs in developing countries on innovation. Here innovation is defined base on OECD statements. Innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), process, new marketing method or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations. Where the cost of research is high and there is much risk for the return of the investment, countries use different strategies to encourage the innovation. Implementing a strong IPR regime is an important way to motivate researchers and firms for R&D activities. An empirical study has been conducted on 118 countries, both developing and developed countries. It is concluded that stronger IPR does not have direct effect on economic growth or increasing innovation in developing countries while a direct and strong relationship between these variables are visible in developed countries. The positive role of IPR in the economic of developing countries must be accounted, in addition these countries are under the pressure of developed countries to strength their IPR regime, so the countries must develop their IPR law in a manner to prepare most effective way for improving their economic. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The role of research and development in economic development of the countries
        Mahnaz Rabiei
        The cost of research and development and technology improvement result in cost decrease, productivity improvement and export growth. New Technologies cause enhancement in production factors and create further variations in productions. Furthermore, technologies create c More
        The cost of research and development and technology improvement result in cost decrease, productivity improvement and export growth. New Technologies cause enhancement in production factors and create further variations in productions. Furthermore, technologies create changes in comparative cost of production, and increase the comparative advantages in corporations and ultimately in the countries. Research, development and innovation costs, and new technologies allow corporations to improve their production abilities; thus resulting in capacity growth, cost reduction, quality improvement, and timely delivery. Unique characteristics of Innovation and new ideas are not challengeable. For example, achievements in a new method, will give others easier access, without causing interruptions to the previous users. Therefore, such products are produced once and can be mass-produced then after. In this article, the importance of research and development in the growth of value added through an endogenous growth is explained. While revising Romer's endogenous model of growth, a mathematic model for Iran's economic growth was made and the effects of R&D, spillovers resulted from R&D, labor force, physical capital and human resource based on OLS was evaluated. While considering the effects of innovation management in R&D improvement, other effects of innovation management were also analyzed. This article intends to analyze the effects of R&D throughout the country and innovation management within corporations to obtain economic growth Manuscript profile
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        7 - The Impact of Social Collaboration on Economic Growth
        Parvaneh   Salatin    
        Nowadays there is another producing element beside the human, financial and economic capitals, named social capital, which is an aspect of social cooperation. This concept refers to connections and communications of members of a network as a valuable source which cause More
        Nowadays there is another producing element beside the human, financial and economic capitals, named social capital, which is an aspect of social cooperation. This concept refers to connections and communications of members of a network as a valuable source which cause achievement of goals by creating norms and mutual trust. The governments need the cooperation of public, specially the elites, in execution of economic plans because the cooperation of elites and economic brokers in execution of economic policies of the government shall facilitate the achievement of goals and the feedbacks of the elites to the economic plans of the government may amend the weak points of the government plans and increase the efficiency of the performance of the government. On the other hand the trust of the people to the government may increase their partnership in execution of government plans and political support from the government in such a way that the government may perform its economic, political and social plans more effectively in case of partnership and cooperation of people. the main objective of this paper is analyzing the effect of social cooperation on economic growth in selected middle income countries. The results of the model using fixed effects and Generalized Method of Moments in selected countries in the 2013-1994 shows that the social cooperation has a positive and significant effect on economic growth in selected countries. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Analyzing the Strategies for Business Growth and Development in the Field of Industries and Mines (Case Study: South Khorasan Province)
        Today, developing and industrial emerging countries attempt to apply effective policies in industrialization process using comparative and competitive advantages in each field of activity. Improvement index of business space is one of the most important indexes, which d More
        Today, developing and industrial emerging countries attempt to apply effective policies in industrialization process using comparative and competitive advantages in each field of activity. Improvement index of business space is one of the most important indexes, which draws the status of micro-economy activity space. This study is aimed to investigate the factors affecting business growth and development in South Khorasan industries and Mines. By literature review and experts monitoring, 5factors (financial and capital factor, human factor, raw materials factor, production technology factor, sales market factor) and 20 components were identified. Then, using simple random sampling method, 125 managers of industries and Mines sphere were selected and study questionnaire was distributed among them. After data analysis using single-sample t tests and Friedman test, the results showed that external exchange, available capital and product sales market are the most important components in business development is South Khorasan Manuscript profile
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        مهدی  تقوی تیمور  محمدی عباس  شاکری Mohammad نصر اصفهانی
        The financial structure is always considered as a major factor responsible for economic growth in a country. Based on various economic theories, there would be a positive relationship between the financial system and economic growth rate. In fact, a country with a bette More
        The financial structure is always considered as a major factor responsible for economic growth in a country. Based on various economic theories, there would be a positive relationship between the financial system and economic growth rate. In fact, a country with a better financial system can generate a larger Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which stands for a positive economic growth. However, it should be noted here that in the real world, there is not homogeneity in financial mechanism and economic growth, hence, we cannot completely set theory in the reality. According to this brief state of the problem, the main purpose of this research is exploring the financial structure (i.e. Financial development and financial architecture ) – economic growth nexus through the Panel Cointegraiton approach, FMOLS and Panel LS estimations over 19802011 for eight countries in the MENA region. The empirical findings report clear support for the long run relationship between financial development and economic growth, while do not provide any statistically significant relationship between financial architecture and economic growth. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Explaining the Role of Insurance in Developing Financial Institutions and Economic Growth in Selected Countries Using Dynamic panel Data Regression Methods and Generalized Momentum Estimation (GMM)
        Mohammad Nasr Isfahani Teimour   Mohammadi
        One of the key factors of countries’ planning in order to reach a stable long-term economic growth is existence of a proper financial market. Based on economic literature, efficient financial markets can positively affected economic growth of a nation. Furthermore, inve More
        One of the key factors of countries’ planning in order to reach a stable long-term economic growth is existence of a proper financial market. Based on economic literature, efficient financial markets can positively affected economic growth of a nation. Furthermore, investigation of effects of insurance which under a favorable financial market can make a direct and indirect influences on economic growth is mainly crucial for scholars. The main purpose of this study is to find out the effects of insurance and financial Structure on economic growth of 40 selected countries using a panel data approach over the period of 2000-2012. The results revealed that financial structure in some cases has significant effect, while in a number of cases, it shows insignificant impact. Also, the financial development index has a negligible negative effect on the economic growth of advanced countries and in the same way, this variable in MENA countries has a negative impact on economic growth. Moreover, this variable has various coefficients in several groups of countries. Furthermore, the findings depicted a positive significant effect of insurance on economic growth in advanced economies, while it negatively affects the economic growth in American nations. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Evaluating the effect of preschool education on Iran's economic growth
        Yahya Mohaghegh
        The growing importance of investing in education has been around since the 1960s. Numerous studies show that from this period onwards, educational investment in different educational levels has entered the production function as one of the effective inputs along with ph More
        The growing importance of investing in education has been around since the 1960s. Numerous studies show that from this period onwards, educational investment in different educational levels has entered the production function as one of the effective inputs along with physical capital. Leading research uses data from 30 provinces of the country in the period 2007 to 2017 to evaluate the effect of preschool education on economic growth in Iran. Evaluation of educational effects at different levels of education has always been one of the main concerns of policymakers and economic elites in different countries. However, domestic research has not provided evidence and results of compatibility in Iran. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of preschool education on economic growth in Iran. Information and statistical data of this study have been extracted from household budget data of Statistics Center of Iran, Central Bank and World Bank for the period 2007 to 2017. Experimental findings show that investing in pre-school, primary and higher education has a positive and significant effect on the economic growth of Iranian provinces. Considering the results, it can be concluded that investing in pre-school and primary education is more important than high school. And it is necessary for the political and economic leaders of the country to believe that paying attention to efficient and correct education from the very beginning is the primary pillar of training efficient human resources, for which more attention should be paid to strategic and long-term investments. Manuscript profile
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        12 - The function of women in a resistance economy
        sakineh ganjkhanloo Maryam Alizade
        The function of women in the resistance economy is one of the important and influential reasons in society, family, and particularly in the society's economy. Paying attention to the principles governing female personality, the origin, and source of the distinction betw More
        The function of women in the resistance economy is one of the important and influential reasons in society, family, and particularly in the society's economy. Paying attention to the principles governing female personality, the origin, and source of the distinction between function in male and female resistance economics also cause biological, behavioral, economic, and legislative differences. In religious thought, although employment is considered a right for women, it is never imposed on them as an economic obligation. Creating attitudes of resistance economy can pave the way for a healthy and refreshing family and society, away from harm. In this article, documentary methods are used to deal with the consequence of economic actions in Islamic lifestyle researchers, achieving a resistant economy and transformation in the family. Which first defines women, family, society, and resistance economy, and then the undeniable effects of women, both positively and negatively, are considered. Finally, according to the findings, it attempts to realize the trend of changes in the future based on the emphasis on the resistance economy. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Investigating the Impact of Digital Economy on Marketing on Export Development and Economic Growth of Hamedan Capillary Functions Approach
        ali panahi fard Mohammad piri Saeed KiyanPour
        One of the most important and influential areas, both in terms of its impact on the economic sector and marketing potentials, and considering the socio-cultural effects, is the development of communication technologies and, consequently, the expansion of digital dimensi More
        One of the most important and influential areas, both in terms of its impact on the economic sector and marketing potentials, and considering the socio-cultural effects, is the development of communication technologies and, consequently, the expansion of digital dimensions such as economics. This wide range of ICT-based e-marketing and its subset, e-commerce, along with algorithmic decision-making in marketing, collectively called algorithmic economics, covers the use of automated digital technologies in production. In this study, the impact of the digital economy on marketing, export development, and economic growth of Hamedan during the years 1391-1399 (2012-2020) has been investigated. According to the results of this study, there is a positive relationship between the digital economy and economic growth, as well as between the digital economy and exports in Hamedan province. In other words, there is a transmission effect. Regarding the first hypothesis, the digital economy index shows a positive and significant relationship to the economic growth of the province. This indicates that with increased investment in the digital economy, the province's exports will also increase. In addition, the second hypothesis suggests that any economic boom influenced by digital technologies affects the province's export development. Regarding export dependence and the digital economy, it can be said that a capillary analysis was chosen, which describes the asymmetric dependency structure effectively. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Investigating the impact of complexity and economic growth on carbon dioxide emissions
        Mohammad Arrekesh Salmasi seyedkamal sadeghi
        The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between the Environmental Couzens Curve (EKC) and the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) as a differentiating element of the production volume for Iran. To investigate the relationship between the variables of More
        The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between the Environmental Couzens Curve (EKC) and the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) as a differentiating element of the production volume for Iran. To investigate the relationship between the variables of the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) for the period of 1389-1399 Dynamic least squares, modified least squares, collinearity test and Johanson test were used. In order to investigate the factors affecting the emission of carbon dioxide gas, the traditional variables shown by the environmental Kuznets curve data of 1389-1399 have been used. These variables include GDP per capita, urban population, electricity consumption (kilowatt hours per capita). ), foreign direct investment, import and export of goods and services (percentage of gross domestic product) which was prepared from Iran Statistics Center, Environmental Organization and Central Bank. Mann (2009) was used. The research results show that economic complexity has no effect on carbon dioxide emissions, but increasing production and energy consumption and increasing exports and decreasing imports are effective on carbon dioxide emissions. Also, between increasing per capita income, capital No significant relationship was found between direct foreign investment and carbon dioxide emissions. According to the research results, it is suggested to use renewable energy in production and export and import laws should be based on reducing environmental risks. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Investigating the impact of cultural tourism and creating rural entrepreneurship
        Jamshid   Wasalnejad
        Unemployment and lack of job opportunities are one of the main problems of villages, especially among rural youth. The decrease in agricultural sector workers shows the fact that in the future, increasing employment in rural areas depends on the development of industry More
        Unemployment and lack of job opportunities are one of the main problems of villages, especially among rural youth. The decrease in agricultural sector workers shows the fact that in the future, increasing employment in rural areas depends on the development of industry and service sectors. Entrepreneurship as an engine of economic development can be one of the main strategies for solving rural problems, diversifying the economy and optimally using the resources of the country's villages. Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing industries, as a result of the new demands of tourists and the need to diversify tourism products and destinations, it provides a basis for the development of businesses, especially small and medium businesses, and the development of entrepreneurship. . Both the government and the indigenous people consider tourism as a potential source of employment and economic growth for indigenous communities. By creating new job opportunities, the tourism industry strengthens the position of local people in society and economic independence. The development of ethnic and nomadic tourism also improves investment, infrastructure development and increases the incomes of local people. Tourists traveling to ethnic and nomadic areas pay more money to buy souvenirs and stay in such areas, so ethnic and nomadic tourism is an important tool of economic development. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Development and its political impact on the business environment
        saeed omidianpour yeganeh akhtari
        Political development and economic freedom can be mentioned among the factors affecting economic growth. The business environment is one of the indicators that determine the economic status of countries, based on which international organizations, investors and manufact More
        Political development and economic freedom can be mentioned among the factors affecting economic growth. The business environment is one of the indicators that determine the economic status of countries, based on which international organizations, investors and manufacturers analyze the economic status of countries. The improvement of the business environment in the countries has led to the improvement of the conditions for the effective and useful activity of all economic actors so that all sectors can use their potential situation. This will increase domestic and foreign investment, job opportunities and productivity of production factors and improve many other economic and social components. The business environment is affected by important factors, one of which is undoubtedly the political economy.Therefore, the present study deals with the comparative study of the impact of political development on the business environment. Also, at a historical moment, the documents show that governments have been doing unconventional activities such as suppressing protesters and lack of freedom of action in elections and justice in political systems. With the passage of time, the political process in a country like the United States began to evolve and began a process towards organization, which led to the creation of political consortia. Based on the results of the study, it can be stated that the countries that have been more successful in improving political economy indicators have a better business environment. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Design and validation of the model of international entrepreneurial orientation in Iranian businesses
        Neda  Moghaddam Babak  Zia Hosein  sadeghi Seyed Mojtaba  Sajadi
        This research was conducted with the aim of designing and validating the model of international entrepreneurial orientation in Iranian businesses. The present study is a cross-sectional survey in terms of its practical purpose and in terms of the method and time frame o More
        This research was conducted with the aim of designing and validating the model of international entrepreneurial orientation in Iranian businesses. The present study is a cross-sectional survey in terms of its practical purpose and in terms of the method and time frame of data collection. The statistical population includes managers of Iranian businesses. The sample number of 384 people was estimated using Cochran's formula and sampling was done by simple random method. The questionnaire was used as a data collection tool that was validated with convergent validity, construct validity and divergent validity methods. Using Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability, the reliability of the questionnaire was also evaluated. To validate the model of international entrepreneurial tendency, partial least squares method was performed using Smart PLS software. Finally, the indicators of international entrepreneurial tendency were prioritized with the Swara method. The results indicate that leadership and entrepreneurial culture can be strengthened through the infrastructure of creating international entrepreneurship. In this way, a suitable strategy for entrepreneurship at the international level can be adopted. This strategy has an impact on the internationalization of entrepreneurship and the internationalization of entrepreneurship, and finally the goals of the international entrepreneurial trend will be realized Manuscript profile
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        18 - The effect of relative redistribution on economic growth
        marzieyh esfandiyari mohadeseh Rahimi
        fair distribution of income is one of the most important macroeconomic goals of countries. Two different views are presented in relation to the impact of income inequality on economic growth by economic theorists. Many studies have been done in this regard which in some More
        fair distribution of income is one of the most important macroeconomic goals of countries. Two different views are presented in relation to the impact of income inequality on economic growth by economic theorists. Many studies have been done in this regard which in some studies income inequality has positive effect on economic growth and others have negative effect. In most studies, the Gini index is used for income inequality which is based on income before tax deduction and forced payment .Since taxes as a tool to improve the income distribution situation, calculation of Gini coefficient based on income after mandatory payment and taxes can create a more accurate picture of income distribution and its consequences .Due to the effect of income redistribution on income inequality , the present study examines the effect of partial redistribution on economic growth by using the Iranian economy during 1978-2018 and using generalized method of moments ( GMM ) .The results of the study show that the relative redistribution has significant effect on economic growth. Based on the results , indirect relationship between economic growth and economic growth is confirmed by relative redistribution index .The results of this study show that taxes and deferred payment are the driving force of economic growth .While on the basis of conventional GINI coefficient , income inequality causes an increase in economic growth .Therefore , providing a proper measure of income inequality will result in more accurate understanding of income inequality and codification of policy making in order to equal income. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Investigating the impact of complexity and economic growth on carbon dioxide emissions
        seyedkamal sadeghi Mohammad Arrekesh Salmasi
        Sadeghi SeyyedKamal Arrekesh Salmasi Mohammad Abstract The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between the Environmental Couzens Curve (EKC) and the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) as a differentiating element of the production volume f More
        Sadeghi SeyyedKamal Arrekesh Salmasi Mohammad Abstract The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between the Environmental Couzens Curve (EKC) and the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) as a differentiating element of the production volume for Iran. To investigate the relationship between the variables of the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) for the period of 2019-2020 Dynamic least squares, modified least squares, collinearity test and Johanson test were used. In order to investigate the factors affecting the emission of carbon dioxide gas, the traditional variables shown by the environmental Kuznets curve data of 1389-1399 have been used. These variables include GDP per capita, urban population, electricity consumption (kilowatt hours per capita), foreign direct investment, import and export of goods and services (percentage of gross domestic product) which was prepared from Iran Statistics Center, Environmental Organization and Central Bank... to obtain economic complexity (ECI) from the model proposed by Hidalgo and House Mann (2009) was used. The research results show that economic complexity has no effect on carbon dioxide emissions, but increasing production and energy consumption and increasing exports and decreasing imports are effective on carbon dioxide emissions. Also, between increasing per capita income, capital No significant relationship was found between foreign direct investment and carbon dioxide emissions. According to the research results, it is suggested to use renewable energy in production and export and import laws should be based on reducing environmental risks. Manuscript profile
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        20 - The Impact of Inflation Uncertainty on Economic Growth in Iran
        Hatef  Hazeri Niri Ali  Salmanpour Siamak ShokouhiFard Farzad Rahimzadeh
        One of the major objectives of any economic system, achieving high and stable economic growth rates, inflation, full employment a fair distribution of income in the country. As a result, decision-making and reducing investment time horizon is shorter latest Blnd¬Mdt and More
        One of the major objectives of any economic system, achieving high and stable economic growth rates, inflation, full employment a fair distribution of income in the country. As a result, decision-making and reducing investment time horizon is shorter latest Blnd¬Mdt and other factors mentioned. Inflationary uncertainty is also considered as one of the costs of inflation. Inflationary uncertainty leads to the deviation of economic decisions in the field of production. In these difficult circumstances,and the uncertainty of future decisions, decisions that affect economic agents. The focus of this study was to investigate the effect of inflation on economic growth Na¬Atmynany Iran. In this research, hypothesis testing and multivariate linear regression model VAR-GARCH-M method to analyze the data in the period 1347 to 1401 is used. In calculate the uncertainty, using modeling ARMA (Box - Jenkins) to determine the order of the action. In general, the results of this study shows the negative impact of inflation uncertainty on economic growth in the long term. Although this effect was positive in the short term, it has unusual effects on the economic components in the long term. In other words, the stability of inflationary uncertainty in the long term also increases inflation. Other results obtained from long-term relationships indicate the positive effect of money volume and exchange rate fluctuations on economic growth. Also, the result obtained from the Granger causality test also shows that the causality relationship is from inflation uncertainty to inflation, so that the opposite relationship is not significant. Manuscript profile
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        21 - The Role of Financial Innovation on the Economic Growth of Developed and Developing Countries Based on Schumpeter's Growth Model
        Arsham Hodaei Mohamad Reza Farzin Karim emami jeze farhad ghaffari
        In the world, most of the national economies have experienced economic stagnation after the financial crisis. This has raised the need to examine the impact of financial innovation and economic growth to protect countries from problems that may arise from financial sect More
        In the world, most of the national economies have experienced economic stagnation after the financial crisis. This has raised the need to examine the impact of financial innovation and economic growth to protect countries from problems that may arise from financial sector market failures. With the growth in the global economy, it is one of the basic factors of financial innovation that is observed in developed and developing countries and creates fruitful results for the economy. The relationship between financial innovation and economic growth during the last few decades is one of the topics of concern for economists. In this study, using the PMG test, we test the effect of financial innovation indicators on economic growth in developed and developing countries for the period from 2000 to 2022. Three proxy variables have been used to calculate financial innovation: liquidity to the volume of money in circulation (M2/M1), bank credit to the private sector, and a proxy with mobile phone penetration is used to calculate the number of active internet subscribers to the population. In developed countries, in the long run, all the coefficients except the inflation rate are significant at the level of 5%. The effect of government spending, gross capital formation and trade liberalization on economic growth has been positive. The coefficients of M2/M1 and mobile phone penetration are negative and the reliability coefficient is positive. In developing countries, coefficients of M2/M1 and mobile phone penetration are negative and credits are positive. Financial innovation indicators M2/M1 and mobile phone penetration rate (MB) have a negative effect on economic growth. The growth of innovation cannot be the basis of economic development for developing economies; Because the infrastructure is not available in these countries. Manuscript profile
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        22 - The Role of Financial Innovation on the Economic Growth of Developed and Developing Countries Based on Schumpeter's Growth Model
        Arsham Hodaei Mohamad Reza Farzin Karim emami jeze farhad ghaffari
        Arsham Hedaei Mohammad Reza Farzin Karim Emami Jazeh Farhad Ghaffari Abstract In the world, most of the national economies have experienced economic stagnation after the financial crisis. This has raised the need to examine the impact of financial innova More
        Arsham Hedaei Mohammad Reza Farzin Karim Emami Jazeh Farhad Ghaffari Abstract In the world, most of the national economies have experienced economic stagnation after the financial crisis. This has raised the need to examine the impact of financial innovation and economic growth to protect countries from problems that may arise from financial sector market failures. With the growth in the global economy, it is one of the basic factors of financial innovation that is observed in developed and developing countries and creates fruitful results for the economy. The relationship between financial innovation and economic growth during the last few decades is one of the topics of concern for economists. In this study, using the PMG test, we test the effect of financial innovation indicators on economic growth in developed and developing countries for the period from 2000 to 2022. Three proxy variables have been used to calculate financial innovation: liquidity to the volume of money in circulation (M2/M1), bank credit to the private sector, and a proxy with mobile phone penetration is used to calculate the number of active internet subscribers to the population. In developed countries, in the long run, all the coefficients except the inflation rate are significant at the level of 5%. The effect of government spending, gross capital formation and trade liberalization on economic growth has been positive. The coefficients of M2/M1 and mobile phone penetration are negative and the reliability coefficient is positive. In developing countries, coefficients of M2/M1 and mobile phone penetration are negative and credits are positive. Financial innovation indicators M2/M1 and mobile phone penetration rate (MB) have a negative effect on economic growth. The growth of innovation cannot be the basis of economic development for developing economies; Because the infrastructure is not available in these countries. Manuscript profile
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        23 - The Impact of Inflation Uncertainty on Economic Growth in Iran
        علی  سلمانپور زنوز Siamak ShokouhiFard Hatef  Hazeri Niri
        Ali Salmanpour Siamak ShokouhiFard Hatef Hazeri Niri Abstract One of the major objectives of any economic system, achieving high and stable economic growth rates, inflation, full employment a fair distribution of income in the country. As a result, decision More
        Ali Salmanpour Siamak ShokouhiFard Hatef Hazeri Niri Abstract One of the major objectives of any economic system, achieving high and stable economic growth rates, inflation, full employment a fair distribution of income in the country. As a result, decision-making and reducing investment time horizon is shorter latest Blnd¬Mdt and other factors mentioned. Inflationary uncertainty is also considered as one of the costs of inflation. Inflationary uncertainty leads to the deviation of economic decisions in the field of production. In these difficult circumstances,and the uncertainty of future decisions, decisions that affect economic agents. The focus of this study was to investigate the effect of inflation on economic growth Na¬Atmynany Iran. In this research, hypothesis testing and multivariate linear regression model VAR-GARCH-M method to analyze the data in the period 1347 to 1401 is used. In calculate the uncertainty, using modeling ARMA (Box - Jenkins) to determine the order of the action. In general, the results of this study shows the negative impact of inflation uncertainty on economic growth in the long term. Although this effect was positive in the short term, it has unusual effects on the economic components in the long term. In other words, the stability of inflationary uncertainty in the long term also increases inflation. Other results obtained from long-term relationships indicate the positive effect of money volume and exchange rate fluctuations on economic growth. Also, the result obtained from the Granger causality test also shows that the causality relationship is from inflation uncertainty to inflation, so that the opposite relationship is not significant. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        24 - Analysis of the effects of monetary policy, government control and sanctions on production growth in Iran
        Taherh Omodi Fathkohi Morteza Ezzati رقیه  حسن‌زاده
        Abstract Production growth is the most important goal in all world economies. The main goal of all macroeconomic policies in different countries is to maintain and increase production as much as possible in the first step. Different policies are implemented in differen More
        Abstract Production growth is the most important goal in all world economies. The main goal of all macroeconomic policies in different countries is to maintain and increase production as much as possible in the first step. Different policies are implemented in different countries. Among these policies, a main category is monetary policies. The purpose of this article is to estimate the effects of monetary policy (within the framework of liquidity regulation and interest rate control), government control (in the monetary sector) and sanctions on Iran's GDP. In this study, data from the years 1357 to 1399 were used. Monetary policy, government control and sanctions were considered as independent variables and production as a dependent variable. The method of data analysis is econometrics, autoregressive with distributed lags (ARDL). EViews software was used to estimate the model. The findings of the research show that the embargo had a negative effect on the GDP. The monetary policy of increasing the applied liquidity has had a positive effect on production, and the monetary policy within the framework of interest rate or bank interest has not had a significant effect on production. Also, government control policy has had a positive effect on production. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        25 - The effect of renewable energy and financial development on carbon emissions based on consumption in Iran
        seyed jalal tabatabaei
        The current research has investigated the effect of financial development and renewable energy consumption on carbon emissions based on consumption in Iran by controlling the variables of economic growth and electricity consumption in the period from 1990 to 2021. After More
        The current research has investigated the effect of financial development and renewable energy consumption on carbon emissions based on consumption in Iran by controlling the variables of economic growth and electricity consumption in the period from 1990 to 2021. After examining the Manai test of the research variables using modified Dickey-Fuller and Ziot-Andrews tests, Bayer and Hank's cointegration test was performed to check the existence of collinearity between the research variables. Then, autoregressive distributed lag estimators, fully modified ordinary least squares, dynamic ordinary least squares and gradual shift causality test were used to investigate the long-term relationship of variables and their causal relationship. The results clearly show that financial development and renewable energy consumption reduce carbon emissions based on consumption in Iran, and economic development and financial development increase carbon emissions based on consumption. The results of the test of gradual causal changes have confirmed the main results of the estimation methods used. Therefore, policymakers in Iran should encourage research and development in low-carbon technologies and also target investments in renewable energy and reduce the level of non-renewable energy imports and avoid investing in high energy consumption sectors that lead to an increase Avoid carbon emissions based on consumption. Manuscript profile