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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Comparing A Hybridization of Fuzzy Inference System and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Deep Learning to Predict Stock Prices
        Majid Abdolrazzagh-Nezhad mahdi kherad
        Predicting stock prices by data analysts have created a great business opportunity for a wide range of investors in the stock markets. But the fact is difficulte, because there are many affective economic factors in the stock markets that they are too dynamic and compl More
        Predicting stock prices by data analysts have created a great business opportunity for a wide range of investors in the stock markets. But the fact is difficulte, because there are many affective economic factors in the stock markets that they are too dynamic and complex. In this paper, two models are designed and implemented to identify the complex relationship between 10 economic factors on the stock prices of companies operating in the Tehran stock market. First, a Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System (MFIS) is designed that the fuzzy rules set of its inference engine is found by the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (PSO). Then a Deep Learning model consisting of 26 neurons is designed wiht 5 hidden layers. The designed models are implemented to predict the stock prices of nine companies operating on the Tehran Stock Exchange. The experimental results show that the designed deep learning model can obtain better results than the hybridization of MFIS-PSO, the neural network and SVM, although the interperative ability of the obtained patterns, more consistent behavior with much less variance, as well as higher convergence speed than other models can be mentioned as significant competitive advantages of the MFIS-PSO model Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Information Bottleneck and its Applications in Deep Learning
        Hassan Hafez Kolahi Shohreh Kasaei
        Information Theory (IT) has been used in Machine Learning (ML) from early days of this field. In the last decade, advances in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have led to surprising improvements in many applications of ML. The result has been a paradigm shift in the communit More
        Information Theory (IT) has been used in Machine Learning (ML) from early days of this field. In the last decade, advances in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have led to surprising improvements in many applications of ML. The result has been a paradigm shift in the community toward revisiting previous ideas and applications in this new framework. Ideas from IT are no exception. One of the ideas which is being revisited by many researchers in this new era, is Information Bottleneck (IB); a formulation of information extraction based on IT. The IB is promising in both analyzing and improving DNNs. The goal of this survey is to review the IB concept and demonstrate its applications in deep learning. The information theoretic nature of IB, makes it also a good candidate in showing the more general concept of how IT can be used in ML. Two important concepts are highlighted in this narrative on the subject, i) the concise and universal view that IT provides on seemingly unrelated methods of ML, demonstrated by explaining how IB relates to minimal sufficient statistics, stochastic gradient descent, and variational auto-encoders, and ii) the common technical mistakes and problems caused by applying ideas from IT, which is discussed by a careful study of some recent methods suffering from them. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - DeepSumm: A Novel Deep Learning-Based Multi-Lingual Multi-Documents Summarization System
        Shima Mehrabi Seyed Abolghassem Mirroshandel Hamidreza  Ahmadifar
        With the increasing amount of accessible textual information via the internet, it seems necessary to have a summarization system that can generate a summary of information for user demands. Since a long time ago, summarization has been considered by natural language pro More
        With the increasing amount of accessible textual information via the internet, it seems necessary to have a summarization system that can generate a summary of information for user demands. Since a long time ago, summarization has been considered by natural language processing researchers. Today, with improvement in processing power and the development of computational tools, efforts to improve the performance of the summarization system is continued, especially with utilizing more powerful learning algorithms such as deep learning method. In this paper, a novel multi-lingual multi-document summarization system is proposed that works based on deep learning techniques, and it is amongst the first Persian summarization system by use of deep learning. The proposed system ranks the sentences based on some predefined features and by using a deep artificial neural network. A comprehensive study about the effect of different features was also done to achieve the best possible features combination. The performance of the proposed system is evaluated on the standard baseline datasets in Persian and English. The result of evaluations demonstrates the effectiveness and success of the proposed summarization system in both languages. It can be said that the proposed method has achieve the state of the art performance in Persian and English. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Utilizing Gated Recurrent Units to Retain Long Term Dependencies with Recurrent Neural Network in Text Classification
        Nidhi Chandra Laxmi  Ahuja Sunil Kumar Khatri Himanshu Monga
        The classification of text is one of the key areas of research for natural language processing. Most of the organizations get customer reviews and feedbacks for their products for which they want quick reviews to action on them. Manual reviews would take a lot of time a More
        The classification of text is one of the key areas of research for natural language processing. Most of the organizations get customer reviews and feedbacks for their products for which they want quick reviews to action on them. Manual reviews would take a lot of time and effort and may impact their product sales, so to make it quick these organizations have asked their IT to leverage machine learning algorithms to process such text on a real-time basis. Gated recurrent units (GRUs) algorithms which is an extension of the Recurrent Neural Network and referred to as gating mechanism in the network helps provides such mechanism. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) has demonstrated to be the main alternative to deal with sequence classification and have demonstrated satisfactory to keep up the information from past outcomes and influence those outcomes for performance adjustment. The GRU model helps in rectifying gradient problems which can help benefit multiple use cases by making this model learn long-term dependencies in text data structures. A few of the use cases that follow are – sentiment analysis for NLP. GRU with RNN is being used as it would need to retain long-term dependencies. This paper presents a text classification technique using a sequential word embedding processed using gated recurrent unit sigmoid function in a Recurrent neural network. This paper focuses on classifying text using the Gated Recurrent Units method that makes use of the framework for embedding fixed size, matrix text. It helps specifically inform the network of long-term dependencies. We leveraged the GRU model on the movie review dataset with a classification accuracy of 87%. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Rough Sets Theory with Deep Learning for Tracking in Natural Interaction with Deaf
        Mohammad Ebrahimi Hossein Ebrahimpour-Komeleh
        Sign languages commonly serve as an alternative or complementary mode of human communication Tracking is one of the most fundamental problems in computer vision, and use in a long list of applications such as sign languages recognition. Despite great advances in recent More
        Sign languages commonly serve as an alternative or complementary mode of human communication Tracking is one of the most fundamental problems in computer vision, and use in a long list of applications such as sign languages recognition. Despite great advances in recent years, tracking remains challenging due to many factors including occlusion, scale variation, etc. The mistake detecting of head or left hand instead of right hand in overlapping are, modes like this, and due to the uncertainty of the hand area over the deaf news video frames; we proposed two methods: first, tracking using particle filter and second tracking using the idea of the rough set theory in granular information with deep neural network. We proposed the method for Combination the Rough Set with Deep Neural Network and used for in Hand/Head Tracking in Video Signal DeafNews. We develop a tracking system for Deaf News. We used rough set theory to increase the accuracy of skin segmentation in video signal. Using deep neural network, we extracted inherent relationships available in the frame pixels and generalized the achieved features to tracking. The system proposed is tested on the 33 of Deaf News with 100 different words and 1927 video files for words then recall, MOTA and MOTP values are obtained. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Deep Transformer-based Representation for Text Chunking
        Parsa Kavehzadeh Mohammad Mahdi  Abdollah Pour Saeedeh Momtazi
        Text chunking is one of the basic tasks in natural language processing. Most proposed models in recent years were employed on chunking and other sequence labeling tasks simultaneously and they were mostly based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Conditional Random F More
        Text chunking is one of the basic tasks in natural language processing. Most proposed models in recent years were employed on chunking and other sequence labeling tasks simultaneously and they were mostly based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Conditional Random Field (CRF). In this article, we use state-of-the-art transformer-based models in combination with CRF, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)-CRF as well as a simple dense layer to study the impact of different pre-trained models on the overall performance in text chunking. To this aim, we evaluate BERT, RoBERTa, Funnel Transformer, XLM, XLM-RoBERTa, BART, and GPT2 as candidates of contextualized models. Our experiments exhibit that all transformer-based models except GPT2 achieved close and high scores on text chunking. Due to the unique unidirectional architecture of GPT2, it shows a relatively poor performance on text chunking in comparison to other bidirectional transformer-based architectures. Our experiments also revealed that adding a LSTM layer to transformer-based models does not significantly improve the results since LSTM does not add additional features to assist the model to achieve more information from the input compared to the deep contextualized models. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - An efficient Two Pathways Deep Architecture for Soccer Goal Recognition towards Soccer Highlight Summarization
        Amirhosein Zangane Mehdi Jampour Kamran Layeghi
        In this paper, an automated method has been presented using a dual-path deep learning architecture model for the problem of soccer video analysis and it emphasizes the gate recognition as one of the most important elements of the goal event that is the most important so More
        In this paper, an automated method has been presented using a dual-path deep learning architecture model for the problem of soccer video analysis and it emphasizes the gate recognition as one of the most important elements of the goal event that is the most important soccer game event. The proposed architecture is considered as an extended form of the VGG 13-layer model in which a dual-path architectural model has been defined. For recognizing the gate in the first path using the proposed architectural model, the model is trained by the training dataset. But in the second path, the training dataset is first examined by a screening system and the best images containing features different from the features of the first path are selected. In another word, features of a network similar to the first path, but after passing through the screening system are generated in the second path. Afterwards, the feature vectors generated in two paths are combined to create a global feature vector, thus covering different spaces of the gate recognition problem. Different evaluations have been performed on the presented method. The evaluation results represent the improved accuracy of gate recognition using the proposed dual-path architectural model in comparison to the basic model. A comparison of proposed method with other existing outcomes also represents the improved accuracy of the proposed method in comparison to the published results. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Deep Learning-based Educational User Profile and User Rating Recommendation System for E-Learning
        Pradnya Vaibhav  Kulkarni Sunil Rai Rajneeshkaur Sachdeo Rohini Kale
        In the current era of online learning, the recommendation system for the eLearning process is quite important. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, eLearning has undergone a complete transformation. Existing eLearning Recommendation Systems worked on collaborative filtering or More
        In the current era of online learning, the recommendation system for the eLearning process is quite important. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, eLearning has undergone a complete transformation. Existing eLearning Recommendation Systems worked on collaborative filtering or content-based filtering based on historical data, students’ previous grade, results, or user profiles. The eLearning system selected courses based on these parameters in a generalized manner rather than on a personalized basis. Personalized recommendations, information relevancy, choosing the proper course, and recommendation accuracy are some of the issues in eLearning recommendation systems. In this paper, existing conventional eLearning and course recommendation systems are studied in detail and compared with the proposed approach. We have used, the dataset of User Profile and User Rating for a recommendation of the course. K Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Nave Bayes, Linear Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis, and Neural Network were among the Machine Learning techniques explored and deployed. The accuracy achieved for all these algorithms ranges from 0.81 to 0.97. The proposed algorithm uses a hybrid approach by combining collaborative filtering and deep learning. We have improved accuracy to 0.98 which indicate that the proposed model can provide personalized and accurate eLearning recommendation for the individual user. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Detecting Human Activities Based on Motion Sensors in IOT Using Deep Learning
        Abbas Mirzaei fatemeh faraji
        Control of areas and locations and motion sensors in the Internet of Things requires continuous control to detect human activities in different situations, which is an important challenge, including manpower and human error. Permanent human control of IoT motion sensors More
        Control of areas and locations and motion sensors in the Internet of Things requires continuous control to detect human activities in different situations, which is an important challenge, including manpower and human error. Permanent human control of IoT motion sensors also seems impossible. The IoT is more than just a simple connection between devices and systems. IoT information sensors and systems help companies get a better view of system performance. This study presents a method based on deep learning and a 30-layer DNN neural network for detecting human activity on the Fordham University Activity Diagnostic Data Set. The data set contains more than 1 million lines in six classes to detect IoT activity. The proposed model had almost 90% and an error rate of 0.22 in the evaluation criteria, which indicates the good performance of deep learning in activity recognition. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - An Intelligent Vision System for Automatic Forest Fire Surveillance
        Mohammad Sadegh  Kayhanpanah Behrooz Koohestani
        Fighting forest fires to avoid their potential dangers as well as protect natural resources is a challenge for researchers. The goal of this research is to identify the features of fire and smoke from the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) visual images for classification, o More
        Fighting forest fires to avoid their potential dangers as well as protect natural resources is a challenge for researchers. The goal of this research is to identify the features of fire and smoke from the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) visual images for classification, object detection, and image segmentation. Because forests are highly complex and nonstructured environments, the use of the vision system is still having problems such as the analogues of flame characteristics to sunlight, plants, and animals, or the smoke blocking the images of the fire, which causes false alarms. The proposed method in this research is the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as a deep learning method that can automatically extract or generate features in different layers. First, we collect data and increase them according to data augmentation methods, and then, the use of a 12-layer network for classification as well as transfer learning method for segmentation of images is proposed. The results show that the data augmentation method used due to resizing and processing the input images to the network to prevent the drastic reduction of the features in the original images and also the CNNs used can extract the fire and smoke features in the images well and finally detect and localize them. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Efficient Recognition of Human Actions by Limiting the Search Space in Deep Learning Methods
        m. koohzadi N. Moghadam
        The efficiency of human action recognition systems depends on extracting appropriate representations from the video data. In recent years, deep learning methods have been proposed to extract efficient spatial-temporal representations. Deep learning methods, on the other More
        The efficiency of human action recognition systems depends on extracting appropriate representations from the video data. In recent years, deep learning methods have been proposed to extract efficient spatial-temporal representations. Deep learning methods, on the other hand, have a high computational complexity for development over temporal domain. Challenges such as the sparsity and limitation of discriminative data, and highly noise factors increase the computational complexity of representing human actions. Therefore, creating a high accurate representation requires a very high computational cost. In this paper, spatial and temporal deep learning networks have been enhanced by adding appropriate feature selection mechanisms to reduce the search space. In this regard, non-online and online feature selection mechanisms have been studied to identify human actions with less computational complexity and higher accuracy. The results showed that the non-linear feature selection mechanism leads to a significant reduction in computational complexity and the online feature selection mechanism increases the accuracy while controlling the computational complexity. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Iranian Dastgah Music Recognition Based on Notes Sequence Extraction and Use of LSTM Networks
        سینا غضنفری پور M. Khademi Abbas Ebrahimi moghadam
        Iranian "Dastgah" music classification by computer is a very interesting yet complex and challenging topic for those who are interested in Iranian Dastgah music. The aforementioned problem is important, firstly, due to its many applications in different areas such as co More
        Iranian "Dastgah" music classification by computer is a very interesting yet complex and challenging topic for those who are interested in Iranian Dastgah music. The aforementioned problem is important, firstly, due to its many applications in different areas such as composing and teaching music, and secondly, because of the needs of ordinary people to computer to detect the Dastgah. This paper presents a method for recognition of the genre (Dastgah) and subgenre (sub-Dastgah) of Iranian music based on sequential note extraction, hierarchical classification, and the use of LSTM networks. In the proposed method, the music track is first classified into one of the three general categories. The first category includes only "Mahour" Dastgah, the second category includes "Shour" and "Nava", and the third category includes "Homayoun", "Segah" and "Chahargah". Then, for each category, depending on its type, a different number of classifiers are applied until one of the 6 Dastgah and 11 sub-Dastgah of Iranian music are recognized. This research is not limited to any particular style of playing or instruments, it is also not affected by neither the speed nor the techniques of player. The labeled tracks in the "Arg" database, which is created for this research, are solo. However, some of them are also played by percussion instruments (such as the Tombak) along with melodic instruments. The results show that recognition of 6 main Dastgah and 11 sub-Dastgah have been approved by an average accuracy of 74.5% and 66.35%, respectively, which is more promising compared to other few similar studies. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Provide a Personalized Session-Based Recommender System with Self-Attention Networks
        Azam Ramazani A. Zareh
        Session-based recommender systems predict the next behavior or interest of the user based on user behavior and interactions in a session, and suggest appropriate items to the user accordingly. Recent studies to make recommendations have focused mainly on the information More
        Session-based recommender systems predict the next behavior or interest of the user based on user behavior and interactions in a session, and suggest appropriate items to the user accordingly. Recent studies to make recommendations have focused mainly on the information of the current session and ignore the information of the user's previous sessions. In this paper, a personalized session-based recommender model with self-attention networks is proposed, which uses the user's previous recent sessions in addition to the current session. The proposed model uses self-attention networks (SANs) to learn the global dependencies among all session items. First, SAN is trained based on anonymous sessions. Then for each user, the sequences of the current session and previous sessions are given to the network separately, and by weighted combining the ranking results from each session, the final recommended items are obtained. The proposed model is tested and evaluated on real-world Reddit dataset in two criteria of accuracy and mean reciprocal rank. Comparing the results of the proposed model with previous approaches indicates the ability and effectiveness of the proposed model in providing more accurate recommendations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - An Autoencoder based Emotional Stress State Detection Approach by using Electroencephalography Signals
        Jia Uddin
        Identifying hazards from human error is critical for industrial safety since dangerous and reckless industrial worker actions, as well as a lack of measures, are directly accountable for human-caused problems. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, physical deformities, and wea More
        Identifying hazards from human error is critical for industrial safety since dangerous and reckless industrial worker actions, as well as a lack of measures, are directly accountable for human-caused problems. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, physical deformities, and weariness are some of the key factors that contribute to these risky and reckless behaviors that might put a person in a perilous scenario. This scenario causes discomfort, worry, despair, cardiovascular disease, a rapid heart rate, and a slew of other undesirable outcomes. As a result, it would be advantageous to recognize people's mental states in the future in order to provide better care for them. Researchers have been studying electroencephalogram (EEG) signals to determine a person's stress level at work in recent years. A full feature analysis from domains is necessary to develop a successful machine learning model using electroencephalogram (EEG) inputs. By analyzing EEG data, a time-frequency based hybrid bag of features is designed in this research to determine human stress dependent on their sex. This collection of characteristics includes features from two types of assessments: time-domain statistical analysis and frequency-domain wavelet-based feature assessment. The suggested two layered autoencoder based neural networks (AENN) are then used to identify the stress level using a hybrid bag of features. The experiment uses the DEAP dataset, which is freely available. The proposed method has a male accuracy of 77.09% and a female accuracy of 80.93%. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - A Comparison Analysis of Conventional Classifiers and Deep Learning Model for Activity Recognition in Smart Homes based on Multi-label Classification
        John Kasubi Manjaiah D.  Huchaiah Ibrahim Gad Mohammad Kazim  Hooshmand
        Activity Recognition is essential for exploring the various activities that humans engage in within Smart Homes in the presence of multiple sensors as residents interact with household appliances. Smart homes use intelligent IoT devices linked to residents' homes to tra More
        Activity Recognition is essential for exploring the various activities that humans engage in within Smart Homes in the presence of multiple sensors as residents interact with household appliances. Smart homes use intelligent IoT devices linked to residents' homes to track changes in human behavior as the humans interact with the home's equipment, which may improve healthcare and security issues for the residents. This study presents a research work that compares conventional classifiers such as DT, LDA, Adaboost, GB, XGBoost, MPL, KNN, and DL, focusing on recognizing human activities in Smart Homes using Activity Recognizing Ambient Sensing (ARAS). The experimental results demonstrated that DL Model outperformed with excellent accuracy compared to conventional classifiers in recognizing human activities in Smart Homes. This work proves that DL Models perform best in analyzing ARAS datasets compared to traditional machine learning algorithms. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Stock Price Movement Prediction Using Directed Graph Attention Network
        Alireza Jafari Saman Haratizadeh
        Prediction of the future behavior of the stock market has always attracted researchers' attention as an important challenge in the field of machine learning. In recent years deep learning methods have been successfully applied in this domain to improve prediction perfor More
        Prediction of the future behavior of the stock market has always attracted researchers' attention as an important challenge in the field of machine learning. In recent years deep learning methods have been successfully applied in this domain to improve prediction performance. Previous studies have demonstrated that aggregating information from related stocks can improve the performance of prediction. However, the capacity of modeling the stocks relations as directed graphs and the power of sophisticated graph embedding techniques such as Graph Attention Networks have not been exploited so far for prediction in this domain. In this work, we introduce a framework called DeepNet that creates a directed graph representing how useful the data from each stock can be for improving the prediction accuracy of any other stocks. DeepNet then applies Graph Attention Network to extract a useful representation for each node by aggregating information from its neighbors, while the optimal amount of each neighbor's contribution is learned during the training phase. We have developed a novel Graph Attention Network model called DGAT that is able to define unequal contribution values for each pair of adjacent nodes in a directed graph. Our evaluation experiments on the Tehran Stock Exchange data show that the introduced prediction model outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline algorithms in terms of accuracy and MCC measures. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Social Networks Embedding Based on the Employment of Community Recognition and Latent Semantic Feature Extraction Approaches
        Mohadeseh Taherparvar Fateme Ahmadi abkenari Peyman bayat
        The purpose of embedding social networks, which has recently attracted a lot of attention, is to learn to display in small dimensions for each node in the network while maintaining the structure and characteristics of the network. In this paper, we propose the effect of More
        The purpose of embedding social networks, which has recently attracted a lot of attention, is to learn to display in small dimensions for each node in the network while maintaining the structure and characteristics of the network. In this paper, we propose the effect of identifying communities in different situations such as community detection during or before the process of random walking and also the effect of semantic textual information of each node on network embedding. Then two main frameworks have been proposed with community and context aware network embedding and community and semantic feature-oriented network embedding. In this paper, in community and context aware network embedding, the detection of communities before the random walk process, is performed through using the EdMot non-overlapping method and EgoNetSplitter overlapping method. However, in community and semantic feature-oriented network embedding, the recognition of communities during a random walk event is conducted using a Biterm topic model. In all the proposed methods, text analysis is examined and finally, the final display is performed using the Skip-Gram model in the network. Experiments have shown that the methods proposed in this paper work better than the superior network embedding methods such as Deepwalk, CARE, CONE, and COANE and have reached an accuracy of nearly 0.9 and better than other methods in terms of edge prediction criteria in the network. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image Segmentation and Classification: A Review
        Jenifer S Carmel Mary Belinda M J
        Medical imaging refers to the process of obtaining images of internal organs for therapeutic purposes such as discovering or studying diseases. The primary objective of medical image analysis is to improve the efficacy of clinical research and treatment options. Deep le More
        Medical imaging refers to the process of obtaining images of internal organs for therapeutic purposes such as discovering or studying diseases. The primary objective of medical image analysis is to improve the efficacy of clinical research and treatment options. Deep learning has revamped medical image analysis, yielding excellent results in image processing tasks such as registration, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. The prime motivations for this are the availability of computational resources and the resurgence of deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Deep learning techniques are good at observing hidden patterns in images and supporting clinicians in achieving diagnostic perfection. It has proven to be the most effective method for organ segmentation, cancer detection, disease categorization, and computer-assisted diagnosis. Many deep learning approaches have been published to analyze medical images for various diagnostic purposes. In this paper, we review the works exploiting current state-of-the-art deep learning approaches in medical image processing. We begin the survey by providing a synopsis of research works in medical imaging based on convolutional neural networks. Second, we discuss popular pre-trained models and General Adversarial Networks that aid in improving convolutional networks’ performance. Finally, to ease direct evaluation, we compile the performance metrics of deep learning models focusing on covid-19 detection and child bone age prediction. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Using Sentiment Analysis and Combining Classifiers for Spam Detection in Twitter
        mehdi salkhordeh haghighi Aminolah Kermani
        The welcoming of social networks, especially Twitter, has posed a new challenge to researchers, and it is nothing but spam. Numerous different approaches to deal with spam are presented. In this study, we attempt to enhance the accuracy of spam detection by applying one More
        The welcoming of social networks, especially Twitter, has posed a new challenge to researchers, and it is nothing but spam. Numerous different approaches to deal with spam are presented. In this study, we attempt to enhance the accuracy of spam detection by applying one of the latest spam detection techniques and its combination with sentiment analysis. Using the word embedding technique, we give the tweet text as input to a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture, and the output will detect spam text or normal text. Simultaneously, by extracting the suitable features in the Twitter network and applying machine learning methods to them, we separately calculate the Tweeter spam detection. Eventually, we enter the output of both approaches into a Meta Classifier so that its output specifies the final spam detection or the normality of the tweet text. In this study, we employ both balanced and unbalanced datasets to examine the impact of the proposed model on two types of data. The results indicate an increase in the accuracy of the proposed method in both datasets. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        20 - A Fast and Lightweight Network for Road Lines Detection Using Mobile-Net Architecture and Different Loss Functions
        Pejman Goudarzi milad Heydari Mehdi Hosseinpour
        By using the line detection system, the relative position of the self-driving cars compared to other cars, the possibility of leaving the lane or an accident can be checked. In this paper, a fast and lightweight line detection approach for images taken from a camera ins More
        By using the line detection system, the relative position of the self-driving cars compared to other cars, the possibility of leaving the lane or an accident can be checked. In this paper, a fast and lightweight line detection approach for images taken from a camera installed in the windshield of cars is presented. Most of the existing methods consider the problem of line detection in the form of classification at the pixel level. These methods despite having high accuracy, suffer from two weaknesses of having the high computational cost and not paying attention to the general lines content information of the image (as a result, they cannot detect if there is an obstacle). The proposed method checks the presence of lines in each row by using the row-based selection method. Also, the use of Mobile-net architecture has led to good results with fewer learning parameters. The use of three different functions as cost functions, with different objectives, has resulted in obtaining excellent results and considering general content information along with local information. Experiments conducted on the TuSimple video image collection show the suitable performance of the proposed approach both in terms of efficiency and especially in terms of speed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        21 - Semantic Word Embedding Using BERT on the Persian Web
        shekoofe bostan Ali-Mohammad Zare-Bidoki mohamad reza pajohan
        Using the context and order of words in sentence can lead to its better understanding and comprehension. Pre-trained language models have recently achieved great success in natural language processing. Among these models, The BERT algorithm has been increasingly popular More
        Using the context and order of words in sentence can lead to its better understanding and comprehension. Pre-trained language models have recently achieved great success in natural language processing. Among these models, The BERT algorithm has been increasingly popular. This problem has not been investigated in Persian language and considered as a challenge in Persian web domain. In this article, the embedding of Persian words forming a sentence was investigated using the BERT algorithm. In the proposed approach, a model was trained based on the Persian web dataset, and the final model was produced with two stages of fine-tuning the model with different architectures. Finally, the features of the model were extracted and evaluated in document ranking. The results obtained from this model are improved compared to results obtained from other investigated models in terms of accuracy compared to the multilingual BERT model by at least one percent. Also, applying the fine-tuning process with our proposed structure on other existing models has resulted in the improvement of the model and embedding accuracy after each fine-tuning process. This process will improve result in around 5% accuracy of the Persian web ranking. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Comparison of Faster RCNN and RetinaNet for Car Recognition in Adverse Weather
        Yaser Jamshidi Raziyeh Sadat Okhovat
        Vehicle detection and tracking plays an important role in self-driving cars and smart transportation systems. Adverse weather conditions, such as the heavy snow, fog, rain, dust, create dangerous limitations by reducing camera visibility and affect the performance of de More
        Vehicle detection and tracking plays an important role in self-driving cars and smart transportation systems. Adverse weather conditions, such as the heavy snow, fog, rain, dust, create dangerous limitations by reducing camera visibility and affect the performance of detection algorithms used in traffic management systems and autonomous cars. In this article, Faster RCNN deep object recognition network with ResNet50 core and RetinaNet network is used and the accuracy of these two networks for vehicle recognition in adverse weather is investigated. The used dataset is the DAWN file, which contains real-world images collected with different types of adverse weather conditions. The obtained results show that the presented method has increased the detection accuracy from 0.2% to 75% in the best case, and the highest increase in accuracy is related to rainy conditions. Manuscript profile
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        23 - A suitable algorithm for identifying changes in micro-landforms using UAV images. Case study: Barg-e- Jahan area in Jajrud region (2015-2016)
        M.H. Tavakol M. Ghahroudi H. Sadough Kh. Alinoori
        One of the main and most important topics of geomorphology is the identification and evaluation of microlandform changes. Their recognition and spatial distribution in order to understand and evaluate changes, stability studies and regional planning is one of the basic More
        One of the main and most important topics of geomorphology is the identification and evaluation of microlandform changes. Their recognition and spatial distribution in order to understand and evaluate changes, stability studies and regional planning is one of the basic needs of applied geomorphology. Barg-e- Jahan area is located in Jajroud catchment area affected by many environmental changes. In this study, based on micro-scale geomorphological approach, using UAV images along with field survey in the Barg-e- Jahan area, microlandforms changes were investigated. UAV images with a spatial resolution of 2.5 cm were obtained from the Ministry of Energy between 2015 and 2016. These images were corrected using ENVI 5.1 and Arc Map 10.3 software, and then the desired algorithms were implemented via coding in Python. Changes were investigated with machine learning algorithms and random forest models, SVM with RBF kernel, random forest with features extracted from CNN networks, and SVM with linear kernel with features extracted from deep neural networks. Results showed that the SVM-RBF model is less accurate than other models with 88% accuracy, so the separation between the classes was limited. In the random forest, 92% of the classes were distinguishable with linear boundaries. The near-ideal model in the random forest algorithm with deep learning was observed with an accuracy of 96%. Investigations showed that most of the changes in microlandforms in this model were related to the change of vegetation cover to soil by 45.03%, and in the next place, the change of sheet wash erosion by 22.05%. According to the obtained results and field observations in 2017, it was determined that the flood of 2017 in Barg-e-Jahan area has caused major changes in the area. Its greatest impact was on the vegetation and the diagram shows at the highest degree of disturbance. In this period, the surface flow and gully formation in the area increased and it shows the high level of erosion and great changes of microlandforms in the study area. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Persian Stance Detection Based On Multi-Classifier Fusion
        Mojgan Farhoodi Abbas Toloie Eshlaghy
        <p style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-family: Nazanin; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: FA;">Stance detection More
        <p style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-family: Nazanin; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: FA;">Stance detection (also known as stance classification, stance prediction, and stance analysis) is a recent research topic that has become an emerging paradigm of the importance of opinion-mining. The purpose of stance detection is to identify the author's viewpoint toward a specific target, which has become a key component of applications such as fake news detection, claim validation, argument search, etc. In this paper, we applied three approaches including machine learning, deep learning and transfer learning for Persian stance detection. Then we proposed a framework of multi-classifier fusion for getting final decision on output results. We used a weighted majority voting method based on the accuracy of the classifiers to combine their results. The experimental results showed the performance of the proposed multi-classifier fusion method is better than individual classifiers.</span></p> Manuscript profile
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        25 - Emotion Recognition Based on EEG Signals Using Deep Learning Based on Bi-Directional Long Short-Term Memory and Attention Mechanism
        Seyyed Abed Hosseini M. Houshmand
        This research deals with the recognition of emotions from EEG signals using deep learning based on bi-directional long short-term memory (LSTM) and attention mechanism. In this study, two SEED and DEAP databases are utilized for the emotion recognition. The SEED databas More
        This research deals with the recognition of emotions from EEG signals using deep learning based on bi-directional long short-term memory (LSTM) and attention mechanism. In this study, two SEED and DEAP databases are utilized for the emotion recognition. The SEED database includes EEG signals in 62 channels from 15 participants in three categories of positive, neutral, and negative emotions. The DEAP dataset includes EEG signals in 32 channels from 32 participants in two categories of valence and arousal. LSTM has shown its efficiency in extracting temporal information from long physiological signals. The innovations of this research include the use of a new loss function and Bayesian optimizer to find the initial learning rate. The accuracy of the proposed method for the classification of emotions in the SEED database is 96.72%. The accuracy of the proposed method for classifying emotions into two categories of valence and arousal is 94.9% and 97.1%, respectively. Finally, comparing the obtained results with recent research studies. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        26 - Identification of Cancer-Causing Genes in Gene Network Using Feedforward Neural Network Architecture
        مصطفی اخوان صفار abbas ali rezaee
        Identifying the genes that initiate cancer or the cause of cancer is one of the important research topics in the field of oncology and bioinformatics. After the mutation occurs in the cancer-causing genes, they transfer it to other genes through protein-protein interact More
        Identifying the genes that initiate cancer or the cause of cancer is one of the important research topics in the field of oncology and bioinformatics. After the mutation occurs in the cancer-causing genes, they transfer it to other genes through protein-protein interactions, and in this way, they cause cell dysfunction and the occurrence of disease and cancer. So far, various methods have been proposed to predict and classify cancer-causing genes. These methods mostly rely on genomic and transcriptomic data. Therefore, they have a low harmonic mean in the results. Research in this field continues to improve the accuracy of the results. Therefore, network-based methods and bioinformatics have come to the aid of this field. In this study, we proposed an approach that does not rely on mutation data and uses network methods for feature extraction and feedforward three-layer neural network for gene classification. For this purpose, the breast cancer transcriptional regulatory network was first constructed. Then, the different features of each gene were extracted as vectors. Finally, the obtained vectors were given to a feedforward neural network for classification. The obtained results show that the use of methods based on multilayer neural networks can improve the accuracy and harmonic mean and improve the performance compared to other computational methods. Manuscript profile
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        27 - A Novel Multi-Step Ahead Demand Forecasting Model Based on Deep Learning Techniques and Time Series Augmentation
        Hossein Abbasimehr Reza Paki
        In a business environment where there is fierce competition between companies, accurate demand forecasting is vital. If we collect customer demand data at discrete points in time, we obtain a demand time series. As a result, the demand forecasting problem can be formula More
        In a business environment where there is fierce competition between companies, accurate demand forecasting is vital. If we collect customer demand data at discrete points in time, we obtain a demand time series. As a result, the demand forecasting problem can be formulated as a time series forecasting task. In the context of time series forecasting, deep learning methods have demonstrated good accuracy in predicting complex time series. However, the excellent performance of these methods is dependent on the amount of data available. For this purpose, in this study, we propose to use time series augmentation techniques to improve the performance of deep learning methods. In this study, three new methods have been used to test the effectiveness of the proposed approach, which are: 1) Long short-term memory, 2) Convolutional network 3) Multihead self-attention mechanism. This study also uses a multi-step forecasting approach that makes it possible to predict several future points in a forecasting operation. The proposed method is applied to the actual demand data of a furniture company. The experimental results show that the proposed approach improves the forecasting accuracy of the methods used in most different prediction scenarios Manuscript profile
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        28 - Synthesizing an image dataset for text detection and recognition in images
        Fatemeh Alimoradi Farzaneh Rahmani Leila Rabiei Mohammad Khansari Mojtaba Mazoochi
        Text detection in images is one of the most important sources for image recognition. Although many researches have been conducted on text detection and recognition and end-to-end models (models that provide detection and recognition in a single model) based on deep lear More
        Text detection in images is one of the most important sources for image recognition. Although many researches have been conducted on text detection and recognition and end-to-end models (models that provide detection and recognition in a single model) based on deep learning for languages such as English and Chinese, the main obstacle for developing such models for Persian language is the lack of a large training data set. In this paper, we design and build required tools for synthesizing a data set of scene text images with parameters such as color, size, font, and text rotation for Persian. These tools are used to generate a large still varied data set for training deep learning models. Due to considerations in synthesizing tools and resulted variety of texts, models do not depend on synthesis parameters and can be generalized. 7603 scene text images and 39660 cropped word images are synthesized as sample data set. The advantage of our method over real images is to synthesize any arbitrary number of images, without the need for manual annotations. As far as we know, this is the first open-source and large data set of scene text images for Persian language. Manuscript profile