Using Sentiment Analysis and Combining Classifiers for Spam Detection in Twitter
Subject Areas :
mehdi salkhordeh haghighi
Aminolah Kermani
1 -
2 - Sadjad University
Keywords: Spam Detection, Twitter, Word Embedding, Convolutional neural network, Deep learning, sentiment analysis, Ensemble Learning,
Abstract :
The welcoming of social networks, especially Twitter, has posed a new challenge to researchers, and it is nothing but spam. Numerous different approaches to deal with spam are presented. In this study, we attempt to enhance the accuracy of spam detection by applying one of the latest spam detection techniques and its combination with sentiment analysis. Using the word embedding technique, we give the tweet text as input to a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture, and the output will detect spam text or normal text. Simultaneously, by extracting the suitable features in the Twitter network and applying machine learning methods to them, we separately calculate the Tweeter spam detection. Eventually, we enter the output of both approaches into a Meta Classifier so that its output specifies the final spam detection or the normality of the tweet text. In this study, we employ both balanced and unbalanced datasets to examine the impact of the proposed model on two types of data. The results indicate an increase in the accuracy of the proposed method in both datasets.
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