• List of Articles crisis

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Analyzing the Regional and Global Consequences of Syria's Geopolitical Crisis (With emphasis on the crisis of refugees)
        hadi zarghani  
        The geopolitical crisis, to dispute and and countries conflict and political-spatial groups And political actors To control and seize one or more values And the geographical factor is called. Syrian crisis as a geopolitical crisis, While the sixth year (2017) it passes More
        The geopolitical crisis, to dispute and and countries conflict and political-spatial groups And political actors To control and seize one or more values And the geographical factor is called. Syrian crisis as a geopolitical crisis, While the sixth year (2017) it passes himself. According to the UN High Commissioner, The worst global crisis is in the past 25 years. . This crisis has many consequences and consequences, In various dimensions to Syria and to regional and trans-regional countries. One of the most important consequences, displaced more than half of the Syrian population of 23 million(About 13.5 million), Inside and outside the borders of this country. The present paper uses a descriptive-analytical approach and utilizes library data to seek to answer this question. The displacement of this massive population inside Syria And their invasion of What a consequence And consequence for them And host countries Has brought. . The findings of the research show that in the regional dimension and outside the region, respectively, countries: Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt, the European Union (Germany, Austria and Switzerland ...) and the United States, the main host of the Syrian refugees. Apart from the reaction (positive or negative) and the political exploitation of some of these countries (such as Turkey and Jordan), Each of them has somehow been affected by the crisis. . Therefore, in the overall assessment of this paper, the effects of the crisis on host countries in five dimensions: Social, economic, political, security and cultural is Analyze and explain. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Evaluate of the vulnerability of urban passages network due to earthquake Case Study: Tehran Municipality Region 6
        علیرضا بهرامی Mehdi Bahrampour Ali Yazdani
        Human earthquake, over time, faced with irreparable damages. Decision-makers have always tried to manage the crisis and challenges arising from it. Therefore, assessment of vulnerability of urban areas and planning to reduce these damage is necessary. This research was More
        Human earthquake, over time, faced with irreparable damages. Decision-makers have always tried to manage the crisis and challenges arising from it. Therefore, assessment of vulnerability of urban areas and planning to reduce these damage is necessary. This research was conducted with the aim of assessing the urban area against earthquake and with the crisis management approach in Tehran 6th area. For this purpose Valued, 11 criteria for degree of confinement, construction density, building quality, population density, materials and structure of the building unit, access to health centers, width of the road, building height, land use, maximum horizontal acceleration of the land and the age of the building by Delphi method. Subsequently, the indexes were analyzed using the IHWP Hierarchical Model and the criteria were overlapped in GIS software. The results of the earthquake vulnerability map showed 4.8% of the area in the vulnerability class was very low, 19% in the vulnerability class, 46.2% in the middle class vulnerability, 25.4% in the vulnerability class, and 4.6% in the vulnerability class. The vulnerability class is very large. Regarding the Vulnerability Map of Area 6, we can find that areas with a higher-wiring network and low-density distribution of low-density constructions tend to be less damaged, most of which are located on the periphery of the region or north of the 6th area. Existing districts in the north of the region are less vulnerable than the rest of the study area. As you move from north to south, the vulnerability increases. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Locating the prefacfured depot for crisis management in municipal Region one in Tehran
          Mohammad Gandomi
        In recent years, the construction of backup bases for crisis management has been placed on the agenda of the Organization of Precautionary Measures and crisis management. One of the important things lies in setting up bases, studying, and finding a proper geographical l More
        In recent years, the construction of backup bases for crisis management has been placed on the agenda of the Organization of Precautionary Measures and crisis management. One of the important things lies in setting up bases, studying, and finding a proper geographical location for setting up this his kind of application, a place which can be used as a safe place under critical conditions and under normal conditions. It may be used for normal uses too. The present study is of a practical nature which has been conducted by a descriptive-analytical method. This research seeks to find the best method location for the backup bases for crisis management municipal region one in Tehran. In order to achieve this goal, effective criteria and factors for locating aid centers are identified in time of crisis. Then in order to specify the importance and value of each each criterion and effective elements in section making, the AHP model has been used.Then a questionnaire was prepared and distributed among experts. In the second stage, by the use of hirarchicl procedural method and by using expert choice software, the weight of each criterion and element was determined. In the second phase, all layers of information in GIS were turned into a roster and by using the method of index overlay, the layers were mixed and ten best locations were chosen as the best bases for crisis management for region one. Also, results show the depots for crisis management have not been properly chosen and that they are very limited in numbers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A Clarification of Sociopolitical Water-Related Tensions in South Khorasan Studied case: Districts of Esfeden and Affin
        Water is considered a major, developmental substructure in different social and economical sectors of countries. Currently, problems regarding this vital substance are among the most important issues in the world. Water scarcity, caused by population growth and water re More
        Water is considered a major, developmental substructure in different social and economical sectors of countries. Currently, problems regarding this vital substance are among the most important issues in the world. Water scarcity, caused by population growth and water requirement to produce food, inherent limitation of water resources particularly in arid and semi-arid areas, excessive withdrawal from resources and poor water management has over time inflicted tensions and challenges on the national and international levels, hence threatening peace and security around the globe. It has also made some problems inevitable, such as evacuation of villages, irregular emigration of villagers to cities, social conflicts among dwellings, and growing political tensions. We can refer , as an instance, to the growing tensions among people from Esfeden City and Affin Village in South Khorasan Province over the past years. Considering the issues above, the main question of the study is, “what contributes to creating and aggravating of conflicts and tensions among these two neighboring regions?” The hypothesis stated is: various factors such as population growth, increasing the land under cultivation, as well as recent droughts have led to development of tensions. Methodology This is, methodologically, a case study within a geographical study framework, and it was primarily conducted with a descriptive-analytic approach. The information and data were gathered from electronic and library sources, and relevant documents, and through interviews with experts, officials and locals. The studied region is located within two counties in the northern part of South Khorasn Province. According to the latest state division map, Esfeden is a city of central Qayenat County, and Affin is a village of Zohan in Zirkouh County. Data & results The Affin River, which supplies part of the irrigating water of the area, originates from Dogerd Heights and Shirkab Heights, 67 km southeast to Birjand, and runs by villages Shirg, Sarjin, Kalat-e-mazar, Baimorgh, Baghestan, Payhan, and Fathabad, down to Affin. The water, which reaches the riverbed south of Affin, runs for 5km before it arrives at a point called division chamber, where it is divided into six equal parts, one part belonging to Affin fields and five other parts belonging to Esfeden fields and plantations. Affin’s share of water goes to Affin fields, while Esfeden’s share of water runs along The Affin River, and at some distance down the village it joins The Shour (salt) River and together they make up the Esfeden Creek. Over the past years, considering water shares and due to the rise of barberry price, the area of cultivated land for annual crops has declined, whereas the allocated land to the barberry gardens has developed. The entire area of aridable land was 227 hectares, which consisted of 138 hectares of gardens and plant nurseries and 89 hectares of fields. Currently, most of the fields have gone under cultivation of barberry trees and the entire land area of gardens has doubled ( up to 260 hectares). About 90 hectares of the gardens is irrigated with water from the river and 170 hectares with water from the qanats. Considering the population growth and increased area of cultivated land in Affin, and in spite of the fact that people of Affin are well attendant of their share of water, however, they assume excess withdrawal of water from the river an unnegotiable right of their own. Particularly in hot seasons and when irrigation is most required, they withdraw water from the river above their allocated share. In addition, because the river bed before the division chamber has been destroyed and subsequently, there is a difference up to about two meters in height, water is not properly directed to the division chamber and, as a result, there is not a proportionate division. This causes less accessable water to reach Esfeden, and inflicts a lot of damage to farmers in Esfeden. According to the experts in the Department of Agriculture, considering the vast area of cultivated land, and high costs of developing gardens, and also the long time prior to the harvest, the estimated damage due to water reduction during flowering seasons, harvest, and at the peak of collecting crops is varied. However, typically, a decline of 5 seconds in 30 liters leads to 10 to 15 percent loss of crops. Conclusion Finally, it was concluded that because of increased demand for water due to the development of cultivated gardens in the region, population growth, and dividing the irrigating water in accordance with inheritance law, the share of the limited water available per person has diminished, and disputes and tensions over possession of water in the districts of Affin and Esfeden has risen. Reduced amount of precipitation and the recent droughts has led to aggravation of water crisis, reduced quota of sustainable water per capita in the region, and rising demands for irrigation. Disagreements and disputes over water in years have inflicted financial damage to farmers, contributing to coldness of relations among people, reducing the farmers’ collaboration to clear the conveying ducts, and maintaining conveying ducts especially after floods. All these issues play a significant role in the reduction of accessible water. Implementing the plan of the concrete wall before the division chamber, directing water to division chamber, and conveying it through pipes from the division chamber to the piped route can help reduce some of the local issues and disputes Manuscript profile
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        5 - Environmental security and national security in the context of cross-border hydropolitics developments (Case Study: Harirud)
        hassan kamran    
        Considered the most important environmental issues of our time, the water crisis and security challenges arising from it. Water is the source of production, effort and civilization, and life and death and not to be dependent on it. In situations where conflicts over wat More
        Considered the most important environmental issues of our time, the water crisis and security challenges arising from it. Water is the source of production, effort and civilization, and life and death and not to be dependent on it. In situations where conflicts over water resources are increasingly caused tension in the relations between states, increasing attention to issues of rivers, the importance of finding increasingly, we are seeing increased emphasis and hydro disputes among nations. Iran, through common border rivers is no exception. The river Harirud common rivers including Iran, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan lie that originates from Afghanistan. This is the most important source of water utility is the North East of Iran. This article is a descriptive study, with an emphasis on geographical and political issues, seeks to answer the question whether hydro-border development and utilization of Salma dam in Afghanistan can be a challenge for security, environmental and national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran is? And in case of challenges, approaches and Proper management what is it? Findings from the study indicate that according to Salma dam upstream position with respect to the seasonality factor Harirud water, can be the subject of environmental security, and from the perspective of national security, given the prospect of big cities northeastern dependence on water resources and the high risk of water security of the country, can be challenging. The challenges to Proper management, to look at the system, in the form of legal approaches, economic and political, are essential. Manuscript profile
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        6 - I.R. of Iran’s Mediatory Performance in Karabakh Geopolitical Crisis
        yashar zaki  
        Nation-states have encountered several political and geopolitical crises since the outset of their formation and development. In geopolitical crisis that the grounds for the conflict over the control and capture of one or more geographical values are significant, the cr More
        Nation-states have encountered several political and geopolitical crises since the outset of their formation and development. In geopolitical crisis that the grounds for the conflict over the control and capture of one or more geographical values are significant, the crisis endures and sustains to some extent and cannot be easily resolved; since the issue of conflict belongs in the national interests upon which no compromise is feasible for the parties involved. The Republic of Azerbaijan, as an important actor in the geopolitical region of Southern Caucasia, faced a geopolitical crisis of the occupied territories due to Armenian territorial expansionism. It was a crisis that gained some international aspects following the intervention of some powers. Iran, as the most important neighboring country to Azerbaijan, has very often attempted to maintain her own position among regional and transregional actors through intervening in this crisis. Accordingly, this current study descriptively-analytically attempts to examine the question how Iran’s performance is assessed to resolve Karabakh’s crisis. The research findings demonstrate that Karabakh’s crisis has become complicated due to its being multi-faceted, its longevity and resistence, the plurality of the actors and the persuit of some particular geopolitical objectives by the mediators. Iran also follows up her own various objectives on the basis of the complex matrix of crisis and her geopolitical implications: prevention of triple coalition of Azerbaijan-Armenia-Turkey; averting the crisis spreading to her borders; playing an inhibitory role against the presence of transregional actors like Israel and U.S. accosting her borders. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Locating the Rural Crisis Management Center
        Bahram imani   reza Talebi
        Environmental hazards are one of the main obstacles to the achievement of sustainable development, especially in human settlements (especially villages). Over the past decades, with the crisis management approach, the use of all management achievements, organization and More
        Environmental hazards are one of the main obstacles to the achievement of sustainable development, especially in human settlements (especially villages). Over the past decades, with the crisis management approach, the use of all management achievements, organization and pre-crisis planning to deal with hazards Natural and human is rational and necessary. In dealing with emerging crises, one of the main pillars of proper coping and prevention of the negative effects of these hazards is the inclusion of crisis management centers, which include all prevention, preparedness and response measures, including relief, temporary accommodation of the incident, in which It is possible to minimize the consequences of a possible crisis. Hence, the city of Ardabil, due to being located in an area of seismicity and its location in the border area of the country, has a high potential for the development of non-human hazards. Therefore, in this study, using a descriptive-analytical approach, using the Hierarchical Analytic Model (AHP) (13 criteria), the area of Ardabil city was zoned in order to locate Rural Crisis Management Centers and using the TOPSIS (8 criteria) model Prioritization of Rural Crisis Management Centers was conducted within the study area. The results of the research show that 13.3% of the land in Ardebil has the highest ability to establish crisis management centers. With respect to the specified areas, 7 locations for the establishment of crisis management centers were identified and the TOPSIS model was used to prioritize these centers and the results showed that the base number 2 has the highest capability and the base number 1 Featuring the lowest capacity for deployment of crisis management center Manuscript profile
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        8 - Syria's Strategic Position on Russia's Confrontation with America
        hamid dorj Ail  Bagheri Dolatabadi
        Syria is one of the countries that has a particular geopolitical and geo-strategic importance in Russian Middle East policy. Today, with the emergence of the political crisis in Syria, this country has become a geopolitical divide and rivalry between the two countries, More
        Syria is one of the countries that has a particular geopolitical and geo-strategic importance in Russian Middle East policy. Today, with the emergence of the political crisis in Syria, this country has become a geopolitical divide and rivalry between the two countries, the US and Russia, each playing a role in their own interests and goals.The main question of the present research is that the reasons for Syria's strategic importance in Russia's opposition to the United States? And why does Russia support Bashar al-Assad? The main hypothesis of the study is that in the US and Russia's competitions, Syria is the last winner of Moscow to maintain its regional power and stay in the major powers' jirga; therefore, Assad's defeat and overthrow of power decline in Moscow It leaves. According to the geopolitical position of Syria in the region and its strategic importance in international equations, Moscow is trying to preserve the Syrian political system by using various instruments (political, military, ...), play the most role in the future of Syria;In order to maintain the overall structure and order in the region, and to prevent the spread of Western interference and influence, especially in the United States. The preceeding article is formulated using a descriptive-analytic method and within the framework of an invasive realism theory. Manuscript profile
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        9 - The Impact of Crisis Management Solutions with Emphasis on Fire Prevention and Accidents (Case Study: Firefighting in District 1 and 2 of Tehran
        sedigheh tootian farshid mirakbary
        One of the disasters that has a long history and originated with man was fire or fire. Crisis management plays an effective role in preventing such incidents. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of crisis management strategies with emphasis on fire p More
        One of the disasters that has a long history and originated with man was fire or fire. Crisis management plays an effective role in preventing such incidents. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of crisis management strategies with emphasis on fire prevention and accidents (Case study: Fire District 1 and 2 in Tehran). The research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in nature. The method of collecting library information was by means of a catch-up tool. The method of data collection was field survey and the required instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire Its validity and reliability were calculated to be 0.927 using Cronbach's squared test. The statistical population of the study was firefighters and firefighting organization staff in district 1 and 2 of Tehran city and the sample size was 294 people based on Cochran formula. The sampling method was simple. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (linear regression) using SPSS25 software. Findings showed that pre-crisis preparedness and preparedness factors were effective on fire prevention and accidents with significance level of 0.001. Also, the factor of confrontation and exposure during crisis was effective on fire prevention and accidents with significance level of 0.015. Finally, the post-crisis normalization and reconstruction factor was effective on fire prevention and accidents with a significant level of 0.041. The results showed that crisis management strategies were effective in fire prevention and accidents and their effect was 6%. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Globalization and Penetration Crisis in Islamic Republic of Iran
        hassan abniki
        The crisis is the one of crucial concepts in political and social science and all of the states confront with it somehow. The states should test different strategies for solving the crisis. Because, unfamiliarity with the crisis can confront the state with different ins More
        The crisis is the one of crucial concepts in political and social science and all of the states confront with it somehow. The states should test different strategies for solving the crisis. Because, unfamiliarity with the crisis can confront the state with different institutional and non-institutional problems and make their legitimacy and efficiency unstable. Islamic Republic of Iran is one of these states and we want to survey globalization’s critical effect on its efficiency with reference to penetration’s crisis in this research. In fact, we tend to explain how globalization can produce penetration’s crisis in Islamic Republic of Iran. The used method is descriptive-analytical and used for the clarification of the problem from institutionalism view point. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Contradiction in NATO’s Security Strategies in the Middle East Comparative Analysis of Libyan and Syrian crisis
        hosein soori ابراهیم خلیلی لاریمی Reza قلی زاده شمس
        After the Cold War, NATO sought to revise its security identity through humanitarian operations aimed at preventing humanitarian catastrophes in various countries. But in fact, NATO has sought to extend its security influence to the peripheral regions, including the Mid More
        After the Cold War, NATO sought to revise its security identity through humanitarian operations aimed at preventing humanitarian catastrophes in various countries. But in fact, NATO has sought to extend its security influence to the peripheral regions, including the Middle East, by resorting to humanitarian operations. NATO has faced two major security crises on its southern borders, the Libyan and Syrian crises over the past few years, which have adopted a different security strategy in dealing with each of these crises. The Military Intervention Strategy in Libya (2011) and the Non-Intervention Strategy in Syria not only reflect practical inconsistencies in security strategies but also reflect normative inconsistencies in NATO security approaches. The contradictions are so profound that US and French presidents have been critical of NATO, calling it an "obsolete" and "brain dead" organization. Accordingly, the main question of the paper is what are the factors that create these practical and normative contradictions of NATO, especially in relation to the regional crises, including the two major crises of Libya and Syria? The paper hypothesized that the differences in the approach of major rival NATO powers, the role of emerging regional actors, and the different domestic capabilities of the target countries, have been the most important factors that have produced contradiction in NATO security strategies for coping with regional crises. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Evaluation of resilience of Khuzestan region against floods with crisis management approach
        faraz estelaji ehsan alipouri علیرضا  عباسی سمنانی
        Assessing and planning crisis management with a natural disaster approach involves many components. In this regard, one of the basic pillars of crisis management is resilience. With this view, paying attention to the current and future planning and research priorities o More
        Assessing and planning crisis management with a natural disaster approach involves many components. In this regard, one of the basic pillars of crisis management is resilience. With this view, paying attention to the current and future planning and research priorities of our country shows that crisis management in flood-prone areas is one of the most important priorities for sustainable development studies and planning in the country. Khuzestan region has a special place due to its prominent flood characteristics. An examination of the current situation shows that despite the many efforts that are being made. Climatic and environmental conditions of rivers, basin settlements, existing spaces and completed constructions and incorrect location management of infrastructures indicate many challenges in managing the current situation in various components of crisis management. . The type of research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical and exploratory in terms of method and nature. In this research, practical strategies are presented while analyzing the causes of floods and flood zoning and flood damage. The type of research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical and exploratory in terms of method and nature. In this research, using satellite images and GIS system and field surveys, the causes of floods have been investigated and analyzed, and after zoning the flooded areas and flood damage, practical strategies to increase flood resilience have been presented. Manuscript profile
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        13 - The Effect of Laughter Yoga on Resilience and Hope to Live in COVID-19 Crisis among Women in the Zone 9 of Mashhad
        Sedigheh Karimi Razieh Lotfi
        The Corona crisis has had important psychological consequences. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of laughter yoga on resilience and hope in life due to the Corona crisis among women in Zone 9 of Mashhad city. This study was a quasi More
        The Corona crisis has had important psychological consequences. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of laughter yoga on resilience and hope in life due to the Corona crisis among women in Zone 9 of Mashhad city. This study was a quasi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test with the experimental group. The statistical population of the present study included all women living in Zone 9 of Mashhad, 20 of whom were selected as a sample by available sampling method and taking into account the inclusion criteria and then placed in the experimental group. The subjects in the pre-test phase responded to the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale and Snyder Hope Scale then were exposed to a laughter yoga intervention program for 16 two-hour sessions. In the post-test stage, the group answered the research questionnaires again. Data were collected and analyzed by t-test of dependent samples. The results showed that laughter yoga increases resilience and its components including the perception of individual competence, trust in individual instincts, tolerance of negative emotions, positive acceptance of change and safe relationships, control of spiritual effects, and also increase hope to live among women in the Zone 9 of Mashhad city. Laughter yoga exercises are a unique treatment with a focus on simulated laughter and deep breathing, which can be used in different ways to release the stored energy of various conditions such as coronavirus disease and life adverse events through laughter, reducing in this way physical stress, increase health and hope to live. Manuscript profile
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        14 - United Nations Ethics Mediation Position in the Syria-Yemen Crisis
        Sajad  Ehrami Ali  Tavakkoli Tabasi Asgar  Jalalian
        The moral and peaceful settlement of disputes means the resolution of international disputes without reference to force. This method involves scientific methods, in which the conflicts of states and groups in their basic duties and responsibilities can be resolved (such More
        The moral and peaceful settlement of disputes means the resolution of international disputes without reference to force. This method involves scientific methods, in which the conflicts of states and groups in their basic duties and responsibilities can be resolved (such as negotiation, mediation, compromise, Jamila and arbitration). When it comes to resolving conflicts, there are often attempts to put an end to the state of war, the state of war, or the existence of a strong conflict-based probability. In this paper, the ethical settlement of international disputes through ethics of mediation by international organizations, and in particular the United Nations and the Security Council, is studied with the approach of recent developments and crises in both Syria and Yemen. The moral role of the United Nations in ending international disputes and crises is indisputable, but the question is how is the UN's moral attitude to ending these crises and to what extent are major global governments effective in UN decisions? The question is being addressed in this thesis by considering all aspects. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Investigating the Role of Internal Managers; Global Financial Crisis and Financial Constraints on the Relationship Between Financial Loss and the Intensity of Investment in Research and Development Spending in Information Technology Companies
        Mohsen Hassani Ali lal bar
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of internal managers, the global financial crisis and financial constraints on the relationship between financial loss and the intensity of investment in research and development spending in information technology More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of internal managers, the global financial crisis and financial constraints on the relationship between financial loss and the intensity of investment in research and development spending in information technology (IT) companies. The realm of research is the IT companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange from 2006 to 2018. The present research is applied in applied research. The present research method in terms of nature, is a descriptive study and this method is considered as a correlation in the research category. In the research data section, data was collected from sample companies by referring to financial statements and explanatory notes. Based on the systematic elimination method, 20 companies in the field of information technology were selected as a statistical sample. In order to analyze the data, the pre-test variance analysis, F lemmer test, Hausman test and J-B test were used. Then, multivariate regression test was used to confirm and reject the research hypotheses. The results showed that there is a positive relationship between the financial loss and the intensity of investment in R&D expenditures in the IT companies, additionally, internal managers, the global financial crisis and financial constraints affect on the relationship between the financial loss and the intensity of investment in research expenditures, and the development of IT companies; the results obtained in this study are consistent with the documentation referenced in the theoretical framework of financial research and literature. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Liberal rationality and the Formation of environmental crises (with emphasis on the Rio+20 document)
        osman hedayat asrin faizi
        From the early decades of the twentieth century, the pressures of industrial and agricultural development visibly threatened the environment and environmental issues were rethought simultaneously with development issues. The history of development issues as a specific s More
        From the early decades of the twentieth century, the pressures of industrial and agricultural development visibly threatened the environment and environmental issues were rethought simultaneously with development issues. The history of development issues as a specific subject dates back to the after of World War II, and development theories in this period have emerged in the form of economic development and modernization. This issue is derived from Western modernity and its dominant ideology i.e. liberalism, tends to move toward the unification of humanity based on liberal values and the elimination of diversity in the world by claiming the universality of their values. The basic hypothesis of this study revolves around this idea that with the advent of Western modernity and capitalism and their dominant ideology i.e. liberalism, changes have taken place both in this school and in the developmental discourses that were born and emerged of liberal rationality over development of the environment. Presumably, we have shown that this has been achieved through the self-examination and rethinking of liberalism itself. Using the analysis of Laclau and Mouffe discourse and development theories in the field of environment, ie theories - production treadmill, metabolic theory and degradation treadmill theory - to a reading of sustainable development and its manifestation, the Rio+20 document as a buoyancy sign that in that discourse of liberalism, there is a crisis and a break, we have dealt. The results show that liberalism as a rationality that has sought to formulate environmental, economic and social crises in the dimension of sustainable development, has failed and this has caused the environmental crisis. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Compilation Crisis Management Indicators with the Approach of Removing the Quran from Forgetfulness (Case Study: Calf Worship Crisis People of Moses)
        Ali Nejatbakhsh Isfahani Ezatollah molaeiniya
        Social, political, cultural and ideological crises on the one hand and the need to guide and lead the human society on the other hand necessitate the need to use an original thought in divine sovereignty. Since the philosophy of verses of revelation is not specific to a More
        Social, political, cultural and ideological crises on the one hand and the need to guide and lead the human society on the other hand necessitate the need to use an original thought in divine sovereignty. Since the philosophy of verses of revelation is not specific to a particular society at a certain time, the safest way to guide the society can be extracted from the teachings of the Quran and its operationalization can be facilitated in the current era. In this research, enjoying the Quranic verses, the researcher has studied the life and tradition of Moses in the form of indices before, during and after the crisis along with providing a conceptual model developed by the researcher and validated by university and seminary professors. The research method is the seminary traditional deductive method. This means that the needed information is collected by analyzing the content of the verses Result: crisis management in his tradition According to the Quran, Moses had special features which made him a significant comprehensiveness. In fact, the most useful way to guide human beings and save them from the yoke of captivity, corruption, etc. is the adherence to the teachings of the divine, on the other hand the great event of prophetic movement of Imam Khomeini, the need to analyze issues related to management and leadership has become inevitable from the perspective of Islam. Therefore, by knowing Moses tradition and principles of crisis management on issues concerning the today's society and relying on the achievements of this research, the problems and crises can be faced simply. It is better to use these teachings in the face of crises to help the great leader in dispelling the management concerns, especially the demands of the spiritual leader of the Muslim world. Manuscript profile
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        18 - The Role of Family in the Transformation and Formation of Identity in Children
        Zahra  Taghyzade Ghavam Kobra  Ahmadvand Zohreh  Zohreh Ahmadi
        One of the fundamental issues of modern world is the issue of identity and the present article try to deal with it in children. Children are the most vulnerable part of society. Family is the first stage in which man seeks to know himself and regain his identity in inte More
        One of the fundamental issues of modern world is the issue of identity and the present article try to deal with it in children. Children are the most vulnerable part of society. Family is the first stage in which man seeks to know himself and regain his identity in interplay with his family members. Accordingly, family is very important for regaining identity. The present article tries to study some of the important family problems then proceeds to study the impact of family on regaining the identity of children with reference to the various levels of coherence, flexibility of family, employment of mothers and children, on the whole their exploitation in lower ages, way of bringing up children in a family and quantitative changes in a family in the absence of one of the parents or both of them. All these play significant role in the formation and transformation of the identity of children. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Rights of Children in the Period of Crisis and Quarantine
        sina Turkashvand
        In his social life, man needs physical, spiritual, and economic security. Similarly, children also whose physical, intellectual and social growth begins in their early ages need particular attention and protection spiritually and physically. These attempts should have t More
        In his social life, man needs physical, spiritual, and economic security. Similarly, children also whose physical, intellectual and social growth begins in their early ages need particular attention and protection spiritually and physically. These attempts should have their own proper concepts and patterns, that is, they should have protective aspects by considering children’s weakness in attaining their rights to the extent that the elders feel the necessary of protecting them. Accordingly, this work tries to explain the rights of children in the period of crisis and quarantine. Attention to the rights of children was not only the concern of present societies, this is the main concern of Islam as well. For instance, respecting children, avoiding violence against children, mistreatment of children and making discrimination are among the teachings of Islam. The method of this work is analytic-descriptive. According to the findings of this work, in the period of crisis and quarantine the rights of play are denied for children. Moreover, harassing children by elders will increase and their moral and training rights will be missed. According to these research children in the period of crisis and quarantine are not able to attain their rights as compare to the elders, for their rights always denied by the elders and since they depend on their elders they cannot complain legally. Explaining the rights of children in the period of crisis and quarantine indicate the basic needs of children and it is the duty of family, society, and government to meet their demand and require executive plan for protecting children. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Sociological Analysis of the Role and Position of Social Capital in the Lifestyle of Female Employees: Presenting a grounded Theory in the Corona Crisis
        alireza sanatkhah mehri arabi
        In the face of the coronavirus crisis today, not only the issue of the lifestyle of women who are directly related to coronary heart disease has been considered. But also, the quality of social relations of working women in interaction with social capital (trust, networ More
        In the face of the coronavirus crisis today, not only the issue of the lifestyle of women who are directly related to coronary heart disease has been considered. But also, the quality of social relations of working women in interaction with social capital (trust, network Citizens' communication, and participation with the health programs of the Corona Anti-Corruption Headquarters has taken attention. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the role and position of social capital in the quality of life of women employees of Kerman University of Medical Sciences during the corona. The present research has applied purpose and descriptive research methods. In terms of the type of study, it is qualitative research based on the data method of the foundation. Statistical population includes all staff of Kerman University of Medical Sciences in 1399. Participants in the study are 28 female employees in this University. Semi-structured interviews have been used as data collection tools. Also, three methods have been utilized to achieve the reliability criterion. These methods include control or validation by members, analytical comparisons, and audit techniques usage. Data have been analyzed in three stages of open, selective, and selective (pivotal) coding according to procedure Based on the background theory. Based on the findings, factors such as the underlying structure of participation, the quality of communication networks, trust, and fear of job security as the most important factors influencing the lifestyle during the corona (strengthening virtual networks, watching virtual movies and series, awareness emergence Political, online shopping, etc.) are considered as background conditions. Social indifference and intra-group social capital are also known as intervening conditions. Quality of health services, promotion of mental health, and environmental health are the most important strategies, and economic disorder, health and treatment, and ultimately poor social support and social alienation are introduced as consequences. The results show that health-oriented social capital possibly strengthened in female employees using cyberspace. In which necessary training to comply with health protocols is created through virtual networks, and encourage virtual social trust and pursue active participation. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Investigating the Effect of Leisure Time's Perceived Risks on Sports Tourists’ Social Happiness During COVID_ 19 Pandemic
        sahar pirjamadi Ahmad  Mahmoudi Vahid  Saatchian Kamran Romiani
        This descriptive study sought to investigate the effect of leisure time's perceived risks on the sports tourists’ social happiness during the COVID_ 19 Pandemic using the structural equation model. The study’s statistical population comprised all tourists who used sport More
        This descriptive study sought to investigate the effect of leisure time's perceived risks on the sports tourists’ social happiness during the COVID_ 19 Pandemic using the structural equation model. The study’s statistical population comprised all tourists who used sports tourism complexes in Mashhad, out of whom 381 people were selected via purposive sampling. The required data were collected via Ishraqi et al’ (2017) perceived risks questionnaire and the oxford social happiness scale. The questionnaires’ face and content validities were confirmed by experts, and their construct validity was confirmed via exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Moreover, the questionnaires’ reliability, obtained through Cronbach's alpha, was found to be over 0.7. As for analyzing the data, descriptive and inferential statistics such as one-sample T-test and structural equation modeling were used. The study’s results indicated a significant difference between the mean perceived risk components, the tourists’ happiness, and the theoretical mean. Furthermore, a significant correlation was found between perceived risk components and the tourist's happiness during the COVID_ 19 Pandemic. Therefore, it is emphasized that factors such as supervision, planning, hardware, security, information provision, organizational matters, and internationally recognized methods be considered in setting sports tourism policies to prevent the psychological consequences of COVID_ 19 and achieve perfect social happiness. Manuscript profile
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        22 - The Role and Status of Developing Countries in the IMF in the Aftermath of Global Financial Crisis of 2008
        Sohrab Shahabi Hassan Shahbeig
        The global financial crisis of 2008 has had many effects on different global issues, especially on international monetary management. These effects manifested themselves in applying some reforms in governance, borrowing system and monetary resources of the International More
        The global financial crisis of 2008 has had many effects on different global issues, especially on international monetary management. These effects manifested themselves in applying some reforms in governance, borrowing system and monetary resources of the International Monetary Fund. Considering the importance of developing countries in this system, and because of the measures being taken to respond to the consequences of the crisis, this article is going to depict the place and role of such countries in the post-crisis IMF.Therefore, while explaining the crisis of 2008 by a descriptive-analytical method and its different global consequences, we study the post crisis developments in the IMF. Then, by analysing the envisioned reforms in the system by developing countries and illustrating different situations regarding the financial independence of the IMF, we examine the position of developing countries in global economic management system and their approaches toward international monetary management. The analysis of the post-crisis measures shows us that the reforms in IMF have not made substantial changes in the favour of developing countries and in the process mostly some emerging economies have gained a better position Manuscript profile
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        23 - The Cause of the North-South Divide in European Union
        Roxana Niknami
        The North-South divide in Europe is one of the most pressing challenges facing members of the European Union, influencing the process of integration within the Union. The North-South divide manifest the classic European divides such as East and West, old and young, Cont More
        The North-South divide in Europe is one of the most pressing challenges facing members of the European Union, influencing the process of integration within the Union. The North-South divide manifest the classic European divides such as East and West, old and young, Continent-oriented or Atlantic-oriented, and not developed-less developed. How did this divide emerge? What are the extent of it? Within the framework of governance theory, the article assesses the divide at three levels: first, structural deficiency amongst the south, political and economic corruption, gap in governance, unequal GDP and cultural-religious differences manifests themselves at national level. At regional level, the differences between France and Germany, the Euro crisis and ensuing austerity measures have affected the North-South divide. Internationally, globalisation and global crisis (es) deepened the divide. Manuscript profile
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        24 - NATO and Syrian Crisis: Crisis Management or Non- Intervention
        Maryam Ebadi Yousof  Molaei
        Crises are an integral part of the international system. Even during the Cold War that was expected there was a peaceful world, we witnessed many crises. Therefore, crisis management aiming at preventing the intensification and expansion of crises has taken a significan More
        Crises are an integral part of the international system. Even during the Cold War that was expected there was a peaceful world, we witnessed many crises. Therefore, crisis management aiming at preventing the intensification and expansion of crises has taken a significant importance. When crises occur, some actions are taken by effective actors including states and organizations such as NATO. NATO has tried to define crisis management functions for itself to maintain it survival. Its cooperation with the Security Council in accordance with the chapter eight of the Charter and its role in various crises were in the same direction. However, its failure to play a role in the Syrian crisis raises the question that which factors influence it in playing a role in the crises. In response to this question, the author makes the hypothesis that the role of NATO in crisis has been affected by past experience and the policies of great power. The findings of this research indicates that limited achievements, the costs of previous interventions, the requirement to obtain a permit from the UN Security Council for intervention and obstacles in its way have led that NATO adopts a policy of non-intervention in this crisis and don't play an active role in crisis management. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Advance on the European Common Foreign and Security Policy, from Kosovo to Ukraine
        Yousef Molaei Issa  Adeli
        The article seeks to evaluate the progress in the EU common foreign and security policy after the Lisbon treaty in comparison with Maastricht Treaty. Two crises in Eastern Europe have been studied by reviewing the EU’s official documents and ratifications. Ukraine crisi More
        The article seeks to evaluate the progress in the EU common foreign and security policy after the Lisbon treaty in comparison with Maastricht Treaty. Two crises in Eastern Europe have been studied by reviewing the EU’s official documents and ratifications. Ukraine crisis occurred five years after the Lisbon treaty, likewise the Kosovo crisis happened five years after the Maastricht treaty. By comparing the EU reaction to these two crises, the achievements can be evaluated. The focus is mainly on restrictive measures like economic and diplomatic sanctions. The study shows that considering all differences, the Ukrainian crisis was a success story and the EU drew a more cohesive and more efficient response. This conclusion was reached by the number of reactions and their efficacy. However, there are some qualifications, especially when positive peace is explored, the outcome did not satisfy the expectations. Manuscript profile
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        26 - The Cause of the North-South Divide in European Union
        Roxana Niknami
        The North-South divide in Europe is one of the most pressing challenges facing members of the European Union, influencing the process of integration within the Union. The North-South divide manifest the classic European divides such as East and West, old and young, Cont More
        The North-South divide in Europe is one of the most pressing challenges facing members of the European Union, influencing the process of integration within the Union. The North-South divide manifest the classic European divides such as East and West, old and young, Continent-oriented or Atlantic-oriented, and not developed-less developed. How did this divide emerge? What are the extent of it? Within the framework of governance theory, the article assesses the divide at three levels: first, structural deficiency amongst the south, political and economic corruption, gap in governance, unequal GDP and cultural-religious differences manifests themselves at national level. At regional level, the differences between France and Germany, the Euro crisis and ensuing austerity measures have affected the North-South divide. Internationally, globalisation and global crisis (es) deepened the divide. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Identifying the factors influencing the performance of employees during the Corona crisis by thematic analysis
        shohreh namjouyan maysam  chegin marziyeh mohammadi
        The spread of Covid-19 caused a significant transformation in the way people and organizations live and work. Therefore, to stay competitive on the labor market, organizations must develop comprehensive strategies that allow them to identify their environmental opportu More
        The spread of Covid-19 caused a significant transformation in the way people and organizations live and work. Therefore, to stay competitive on the labor market, organizations must develop comprehensive strategies that allow them to identify their environmental opportunities and threats in accordance with market conditions. In addition, they must continue their activities. Tehran has taken place. The main question of this study is: What factors affected the performance of the employees of the contracting company during the Corona crisis? To answer this question, theories and models related to the subject and previous research have been investigated. Research in the current study is based on qualitative methods and an exploratory approach. The statistical sample of this research, which was selected by the snowball method and in a targeted manner, includes 14 managers and experts of a large contracting company in the metropolis of Tehran. The requirement was extracted using thematic analysis method. The results included 60 open codes in the form of 4 main concepts and 16 sub-themes. The results of the research showed that the 4 main criteria of organizational culture, job satisfaction, leadership and management, and finally, information and communication technology have the greatest effect in modifying the negative effects of the covid-19 disease on the performance of employees. Based on the results obtained, the 4 main criteria of organizational culture (with a weight of 0.446), satisfaction Job (with a weight equal to 0.331), leadership and management (with a weight equal to 0.152) and finally technology Information and communication (with a weight equal to 0.070) respectively have the greatest effect in modifying negative effects The covid-19 disease has an effect on the performance of employees. Manuscript profile
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        28 - The role of saviorism in overcoming the crisis of meaning in the modern era
        Leila Afsari
        The materialistic and mono-material view of the world and man may be the solution to the material problems of man in the present element, but there will be additional problems in the field of meaning and giving meaning to life, which is far more problematic than materia More
        The materialistic and mono-material view of the world and man may be the solution to the material problems of man in the present element, but there will be additional problems in the field of meaning and giving meaning to life, which is far more problematic than material deficiencies, so that the crisis It creates a bigger one called "crisis of meaning". Because the advancement of technology takes the world towards becoming a global unit and brings it to globalization, and this issue changes and transforms the society with the light of spatial distances, cultures and identity, which results in the confusion of modern man. On the other hand, a careful examination of the holy texts in religions indicates that all religions, both monotheistic and non-monotheistic, have the motivation and mission of globalization in the content of their teachings, and this globalization of religions is different from the globalization of modernity, which The saviorism component creates a hopeful view of the future. So paying attention to saviorism and focusing on this thought has an influential role in facing the crisis of the meaning of the modern era and draws a bright future for humanity. But only a hopeful look at the future is not enough and it requires a proper examination of the belief in saviorism in order to prepare the foundations for the globalization of religions with a correct understanding of this issue and prepare the ground for the emergence of the savior of the end of time. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Witnesses on the Day of Judgment based on the interpretation of Al-Burhan in Tafsir al-Qur'an
        zahra mohagheghian gortani Mohammad Reza Aram Amir Tohidi
        <p>One of the valuable topics on the Day of Judgment is the witnesses of this day and the scope of their supervision. God has entrusted the supervision of the hereafter to his guardians, i.e. the prophets and messengers, and especially the Messenger of God and the infal More
        <p>One of the valuable topics on the Day of Judgment is the witnesses of this day and the scope of their supervision. God has entrusted the supervision of the hereafter to his guardians, i.e. the prophets and messengers, and especially the Messenger of God and the infallible imams. Many speeches have been made about the witnesses on the Day of Judgment, and models such as justice, goodness and moderation have been identified with the attitude towards the middle nation. Seyyed Hashem Bahrani, the author of Tafsir al-Mathur al-Burhan fi Tafsir al-Qur'an, based on the verses of the Qur'an and narrative sources, has tried to identify the witnesses of the Day of Judgment. Bahrani believes that witnesses have characteristics, such as the position of infallibility and knowledge of their actions and their supervision, both in this worldly life and in the hereafter. This article tries to measure it based on the Qur'anic verses and hadiths with the descriptive-analytical method, along with examining the critical point of view about the introduction of the witnesses on the Day of Judgment.</p> Manuscript profile