• List of Articles Sciences

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Investigating the Relationship between Conflict Styles of Managers and Organizational Entrepreneurship of Neyshabour University of Medical Sciences
        azade taghavirad
        Our age is a time of change and, given that organizations are sub-systems of the system of society and are affected by these changes, it is necessary to keep pace with these environmental changes, create a suitable environment suitable for the emergence of new ideas and More
        Our age is a time of change and, given that organizations are sub-systems of the system of society and are affected by these changes, it is necessary to keep pace with these environmental changes, create a suitable environment suitable for the emergence of new ideas and entrepreneurship. In organizations. Entrepreneurship can be considered as one of the most important growth and development engines. It is natural that the purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between managerial conflict management styles and organizational entrepreneurship among the staff of Neishabour University of Medical Sciences, In this cross-sectional study, information was gathered using two standard and valid questionnaires of Managing Conflict and Organizational Entrepreneurship Margaret Hill, a statistical society consisting of two groups of administrative administrators (60) and administrative staff (3000) Sampling from Morgan's table 52 executives and 341 employees from the employees under the supervision of managers were gathered. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 21 software to analyze the data. Results show that there is a significant relationship between conflict management styles and organizational entrepreneurship, there is a significant difference between the dimensions of organizational entrepreneurship of the staff and the demographic characteristics (gender, age, degree of education and work experience). There is a significant difference between conflict styles and demographic characteristics (gender, age, and degree). This study suggests that in order to increase organizational entrepreneurship, employees should use less coercion styles.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Language and Politics: Pragmatic and Strategic Aspects of Language in Imam Khomeini's Leadership in the Process of Islamic Revolution in Iran
        seyedreza shakeri
        Islamic revolution realized in Iran under the leadership of a religious leader. Although the leader was in exile but he had strong connections with his followers despite his deprivation of communication means. This issue in this paper is the basis of reviewing the relat More
        Islamic revolution realized in Iran under the leadership of a religious leader. Although the leader was in exile but he had strong connections with his followers despite his deprivation of communication means. This issue in this paper is the basis of reviewing the relationship between language and politics; so the paper tries to explain pragmatic and strategic aspects of language in Imam Khomeini's leadership in the process of Islamic revolution. In the field of study of relationship between language and politics, there are two general approaches: politics as theory and knowledge and politics as power and the realm of collective action to sustain or to change the current situation. This paper, by focusing on the second approach and by using the theories of language competence and language pragmatics in the realm of media and in mobilization of mass, will try to examine influential functions and pragmatic aspects of language in Imam Khomeini's thoughts. The findings indicate that Imam Khomeini as a scholar in mystics, ethics and jurisprudence and by his own classification of Islamic sciences introduced the pragmatism as the core of those sciences and used the language along political and revolutionary actions. Mobilizing the mass, criticizing and opposing the current situation and inviting the people to realize the Islamic state are among Imam Khomeini's pragmatic aspects of leadership. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Progress in Biological Sciences in Iran: A Comparative Study
        seyed Mahdi Seyedi Maryam AmiriRad hassan ebrahimzadeh maboud Laila  Alibiglou
        Today, the biological sciences are one the most important parts of the basic sciences. This explains why most industrial countries are heavily investing in it. In the USA, more than half of all federal government support in science is allocated to the biological science More
        Today, the biological sciences are one the most important parts of the basic sciences. This explains why most industrial countries are heavily investing in it. In the USA, more than half of all federal government support in science is allocated to the biological sciences. In the EU, more than 22 million people are employed in professions relating to the biological sciences. In Iran, Science and Technology Initiatives consider basic sciences as one of the important parts of science and most universities educate students in the biological sciences. In addition, some incubators and science parks are devoted to biological sciences. To evaluate the research in biological sciences in Iran, we compared the quantity, quality, international cooperation, and the cooperation between academia and industry with Asian and global universities. To do this, we used Leiden ranking results in two time frames, namely 2008-2011 and 2012-2015. The results demonstrate that Iran stands at a relatively good point based on the number of publications. However, greater efforts are necessary to avoid falling behind in terms of rank. Additionally, this study shows that the quality of publications requires significant improvements. Furthermore, international cooperation of universities should be expanded. Poor industrial cooperation between university and industry is mainly due to the lack of related industries. In conclusion, a detailed plan should be developed to ensure leadership in biological sciences and achieve scientific authority in the field Manuscript profile
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        4 - Solutions for the Development of Entrepreneurial University in the Field of Humanities and Social Sciences Based on a Multiple Case Study
        mehdi goodarzi farzaneh khalouei
        One of the issues encountered by the Iranian Humanities and Social Sciences Society is the commercialization of knowledge and business creation in this field. As a result, the deprivation of business areas from the benefits and capacities of the humanities and social sc More
        One of the issues encountered by the Iranian Humanities and Social Sciences Society is the commercialization of knowledge and business creation in this field. As a result, the deprivation of business areas from the benefits and capacities of the humanities and social sciences, the wasting of the country's capital, the unemployment of a large number of graduates, immigration and employment in irrelevant businesses are the main consequences of this issue. Therefore, this paper attempts by reviewing the literature on entrepreneurship, the supporting ecosystem of entrepreneurship and the study of two domestic and international universities, provide some solutions for developing university entrepreneurship in the field of humanities and social sciences. The results show that in comprehensive universities, firstly, engineering faculties and then social sciences, economics and management schools engage in entrepreneurship. However, other colleges are resisting entrepreneurship. Therefore, at a humanities university, the stimulation of all faculties for entrepreneurship innovatively, along with the pursuit of scientific and research tasks, should be carefully addressed and start with the colleges whose products and services are closer to the market. In addition, there is no universal framework for creating an academic entrepreneurship ecosystem. Thus, the officials of the universities in the field of humanities must be able to create a environment in which, while preserving the traditional values of education and research, put the commercialization capacity of creating entrepreneurial culture in the university at the center of attention of students and staff. Manuscript profile
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        5 - From Traditional Schools to Government Schools: Rereading the Practical and Theoretical Motivations of Schools in Qajar Period
        Reza  Mahuzi
        The history of traditional schools in Iran is the history of those traditional educations that tended to stagnation and unchanging. However, in recent millennium, we were not confronted only with a single tradition but within religious and cultural trends there were var More
        The history of traditional schools in Iran is the history of those traditional educations that tended to stagnation and unchanging. However, in recent millennium, we were not confronted only with a single tradition but within religious and cultural trends there were various educational traditions that came into existence in the form of traditional schools, schools, and mosque-schools. Yet this tradition in confrontation with the modern world and the social requirements of Iran in Qajar period failed to resist anymore and lost their tranquility and as a result compelled to change their standpoint. Hence, this tradition once in confrontation with modern private schools and then in confrontation with modern government schools were compelled to make some negative decision or at times positive decision; a decision that first were meant to confront them, but later on led to a kind of submission. The present paper tries to review the history of the changes of educational system in Iran from traditional school to modern one, and unfold those ideas that underpinned the changes in educational system of Iran in Qajar period. Manuscript profile
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        6 - A Study of the Idea of Crisis in Husserl’s View and its Background in the 19th Century European Philosophy
        Seyyed mas‘ud  Seyf Afshin  Mo’azzen
        At the beginning of the 20th century a vast trend which was unanimously called “the crisis of European science and culture” by its advocates emerged in Europe. Following the same trend, Husserl, one of the distinguished European thinkers of the early 20th century, intro More
        At the beginning of the 20th century a vast trend which was unanimously called “the crisis of European science and culture” by its advocates emerged in Europe. Following the same trend, Husserl, one of the distinguished European thinkers of the early 20th century, introduced phenomenology as a solution to overcome this full-scale crisis, which, in his view, dominated Europe during the second half of the 19th century. He maintained that this crisis manifested itself in the form of absence of unity and coherence in philosophy and sciences (both natural and human sciences), as well as in the alienation of sciences from people’s everyday life. Husserl argued that the roots and causes of this crisis must be sought in the scientific and philosophical approaches of the 19th century Europe. During this period and after the demise of Hegel, certain schools such as Marxism, biologism, and historical hermeneutics appeared under the influence of Hegelian schools and the idea of historical relativism that they advocated. A common feature of all of them was their interest in relativism. Each of these schools, through negating the possibility of achieving a single and certain truth and also relativising it based on its own principles provided the context for the development of the above-mentioned crisis. After disclosing the nature of crisis in the philosophical principles of the West and through presenting a critical interpretation of Cartesian fundamentalism. Husserl suggested a method called “phenomenological interpretation” in order to have access to a solid and unifying basis for sciences. In spite of the several criticisms targeting this method, it has turned into one of the most fundamental phenomenological elements which has influenced a11 the philosophical schools which were developed after this prominent philosopher. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Classification of Sciences in Ikhwan al-Safa and Farabi
        Seyyed Ahmad  Hosseinee Mehdi  Amiri
        Although many philosophers have spoken of the classification of sciences, none have referred to a single one agreed upon by all. Here, both the source of division and the divisions are different from each other in each classification, when classifying sciences, Ikhwan a More
        Although many philosophers have spoken of the classification of sciences, none have referred to a single one agreed upon by all. Here, both the source of division and the divisions are different from each other in each classification, when classifying sciences, Ikhwan al-Safa consider pure types of knowledge and, initially, divide them into two theoretical and practical arts. However, Farabi divides scientific rather than pure types of knowledge and classifies them into two instrumental and non-instrumental sciences based on their functions. In the classification of Ikhwan al-Safa, drawing on the neo-Platonic approach, the place of the soul, politics, logic, and ethics are different from that in the classification of the Peripatetics, such as Farabi. The most important basis for classification of sciences in the view of Ikhwan al-Safa is the end. Nevertheless, similar to Aristotle, Farabi relies on two main criteria for the classification of sciences: end and subject. This paper, in addition to examining the differences between Ikhwan al-Safa and Farabi in their classification of sciences, discusses the specific place of some of sciences from their points of view. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Aristotelian Model of Defining Science
        Mehdi  Nazemi Ardakani Hamed  Mustafawi Fard
        Thematic distinction is the oldest method of distinguishing sciences from each other, so that some believe that it is the only method used for this purpose. Taftazani and Lahiji claim that mutikallimun are unanimous that different sciences can be essentially distinguish More
        Thematic distinction is the oldest method of distinguishing sciences from each other, so that some believe that it is the only method used for this purpose. Taftazani and Lahiji claim that mutikallimun are unanimous that different sciences can be essentially distinguished from each other based on their subject matters. Accordingly, they believe that the distinctions among sciences arise from the distinctions among their subjects, and by attaining aspects, they mean the aspects of the subject’s preparedness for accepting the predicate. However, in a more accurate sense, philosophers argue that, in the field of exact and demonstrative sciences, what consolidates the unity of a science is its subject matter. In the same way, ‘Allamah Tabataba’i explicitly states that the distinction criterion for exact and demonstrative sciences in their subject, and for mentally-posited sciences it is their end and purpose. In contrast, in the view of the critics of the model of “thematic distinction of sciences”, research findings indicate that sciences consist of a few propositions that have been completed over time. Therefore, their subjects were not even known to their founders and, that is why they were not capable of discussing their states. They argue that, even if we accept the Aristotelian model, we should say that many of the debates regarding the distinctions among sciences originate in confusing exact and mentally-posited sciences with each other and generalizing the principles of exact sciences to mentally-posited ones. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - A Critical Study of the Ideas concerning the Islamicity of Islamic Philosophy
        Mansur  Imanpour
        Today, one of the questions raised regarding Islamic philosophy is what is meant by Islamic philosophy and why this philosophy is described by the attribute “Islamic”. Several contradictory ideas have been put forward in response to this question. Some believe that this More
        Today, one of the questions raised regarding Islamic philosophy is what is meant by Islamic philosophy and why this philosophy is described by the attribute “Islamic”. Several contradictory ideas have been put forward in response to this question. Some believe that this philosophy is basically the same Greek philosophy, and it is unjustified to add to it the adjectives of “Arabic” and “Islamic”. Some others have reduced it to Islamic theology and kalam because of its supporting Islamic beliefs; nevertheless, there are many thinkers and researchers who believe in the truth and realization of this philosophy and its Islamic nature. These researchers are divided into two major groups: one group maintain that the title of “Islamic” has only a formal sense and argue that this school is called “Islamic philosophy” because it grew and was expanded in Islamic countries by Muslim philosophers and under the rule of Islamic governments. The other group, however, believe that this denomination is due to the nature and content of this philosophy and have provided different ideas in this regard. Some of the great figures of this group believe that, the reason for this denomination is that some of the issues and problems of this school are rooted in Islamic teachings, and some others are at the service of demonstrating these teachings. Some other thinkers also view the well-documented belief of the advocates of this philosophy in the existence of Almighty Necessary and Shar‘i and divine oneness as the main reason for calling it Islamic (in its general sense) philosophy. There are still others who introduce this philosophy as the same prophetic philosophy derived from the Book and Sunnah. The present paper, after explaining and analyzing the above views, concludes that Islamic philosophy is the birth child of the living interaction between Greek and Iranian philosophy and thought and Islamic culture and civilization. Through adhering to philosophical subjects, frameworks, and methods, this school is influenced by Islamic worldview and teachings in many respects. In fact, any kind of limitation in this regard and concentration on certain directions will inevitably lead to the fallacy of essence and aspect. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Role of Christianity in the Return of Greek Philosophy to the Sassanid Iran
        Zahra  Abdi
        The present paper explores the role of Christianity in the transfer of Greek sciences, particularly philosophy, to Iran during the Sassanid period. Initially, Christianity enjoyed a brotherly and cooperative nature; however, later, in order to consolidate the status of More
        The present paper explores the role of Christianity in the transfer of Greek sciences, particularly philosophy, to Iran during the Sassanid period. Initially, Christianity enjoyed a brotherly and cooperative nature; however, later, in order to consolidate the status of theology and teaching it, Christian teachers and saints had to use a philosophical system, which they adapted from Greek philosophers, including Plato, Aristotle, and their followers, such as neo-Platonists. Some innovative branches of Christianity such as Monophysites and Nestorians began teaching their theoretical theology based on certain philosophical ideas. Moreover, the Syriac-speaking Christians of Mesopotamia, who were mainly Nestorian, translated the works of Plato, Aristotle, and neo-Platonists into Syriac in their schools so that, while teaching philosophy, they could use them in their own religious field. The emigration of these groups to Iran, whether as refugees or captives, resulted in the transfer of Greek sciences to Iran. In this paper, the writer has discussed the above issues based on library resources and following the descriptive-analytic method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - An Evaluation and Pathology of the Components of Epistemology of the Modern Period in Human Sciences
        Ali  Karbalaei Pazooki Fatemeh Najafi Pazooki
        The formation of modern human sciences which are presently taught at the academic centers of the world dates back to the modern period in the West; an era which is known as the period of the separation of science, religion, intellect, and faith from each other. The theo More
        The formation of modern human sciences which are presently taught at the academic centers of the world dates back to the modern period in the West; an era which is known as the period of the separation of science, religion, intellect, and faith from each other. The theoretical principles of this field of knowledge are limited to matter from an ontological standpoint, to anthropology from a humanist standpoint, to secularism from an eschatological standpoint, and to sense perception, experience, verification, and instrumental intellect from an epistemological standpoint. The question is what the contexts and background of the formation of modern human sciences in the West are, and what epistemological, religious, psychological, and spiritual harms they might lead to. Following a descriptive-analytic design and through a historical review of the problem of knowledge in the West, the present study intends to revisit the epistemological factors influencing the formation of the human sciences of the modern period and their disadvantages. Restricting science to scientism; human being to humanism; the world of being to natural phenomena; acquisition of knowledge to sense perception, empiricism, causality, and pure rationalism, as well as focusing on an epistemological distinction between phenomena and things in-themselves, and ignoring inner sense and fitri (intrinsic) knowledge, intuitive intellect and revelation are among the significant factors which play roles in the formation of modern western human sciences. Moreover, they underlie the creation of epistemological, religious, and psychological crises; spiritual poverty; nihilism, and the like in the world today. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Anthropological Bases of Sadrian Philosophy for the Interaction of Religious Sciences and Psychology
        Mohammad Sadeq Fazeli Askar Dirbaz
        The interactions between religious and modern sciences is presently one of the concerns of Islamic societies. This study investigates the anthropological principles of Sadrian philosophy based on which religious sciences and psychology can interact and exchange knowledg More
        The interactions between religious and modern sciences is presently one of the concerns of Islamic societies. This study investigates the anthropological principles of Sadrian philosophy based on which religious sciences and psychology can interact and exchange knowledge with each other. In other words, it aims to demonstrate the interactions between religious sciences and modern psychology in the context of philosophical anthropology as one of the scientific foundations of these two disciplines. Following the library and content analysis methods, the researchers conclude that Sadrian philosophy, because of its anthropological principles in the two general realms of “cognitive science” and “cognitive concept”, provides an appropriate context for the exchange of data between religious sciences and psychology. Philosophical anthropology provides the necessary context for the mutual relationship between these sciences in “cognitive science” through the correct explanation of the purposes, methods, instruments, sources, structures, and criteria of religious sciences and psychology. In the context of conceptology, Sadrian philosophy has created an appropriate interactive context for the exchange of conceptual science between these disciplines through the explanation of quiddity and employment of such concepts as motivation, love, and meaning of life from an anthropological viewpoint. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Designing a knowledge-based human resource architecture model with a data-based approach: Analysis of antecedents and consequences
        Zahra Ghorbani Nasrabadi Rohollah Samiee tahmoores aghajani
        The present study was conducted with the aim of presenting a knowledge model of knowledge-based human resources in the University of Medical Sciences of a country. The present study is a qualitative study using the data theory of the foundation and the model of Straus More
        The present study was conducted with the aim of presenting a knowledge model of knowledge-based human resources in the University of Medical Sciences of a country. The present study is a qualitative study using the data theory of the foundation and the model of Strauss and Corbin. Scope of studies: University of Medical Sciences of one country, including the provinces of Gilan, Kalestan, Mazandaran, Shahroud and Babol, and the participants were experts in the field of human resources. In this regard, semi-structured interviews were conducted using purposive sampling method and snowball technique. In this study, the data reached a theoretical saturation stage after conducting fifteen interviews. However, five more interviews were conducted to ensure adequacy. The Lincoln and Goba criteria were used to determine the validity and the process audit method and internal agreement were used to determine the reliability. The findings showed that the knowledge model of knowledge-based human resources is developed in the form of five categories of causal conditions, contextual conditions, intervening conditions, strategies and consequences. In this model, the relationships between components show that the knowledge model of knowledge-based human resources is done through an interactive process between components. Determining cultural, organizational, behavioral, structural, environmental factors, the formation of a new attitude to the workforce can be very important in the decisions and architectural process of knowledge-based human resources in the University of Medical Sciences of a country. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Presenting an International Model of Manpower Training in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education
        Aram Ghaniuon Ali Reza Afsharnejad Zeinolabedin Amini Sabegh Ehsan Sadeh
        The aim of this study is to provide a model for the internationalization of human resources training in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. The research is qualitative and grounded theory method has been used to analyze the data. For this purpose, in-depth int More
        The aim of this study is to provide a model for the internationalization of human resources training in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. The research is qualitative and grounded theory method has been used to analyze the data. For this purpose, in-depth interviews were conducted with 15 people who are experts in the field of internationalization of manpower training, using the method of snowball sampling. The data obtained from the interviews were then analyzed through open, axial and selective coding. At the end, a paradigm model of internationalization of human resources training consisting of causal conditions, contextual conditions, intervening conditions, pivotal phenomena, strategies and consequences was drawn. The main phenomenon of the designed model is the internationalization of human resources training in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Findings showed that causal factors include infrastructure, necessary standards, available facilities and internationalization needs. Interfering factors include the political situation in the country, educational and academic centers, environmental factors, managerial integrity and executive factors. Underlying factors include the competitive environment and attitudes towards the phenomenon of globalization and strategies in the form of culture, creating an appropriate scientific and research structure, effective propaganda, social programs and laws and regulations. The implications of an international system of manpower training also include cultural, economic, communicative, and educational achievements. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - The Influence of Social Conditions on Mullā Ṣadrā’s Classification of Sciences
        Fatemeh Jamshidi Nasrin Serajipour
        During the Safavid era, at the time of Mullā Ṣadrā and upon the rise of court-jurisprudents and pseudo-mysticism, true sciences such as jurisprudence, philosophy, and gnosis were in seclusion. Mullā Ṣadrā, as a religious scholar who was familiar with the philosophical a More
        During the Safavid era, at the time of Mullā Ṣadrā and upon the rise of court-jurisprudents and pseudo-mysticism, true sciences such as jurisprudence, philosophy, and gnosis were in seclusion. Mullā Ṣadrā, as a religious scholar who was familiar with the philosophical and gnostic ideas before him, tried to eliminate philosophical confusion from the scientific society and oppose this fallacious approach. Hence, he established a new philosophical system in order to bring all previous thoughts together in a consistent manner. In fact, he aimed to clarify the place of true knowledge and the ways of attaining it for society through establishing his own school of philosophy. The classification of sciences is one of the fundamental problems in any philosophical system. However, it is emphasized that each system of philosophy and the collection of its problems are influenced by the social conditions of their time. Similarly, Mullā Ṣadrā’s classification reflects his social concerns and has been developed in response to the social needs of his time and directing them towards true sciences. He has provided a specific classification of sciences in each of the three periods of his scientific life. He followed a peripatetic approach during the first period, an Illuminationist approach during the second one, and a transcendent approach during the third period, which reflected the height of his philosophical maturity. This paper aims to investigate Mullā Ṣadrā’s classification of sciences during each of the three periods of his scientific life and demonstrate how each was influenced by the social conditions of his time, and how each responded to the existing societal needs. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Pathology of Interdisciplinary Quranic Studies in Information Technology-based Environment
        Hamid Reza Imanifar
        The purpose of this study is to investigate a "Pathology of Interdisciplinary Quranic Studies in the Information Technology-based Environment". In this study, library research and analytical methods have been used. Currently, there is not much research done on interdisc More
        The purpose of this study is to investigate a "Pathology of Interdisciplinary Quranic Studies in the Information Technology-based Environment". In this study, library research and analytical methods have been used. Currently, there is not much research done on interdisciplinary studies of the Quran and scholars have little access to related works and books. The solution to this problem is to create a comprehensive database of information in cyberspace specialized in the field of interdisciplinary Quranic studies. It will include the collection of books as well as articles related to conferences, journals and newspapers on the subject. There should also be plans for collecting works on interdisciplinary studies of the Quran conducted in other countries. Manuscript profile
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        17 - The Need to Strengthen Medical Universities and the Concept of the Islamic University of Relying on Revayat
        Mahdi Jafarzadeh Ali Shafiei
        There is a radical approach to the university and medical knowledge that categorize universities to Islamic and non-Islamic. When the university will be Islamic that medical subjects are derived entirely from the Quran and Hadith and some religious fanatic behavior is c More
        There is a radical approach to the university and medical knowledge that categorize universities to Islamic and non-Islamic. When the university will be Islamic that medical subjects are derived entirely from the Quran and Hadith and some religious fanatic behavior is clearly considered at the University of Medical Sciences. The aim of this study at the first step is critique of above standpoint and second step is investigation of the characteristics of Islamic university. With regard to results raised in this article can be said, Certainly there are all of thing that humans needed in the Quran, therefore, therefore, it do not have to enter the other sciences.On the other hand, although the Prophet Akram and the Imams know all sciences and knowledge that was derived from the Quran,Always emphasize Learning science and even in the treatment of disease have consulted with doctor.Hence, one cannot expect that the Muslim community without the benefit of empirical sciences, to meet the needs of its community limited only to Revelationsand revayat. Rather, it should move in the direction of training specialists so that it can meet their social needs. As we know, universities are most important and effective places in the production of science.So Medical University in the Muslim community must also adjunct and act in line Islam aims.In order to provide this goal, the Islamic University must have some features, which was discussed in this manuscript, some of the most important of this features are Creation of enthusiasm and motivation for knowledge acquisition, Trying to produce science as an important tool of soft power, pay attention to the importance of self-purification, also having a sense of responsibility towards the Islamic nation. Otherwise, the mere existence of the university in an Islamic country, is not Islamic University Manuscript profile
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        18 - with an Emphasis on the Discourse of Satan in the Quran
        mohammad hosein shir afkan ali reza ghaemi nia
        Mankind craves for perfection and in order for his growth, he needs to identify obstacles facing in his path. One of the main obstacles on his path which keeps him aloof from Allah is Satan. Hence, identifying and recognizing Satan as a great barrier which prevents him More
        Mankind craves for perfection and in order for his growth, he needs to identify obstacles facing in his path. One of the main obstacles on his path which keeps him aloof from Allah is Satan. Hence, identifying and recognizing Satan as a great barrier which prevents him from reaching a defined objective is necessary. In the Holy Quran there are many conversations, including those suggested by Satan. Mentioning Satan’s dialogues in the Quran demonstrates the importance of this matter in the sight of Allah. In this paper, verses containing the words of Satan are investigated and analyzed based on cognitive conceptualization in order to explain and recognize the reality of Satan’s words in the Quran and the way they make sense in this group of verses. It considers Satan’s words in five categories, of Satan’s superiority, asking for respite, dominance, seeking good and Satan’s promise, the mind can make a good concept of these matters and is ready to analyze them. In conclusion, it can be said that Satan’s mental space stands against the divine mental space and the followers of each have tendency toward the mental space in accordance with their capacity and thoughts. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Identifying the Criteria of Research Fields in Interdisciplinary Quranic Studies
        zahra naghizadeh zahra feizi
        Any field of knowledge consists of branches and various fields, and each entails questions and issues in need of research. But from the view of organizational structures, identifying the fields and running research on them may be influential in reducing costs and the cr More
        Any field of knowledge consists of branches and various fields, and each entails questions and issues in need of research. But from the view of organizational structures, identifying the fields and running research on them may be influential in reducing costs and the criteria according to which the research fields can be identified, is necessary. This issue is clearly manifested in research field in interdisciplinary studies of the Holy Quran and other sciences. Therefore this paper is to identify the criteria for research fields in interdisciplinary studies of the Holy Quran and the sciences. Methodologically the research method is qualitative, using library, focus group and nominal group technique. The statistical society consists of 7 experts of Quranic sciences, educational sciences, sociology and educational management. By using the comments of these experts, 7 criteria to designate the research fields have been determined as follows: Specification the gaps in this subject matter, designation of the Quranic capability in this subject matter, diversity of related fields of knowledge, the extent of influence of the problems of the field on society, inclusion of the subject matter, the professional capability existing in the country and the organization. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Bibliography of Quran and Natural Sciences
        hamid faghfoor maghrebi majid nabavi
        Since identifying the references is essential for the researchers, therefore bibliography of recently published books is of great importance. The field of Quran and Natural Sciences is among the fields, whose domain of research is prepared by the help of its bibliograph More
        Since identifying the references is essential for the researchers, therefore bibliography of recently published books is of great importance. The field of Quran and Natural Sciences is among the fields, whose domain of research is prepared by the help of its bibliography. One of the solutions in attaining the correct information in this field is to identify the references and evaluate the authors’ views in these books. Therefore, a brief review on the published books in this field forms the aim of scholars’ research. The researcher’s question is on the number of published books in the field of Quran and Natural Sciences, and seemingly they reach 406 books published in various domains of Quran and Natural Sciences. The method of information gathering is based on the study of a team of librarians and the aim of the paper is to make the researchers familiar with references focusing on Quran and Natural Sciences. The result attained in this study is refraining from doing repetitive researches and enriching the future writings Manuscript profile
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        21 - Quran-based systematization (Fundamental Concepts, Strategies and Processes)
        Saeid  Bahmani
        During these two decades after the revolution (1357) we have witnessed the application of four fundamental concepts in the scientific literary in Iran, such as: “Islamicization of the science”, “Quran-based Human Sciences”, “Quran-based systematization” and “Quran-based More
        During these two decades after the revolution (1357) we have witnessed the application of four fundamental concepts in the scientific literary in Iran, such as: “Islamicization of the science”, “Quran-based Human Sciences”, “Quran-based systematization” and “Quran-based theorization”. Firstly application of “Quran-based systematization” in the document of charter of development of Quranic culture of the country has to some extent propagated the use of this concept. Secondly “Quran-based theorization” is also mentioned in the scientific community and some of the strategic documents, since systematization is dependent on the theorization. The spread of these concepts, shows the rise for scientific revolution in the human sciences. The significant issue on the mind of those who emphasize on functionalization of these concepts is the failure of philosophical and doctrinal sciences in removing the obstacles faced by Islamic communities in achieving divine objectives. Some of the sages, scholars and researches inside or outside the country, have claimed their ideas on these concepts or have written them down. Among the questions raised in this regard are: the exact meaning of these concepts, the strategies for achieving them, the process by which these suggested strategies are fulfilled. The abstract nature of these concepts has made them to be considered as scientific objectives of the Islamic Revolution. These concepts are counted as general and absolute particular and each enjoys primacy to the other. This paper focuses on the four concepts mentioned and also the strategies and processes applied for their fulfilment. It also shows that systematization and production of Quran-based human sciences and Islamicization of sciences, depend on Quran-based theorization. After almost four decades of examining and analyzing the fundamental concepts, we have reached the necessity of Quran-based theorization, while Sayyad Muhammad Baqir Sadr has long ago been one of the pioneers in this field, and has discussed theorization prior to everyone else. This means that we have not made use of his scientific findings and are still remained in the much earlier period. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Identifying and Rating Areas of Research in Interdisciplinary Field of Quranic Sciences and Educational Sciences
        Leila  Khosravi Morad zahra naghizadeh zahra feizi Hamid Reza  Yunesi
        The fallibility of human knowledge, nature of supplementation and hybridity of science necessitate interdisciplinary studies in humanities. Quranic knowledge, studying the two branches of Quranic sciences (in particular) and Quranic teachings, is included in the field o More
        The fallibility of human knowledge, nature of supplementation and hybridity of science necessitate interdisciplinary studies in humanities. Quranic knowledge, studying the two branches of Quranic sciences (in particular) and Quranic teachings, is included in the field of interdisciplinary studies. On the other hand, educational and related concepts in educational sciences are part of academic fields. Hence, given the significance of such studies, this paper has been written with the aim of identifying research areas for interdisciplinary studies in the two fields of Quranic knowledge and educational sciences. This study, which is a library research, has been conducted using the descriptive method. The statistical society of the research comprises library resources and related documents. In order to achieve the objective of the research, measurement criteria and weights identified by Feizi and Naqizadeh have been used. Using these, the researcher has analyzed data sources of each of the weights in the fields of educational sciences and Quranic teachings. Findings show a need for more studies on educational sciences in informal education. Also, in Quranic knowledge, the amount of research is higher in the branch of Quranic teachings. Moreover, Quranic research is possible in all three kinds of education but it has the most weight in informal education. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        23 - Revisiting and Validating the Normative Approach to Sciences in the View of Islamic Philosophers
        Ahmad Shahgoli Fardin Jamshidi Mehr
        This study was conducted to clarify the view of Islamic philosophers regarding the graded approach to sciences and the dimensions and outcomes of this problem. One of the principles dominating the worldview of Islamic philosophers is the graded conception of affairs. Th More
        This study was conducted to clarify the view of Islamic philosophers regarding the graded approach to sciences and the dimensions and outcomes of this problem. One of the principles dominating the worldview of Islamic philosophers is the graded conception of affairs. This view also exists in relation to sciences and stipulates that sciences are of different levels and grades with respect to their value. In other words, some of them are more valuable, while some others are less valuable. Philosophers believe that philosophy is the noblest of all sciences and have provided some criteria and arguments in support of this claim. The purpose of this paper is to explain and revisit this approach and its epistemological effects based on a descriptive-analytic and critical method. Therefore, the authors have first introduced the basic principles and approaches of philosophers concerning this problem and then clarified their effects and consequences in other realms. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        24 - The Role of "Social Monotheism" in the Philosophy of Islamic Sciences Based on Qur’anic Verses: The Case of Theology and Mysticism
        mohamad arabsailehei Farideh  Pishvaie
        "Social monotheism" which is a novel approach to understanding the most fundamental doctrine of Islam, i.e. "monotheism", and supports the theoretical foundations of the realization of a monotheistic society, has various functions that need to be addressed due to their More
        "Social monotheism" which is a novel approach to understanding the most fundamental doctrine of Islam, i.e. "monotheism", and supports the theoretical foundations of the realization of a monotheistic society, has various functions that need to be addressed due to their significance and the lack of research in this regard. Among the theoretical functions of social monotheism is its impact on Islamic sciences and their philosophy, which this article seeks to explicate, taking an analytical view, using library data, and focusing on a social comprehension of monotheistic verses. The findings of this article which is based on an analytical approach and the library method, prove the hypothesis that the dominance of the social monotheism discourse over the academic atmosphere of seminaries and universities, by influencing the topics, goals, and objectives of Islamic sciences such as theology and mysticism, may pave the way for transformation in these sciences and this article touches on its evidence and some instances. The result is that with the social reading of monotheism, Islamic sciences can be revised with a new monotheistic approach and in accordance with the needs of contemporary Islamic societies. Manuscript profile