The Role of "Social Monotheism" in the Philosophy of Islamic Sciences Based on Qur’anic Verses: The Case of Theology and Mysticism
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
mohamad arabsailehei
Farideh Pishvaie
1 - Associate Professor of Logic Department of Understanding Religion, Institute of Islamic Culture and Though
2 -
Keywords: social monotheism, role, Islamic sciences, foundations, topics, goal.,
Abstract :
"Social monotheism" which is a novel approach to understanding the most fundamental doctrine of Islam, i.e. "monotheism", and supports the theoretical foundations of the realization of a monotheistic society, has various functions that need to be addressed due to their significance and the lack of research in this regard. Among the theoretical functions of social monotheism is its impact on Islamic sciences and their philosophy, which this article seeks to explicate, taking an analytical view, using library data, and focusing on a social comprehension of monotheistic verses. The findings of this article which is based on an analytical approach and the library method, prove the hypothesis that the dominance of the social monotheism discourse over the academic atmosphere of seminaries and universities, by influencing the topics, goals, and objectives of Islamic sciences such as theology and mysticism, may pave the way for transformation in these sciences and this article touches on its evidence and some instances. The result is that with the social reading of monotheism, Islamic sciences can be revised with a new monotheistic approach and in accordance with the needs of contemporary Islamic societies.
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