• List of Articles Physical

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        1 - Evaluation of Housing Physical Indicators Using Sustainable Development Approach (Case Study: Tabriz 2nd and 4th regions)
        rasoul ghorbani hassan mahmodzade maziyar hosseinpour Mahdi Herischian
        In today's cities, housing has a large part of urban utilities, as well as housing, which consumes a lot of energy and resources imported to cities. Hence, housing sustainability is an important step in achieving sustainable urban development. At the present study with More
        In today's cities, housing has a large part of urban utilities, as well as housing, which consumes a lot of energy and resources imported to cities. Hence, housing sustainability is an important step in achieving sustainable urban development. At the present study with a descriptive-analytic approach with the aim of evaluating the indicators of physical sustainability of housing in two regions 2 and 4 of Tabriz city, Using the Fuzzy AHP model in the GIS software, we evaluated each of the individual physical sustainability criteria. With the formation of the paired matrix, the weight of each criterion was obtained and then, by integrating the criteria based on the weights assigned to them, in the GIS map of the overall sustainability of the buildings in the two regions was achieved. In region 2, the high sustainability floor has the largest area of the region, which is 315 hectares (ie, %71 of the area of the region's housing). And the very sustainable floor has only %1 of the area in the region. While the floor with a high and very high sustainability, in Tabriz region4,was only %3.48, and the floor with moderate sustainability with an area of 437 hectares accounts for%68 of the total area of the 4th region. The class with moderate physical sustainability in region 2 has about %8(27 hectares) and in region 4, covers about %27 of the area. Therefore, the residential region of Tabriz 2nd region has higher levels of physical sustainability than region4. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Role of Environmental and Physical in Urban Security
        According to the security of its non-police aspect, it is a new phenomenon and generally a lack of studies in this area is obvious. The roots of some crimes and a feeling of insecure is due to a lack of attention of urban planners and managers. The big issue in terms of More
        According to the security of its non-police aspect, it is a new phenomenon and generally a lack of studies in this area is obvious. The roots of some crimes and a feeling of insecure is due to a lack of attention of urban planners and managers. The big issue in terms of security and the prevention of critical events and crime is whether the big cities, have provided such conditions? This study aimed to understand the role of different factors and the physical environment and its impact on security. The research method is a combination of descriptive - analytic. This article attempts to answer these questions:1- Does the combination of environmental and physical factors is effective in security of urban areas? 2. Is the composition and distribution of urban land use surrounding public spaces in the study area is effective to increase urban security? The study area is District 8 of Tehran. Information required is obtained by library and field observation. Analysis of the data is done via SPSS software and Minitabs and GIS. The results indicate that the local security as well as environmental and physical differences in them is different. Also 13 neighborhood of district 8 of Tehran in terms of security and the individual components of research were ranked. Security in those public spaces which have diverse and mix urban land-use, compared to other similar places that have lack of diversity and mix urban land use were different. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Comparative Evaluation of the City’s Physical Space Properties in the Occurrence of Vandalism Behaviors (Case Study of Karshenasan Town and Kowsar Town in Ardabil)
        sohrab abolfathi
        Vandalism is a conscious, volitional, and self-imposed destruction of properties, general amenities and utilities of the city. Alongside with population increase and expansion, and physical spaces, today's cities face a variety of urban problems and damages, which colle More
        Vandalism is a conscious, volitional, and self-imposed destruction of properties, general amenities and utilities of the city. Alongside with population increase and expansion, and physical spaces, today's cities face a variety of urban problems and damages, which collectively threatens these communities in terms of environmental health, and security including issues of vandalism behaviors in the city. Given these circumstances, the necessity of considering the fact that the public spaces of the country's cities have encountered this social dilemma is of special significance. Subsequently Ardabil’s public spaces which are exposed to young people commuting are also facing such issues and problems. The main objective of this research is to identify the features of the physical space in the occurrence of vandalism behaviors in the two studied towns of the Ardabil city. This research is of applied type, and the data analysis method is descriptive-analytic. The first stage includes selection of indices, and physical data collection of two studied towns in development and expansion of vandalism phenomenon including urban land use, population density, the amount of access to the facilities and possible destruction utilities, level of isolation, and openness of urban spaces. The second stage includes analysis of collected data, preparation of maps and overlaying of them via GIS software in order to identify areas susceptible to cause this special damage. Results from data analysis, and checking the zoning of these two towns in terms of affectedness from vandalism phenomenon indicate that the vulnerability of Kowsar town is higher than Karshenasan town since the amount of open and isolated spaces with the use of urban uncultivated lands, and green spaces are more in Kowsar town. Moreover, the building and population density in Karshenasan town is higher than Kowsar town. Another important factor to be mentioned is the existence of the Shorabil recreational and tourism complex in Kowsar town which has created favorable conditions for the occurrence of this phenomenon. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Infill development: capacities and necessities of growth management and spatial rearrangement of Tehran
        The lands in cities are areas for urban development and infill development is the process of optimization of land use. Planning and growth management by infill development policy, compare with other growth policies is closer and more consistent to sustainability. In thi More
        The lands in cities are areas for urban development and infill development is the process of optimization of land use. Planning and growth management by infill development policy, compare with other growth policies is closer and more consistent to sustainability. In this paper, we are going to study capacities and necessities of infill development of Tehran, by means of descriptive analytic and by use of documentary data. Findings indicate Tehran has the capacity of development and subsequently ready to growth management and special rearrangement via infill development. More than 18000 hectares of lands with infill development capacities that occupied 30% of city areas and 52% of vacant spaces and areas with developmental goals and high availability along with distribution and increment process, from east to west and north to south, makes possible not only physical growth management, but also facilitate spatial rearrangement to balance of inequality among regions and city zones by means of the policy of infill development and topical and local capacities. Redevelopment of north ,east and south areas, new development of west area and revitalization of central area, are general strategies of infill development in Tehran. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Studying perception of 20th district of Tehran from features of Islamic urban area
        ماندانا حبیبی Hosein Mojtabazadeh
        From the beginning of the formation of the Islamic government, this religious school has always emphasized in the sacred books and the narrations of its elders about respect for Muslim communities and the necessity of communication between them. The outstanding manifes More
        From the beginning of the formation of the Islamic government, this religious school has always emphasized in the sacred books and the narrations of its elders about respect for Muslim communities and the necessity of communication between them. The outstanding manifestation of these concepts has emerged in the cities of the early centuries of Islam. This has led the Islamic city as a space for the development of other Islamic fundamental principles and principles. However, with the emergence of modern thinking and the emergence of numerous movements, we see that many of these concepts have been met with considerable damage. This is considerably more significant in neighborhoods with a rich historical, religious, and civilian background, and its inhabitants can face the challenges of identity. The 20th district of Tehran is also one of the most valuable areas for this study, with the aim of measuring the readings of its inhabitants from the perspective of the Islamic city. Following the extraction of indices and sub-indexes related to the Islamic city from the opinions of experts and the conceptual modeling of the research, using the design and distribution of 50 questionnaires in the spectrum of 5 likert options, the characteristic The findings of the Islamic city were derived from the perceptions of the inhabitants of the 20th area using inferential statistics. The results of the findings suggest the fact that from the viewpoint of citizens, the most vulnerable factors that led to the deterioration of the quality of the 20th district of Tehran from the Islamic point of view were physical and environmental factors, and social and value factors are at a later stage. have. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Investigating the Impact of Border Markets
          roonak ghaffari  
        Eliminating rural areas, in addition to improving the quality of livelihood of villagers, will have a positive and favorable reflection on neighboring countries. In this regard, the present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the status of habitat of Dazli More
        Eliminating rural areas, in addition to improving the quality of livelihood of villagers, will have a positive and favorable reflection on neighboring countries. In this regard, the present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the status of habitat of Dazli rural district and Khavmirabad rural district in the west of Kurdistan province. The method of doing research is descriptive-analytic. Data gathering was done using documentary and field resources based on a questionnaire and interview. The statistical population of this research consists of 4032 households. According to the corrected formula of Cochran, 260 families were selected as sample size. Sampling was done by stratified sampling and data analysis was done using SPSS software. The findings of the research indicate that the establishment of the market on the environmental and physical dimensions of the studied villages has had a positive and significant impact on the previous period. Also, the impact of border markets on the rural housing index and the value of agricultural land had a greater effect. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Assessing the Social and Physical Environment Quality of Residential Neighborhoods with Residential Satisfaction approach (Case study: Rasht Township)
        Shamila Allahyari Asli Arde Maryam Jafari Mehrabadi Asqar Shokrgozar
        Measuring residential quality as an important part of quality of life is a tool for evaluating urban planning and policymaking to provide a platform for future actions. Therefore, this research focuses on the quality of social and physical environment of residential nei More
        Measuring residential quality as an important part of quality of life is a tool for evaluating urban planning and policymaking to provide a platform for future actions. Therefore, this research focuses on the quality of social and physical environment of residential neighborhoods in Rasht city which has been done by descriptive-analytical method and using a residential satisfaction approach in the form of field survey completion. The reliability of the questionnaire was measured by Cronbach's alpha and the data were analyzed using SPSS software and statistical methods such as path analysis and One-sample T-test. Given the results, in social environment, indicators of vitality of neighborhood and thrust to sellers are at a desirable level and indicators of right of children, right of animal and continue living with acquiring better economic conditions are undesirable and in physical environment, indicators of cleanliness of passages and cleanliness of residents in neighborhood are above the average level of quality and indicators of urban furniture quality, existence of trees alongside of streets, safety related to car travelling, pavements and asphalt of pathways and beauty of outside and appearance of the buildings in neighborhood are undesirable. In general, residents are satisfied with the social environment but are dissatisfied with the physical environment. In social environment, right of children and meets expectations by neighborhood and in physical environment, cleanliness of residents and outside beauty of the buildings in neighborhood were respectively important according to the residents. In general, in viewpoint of residents, the importance of the social environment and the physical environment to be approximately equal. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Investigating the Role of Cooperative Dehirians in the Physical-Spatial Development of Rural Areas (Case Study of Villages in the Central District of Gorgan)
        Safieh  Bahmani Bahman Sahneh Ali Akbar Najafi Kani
        One of the basic prerequisites for living in rural communities is the availability of minimum facilities and welfare services. Various measures have been taken by related organizations in order to provide villagers with welfare and physical services. In order to establi More
        One of the basic prerequisites for living in rural communities is the availability of minimum facilities and welfare services. Various measures have been taken by related organizations in order to provide villagers with welfare and physical services. In order to establish a comprehensive correlation between rural development services and the creation of a support institution for rural managers, a co-opment of the diner with the aim of intellectual and financial support from the Dehairan was formed in 2009. The formation of cooperatives in rural areas can contribute to the comprehensive development of villages and accelerate them more rapidly. The formation phase of cooperatives, income generation, self-sufficiency, and lowering the cost of production and increasing the quality of the project and, in general, participation in the development and services sectors. The main objective of this research is to investigate the role of cooperatives in the development of spatial physical services in rural areas of central part of Gorgan city. This research was done in the field of field studies and applied in practice. The community of this research includes rural diners and rural influences. The main instrument of the research is self-made questionnaire by the researcher. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were confirmed by experts and through the Cronbach alpha coefficient (alpha = 0.82). Correlation and meaningful correlations such as Friedman, Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney were used to assess the public satisfaction of the spatial physical services of the cooperative. The results of the findings showed that the cooperatives in the areas of infrastructure and welfare services have managed to achieve success, but in the areas of space and rural development, they have not achieved much success, on the other hand, the lack of the enumeration of councils and cooperative members of the dormitories It is for such cooperatives to be one of the most important problems in relation to their duties. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Assessing the level of development of Iranian villages using Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)
        Ali Hajizadeh Shima Dadfar mehrshad toulabi nejad
        Various indicators are used to measure the level of development, changes and developments of the rural development process and with the aim of planning and evaluating rural development plans. One of the important indicators for measuring rural development programs is th More
        Various indicators are used to measure the level of development, changes and developments of the rural development process and with the aim of planning and evaluating rural development plans. One of the important indicators for measuring rural development programs is the use of Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) indicators. This index is widely used to measure or compare the level of development between different regions due to its simplicity and usability. In this study, using the natural indicators of quality of life in Morris and Calpine, the level of rural development of the country has been studied. In this research, with a positivist and positivist approach that has a practical nature and emphasizes on quantitative methods, the aim of the research, which is to measure the level of rural development in Iran, was pursued. Research data were collected from sources such as the Statistics Center of Iran, data from the Ministry of Health and statistical yearbooks of the provinces. Were compared with each other. The results showed that the level of development of the country's villages are different in terms of natural indicators of quality of life. The central provinces of the country in terms of the coefficient of this index compared to other regions of the country are at an appropriate level of rural development. While the peripheral provinces of the country are at a moderate level of development, and Sistan and Baluchestan province, which is one of the underdeveloped provinces of the country, is at the lowest level of rural development. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Assessing the managerial and physical- spatial changes of Tehran peripheral cities (Case Study: Qods city)
        hamidreza  kouzehgar Alireza Estelaji
        Rapid urbanization, rising growth of cities, ever-increasing accumulation of population in urban areas caused by migration, and finally converting the rural centers to urban detached places, and attaching a city to another one have unbalanced population and planning’s s More
        Rapid urbanization, rising growth of cities, ever-increasing accumulation of population in urban areas caused by migration, and finally converting the rural centers to urban detached places, and attaching a city to another one have unbalanced population and planning’s spatial equilibrium, social damages and extended physical changes. These changes need managerial and physical- spatial transformations. Managing the boundaries of metropolises due to various economical, political, social and environmental reasons is a challenging problem among the connections of governmental levels. As well, Tehran metropolis has encountered a lot of problems in relation to development around its borders. This management is functionally and geographically a dispersed one. Therefore, applying urban integrated management system in these areas is an imperative need. The statistical population includes citizens and Experts (managers and officials) of the city of Quds. According to Cochran's formula, this number is equal to 384 for citizens and for Experts are designated equal to 226 people. In this paper the research data has been analyzed by SPSS software and the hypothesis has been analyzed by one-variable T-test. The results show that urban integrated management at Qods city as a peripheral town of Tehran metropolis is inappropriate and unacceptable. Only establishing this kind of management can bring about physical and servicing development and public satisfaction. In this relation, Joining Qods city to Tehran metropolis is very effective from the view of managerial and physical- spatial improvement. The city’s experts and residents are agreed with Tehran- Qods combination and believe that this act lead to political, economical, cultural and social transformations and bring about more budgets for Qods city. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Reviving the identity of the historical texture of city with an emphasis on organizing the physical and Visual System Case Study: Historical Square of VIJUYEH , Tabriz
        Shahryar Shaghaghi Samaneh Mahdinezhad
        Identity, culture and related elements are not only conceptual components of urban space but also necessary to create urban space. Accordingly, the city and the public spaces express their thoughts, ideas and the cultural interactions and its form declares their functio More
        Identity, culture and related elements are not only conceptual components of urban space but also necessary to create urban space. Accordingly, the city and the public spaces express their thoughts, ideas and the cultural interactions and its form declares their functions and meanings. Urban spaces have provided the basis for people’s participation and interaction and have established a flow of culture, notion, and human experiences so that the presence of human beings in urban spaces leads to dynamism in urban spaces. Squares play a vital role in citizens’ minds and on the other hand, it is a field for the presence of people and their activities, which requires physical and functional continuity in the best way for the appearance of this meaning. The present study aims to apply the descriptive-analytical method using the SWOT matrix and the quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM), tries to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and offers practical strategies to deal with weaknesses and threats by using the strengths and opportunities. The main concentration of the present study is on the physical-visual system using operational strategies following the defined strategies to organize the physical and visual system of the historical square of Vijoyeh, Tabriz, which currently lacks its historical and cultural identity. The aim is to restore life to the vital arteries of the historical context along with reviving the original identity of this field, and it is hoped that the presented practical results will be a way to revive similar historical contexts in order to take a step towards protecting the rich cultural of Iran and its historical identity. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Elucidation of the physical patterns of contemporary housing based on the contextual architecture in Kashan; Case study: Selected historical houses of the Qajar dynasty
        Hossein kalantari Seyed Amir nezam dost Ali yaran
        In previous eras, Iranian architecture and urban planning has always followed a specific trend that established a balanced, logical, strong, and in the meantime onward relationship with the before and after eras, but this trend has not continued in the contemporary era More
        In previous eras, Iranian architecture and urban planning has always followed a specific trend that established a balanced, logical, strong, and in the meantime onward relationship with the before and after eras, but this trend has not continued in the contemporary era of architecture and urban planning and is in chaos, turmoil, and disturbance. The houses formed during this time do not meet many of the physical, cultural, social, and lifestyle requirements of the people of this land. Therefore, this paper aims to determine the components and nanocomponents of the physical dimension of contextualism, and propose suggestions and solutions to explain the physical patterns of housing in Kashan based on the mentioned components and the evaluation results of case studies. This research is qualitative and based on the descriptive-analytical method. At first, the concept of contextualism is developed by referring to study sources, and the components and nanocomponents of the physical dimension of contextualism are compiled by adapting the sources of research and analysis of the opinions of experts. Subsequently, the selected case samples in Kashan are evaluated based on the obtained components and using observation tools, library studies, and photography, the results of which are presented separately for each sample. The results of the study in the field of contextualization along with an adaptive comparison of the evaluation results of the samples are reviewed and analyzed. Finally, the solutions and suggestions are presented under the general characteristics of the building’s location, scale and size, shape and form, materials and details, and the arrangement of physical elements and components indexes. In the end, paying attention to the contextualism approach, especially its physical pattern, and the practical application of the proposed solutions can play a pivotal role in establishing this lost connection and promoting Kashan residential architecture. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Cultural Sustainability, Density and Housing Typology; Case study : Residential Areas of Tabriz Metropolis
        Islam Karami Mojtaba Rafieian Ali Javan Frozandeh Roshanak Sakhinia
        By drawing on the tool of studying physical density and residential typology with reference to cultural dimensions, this study aims to examine the concept of culture, with particular emphasis on traditional and Islamic values (with qualitative nature), within both theor More
        By drawing on the tool of studying physical density and residential typology with reference to cultural dimensions, this study aims to examine the concept of culture, with particular emphasis on traditional and Islamic values (with qualitative nature), within both theoretical and practical domains and bring it together with the complex and practical concept of physical density(with quantitative nature). In doing so, this study attempts to find strategies to guarantee the perpetual presence of culture in contemporary cities and particularly in residential setups (with qualitative/quantitative nature). The Spacemate is a tool based on the relation between density and structural forms in any scale under study which can assist architects, planners, and urban designers in their decision-making and design projects, where four quantitative indices of density can get involved simultaneously. In this study, not only this tool would be examined in relation to sustainability but also it will be used as a method in defining the relation between the types and sustainability itself. After a brief review on the related literature in three fields of typology, density and cultural sustainability, the study attempts to clarify the relationship between these three fields and the definition of qualitative indices, cultural sustainability and quantitative indices of physical density which relate to different types of residences. A typological approach to the issue of housing with regards to cultural debates can be instrumental because while proposing solutions and programming it can indicate which specific types are to be supported and which types to be prevented or restricted. In order to extract the dimensions and indices of cultural sustainability, qualitative concepts of residential sustainability in the domain of culture was surveyed and by utilizing the Delphi method, during two stages, the questionnaires completed by tens of experts in the field were assessed and selected. From among these concepts, six were detected as the most important concepts and were used during the analysis. Eleven samples from various points of residential spaces in the city of Tabriz were selected for the analysis as representatives of the different types while considering the geographical and cultural distribution of the city. After calculation and statistical analysis of the data, the degree of cultural sustainability of each sample was transferred to Spacemate and was interpreted. Manuscript profile
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        14 - The role of the physical structure of contemporary mosques in promoting social capital Case study: Vali-e-Asr Mosque in Tehran
        Ehsan Ghorbani Mahmoud  Teymouri
        Social capital is formed and built in the heart of social relations, the sacred institution of the mosque plays an effective role in cohesion and solidarity between people, which is effective in the formation of commitment and cooperation between the people present in t More
        Social capital is formed and built in the heart of social relations, the sacred institution of the mosque plays an effective role in cohesion and solidarity between people, which is effective in the formation of commitment and cooperation between the people present in the mosque. The present article aims to identify the effect of indicators of social capital promotion on the physical structure of contemporary mosques. Case study: Vali-Asr Mosque is on the agenda. This research is descriptive-analytical in terms of applied purpose and method. In this process, in accordance with the data required for the research, the library method and reference sources were used. The data collection tool was a general questionnaire among 375 people and the specialized questionnaire and Likert scale had five options. The first category includes specialists and city managers who are randomly selected by 50 people. The results obtained from the Demtel technique, such as the sense of belonging to the mosque, (15.17) commitment to voluntary organizations, (14.94) participation in religious affairs and celebrations, (14.58), the presence of collective spaces in the mosque, (14.58), are in the first to third places. And the factors that are positive indicate how effective they are. Among these, indicators such as the perception of common values, proper access to mosque facilities and facilities, the existence of collective spaces in the mosque, a sense of belonging to the mosque, the existence of leisure in the mosque, participation in religious affairs and celebrations are in the first place. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Themes of Love and Determinism in the Naturalistic Stories by Sadegh Chubak
        Nasrin  Hallajan Parvin  Dokht Mashhur Mehdi  Norouz Mahboubeh  Zia Khodadadian
        Love and determinism ‎are the most prominent themes of Persian literature. Determinism ‎is opposite to the highly frequent term Free will. Love in its spiritual aspect is reminiscent of the mysticism of the Divine Atonement, both physically and according to its instinct More
        Love and determinism ‎are the most prominent themes of Persian literature. Determinism ‎is opposite to the highly frequent term Free will. Love in its spiritual aspect is reminiscent of the mysticism of the Divine Atonement, both physically and according to its instinctual origin, and is known as earthly love. The current paper aims at examining, describing, and analyzing Sadegh Chubak Naturalist fictional works to study his view of Earthly and Physical Love and Human Fate. The animal nature of human in these stories as an overbearing, lustful creature is portrayed in a naturalistic view, and love is presented as a legitimate experience in the form of physical and gendered desire and determinism, that is, human beings - has to comply with biological requirements, and fails to exercise the will of man to submit since destiny is inevitable. In his stories, Chubak relies on the influence of modernism on fate, ambiguity and inheritance on characters Manuscript profile
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        16 - The concept, basis and position of the component of criminal behavior of the material element of crimes against property and property
        Hossein  Khaninzadeh Ahmad Hajidehabadi Ali Mazidi Sharaf Abadi
        Legal scholars consider “criminal behavior” to be one of the few components of the material in analyzing the three elements of crime and, in particular, the material element of the crime. There are a variety of issues, topics, and perceptions. The ambiguities and challe More
        Legal scholars consider “criminal behavior” to be one of the few components of the material in analyzing the three elements of crime and, in particular, the material element of the crime. There are a variety of issues, topics, and perceptions. The ambiguities and challenges raised in both the quantitative and the specific legal complexities of criminal behavior in "Property and Property Crimes" are more prominent. Therefore, this article attempts to explain and understand "the concept, basis and position of the component of criminal behavior of the material element of crimes against property and property" through a descriptive-analytic method using library resources and written texts and opinions and perspectives. Various issues, issues and issues are discussed and analyzed. To this end, this article has been divided into three sections: "conceptual", "theoretical foundations" and "position" of criminal behavior from the material element of crimes against property and property. The results of the investigations in this regard show that, first of all, in the case of crimes against property and property, the concept of positive and negative criminal behavior contains both the meaning of this component. Secondly, the "basic verb" theory of crime, with all its differences and variations, has a common element called "voluntary physical movement" and crimes against property and property are no exception, however, the predominant crime of property and property is The passage of the verb can also be realized, and if it is customarily viewed as a causal relation, it can be considered a crime in most crimes against property and property. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Child Great Interests in Iran's Judiciary and Convention on the Rights of the Child
        Mohammad Roshan Hossein Hamdi
        The interest of the child means managing his affairs in such a way as to ensure the accuracy of his physical development and his moral and intellectual civility. The interest of the child arises of the particular physical and psychological state of the child because the More
        The interest of the child means managing his affairs in such a way as to ensure the accuracy of his physical development and his moral and intellectual civility. The interest of the child arises of the particular physical and psychological state of the child because the child is not an evolved person but is on the path to becoming an adult and wise person. Therefore, the interest of the child is different from the interest of the adult man. For this reason, in conflict between preserving the child's psyche and preserving his property priority is by preserving his soul and intellect. Iran law and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child have accepted this criterion. Because of the joinder of Iran to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention, based on Article 9 of the Civil Code, is governed by the domestic law of Iran, and it can be inferred from the interpretation of the existing laws and the completion of the reticence of the law, such as the time when the child withdraws from custody, to the present Convention, In this direction, it has been cited in some of the rulings issued to this Convention as one of the directions of the ruling. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace at relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in workplace
        نرگس السادات مرتضوی hamidreza oreyzi
        The purpose of this study was to investigate moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace at relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in the workplace. The researchers and authors believed that role ambiguity results from a lack o More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace at relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in the workplace. The researchers and authors believed that role ambiguity results from a lack of information and therefore missing clarity in a specific job position that leads to be employee's uncertain at the workplace. Uncertainty at the workplace is the most important determinant of job stress that can lead to role ambiguity, decreased employee's job satisfaction, physical and psychological violence and thus reduce the efficiency. The current study is of the correlational studies and Participants in this study were 279 employees of Iran's Polyacryl Company that Sample Available were selected. The instruments used included the Uncertainty at the workplace scale, Role ambiguity scale and physical and psychological violence Questionnaire(Menard & Met al ,2011). Data was analyzed using the hierarchical regression and moderate analysis. The findings indicated that, their physical and psychological violence increases, when uncertainty at the workplace is high. Also moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace at relationship between Manuscript profile
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        19 - Moderating Effect of Uncertainty at the Workplace at Relationship between Role Ambiguity and Physical and Psychological Violence
        Nargessadat Mortazavi hamidreza oreyzi
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace in relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in the workplace. The method of this study is cross-sectional and participants in this study More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace in relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in the workplace. The method of this study is cross-sectional and participants in this study were 279 employees of Iran’s Polyacryl Company selected using convenient sampling. The instruments used including the Uncertainty at the Workplace Scale, Role Ambiguity Scale, and Physical and Psychological Violence Questionnaire (Menard & Met al ,2011). Data was analyzed using the hierarchical regression and moderate analysis. The findings indicated that participants, physical and psychological violence increased, when uncertainty at the workplace was high. Also moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace in relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in the workplace was confirmed. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Ontological Functions of the Corporeal Dimension of Man in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View
        Hadi  Jafary Ali  Arshad Riahi
        Man’s corporeal dimension is of great significance from various angles in Mullā Ṣadrā’s anthropology. In this paper, the authors deal with one of its important dimensions, that is, its ontological functions. Mullā Ṣadrā has not allocated any independent section to the f More
        Man’s corporeal dimension is of great significance from various angles in Mullā Ṣadrā’s anthropology. In this paper, the authors deal with one of its important dimensions, that is, its ontological functions. Mullā Ṣadrā has not allocated any independent section to the functions of Man’s corporeal dimension in his works and has not even directly referred to it. However, these functions can be inferred from his views. A study of his works indicate that Man’s corporeal dimension performs some important functions from an ontological perspective. In this regard reference can be made to the following functions: developing belief, promotion and evolution of Man, having free will, performing opposite acts, completing mental and rational acts, constructing and improving the world, realizing the noblest order, granting identity to the soul, and developing the identity of the perfect Man and some apparently contradictory roles such as becoming the source of evil and the source of freedom from evil. This study, which has been conducted following the library and content analysis methods, in addition to demonstrating the significance and necessity of Man’s corporeal dimension in the world of creation, illustrates that the functions of this dimension have various aspects from an ontological viewpoint and pertain to a number of important realms in the world of being. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Investigating the role of Guide Plans in rural development from a physical perspective with emphasis on identifying the space
        mohammad ali rahimipour sheikhani nejad habib mahmoodi chenari Seyyedeh Fatemeh Emami farzaneh nasiri jan agha
        Eliminate deprivation and rural development, one of the programs on the agenda is the implementation of the rural master plan to provide equitable facilities through physical transformation of the village, creating facilities it has been social-productive, providing pub More
        Eliminate deprivation and rural development, one of the programs on the agenda is the implementation of the rural master plan to provide equitable facilities through physical transformation of the village, creating facilities it has been social-productive, providing public services and improving the housing of the villagers. The effects of conductor designs are limited to changes in physical texture and less attention is paid to the economic factor in its implementation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of pilot projects in the development of physical development and identification of living space from the perspective of residents. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical approach, which has been done with a sample of 250 people from rural areas in Rasht. Data collection tools in this study included: library studies to collect information related to research literature and then field research through observation and questionnaires. The statistical population of the study is the villagers living in the villages of Rasht city. In this study, the correlation method by Kiiging method has been used for physical identity. In other words, the data analysis method is based on spatial statistics. The results indicate that the pattern of spatial distribution of physical identity variables in the villages of Rasht city is linear (north-south), which means that the villages located in the south, center and north are in a more favorable situation. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Robust Human Physical Activity Recognition Using Smartphone Sensors
        Mahdi  Yazdian Dehkordi Zahra Abedi Nasim Khani
        Human physical activity recognition using gyroscope and accelerometer sensors of smartphones has attracted many researches in recent years. In this paper, the performance of principle component analysis feature extraction method and several classifiers including support More
        Human physical activity recognition using gyroscope and accelerometer sensors of smartphones has attracted many researches in recent years. In this paper, the performance of principle component analysis feature extraction method and several classifiers including support vector machine, logestic regression, Adaboost and convolutional neural network are evaluated to propose an efficient system for human activity recognition. The proposed system can improve the classification accuracy in comparison with the state of the art researches in this field. The performance of a physical activity recognition system is expected to be robust on different smartphone platforms. The quality of smartphone sensors and their corresponding noises vary considerably between different smartphone models and sometimes within the same model. Therefore, it is beneficial to study the effect of noise on the efficiency of the human activity recognition system. In this paper, the robustness of the investigated classifiers are also studied in various level of sensor noises to find the best robust solution for this purpose. The experimental results, which is provided on a well-known human activity recognition dataset, show that the support vector machine with averaged accuracy of 96.34% perform more robust than the other classifiers on different level of sensor noises. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Identification of Organizational Capital and Its Evaluation in Covid-19 Conditions
        hajieh rajabi farjad
        The aim of the study was to identify organizational capital in the General Department of Documents and Property Registration in Khuzestan province and to evaluate it during the COVID-19 pandemic. The approach of this research is mixed (qualitative-quantitative) and appl More
        The aim of the study was to identify organizational capital in the General Department of Documents and Property Registration in Khuzestan province and to evaluate it during the COVID-19 pandemic. The approach of this research is mixed (qualitative-quantitative) and applied. The statistical universe of the research in the qualitative part included 15 experts from the General Department of Documents and Property Registration in Khuzestan province, who were selected in a non-random and purposeful way. The statistical universe in the quantitative section consisted of 153 employees of this department, who were selected based on the Cochran formula and a relative stratified random method according to the table. The instrument for data collection in the qualitative part was interviews, and in the quantitative part, a questionnaire, whose validity and reliability were checked and confirmed. The information obtained in the qualitative section was analyzed using thematic analysis, and in the quantitative section using structural equation modeling with Max Kuda and Smart PLS software. The results showed that organizational culture, knowledge management, systems and processes of management, organizational structure, financial management, research and development, intra-organizational interactions, perceived job security, and physical capital were identified as organizational capitals. On the other hand, the results of the T-test showed that the categories of job security, physical capital, internal interactions, and management processes have not been properly considered. Although the averages of other components were somewhat better, the overall situation is not suitable for the General Department of Documents and Property Registration in Khuzestan province. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Formulation of the design principles of physical elements of the mosque with emphasis on form hierarchies in order to increase attendance (Case Study: Mosque of Qajar period in Shiraz)
        Hadi Keshmiri ali akbar heidari fatemeh emad
        In the last decade, more than before, there is a need to find a solution to increase interest in attending mosques. With the modernization of human life, human’s spiritual need for worship has made them need to attend mosques. However, human beings are less interested i More
        In the last decade, more than before, there is a need to find a solution to increase interest in attending mosques. With the modernization of human life, human’s spiritual need for worship has made them need to attend mosques. However, human beings are less interested in using and staying in these spaces than before. This research first seeks to find the answer to the question, what is the formal hierarchy of mosques during the Qajar period in Shiraz? And secondly, what are the principles of designing the physical elements of the mosque with an emphasis on form hierarchies in order to increase attendance? The purpose of this article is to find principles for designing mosques with emphasis on shape hierarchy in order to increase attendance. For this purpose, the principle of hierarchy in mosques was first discussed with field studies and library surveys. Then the design proposals were prepared according to the criteria of visual ecology obtained in library studies. These suggestions were evaluated in the form of a questionnaire among experts using the Delphi method. Then, the results of this questionnaire were analyzed in SPSS v25 software to check compliance or non-compliance, the degree of influence and the importance of the proposed solutions in the Qajar mosques of Shiraz. According to the analysis carried out in this research, the most effective solutions that can create a formal hierarchy, as a result of increasing spirituality and interest in attending mosques, are solutions such as increasing "additional and decorative elements" and "Make the roof lines more visible" in the design. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Comprehensive map and prioritization of the provinces producing medicinal plants in the country based on the indicators of physical advantage of production
        darab yazdani majid shahriari
        Determining the comparative advantage of agricultural products in different regions is one of the important aspects of agricultural policy and planning, based on which an appropriate pattern of production and cultivation in different regions can be achieved according to More
        Determining the comparative advantage of agricultural products in different regions is one of the important aspects of agricultural policy and planning, based on which an appropriate pattern of production and cultivation in different regions can be achieved according to the conditions in each region. The present study has been conducted with the aim of prioritizing the provinces producing medicinal plants in the country based on the indicators of physical advantage of production (scale advantage, efficiency advantage and collective advantage) and their oscillation coefficient during the period 1381-98 using numerical taxonomy method. The results showed that during an 18-year period, South Khorasan, Jiroft and Khorasan Razavi provinces had the highest mean scale advantage index (SAI) and the highest average efficiency advantage index (EAI) in Alborz, West Azerbaijan and Lorestan provinces with 67, respectively. / 13, 47/6 and 19/6 were obtained. Based on the results of collective advantage (AAI), Hamedan, Semnan and Sistan and Baluchestan provinces with 0.26, 0.28 and 0.33 have the lowest coefficient of fluctuation of the collective index and Alborz, Jiroft and Sistan and Baluchestan provinces with 31, respectively. 2.40, 2.3 and 1.65 had the highest average of collective advantage among all provinces of the country. Finally, in order to summarize, using GIS software, a comprehensive map of the country for medicinal plants was drawn based on physical advantage indicators. Manuscript profile
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        26 - SQ-PUF: A Resistant PUF-Based Authentication Protocol against Machine-Learning Attack
        Abolfazl Sajadi Bijan Alizadeh
        Physically unclonable functions (PUFs) provide hardware to generate a unique challenge-response pattern for authentication and encryption purposes. An essential feature of these circuits is their unpredictability, meaning that an adversary cannot sufficiently predict fu More
        Physically unclonable functions (PUFs) provide hardware to generate a unique challenge-response pattern for authentication and encryption purposes. An essential feature of these circuits is their unpredictability, meaning that an adversary cannot sufficiently predict future responses from previous observations. However, machine learning algorithms have been demonstrated to be a severe threat to PUFs since they are capable of accurately modeling their behavior. In this work, we analyze PUF security threats and propose a PUF-based authentication mechanism called SQ-PUF, which can provide good resistance to machine learning attacks. In order to make it harder to simulate or predict, we obfuscated the correlation between challenge-response pairs. Experimental results show that, unlike existing PUFs, even with a large data set, the SQ-PUF model cannot be successfully attacked with a maximum prediction accuracy of 53%, indicating that this model is unpredictable. In addition, the uniformity in this model remains almost the same as the ideal value in A-PUF. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Comparative study of urban elements design with urban identity approach in Iran and the world
        razieh nikdel ali aram
        In this research, while addressing the position of special elements in Yasuj city, their effects on the identity of the city are investigated. The research method is analytical-survey and the method of collecting information is field and using a questionnaire. Then we m More
        In this research, while addressing the position of special elements in Yasuj city, their effects on the identity of the city are investigated. The research method is analytical-survey and the method of collecting information is field and using a questionnaire. Then we made a comparative study of the index elements of Iran and the world with the elements of the main squares of Yasuj city. In the end, by comparing the principles of expert design of urban elements that we achieved in theory and public opinion, the extent of adaptation was determined. By combining these two criteria, we have reached principles for designing urban elements that, in addition to having the parameters of the theory of architecture and urban planning, by considering the urban psychology of the people of the region, also cause public satisfaction. The studied samples include six urban elements in Yasuj that are of interest to citizens and tourists. The results obtained from descriptive and inferential analyzes on the collected data show that the qualitative evaluation of citizens by the (physical) identity of the elements is affected by their gender and level of education. Based on the results, the elements of the stone square in the neighborhood and Jomhory Street have the highest score and the lowest score obtained by citizens (users), respectively. The results also show that the most important components affecting the physical identity of urban elements based on citizens' opinions include "design, form and architecture of the element", "historicity" and "indigenousness (contextualism)". Manuscript profile
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        28 - Analysis and study of contextualism in the form of contemporary architecture and urban planning in the world
        zohre nadryan Reza Ghashghaei
        Contextualism as a holistic approach in designing an artificial environment, by understanding the mental and objective structure of the text and context as an evolutionary event in physical, natural, historical and social-cultural dimensions and by linking the perceptio More
        Contextualism as a holistic approach in designing an artificial environment, by understanding the mental and objective structure of the text and context as an evolutionary event in physical, natural, historical and social-cultural dimensions and by linking the perception and perception of the audience with the context, seeks to create meaning. Is artificial. The present article seeks to explain the prevailing dimensions, features and components in this field by examining the evolution of contextualism theory in architecture and urban planning by expressing the views of experts and examples. In this regard, after examining the background of the subject and stating the relevant definitions, the scope of the field discussion in architecture and urban planning in the opinions and thoughts of experts has been studied in order to formulate the theoretical foundations of research and the position of contextualism in some contemporary architectural movements. The results of studies indicate that contextualism initially paid attention to purely physical dimensions, but in its evolutionary course has focused its field of study on social, cultural and human development aspects and attention to cultural, social, ecological and human relations issues. It has replaced the topics of mere form, style and aesthetics. Emphasis on the development of environment-human relations. Emphasis on place recovery, strengthening the position of human values ​​in architecture and urban design, the importance of social meaning of the environment, using environmental capabilities to achieve sustainable development and. .... is one of the strategies of contextualism approach. Manuscript profile
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        29 - The Pedagogical Narrative of Embodied Consciousness in the Post-Reductionist Era: The Inseparability of Mind-Body-Environment (MBE)
        Zeinab Mahdavi Bakhatiar shabanivaraky Tahereh Javidi Calate Jaafar Abad
        To narrate the pedagogy inspired by embodiment consciousness is the primary purpose of the paper. To reach it, firstly, the analytical account has offered the main consciousness streams which took a reductionism position about the phenomenon and, then, according to the More
        To narrate the pedagogy inspired by embodiment consciousness is the primary purpose of the paper. To reach it, firstly, the analytical account has offered the main consciousness streams which took a reductionism position about the phenomenon and, then, according to the shortcomings they have created, we criticised them. On the one hand, dualism held that mind and matter are distinct substances and preferred the mind as a non-material entity, leading to explanatory gab and the hard problem of consciousness later. The eliminativist's argument about consciousness is that "there is no such a thing." Therefore, mental states and awareness are exclusively confined only to the brain and neuroscientific subjects. On the other hand, neurophenomenology takes a holism position and, by refusing the explanatory gap, believes that there is no split between the mind-body and the world. Varela introduced the embodiment as a feature of consciousness which means that the integrated experience is intimately connected to situations and arise from contexts. Thus, we are active in the world and show a reaction, rather than isolated Cartesian minds that consist of pure thought or generally eliminated consciousness. The idea demonstrates even better in the pedagogy field due to embodiment consciousness by identifying students' first-person experience and emotional aspects and recovering Cartesian subjective preference. Moreover, bypassing traditional, static and dogmatic structures, pedagogy inspired by embodiment consciousness endeavor to conquer elimination problems and explain that human beings do not live inactively in a society with a set of predomination stuff like morality which has already existed just in neural system and the brain biologically. Therefore, embodiment consciousness has been suggested as an alternative to the previous streams. Here, the pedagogical stream is non-linear, emergent, and chaotic, in which monologue turns to dialogue. In these circumstances, the pedagogic connection refuses to follow static, linear, and predetermined regulation but avoids pursuing blindness and imitation. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Investigating the Pattern of Behavioral Factors in Accessible Tourism Development for People with Physical Disabilities: A Case Study of Tehran City
        mehdi karoubi Mahmood Ziaee Nazanin Fekrizad
        Participating in tourism activities is the undeniable right of all society members, including people with disabilities. However, sometimes factors related to people with disabilities or inappropriate social environment for acceptance of these people as community members More
        Participating in tourism activities is the undeniable right of all society members, including people with disabilities. However, sometimes factors related to people with disabilities or inappropriate social environment for acceptance of these people as community members prevent them from participating in tourism activities. In this regard, this study sought to identify such factors (under the title of behavioral factors) and investigate their role in the development of accessible tourism for people with physical disabilities, using a mixed-methods approach in two stages of qualitative (identifying the behavioral indicators and factors through interviews with experts in the field of tourism and disability) and quantitative (designing a questionnaire based on the indicators obtained from the qualitative stage and distributing them among tourists with disabilities in Tehran). The first stage was conducted using the content analysis method and Maxqda2018 software. The partial least squares method and SmartPLS3 software were used at the second stage. The results of the study indicated that the two main categories of behavioral factors, i.e., "Personal factors" (personal characteristics of people with disabilities and their perception of interaction with the environment) and "interpersonal factors" (public responsibility towards people with disability, community education, the dependency of people with disability on another person's assistant along with the development of positive feelings in these people) affected the development of accessible tourism for people with physical disabilities. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Measuring the sense of place belonging and identifying the components affecting it in urban body patterns "Case study: West side of Imam Khomeini Street, Ardabil"
        Rouhollah   Rahimi Seyed Mohsen  moosavi Nasrin  Mohammadi Irloo
        Urban bodies and their social and cultural dimensions, with a semiotic approach, play an effective role in creating a sense of belonging to a place in citizens. It is important to identify the patterns of integrated and coordinated urban bodies effective on the percepti More
        Urban bodies and their social and cultural dimensions, with a semiotic approach, play an effective role in creating a sense of belonging to a place in citizens. It is important to identify the patterns of integrated and coordinated urban bodies effective on the perception of the audience in order to create social life, social interactions and place identity. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of urban bodies on creating a sense of belonging among citizens and to determine the patterns of urban bodies that are effective on the sense of belonging to a place, which has been studied in the body of the west side of Imam Khomeini Street in Ardabil, the main and oldest street of this city. The research method is applied and descriptive- survey type and it was carried out by a combined (quantitative- qualitative) method. To collect information, library studies and field survey methods, observation and questionnaire have been used. Based on the findings of the research, the sense of belonging to a place among citizens is influenced by the social- perceptual components of the urban body; It is possible to increase the sense of satisfaction and sense of belonging to the place among the citizens by coordinating the shops, suitable furniture, revitalizing the destroyed buildings, appropriateness in color, appropriateness in the skyline, favorable facade design and suitable vegetation. The result of the research in the case study shows that the high age, proper access and the holding of national- religious rituals have created a sense of belonging to the place. Also, structures that are familiar with the culture and identity of citizens create a sense of belonging to a place. The use of urban walls related to identity and historical and native culture for national religious rituals can encourage people to be in the street and create memories and mental images for them and consequently increase the sense of belonging to a place. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Investigation of the Word Shifa (Healing) in the Quran
        Omid Izanlo
        Quran, as a divine book, has paid attention to all aspects of human life, including health. The Quran’s mention of the word Shifa (healing), which implies health, signifies this attention. An investigation of this word based on Shia and Sunni Quran exegeses shows that t More
        Quran, as a divine book, has paid attention to all aspects of human life, including health. The Quran’s mention of the word Shifa (healing), which implies health, signifies this attention. An investigation of this word based on Shia and Sunni Quran exegeses shows that the Quran is Shifa in that it cleanses humans of false beliefs and gives them healing with the light of guidance. God, the Almighty, has first preached all human beings so that all of them receive Shifa through the Quran. But preaching is not effective for all of them as only some of them are inspired by preaching. These are the faithful who receive Shifa thanks to their willingness to accept the truth and obey divine commandments and the instructions of the Quran. When they gain Shifa, they also receive divine guidance and mercy. Of course Shifa for physical illnesses is not found in the Quran and should be sought in the material world. However, the mention of honey in the Quran is an example of divine signs that show that all blessings of God are beneficial and that some of them can certainly have healing effects. Manuscript profile
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        33 - The effect of caffeine consumption on some factors of physical fitness and skills of young footballers
        pourya pazouki Abdolrasoul  Daneshjoo
        Background: Caffeine is a supplement that is not yet fully effective in specific football training styles. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of caffeine consumption on some of the physical fitness and skill factors of young footballers. Materials More
        Background: Caffeine is a supplement that is not yet fully effective in specific football training styles. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of caffeine consumption on some of the physical fitness and skill factors of young footballers. Materials and Methods: The research method is quasi-experimental and the participants of this study were 30 football players aged 16-18 years who were randomly selected and randomly assigned to one of the three groups of caffeine consumption, placebo use and control (30 = n). The variables of lower limb strength, agility, speed, maximum oxygen consumption and pass, shoot and dribble football skills were considered as dependent variables in pre-test and post-test of all participants. Data were classified by descriptive indices of mean and standard deviation and data analysis was performed using repeated measures analysis of variance test using SPSS-23 software at a significance level of P <0.05. Results: The results of statistical test showed that between the average lower limb strength (sig = 0.001), maximum oxygen consumption (sig = 0.001), speed (sig = 0.001) and agility (sig = 0.002) There is a statistically significant difference in the caffeine group with the other two groups from the pre-test to the post-test, but there is no statistically significant difference between the control and placebo groups. The results also showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the mean performance of shot, pass and dribble football in the caffeine group with the other two groups from the pre-test to post-test (sig = 0.001), but between the control and placebo groups. There is no statistically significant difference. Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, caffeine consumption can have a positive effect on the physical fitness and technical skills of young footballers. Therefore, football coaches are advised to use caffeinated beverages before training to improve their footballers' physical and skill factors. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Statistics of Vital components from overviewing the Traditional Courtyard Houses of Yazd
        Seyed Mohammad kazemi Hossein Mahdavipour Shahrbabak Seyed Ali Akbar  Koosheshgaran
        Life is one of the valid categories in architecture. In spite, the fact that some experts in the contemporary period have paid attention to the issue of life and the effective components in its formation as a special quality, but in architecture of this period, one rare More
        Life is one of the valid categories in architecture. In spite, the fact that some experts in the contemporary period have paid attention to the issue of life and the effective components in its formation as a special quality, but in architecture of this period, one rarely sees the presence of vital components in the constructions. This is despite the fact that in the architecture of the pre-modern periods, these features can be received so that it creates a level of quality. In the architecture of the pre-modern period the house has more value among the buildings built. In these houses, the courtyard is one of the important spaces as the focal attention and through this the dignity of all the house spaces originates from it. Therefore, the main research problem is that; What are the vital quality components in Qajar architecture of Yazd? In order to approach a level of physical and mental life in the houses of the contemporary period, knowing the components and the possibility of their application is the main goal of this article. Qualitative research method is among the methods that provide the possibility of obtaining reliable results in this research. Therefore, based on the foundation data method and field research, we will introduce extractive components. For this purpose, by selecting examples of houses of the Qajar period in Yazd, which seem to have this quality, an attempt has been made to identify the components that create or strengthen vitality in architecture. The research results indicate that the evaluated components, in addition to having diversity, also follow a semantic level, so that these levels are closely related to the territorial talents and knowledge skills and architect vision. Also, the components explained by some architectural theorists, including Alexander, can be proven in the architecture of Qajar period houses in Yazd and have relative validity. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Typology of the body of residential houses with a central courtyard in the first Pahlavi period
        Yasin Talebi Garalar majid shahbazi
        The central yard, as an efficient and responsive device, has done its job well in protecting residents from environmental, social and cultural conditions in different regions of Iran. The physical typology of the central courtyard in different regions of the country, es More
        The central yard, as an efficient and responsive device, has done its job well in protecting residents from environmental, social and cultural conditions in different regions of Iran. The physical typology of the central courtyard in different regions of the country, especially the buildings related to the first Pahlavi period, is a topic that this research seeks to answer. For this purpose, traditional houses with courtyards from different cities of the country have been selected as study samples. This research aims to investigate the physical structure, patterns and various types of the central courtyard in traditional houses, to study the typology of these houses. In order to carry out the research, more than 60 examples of traditional houses in the historical area of different cities of Iran were identified and 23 houses that had complete information and documents were selected for classification. According to their nature, research data has been collected by referring to library sources and field observations. The results of the classification of the location of the courtyard in the building show that one construction front (with the building mass on the northern side of the courtyard) has the most and buildings with two courtyards on both sides of the building have the lowest frequency among the samples studied. Also in In the longitudinal classification, 15.1-25 has the highest frequency, while in the transverse classification, the maximum frequency belongs to 15.1-20. Yards with an area of 100 to 400 square meters have the highest frequency among the samples studied. In the classification of proportions, the highest frequency is related to the proportions of 1.1 and the lowest is related to 1.5, which indicates the stretching of the yards towards the square. After the classification and comparison, Tousizadeh house has been chosen as the representative of the species with the highest abundance and Ganjalizadeh house as the representative of the species with the least abundance in the study context. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Providing physical solutions in order to strengthen social interactions (case example: North Shahid Beheshti St.)
        Vajihe Sehatpoor ramezanali naderi mayvan
        As an urban space, the street is one of the most important places where face-to-face encounters and the arena of social interactions of citizens are considered. The presence of vehicle traffic crisis and low physical quality has caused a severe lack of public space with More
        As an urban space, the street is one of the most important places where face-to-face encounters and the arena of social interactions of citizens are considered. The presence of vehicle traffic crisis and low physical quality has caused a severe lack of public space with the ability to accept social interactions. Enhancing public spaces is a means of dealing with this fragmentation and related concerns. It is possible to strengthen the feeling of togetherness by creating a variety of public spaces. On the other hand, the presence of untouched natural environments inside the cities is one of the important potentials of the city in creating a new urban public space and strengthening the civic life and social connections among the city residents. Therefore, organizing these spaces, while transforming them from a defenseless space into a safe urban space, provides a basis for being present in the space and strengthening communication and social interactions in cities and among residents, which leads to the establishment and strengthening of civil life in the city. The phenomenon of an urban defenseless space and the effect it has on the collective conscience can turn the healthy human-city relationship into a disconnected and sometimes hostile relationship with the environment. Because until a person does not feel calm in the environment and space and always lives in worry as a victim, he cannot display his capabilities and values and fulfill his social role in a desirable way. In this research, the aim of which is to promote social interactions in the North Shahid Beheshti axis (between Shahid Square and Charah Safa Square), a combined research method (analytical-descriptive) has been used. The results of the research show that increasing comfort and healing for the people present in the area, creating beautiful and appropriate flooring, creating a favorable permeability for the area can greatly help to increase social interactions in this area. Manuscript profile
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        37 - A comprehensive map and prioritization of the provinces producing medicinal plants in the country based on the indicators of the physical advantage of production
        darab yazdani majid shahriari
        Determining the relative advantage of agricultural products in different regions is one of the important dimensions of agricultural policy and planning, based on which the appropriate pattern of production and cultivation can be achieved in different regions according t More
        Determining the relative advantage of agricultural products in different regions is one of the important dimensions of agricultural policy and planning, based on which the appropriate pattern of production and cultivation can be achieved in different regions according to the conditions in each region. The current research aims to prioritize the provinces that produce medicinal plants in the country based on the indicators of the physical advantage of production (advantage of scale, efficiency advantage and collective advantage) and their fluctuation coefficient during the period of 2011-2018 using the numerical taxonomy method. The results showed that during a period of 18 years, South Khorasan, Jiroft and Razavi Khorasan provinces had the highest average scale advantage index (SAI) and the highest average efficiency advantage (EAI) was also in Alborz, West Azarbaijan and Lorestan provinces with 13/67 respectively. , 6/47 and 6/19 were obtained. According to the results of collective advantage (AAI), the provinces of Hamadan, Semnan and Sistan and Baluchistan have the lowest fluctuation coefficient of collective index with 0.26, 0.28 and 0.33 and the provinces of Alborz, Jiroft and Sistan and Baluchistan with 31.40 respectively. 2.3 and 1.65 had the highest average collective advantage among all the provinces of the country. Finally, in order to summarize, using GIS software, a comprehensivemap of the country for medicinal plants was drawn based on the indicators of physical advantage. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Description of Domestic Violence in the Iranian Family
        Mohsen Sohanian Haghighi Iraj Faizi
        Family is one of the main social institutions and therefore, issues related to the family are considered the most important social issues. Domestic violence is the more important family problems. The purpose of this study is to provide a generalizable description of the More
        Family is one of the main social institutions and therefore, issues related to the family are considered the most important social issues. Domestic violence is the more important family problems. The purpose of this study is to provide a generalizable description of the situation of domestic violence among Iranian family members, in general and in different dimensions of violence (physical, psychological, verbal, economic and sexual). The statistical population in this study is all people over 15 years old in the Iranian society in 1397 (2018) and the sample size is 5027 people, of which 3815 are married and 1212 are single. According to the results total index of the prevalence of violence between couples is 81.1% and its average intensity is 9.06 on the scale. of 0 to 100. Also, total index of the prevalence of violence between parents and children is 84.5% and its average severity is 13 on the scale. of 0 to 100. Among the various dimensions of domestic violence between couples, psychological violence with a prevalence of 75.5% and an average intensity of 14.42 has the highest prevalence and severity. Also, among the various dimensions of domestic violence between parents and children, psychological violence with a prevalence of 81.6% and an average intensity of 23.84 has the highest prevalence and severity. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Existential connection theory in combined ascension
        Mohammad-Ali  Ardestani
        The combined ascension (spiritual - physical) of Khatam al-Anbiya - peace be upon him - is the word of truth and according to the appearances of the verses, even it is explicit news. This basis has also found a metaphysical analysis, including the theory of existential More
        The combined ascension (spiritual - physical) of Khatam al-Anbiya - peace be upon him - is the word of truth and according to the appearances of the verses, even it is explicit news. This basis has also found a metaphysical analysis, including the theory of existential connection, which is based on the agreement and final connection of the blessed soul of the Holy Prophet Khatam-al Anbia -peace be upon him and his family- with his noble body, because the greatness of the soul depends on the talent and complete readiness of the body and the soul of finality of prophethood, has the utmost power and complete control over the noble body; Therefore, the journey of the soul khatam-al Anbyia -peace be upon him and his family- in the worlds of existence requires the journey of the body and his sensory observations. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Evaluation and investigation of the role of the physical component of the environment for the mental health of residents of residential complexes
        Vahideh Razmahang Hadi Keshmiri
        <p>In recent years, living in residential complexes can be considered one of the most important developments in housing, which has become a form of contemporary living and housing in cities. Also, with the excessive growth of residential complexes and their physical dev More
        <p>In recent years, living in residential complexes can be considered one of the most important developments in housing, which has become a form of contemporary living and housing in cities. Also, with the excessive growth of residential complexes and their physical development, we sometimes see a decline in the quality of residential spaces, which has caused various problems in the lives of the residents of these complexes. In this regard, the crises arising from apartment living have created a wide range of mental disorders, such as stress, anxiety, depression, etc. The current research is based on the evaluation and analysis of the impact of the physical components of the environment on mental health; so that the results may open the way for the design of healthy and growing residential spaces. In order to measure people's mental health and examine the environmental elements, the GHQ-12 standard questionnaire was used, and the environment's physical components were taken into consideration. Also, a researcher-made questionnaire was prepared based on the environment's influential physical components. This questionnaire was answered by 340 residents of different residential complexes in Shiraz, and SPSS software was used to analyze and process the information. The findings of the present research show that the physical environment of residential complexes has a fundamental role in life quality and consequently has the greatest negative impact on the mental health of the residents. As a result, it has been determined that there is a reliable relationship between human health and the surrounding physical environment. Also, it concluded that to ensure the mental health of residents, the physical components of residential environments should be taken into consideration and designers should try to improve and fix their defects.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        41 - The effect of additives and masterbatch to improve the properties of recycled polyolefins
        Hamidreza Haydari marziyeh hosseini
        Although the recycling of polymer products is beneficial for the environment and economy, the main goal is to achieve the efficiency of raw (intact) polymers in recycled polymers. The best type of recycling to have maximum energy efficiency and minimum environmental con More
        Although the recycling of polymer products is beneficial for the environment and economy, the main goal is to achieve the efficiency of raw (intact) polymers in recycled polymers. The best type of recycling to have maximum energy efficiency and minimum environmental consequences is mechanical recycling. However, there are a number of differences between virgin and recycled polymers. Due to the structural changes and the presence of impurities in the polymer, it is difficult to achieve a quality recycling. Whether the recycled polymer is suitable for obtaining new applications or not is measured by mechanical tests (such as tensile test, impact test), physical tests (such as hydraulic stability, surface roughness) and operational tests (extrusion and molding) under standard conditions. When these tests are performed, most recycled polymers do not meet the requirements required for various applications, unless we use additives that improve their properties. These additives may include coupling agents, impact improvers, metal deactivators, melt flow regulators, antioxidants, masterbatches, etc., and each is used in some way to improve specific properties of the polymers. Although the recycling of polymer products is beneficial for the environment and economy, the main goal is to achieve the efficiency of raw (intact) polymers in recycled polymers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        42 - Critical confrontations between Sinavi philosophy and Ash'ari philosophy in psychology and its effect on the issue of resurrection
        Narjes  Roudgar Zahra  Ziaie Fatemeh  Sharif Fakhr
        The purpose of this research is to examine the critical confrontations between Sinavi philosophy and Ash'ari philosophy in psychology and its effect on the position of each on the issue of resurrection. In order to defend the doctrine of incarnation, the Ash'ari theolog More
        The purpose of this research is to examine the critical confrontations between Sinavi philosophy and Ash'ari philosophy in psychology and its effect on the position of each on the issue of resurrection. In order to defend the doctrine of incarnation, the Ash'ari theologians established their theological eschatology by adopting the approach of physicality of the soul and matching it with the teachings of revelation. Ash'ari's view was criticized by Ibn Sina. Ibn Sina, by formulating a new nature of the science of soul in theology and natural sciences, achieved a new result in the unprovability of metaphysical rationality and the rational proof of metaspirituality. The present study, with descriptive and analytical method, in addition to reflecting the views of each, has dealt with Ibn Sina's critical encounter with Ash'ari in psychology and eschatology. Ibn Sina opened new horizons in philosophy by creating a logical relationship between intellectual achievements and the appearances of the holy Sharia.Acceptance of physical resurrection included in Sharia and proof of pure spiritual resurrection are among these cases. With the aim of harmonizing the theological foundations and the appearances of the Sharia, Ash'areh also took a similar path with Ibn Sina, which led to the proof of the resurrection. Finally, as a result of the theoretical frictions between Ash'ari and Ibn Sina, their different views on resurrection have been formed. Manuscript profile