• List of Articles Objectivity

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        1 - Query on the Robert Merrihew Adams's theory of virtue and the moral argument from the best explanation of objective moral values for the existence of God
        امیرعباس علیزمانی  
        With the advent of scientific advances in recent centuries, widespread philosophical criticisms weakened the traditional evidences and compelled the theistic to pursue novel evidences such as ethics to support their ideas., the moral argument of Robert Merrihew Adams is More
        With the advent of scientific advances in recent centuries, widespread philosophical criticisms weakened the traditional evidences and compelled the theistic to pursue novel evidences such as ethics to support their ideas., the moral argument of Robert Merrihew Adams is one of the contemporary moral argument for the existence of God. By devised the theory of virtue by Adams, offers a new explanation of moral values which have ability to justify the objectivity of moral values, as the most important element of Ethics Meaningful, and also have ability to justify The truth of theism, as a important part of this explanation. In this article we have tried to explain this idea and described this theory and analyzed the argument which raised from this theory and prepared evidences and reasons for the existence of God and then we examine the critics of that Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Refreshing the dedication of the legal person To the development of ethical institutions
        kian fulladi
        One of the neglected capacities about the concept of "legal personality" in the legal system of Iran is its application for the development of the territory of the Devotion entity. In this approach, the Benefactor, by creating a legal person, devotes to this legal exist More
        One of the neglected capacities about the concept of "legal personality" in the legal system of Iran is its application for the development of the territory of the Devotion entity. In this approach, the Benefactor, by creating a legal person, devotes to this legal existence, thus giving the person a legal status in the form of the endowment of property. By devoting a legal person, it is possible that every financial item to be deposited in the property of a legal person and that devotion to be developed. In this way, the constraints that limit the scope of the devotions, such as objectivity, will be deleted, without prejudice to the definitive foundations of the concept of devotion, and as a result, by extending the scope of this legal jurisprudential institution, more arenas and individuals will have the opportunity to enjoy the Devotion. The review of the concept of personality and legal personality, as well as legal jurisprudential principles of the Devotion, provides valid credentials for accepting this approach in the legal system of Iran, which have been discussed in this paper. Manuscript profile
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        3 - A Study of the Theory of the Correspondence of Worlds and its Role in Explaining the Relationship Between Cognitive and Objective Existence of Possible Things in the Transcendent Philosophy
        Ahmad Ghafari
        Similar to most Muslim philosophers, Mullā Ṣadrā conceives of the divine essential knowledge of possible things as prior knowledge and maintains that it is of the type of active knowledge. However, the actuality of divine knowledge in the system of the Transcendent phil More
        Similar to most Muslim philosophers, Mullā Ṣadrā conceives of the divine essential knowledge of possible things as prior knowledge and maintains that it is of the type of active knowledge. However, the actuality of divine knowledge in the system of the Transcendent philosophy has a different meaning from its well-known interpretation. The understanding of this different meaning demands paying attention to Mullā Ṣadrā’s particular perception of the theory of the correspondence of worlds, where he emphasizes the objective correspondence of cognitive and objective worlds instead of their categorical correspondence. Following a descriptive-analytic method, this paper aims to present an accurate explanation of Mullā Ṣadrā’s perception of the theory of the correspondence of worlds. It is worth mentioning that several philosophical principles, such as “the truth in its simplicity contains all things” and “identity of collective and detailed knowledge” in the Transcendent Philosophy have been developed under the influence of this theory. Mullā Ṣadrā’s concern regarding the ontological all-inclusiveness of particular existences is the portrayal of the ontological inclusion of collective existence through some truths, each of which embodies all the behaviors and evolutions of the inferior existence similar to an all-inclusive jewel. In such conditions, the knowledge of this ontological jewel, which is considered to be the truth of the inferior existence, is the same as the knowledge of all the states and aspects of the particular existence. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The Possibility of Proposing the History of the Excluded in the Thought of Gianni Vattimo
        kamyar safaei Abbas  Manouchehri
        The critique of the progress-based philosophy of history has been one of the most significant themes of the contemporary political philosophy. It has revealed, In the aftermath of the researches that have accomplished in the field of post-colonial studies, that unilinea More
        The critique of the progress-based philosophy of history has been one of the most significant themes of the contemporary political philosophy. It has revealed, In the aftermath of the researches that have accomplished in the field of post-colonial studies, that unilinear history has heavy eurocentric presuppositions that have been at the service of the real history of the suppression of the non-western excluded people. Furthermore the concrete elements of the dissolution of the western progress- based history of philosophy and accordingly the possibility of proposing the history of the excluded such as the decline of the colonialism and the formation of nation-states have been discussed in these researches. In this paper, however, firstly we are trying, on the basis of the Thought of contemporary philosopher Gianni Vattimo, to go beyond the merely concrete discussion about this topic and reveal the ontological impossibility of metaphysical/ universal and progress-based philosophy of history, through demonstrating the relation between progress-based philosophy of history and objectivistic metaphysics. Secondly, on the basis of this point and through the hermeneutic nihilism, we want to present the idea of post-history as the theoretical ground for the possibility of proposing the history of the excluded. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - An Evaluation of Martha Nussbaum’s View of the Non-Relativity of Virtues in Aristotelian Approach
        Mohammad Saeid  Abdollahi Mohamad Ali  Abdollahi
        The nature, role, and quality of attaining virtue hold an important place in Aristotle’s philosophy. He tried to provide a systematic account of Man’s goal of achieving virtue. Martha Nussbaum, the contemporary commentator of Aristotle, believes that some contemporary p More
        The nature, role, and quality of attaining virtue hold an important place in Aristotle’s philosophy. He tried to provide a systematic account of Man’s goal of achieving virtue. Martha Nussbaum, the contemporary commentator of Aristotle, believes that some contemporary philosophers, although considering themselves as advocates of Aristotle, have some disagreements with him regarding certain key issues. Their mistake is rooted in their relativist approach to Aristotelian virtues. This approach stands in clear opposition to other views of Aristotle, who defended a single objective description of goodness or happiness for Man. Aristotle’s ethical virtue can explain many of the problems that relativists tried to solve and, at the same time, claim to be objective in the sense that relativism in one specific context does not mean being a relativist. For example, in other sciences, such as medicine and maritime, attention is devoted to particular cases, but it does not mean that the scholars and scientists in these fields are relativist. According to Nussbaum, Aristotelian virtues can explain virtue better than the virtues intended by relativists. However, this is the case when the specific features of a context are meticulously examined, and both shared and unshared characteristics are taken into consideration so that the best choice is made. In this paper, after explaining Nussbaum’s view concerning Aristotelian virtues, the author investigates three objections to his theory and, finally, clarifies the non-relativity of virtues in Aristotle’s thoughts. Manuscript profile