• List of Articles Fault

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Morphotectonic study of a fault tip zone around Qozlu (SE part of the North Tabriz fault)
        Alireza Yousefi-Bavil  Moayyed
        Fault traces within the Qozlu fault tip zone, located at the southeast end of a segment of the North Tabriz fault, which reaches to the Bozqush deformation zone, represents the formation of a horsetail structure. There is, however, no information about the type of this More
        Fault traces within the Qozlu fault tip zone, located at the southeast end of a segment of the North Tabriz fault, which reaches to the Bozqush deformation zone, represents the formation of a horsetail structure. There is, however, no information about the type of this structure or its deformation pattern. In this regard, study of topography (analysis of the relative elevation difference at two scales—within the overall deformation zone and in buffer zones along streams flowing within the zone), surface slope, asymmetry factor, and geological information indicate that: 1) the fault tip zone is a contractional horsetail splay; 2) a compressional tectonic regime is dominant within the fault tip zone and the trend of maximum compression is N20W-S20E; 3) two different fault zones with maximum and minimum tectonic activities are recognised along two streams within the fault tip zone ; 4) the overall dip-slip component within the stream-related fault zones is reverse or thrust. These results provide significant information about tectonics of the Qozlu fault tip zone and improve our knowledge of deformation within the North Tabriz fault zone. This study, also, demonstrates the importance of using stream longitudinal swath profiles to obtain tectonic information directly from topography. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Mechanism of young deformation in Tehran plain: a combination of field observation and analog modeling
        Hourieh AliBeygi Morteza Talebian Manouchehr Ghoreshi
        The capital city of Tehran is located to the south of central Alborz. The North Tehran fault, as the main structure of this region, perched on the northern part of the city and separate alluvial fans from volcanic rocks of the Alborz. There are several other faults w More
        The capital city of Tehran is located to the south of central Alborz. The North Tehran fault, as the main structure of this region, perched on the northern part of the city and separate alluvial fans from volcanic rocks of the Alborz. There are several other faults within the city which seem to be structurally related to the North Tehran fault. Geomorphic study of fans and river deposits suggest that most of these faults are active and taking up both left-lateral and shortening in a wider zone to the south of North Tehran fault. In addition to faults there is distinct folding within the Tehran plain. Field observation along road cuts which cross these structures suggest that young folding in Tehran plain are active and escalate due to the activities of the underlying faults. There is little evidence of rupture in front of these structures and thus most of them are considered as blind faulting. The trend of these structures is oblique to the North Tehran fault which is probably due to distribution of left lateral deformation in wider zone within the Tehran plain. The distance between active folds and the North Tehran fault increase from west to east. Analog modelings were carried out to study the effect of thickness and slop of deposits on position and trend of structures within the Tehran plain. Results from these experiences show that geometry, orientation and distance between structures is probably controlled by oblique shortening of the zone, as well as increase in thickness and slope of the sedimentary deposits. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Impacts of the North Tabriz Fault on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the neighbor aquifer in the East of Tabriz City, Iran
        ebrahim rajabpour Abdorreza Vaezi hir
        The North Tabriz Fault (NTF) is the most prominent tectonic structure in the Northwest of Iran. The results of this study show that this fault has a major impact on hydrogeological conditions of the local aquifer. Plio-Quaternary volcanic ash and tuff layers constitute More
        The North Tabriz Fault (NTF) is the most prominent tectonic structure in the Northwest of Iran. The results of this study show that this fault has a major impact on hydrogeological conditions of the local aquifer. Plio-Quaternary volcanic ash and tuff layers constitute the only unconfined aquifer of this area which directly lies on Miocene red marl as aquifer bed rock. Northern part aquifer bed rock is placed in the higher level than the southern part. This could be the reason for the existence of the reverse dip-slip movement of fault in this area, which causes the northern part (hanging wall) trust over the southern part (footwall). Sharp differences in aquifer bed rock level at relatively low distances (less than 200 m), can be a sign of near-vertical slope of fault in this area. An obvious groundwater level differences which reaches to more than 8 meters, along with the apparent differences between groundwater qualities across the fault at a low distance (about 200 meters) show a barrier behavior of fault. Total depth of the southern part wells is four times compared to the northern parts. Total annual discharge of southern part wells is about eight times of northern parts. Total hardness and ions concentrations of groundwater samples shows that most of the northern part samples are not suitable for drinking purposes, but the southern part samples are suitable. Also, all of the northern part samples have the negative Langelier index (corrosive). All of the southern part samples have the positive (very close to zero) Langelier index and suitable for industrial usages. Therefore this is a reason why most of industries in this area were located in the southern part of the fault. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Assessment of the activity in the gap zone of the Rudbar Fault, based on the morphotectonic indices of the Sefidrud River, Gilan Province
        Shoja Ansari
        In this study the morphotectonic indices for a specified length of the Sefidrud River, which is located in the meizoseismal area of the 1990 Rudbar earthquake, have been investigated to constrain the activity of a gap between the Rudbar Fault segments. The Digital Eleva More
        In this study the morphotectonic indices for a specified length of the Sefidrud River, which is located in the meizoseismal area of the 1990 Rudbar earthquake, have been investigated to constrain the activity of a gap between the Rudbar Fault segments. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with 30 m resolution was used to obtain the elevation data. Fifteen km of the Sefidrud River also was divided into 100 -meter segments to calculate the morphotectonic indices. The morphotectonic indices include the sinuosity (SI), stream-length gradient (SL) and river long profile. The sinuosity in this region, where the trend of the Rudbar fault cut across the river, is approximately 1-1.5 and has a lower value relative to the other segments of the river. This indicates that the uplift possibly affected this region and then indicates the high tectonic activity. The stream-length gradient in the target region is approximately >3000 and has a higher value in the region which may be related to the lithological and active tectonic effects. The high value of SL can be used for determining the regions with high potential for the landslides along the strike of the Sefidrud River. The Sefidrud long profile, in aforementioned area, has a bulge or convexity. Such convexity together with the high value of stream-length gradient can indicate that the tectonic activities are significant in this region. By comparing the morphotectonic analysis with the seismotectonic studies such as the Coulomb stress changes due to the 1990 Rudbar earthquake, in which the high stress zones were detected in this region, it can be cluded that the studied region has high tectonic activities and consequently its monitoring to prevent the seismic hazard is essential. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Segmentation of Shotori fault using structural, geomorphology, seismicity and fractaly analysis
        Shotori active fault zone (in the northern end of Nayband fault) has a dextral strike-slip mechanism with a revers component. Landsat image studies show that this fault is uncontinuous and segmented. In this research, based on fault geometric discontinuity, two segments More
        Shotori active fault zone (in the northern end of Nayband fault) has a dextral strike-slip mechanism with a revers component. Landsat image studies show that this fault is uncontinuous and segmented. In this research, based on fault geometric discontinuity, two segments, were determined on both the northern (with trend of N40w) and southern segments (with trend of N20w). Both of them are reverse with a right lateral slip movement component. The southern segment is the most active segment, based on fractal earthquake and fractal fractures (Ds= 1/60, DN=1/73) and earthquakes (Ds=0/43, DN=0/68) morphotectonic¬ parameters such as river slope indicator (SLs=1703/27,SLN=1526/7), sinuosity river channel (SS=1/24,SN=1/27), the V ratio (Vs=0/7,VN=0/9) and structural and seismic data. The most frequent recorded earthquakes and the biggest registered earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 on the Richter scale have taken place in the southern segment. This indicates a high potential of seismic activity on this segment of the Shotori fault. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Evidence for development of transpressional duplex in the west of Shahroud- eastern Alborz
        Ali Radfar Aziz Rahimi
        The study area is located in the southern boundary of the Eastern Alborz range between North Shahroud Fault and Astaneh Fault. The exposed formations are from Paleozoic to Cenozoic in age. Several structural surveys such as geometrical analysis of folds and geometrical More
        The study area is located in the southern boundary of the Eastern Alborz range between North Shahroud Fault and Astaneh Fault. The exposed formations are from Paleozoic to Cenozoic in age. Several structural surveys such as geometrical analysis of folds and geometrical and kinematical analysis of faults were studied. Field observations and software analysis revealed that most folded structures show a northeast-southwest trend in the eastern area and an east-west axis in the western area. Due to location of E-W trending mesoscopic folds on the hanging-wall of Tazareh thrust fault, these mesoscopic folds are fault-related folds. Axes and axial plane of folds revealed that macroscopic folds with a tendency toward south-east, are consistent with flower structure of the Alborz range. Available faults in the area have two trends: northeast-southwest in the eastern part and east-west trend in the western area, and their arrangements give a scaly situation to the area. Therefore, due to existence of east-west compressional structures, it could be suggested that Dehmolla contractional duplex is developed as a result of strike-slip faulting between Shahroud and Astaneh faults. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Investigating rate of Doroud fault zone tectonic activity (southwest of Iran) by using geomorphologic data analysis (fans, basins and drainage system)
        محمدرضا سپهوند Zahra Kamali  Tokhmechi MahmoudReza Hayhat  Roshandel Kahoo Hamid Nazari  Ahmadi Noubari Mohammad Mahdi Khatib
        Morphotectonic analysis with the help of geomorphic indices is considered as a tool for the identification of new and active structures affected by tectonic movements in special areas. For this purpose, indicators such as Mountain Front Sinuosity index (Smf), (Vf), (Af More
        Morphotectonic analysis with the help of geomorphic indices is considered as a tool for the identification of new and active structures affected by tectonic movements in special areas. For this purpose, indicators such as Mountain Front Sinuosity index (Smf), (Vf), (Af), (S), (Sl), (T), form factor basin, basin shape, slenderness ratio and stretch ratio index of basin (Bs) associated with alluvial fans, including fan of bending β, fanning coefficient and longitudinal profile were calculated. The tools in this study include: the topographic maps, field geology invesigations, satellite imagery, digital elevation model (DEM), IRS satellite images of the region, GIS and Global mapper softwares. The results of the analysis of topographic data, evidences from field observations and data obtained from geomorphic indicators, all suggested that the area is active from neotectonics viewpoint. Based on the classification of LAT, the study area is classified in class 1, which indicates intense tectonic activity. Based on the results, the northern part of the Dorud fault is more active than the southern section in terms of neotectonic movements.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Enhancing Efficiency of Software Fault Tolerance Techniques in Satellite Motion System
        Hoda Banki babamir babamir Azam Farokh Mohammad Mehdi Morovati
        This research shows the influence of using multi-core architecture to reduce the execution time and thus increase performance of some software fault tolerance techniques. According to superiority of N-version Programming and Consensus Recovery Block techniques in compar More
        This research shows the influence of using multi-core architecture to reduce the execution time and thus increase performance of some software fault tolerance techniques. According to superiority of N-version Programming and Consensus Recovery Block techniques in comparison with other software fault tolerance techniques, implementations were performed based on these two methods. Finally, the comparison between the two methods listed above showed that the Consensus Recovery Block is more reliable. Therefore, in order to improve the performance of this technique, we propose a technique named Improved Consensus Recovery Block technique. In this research, satellite motion system which known as a scientific computing system is consider as a base for our experiments. Because of existing any error in calculation of system may result in defeat in system totally, it shouldn’t contains any error. Also the execution time of system must be acceptable. In our proposed technique, not only performance is higher than the performance of consensus recovery block technique, but also the reliability of our proposed technique is equal to the reliability of consensus recovery block technique. The improvement of performance is based on multi-core architecture where each version of software key units is executed by one core. As a result, by parallel execution of versions, execution time is reduced and performance is improved. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Reliable resource allocation and fault tolerance in mobile cloud computing
        Zahra Najafabadi Samani Mohammad Reza  Khayyam Bashi
        By switching the computational load from mobile devices to the cloud, Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) allows mobile devices to offer a wider range of functionalities. There are several issues in using mobile devices as resource providers, including unstable wireless connec More
        By switching the computational load from mobile devices to the cloud, Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) allows mobile devices to offer a wider range of functionalities. There are several issues in using mobile devices as resource providers, including unstable wireless connections, limited energy capacity, and frequent location changes. Fault tolerance and reliable resource allocation are among the challenges encountered by mobile service providers in MCC. In this paper, a new reliable resource allocation and fault tolerance mechanism is proposed in order to apply a fully distributed resource allocation algorithm without exploiting any central component. The objective is to improve the reliability of mobile resources. The proposed approach involves two steps: (1) Predicting device status by gathering contextual information and applying TOPSIS to prevent faults caused by volatility of mobile devices, and (2) Adapting replication and checkpointing methods to fault tolerance. A context-aware reliable offloading middleware is developed to collect contextual information and manage the offloading process. To evaluate the proposed method, several experiments are run in a real environment. The results indicate improvements in success rates, completion time, and energy consumption for tasks with high computational load Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Determining paleo-stress based on the study of discontinuities and folds in Zagros Collision Zone; Case Study: Kermanshah Region
        سپیده  رضابیک عبدالله  سعیدی Mehran Aryan علی  سربی
        The studied zone is in the Northern part of Zagros Suture Zone (Kermanshah). The presence of deep sea sediments, oceanic crust remnants, platform carbonates, igneous and metamorphosed rocks of active margin and carbonate sequence of passive margin that are assembled in More
        The studied zone is in the Northern part of Zagros Suture Zone (Kermanshah). The presence of deep sea sediments, oceanic crust remnants, platform carbonates, igneous and metamorphosed rocks of active margin and carbonate sequence of passive margin that are assembled in the studied area show a compressional tectonic regime from the late Cretaceous up to the present. As a result of convergent regime, a very complicated structural zone is developed. The main purpose of this study is stress characteristic analysis in Zagros Suture Zone (Kermanshah).To recognize and study the arrangement of stress axes a great amount of data were gathered from the folds axial surface and the faults which are appeared within the rocks specially the radiolaritic rocks. The data includes characteristics of fault surface geometry, fault slip and lineation slip. The stress recording patterns for data in this study is Multiple Inverse Method and comparison with stress position by using folds axial surface. By studying folds it was obtained the situation of main stress σ1, σ2 and σ3 respectively as 029, 127, 234 and by using the method Multiple Inverse Method, the situation of main stress is obtained as 059, 304, 194. Based on the investigations in the study area and measurements on Cretaceous rocks, the results show that the main stress direction since Cretaceous up to the present is northeastern with minor changes. The estimations of stress direction were the same in both folds and faults. As a result, the shortening direction has been constant, so the shortening faults all show one direction of stress. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - A Novel Approach for Establishing Connectivity in Partitioned Mobile Sensor Networks using Beamforming Techniques
        Abbas Mirzaei Shahram Zandian
        Network connectivity is one of the major design issues in the context of mobile sensor networks. Due to diverse communication patterns, some nodes lying in high-traffic zones may consume more energy and eventually die out resulting in network partitioning. This phenomen More
        Network connectivity is one of the major design issues in the context of mobile sensor networks. Due to diverse communication patterns, some nodes lying in high-traffic zones may consume more energy and eventually die out resulting in network partitioning. This phenomenon may deprive a large number of alive nodes of sending their important time critical data to the sink. The application of data caching in mobile sensor networks is exponentially increasing as a high-speed data storage layer. This paper presents a deep learning-based beamforming approach to find the optimal transmission strategies for cache-enabled backhaul networks. In the proposed scheme, the sensor nodes in isolated partitions work together to form a directional beam which significantly increases their overall communication range to reach out a distant relay node connected to the main part of the network. The proposed methodology of cooperative beamforming-based partition connectivity works efficiently if an isolated cluster gets partitioned with a favorably large number of nodes. We also present a new cross-layer method for link cost that makes a balance between the energy used by the relay. By directly adding the accessible auxiliary nodes to the set of routing links, the algorithm chooses paths which provide maximum dynamic beamforming usage for the intermediate nodes. The proposed approach is then evaluated through simulation results. The simulation results show that the proposed mechanism achieves up to 30% energy consumption reduction through beamforming as partition healing in addition to guarantee user throughput. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - A Comprehensive Approach to Urban Disaster Management Based on Vulnerability Map and Risk Zoning Case Study: Tehran Municipal District 1
        وحید  اسماعیلی کیاسج   Kamran shahanaghi
        Natural Disasters have always been a part of life on our planet. With human society development, urban areas and Metropolises have not been safe from destructive effects and consequences of disasters. In addition to intensity and extent of disasters, vulnerability of so More
        Natural Disasters have always been a part of life on our planet. With human society development, urban areas and Metropolises have not been safe from destructive effects and consequences of disasters. In addition to intensity and extent of disasters, vulnerability of societies has remarkable dependence on proper urban infrastructures, strong structures, preventive programs and appropriate preparation in emergency-related organizations. Occurrence of an onset disaster like earthquake, usually leads to secondary damages in urban areas; they happen for an obvious reason and have specific outcomes. Identification of all significant reasons and consequences results in creating a vulnerability map for urban wards which could be a useful basis for preventive programs. On the other side, one of the most effective and efficient approaches to create preparedness and response plan disaster management organizations, is designing a relief chain with proper logistic modules and devoting responsibilities to authorities, based on data achieved from damage estimation studies. Hence, in this paper, a sequential approach is used to apply geographic information system and eliciate experts' knowledge of urban areas so as to create both damage estimation and vulnerability maps; These information. In turn, help designing disaster management cycle, specifically, Preventive, preparedness and response programs for an urban area. In order to create a better perceptive of the proposed approach, Tehran municipality district (1) is used as a real case study and its vulnerability to a hypothetical earthquake is estimated to create disaster management program. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Fault Location Algorithm in Practical Radial Distribution Systems Based on Voltage and Current Recorded by Digital Fault Recorders
        S.  Jamali V. Talavat
        This paper presents a new impedance based fault location algorithm for practical radial distribution systems. The algorithm uses the fundamental components of voltages and currents recorded by a digital fault recorder usually installed at the head of main feeders. At f More
        This paper presents a new impedance based fault location algorithm for practical radial distribution systems. The algorithm uses the fundamental components of voltages and currents recorded by a digital fault recorder usually installed at the head of main feeders. At first, the algorithm estimates the average loading and power factor of distribution transformers by using the pre-fault voltage and current phasors. Then from the post-fault voltage and current phasors, the preliminary candidates for fault location are determined by searching all the feeder sections. Finally, the actual fault location is determined by checking operated fuses/sectionalizers, or fault indicators. The fault location method has been developed as a software package named DFL (Digital Fault Locator) in “Electricity Networks Protection and Automation” research laboratory of Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST). The accuracy of the proposed algorithm has been validated by several fault conditions carried out on a 205-node 20 kV practical radial distribution feeder. The results of the developed software have shown very remarkable accuracy in fault location as presented in the paper. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Presenting a Multi-Criteria QoS-Aware Fault Tolerant Routing Algorithm for Network-On-Chips
        Alireza Mahjoub Fatemeh Vardi Roya Rad
        Network-on-chip is a router-based paradigm that determines the path of packet passing from the source to destination by a routing pattern through simplified protocols of the public data communication network. Sometimes, it is impossible to send packets from source to de More
        Network-on-chip is a router-based paradigm that determines the path of packet passing from the source to destination by a routing pattern through simplified protocols of the public data communication network. Sometimes, it is impossible to send packets from source to destination due to the communication problems caused by network elements in NoC such as routers and faulty links. In most cases, fault-tolerant algorithms select a reliable path using definite criteria. Therefore, in this paper, a reliable path is selected using a multi-criteria decision making technique through an adaptive approach according to the density status received from the adjacent nodes along with the path length so that when a failure occurs, a reliable path with similar QoS features is replaced by rating different paths among network nodes. The weight path selection strategy in NoCs to detect the minimal output port and multi-criteria decision making approach with VIKOR method has improvement over the basic routing algorithm in terms of delay and throughput. The algorithm hardware overhead has a reasonably low cost that maintains scalability for large scale On-Chip networks implementations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Design and Implementation of High Impedance Fault Relay Based on Harmonic Analysis Algorithm for Ahvaz 33 kV Distribution Network
        مهدي منادي S. Gh. Seifossadat R. Kianinezhad Mohammad Baharipoor
        Over current relays that are used commonly in distribution system can't detect high impedance fault. Therefore for that purpose it is necessary to design special algorithms. In this paper, a method based on harmonic analysis is presented. In this technique, the proposed More
        Over current relays that are used commonly in distribution system can't detect high impedance fault. Therefore for that purpose it is necessary to design special algorithms. In this paper, a method based on harmonic analysis is presented. In this technique, the proposed relay, after fault occurs, extracts the required harmonic and according designed algorithm, occurrence of fault is reported. Software of this relay for different scenarios of high impedance faults was tested; also its hardware of relay in laboratory tests could correctly identify events. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Fault Tolerant Control of DFIG Wind Turbine Back-to-Back Converter Based on Developed Sliding Mode Method
        mehrnoosh Kamarzarrin Mohammad Hossein Refan پرویز امیری
        Fault detection and tolerable control of wind turbine increases its reliability and availability. One of the electrical components of the wind turbine with a high error rate is the power converter. In this paper, a new method for fault tolerant (FT) control of the wind More
        Fault detection and tolerable control of wind turbine increases its reliability and availability. One of the electrical components of the wind turbine with a high error rate is the power converter. In this paper, a new method for fault tolerant (FT) control of the wind turbine back-to-back converter based on Dual Feed Induction Generator (DFIG) is presented. When a open circuit fault occurs in each of the IGBTs of the wind turbine converter, the performance of the converter is distorted and part of the current signal of each leg of the converter is lost. The classical controller cannot completely correct this change in current behavior, and for this reason, it has an abnormal performance. As a result, power generation will be accompanied by many fluctuations. In order to compensate, a new method based on sliding mode control is presented in this article. First, when an error occurs, the fault detection system identifies the faulty leg, and after reconfiguring the hardware, the proposed control system based on sliding mode control replaces the classic control system and switching operation. The fault detection method presented in this article is based on artificial neural network and it was developed based on matching with the functional parameters of the wind turbine. The proposed FT method is evaluated using a hardware simulator in a laboratory loop with a 90 kW DFIG generator. The experimental results show the proper accuracy of the fault detection method and on the other hand, the proposed FT method was able to compensate the open circuit fault of the IGBT. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Integrated Fault Estimation and Fault Tolerant Control Design for Linear Parameter Varying System with Actuator and Sensor Fault
        Hooshang Jafari Amin Ramezani Mehdi Forouzanfar
        Fault occurrence in real operating systems usually is inevitable and it may lead to performance degradation or failure and requires to be meddled quickly by making appropriate decisions, otherwise, it could cause major catastrophe. This gives rise to strong demands for More
        Fault occurrence in real operating systems usually is inevitable and it may lead to performance degradation or failure and requires to be meddled quickly by making appropriate decisions, otherwise, it could cause major catastrophe. This gives rise to strong demands for enhanced fault tolerant control to compensate the destructive effects and increase system reliability and safety in the presence of faults. In this paper, an approach for estimation and control of simultaneous actuator and sensor faults is presented by using integrated design of a fault estimation and fault tolerant control for time-varying linear systems. In this method, an unknown input observer-based fault estimation approach with both state feedback control and sliding mode control was developed to assure the closed-loop system's robust stability via solving a linear matrix inequality formulation. The presented method has been applied to a linear parameter varying system and the simulation results show the effectiveness of this method for fault estimation and system stability. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Compilation of artificial neural networks and the thinned Fault likelihood auto-tracking algorithm, for identification, interpretation and extraction of faults
        Alireza Ghazanfari Hoseyn Mohammadrezaei Hamidreza Ansari
        Fault identification and investigating their evolution is of special importance in the exploration and development of hydrocarbon resources. Success in exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields, need to recognition of petroleum systems and in this regard one of More
        Fault identification and investigating their evolution is of special importance in the exploration and development of hydrocarbon resources. Success in exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields, need to recognition of petroleum systems and in this regard one of the most important topics is identifying faults and their extension condition as a main fluid migration path, specially in deeper zones. Faults and fractures have crucial role in making high permeable and porous segments and cut reservoir and cap rock in the fluid migration path. In addition, for maximizing the production of hydrocarbon from reservoirs and also for reducing the risk of drilling, it is necessary to gain information about geometry and nature of faults of reservoirs. In this paper, the purpose is investigating the performance of combination of neural networks and Fault Likelihood auto-tracking algorithm for identification and interpretation of faults in seismic data. At first using the Dip-steering feature of software, the early filter for accurate identification of dip of structures in the data, have been designed and applied. Then with designing and applying the appropriate filters, the seismic data have been improved. After that proper seismic attributes for fault identification have been calculated from seismic data. With picking fault and non-fault points from data, a supervised neural network using the selected attributes was formed and after training the network, the appropriate output achieved. Then the output of neural network has been used as a input for Thinned Fault Likelihood auto-tracking algorithm. The output of this part contains a volume of tracked faults. Finally using sub-tools of TFL and optimal setting of parameters, 3D fault planes has been interpreted and extracted. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Designing a Secure Consensus Algorithm for Use in Blockchain
        Hosein Badri Masumeh Safkhani
        Blockchain technology eliminates the need for a central authority. This system consists of a distributed ledger with a chain of blocks that records every network transaction. This ledger is replicated by every node in the network. We require a mechanism that provides co More
        Blockchain technology eliminates the need for a central authority. This system consists of a distributed ledger with a chain of blocks that records every network transaction. This ledger is replicated by every node in the network. We require a mechanism that provides consensus for the entire network, known as "consensus algorithm," in order for the state of this ledger to be the same for all nodes of the network at any given time. In this work, we will suggest a novel consensus algorithm that protects the blockchain platform from four common attacks. These attacks include the Sybil, Denial of Service, 51%, and Eclipse attacks. Due to its multiple control parameters, generic and all-purpose character, immunity to different attacks, and acceptable execution speed, our suggested algorithm can be used to build secure blockchain-based systems in a variety of applications. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Investigation of tectonics, fault data and their relationship with mineralization and alteration in Asbkhan, Heris area (East Azerbaijan Province - Northwest Iran)
        N. Yadegari Seyed Ghafor Alavi Mohsen Moayyed
        The study area is located in the south of Qushadagh mountain range, in the north of Asbkhan village, Heris township and in East Azarbaijan province. In terms of structural geology of Iran, this area is located in the main zone of Central Iran and Alborz-Azerbaijan sub-z More
        The study area is located in the south of Qushadagh mountain range, in the north of Asbkhan village, Heris township and in East Azarbaijan province. In terms of structural geology of Iran, this area is located in the main zone of Central Iran and Alborz-Azerbaijan sub-zone. The geological units of the region are including Eocene igneous and pyroclastic rocks with combination of andesitic, Trachyandesitic, basaltic, tuffic and ignembritic. The semi-deep intrusive mass with Oligocene age, with the combination of quartz diorite, diorite and quartz monzonite in the form of stock and dyke is exposed in the area. Structural studies, including fault plates, slickenside on them, and the joints system in various lithologies, indicate at least two general stress directions in the range, Which can be created following one tectonic regime or two tectonic regimes. If we consider the tectonic regime as a phase and consider the tensors with different directions as the result of rotation in the fault plates, We can introduce a general strike-slip regime with a general north-south trend that controls the existing structures of the region. At the same time, the infiltration of intrusive masses has caused the disintegration of these structures and made the issue more complicated. In general, faults with a northwest-southeast trend and a right on strike-slip mechanism, form the main structures of the area.Other faults are controlled by the main structures following the Riddle fractures system. Based on the system of joints in four different lithologies, lithological units from old to new include: basaltic andesite, quartz diorite, quartz monzonite (porphyry mass) and diorite, which from old to new reduces the diversity of the joints system. The northwest-southeast tectonic system has been involved in the development of argillic alteration and the northeast-southwest system has been important in the development of siliceous and mineralized veins. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Design of Distributed Consensus Controller for Leader-Follower Singular Multi-Agent Systems in the Presence of Sensor Fault
        Saeid Poormirzaee Hamidreza Ahmadzadeh masoud Shafiee
        In this paper, the problem of sensor fault estimation and designing of a distributed fault-tolerant controller is investigated to guarantee the leader-follower consensus for homogeneous singular multi-agent systems for the first time. First, a novel augmented model for More
        In this paper, the problem of sensor fault estimation and designing of a distributed fault-tolerant controller is investigated to guarantee the leader-follower consensus for homogeneous singular multi-agent systems for the first time. First, a novel augmented model for the system is proposed. It is shown that the proposed model is regular and impulse-free unlike some similar research works. Based on this model, the state and sensor fault of the system are simultaneously estimated by designing a distributed singular observer. The proposed observer also has the ability to estimate time-varying sensor fault. Then, a distributed controller is designed to guarantee the leader-follower consensus using estimation of state and sensor fault. The sufficeient conditions to ensure the stability of the observer dynamic and consensus dynamic are drived in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The gains of observer and controller are computed by solving these conditions with MATLAB software. Finally, the validation and efficiency of the proposed control system for the leader-follower consensus of singular multi-agent systems exposed to sensor faults is illustrated by computer simulations. The simulation results show that the propsed control strategy deeling to the sensor falut in the singular multi-agent systems is effective. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        22 - Detection and Analysis of Acoustic Signals of Power Transformers On-Load Tap Changers for Assessment of Their Faults
        adel younesi Abbas Ghayebloo Hasanreza Mirzaei
        <p><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">On load tap changers are very important equipment of the power transfor More
        <p><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">On load tap changers are very important equipment of the power transformers. Due to the strongly mechanical movements and high-energy arcs, this equipment has a much higher failure rate with respect to other internal transformer equipment. Online and accurate evaluation of well operation of these equipment by indicators with no interfere on the normal operation of the transformer, is very important issue. In this paper, various faults detecting methods in the tap changer have been discussed an investigated by some extracted features of acoustic signals. These signals have been captured experimentally in various tap changing periods by an accelerometer sensor mounted on a power transformer body. In this paper, in addition to common features, two new feathers entitled time and frequency indicators have been introduced. Finally, for selecting the proper features to faults detection and proposing an effective classification method, some available experimental data were randomly defected by results in the references, and classified successfully as healthy and defective data by support vector machine (SVM) method.</span></p> Manuscript profile