• List of Articles تقدیر

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Destiny - Centered Structure of Tragic Stories of Shahnameh
        ایرج  مهرکی khadijeh bahrami rahnama
        The aim of this article is to show destiny - centered structure of tragic stories of Shahnameh. In tragedy, there is an inevitable thing that the hero of story is not able to prevent it, in order not to amortize him. It is called definite destiny or fate. All heroes of More
        The aim of this article is to show destiny - centered structure of tragic stories of Shahnameh. In tragedy, there is an inevitable thing that the hero of story is not able to prevent it, in order not to amortize him. It is called definite destiny or fate. All heroes of tragic stories of Shahnameh, are defeated by it, and when they are faced with a network of cause and effect, despite all their attempts and determination, they admit defeat, and inevitability of their fate. So, they accept the order of destiny and believe that, whatever should be done, will be done and you have to accept it. So many elements form destiny- centered structure of the tragic stories of Shahnameh; ignoring just one of them will affect the whole work. Studying the elements will make it possible to analyze the structure. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Criticism in the liberation theology of Iqbal Lahori
        Azizollah  Salari
        Allama Mohammad Iqbal Lahouri (1877-1938) is one of the great philosophers, poets and revivals of the Islamic world, who, with enlightened poetry, as well as his speeches and writings, developed a philosophical and military philosophical plan called "Self Wisdom." With More
        Allama Mohammad Iqbal Lahouri (1877-1938) is one of the great philosophers, poets and revivals of the Islamic world, who, with enlightened poetry, as well as his speeches and writings, developed a philosophical and military philosophical plan called "Self Wisdom." With the rejection of the wisdoms of the untapped modern West, he is looking for a realist, profound, visionary, and Qur'anic who is a mixture of Goddess, nature, love, mysticism, wisdom, self-consciousness, epic, neglect, selflessness, thirst, oppression, creativity ... . Is . A view that is collectively a liberation theology They form him. With the understanding and precise understanding of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and with the example of the Mujahideen Orientalist philosopher, Seyyed Jamal al-Din al-Assadabadi, he forswear the divine predestination - which has long been a pretext for stagnation and reconciliation and retrogression - from abstract and Ash'arist interpretations And practically brought a Shi'ite commentary from the school of the Ahlul-Bayt (AS), which is in accordance with the choices of liberty and decisiveness. Thus, the Eastern spirit was blown away by the idolatry, so that the bondage of colonial powers would go away, and to unity, authority and creativity. And the dynamism, design and realization of the aspirations Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Role of Free Will Versus Taghdir (Destiny) in View of Quran, Psychology and Neurology
        AKRAM jahangir farzaneh maftoon
        The issue of predestination and free will has long been among the most basic issues in philosophy and debated by philosophers and thinkers. Some have believed in absolute predestination and some others, like Muʿtazila, believe in absolute free will. However, the saying More
        The issue of predestination and free will has long been among the most basic issues in philosophy and debated by philosophers and thinkers. Some have believed in absolute predestination and some others, like Muʿtazila, believe in absolute free will. However, the saying “La jabr wala ikhtiar, bal amr-i bayn al-amrayn” (There is no free will or predestination, but the station in between) we have received from the Infallible Imams (AS) has been proven to be true in specialized neurology labs. In this paper, neurological studies about free will, related Quranic verses, and other psychological and neurological views related to the issue have been taken into consideration. Benjamin Libet is a neurophysiologist who discovered a new understanding of consciousness during his studies on the brain. He writes that the brain begins responding to an external stimulus before making a conscious decision (i.e., the response is already there, and this is what we call predestination). This paper cites from verses of the Quran, views of Carl Jung, and interpretations of poets Rumi and Hafiz on the issue of sublime predestination and destiny and then investigates neurology of transcendence in neuroscience. One can develop humanity’s horizons in terms of religious understandings by reflecting on them and their relation with new sciences. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Editor's Note
        Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari
        «تاریخ متافیزیک» از زمره عناوین و مداخل پُربسامد در میان مداخل فلسفی دورۀ جدید و معاصر است. تعریف، موضوع و مسائل متافیزیک (و «مابعدالطبیعه» در ترجمه عربی و فارسی آن)، از زمان خود ارسطو و در میان شاگردان و اتباع وی در ادوار مختلف ـ‌ از جمله در دوران اسلامی ـ محل بحث و تأ More
        «تاریخ متافیزیک» از زمره عناوین و مداخل پُربسامد در میان مداخل فلسفی دورۀ جدید و معاصر است. تعریف، موضوع و مسائل متافیزیک (و «مابعدالطبیعه» در ترجمه عربی و فارسی آن)، از زمان خود ارسطو و در میان شاگردان و اتباع وی در ادوار مختلف ـ‌ از جمله در دوران اسلامی ـ محل بحث و تأمل بوده و هست. همچنین در فرهنگها و دائرة‌المعارفهای بزرگی همچون فرهنگنامه تاریخی مفاهیم فلسفه، نوشته یوآخیم ریتر، مدخل نسبتاً مفصلی به «مابعدالطبیعه» اختصاص داده شده است. در آغاز دورۀ اسلامی، فارابی و پس از وی ابن‌سینا، بدرستی در تعریف و موضوع و مسائل آن تأمل کردند؛ برای نمونه، ابن‌سینا با نقد ارسطو، خدا (علت اولی) را نه موضوع، بلکه از زمره مسائل این دانش خواند و موضوع آن را همچنان «موجود بما هو موجود و عوارض ذاتی آن» دانست. این مطلب شاید در بدو امر ساده به نظر آید، اما حکایت از دشواریها و احتمالاً ناسازگاریهایی دارد که در سخن مشائیان وجود داشت و شیخ‌الرئیس با دقت و تفظّن خاص خود، بدان راه یافته بود. اگرچه اتباع ارسطو در قرون بعد و کسانی مانند فرفوریوس، بوئتیوس، توماس آکوئینی، سوارز و دنس اسکوتوس و در قرون اخیر، برنتانو و پس از او نیچه و هیدگر نیز به این امر توجه داشته‌اند، اما در کنار تمامی این مباحث، لازم است به موضوع دیگری که بویژه از قرن بیستم به این سو مطرح شده و سخت مورد توجه اهالی فلسفه قرار گرفته است نیز بپردازیم. امروزه عنوان «تقدیر متافیزیک» به زبان بسیاری از فیلسوفان معاصر راه یافته و از پسِ آن، عناوینی چون «پایان متافیزیک» نیز بنوعی در ادبیات و گفتمان امروز مستقر شده است. در اینجا پرسشی محوری قابل طرح است: آنچه دربارۀ تقدیر متافیزیک در سیاق تاریخ فلسفه غرب خوانده شده، آیا قابل تسّری به مابعدالطبیعه در سیاق تاریخ فلسفه اسلامی هست یا خیر؟ بعبارت دیگر، بفرض تصدیق آنچه که امروزه تحت عنوان «پوشیدگی حقیقت» و «غیبت وجود» در متافیزیک غربی مطرح شده است، آیا همین عناوین را میتوان به سیر و ادوار و مراحل تاریخی تفکر فلسفی در عالم اسلام سرایت داد؟ این در حالی است که حداقل در ادوار مهمی از این تاریخ، «وجود» و حضور آن در بنیان هرگونه تأمل فلسفی مورد تأکید قرار گرفته و بنا بر رأی برخی از شارحان فلسفۀ ابن‌سینا، اطلاق اصالت وجود و عناوینی چون بداهت و تشکیک در وجود نیز مورد توجه وی بوده و این چندان دور از واقعیت نیست. جا دارد اهالی فلسفه، بویژه آن دسته از فیلسوفان که در عرصۀ تطبیق و مقایسه میان مشارب و مسالک فلسفی تأمّل میکنند، به این پرسش نیز التفات کرده و چنانچه آن را شایسته بحث و گفتگو بدانند، در محافل و مجامع فلسفی به بحث و تأمل در آن بپردازند. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Comparison of the opinions of Ibn Sina and Ibn Arabi on the issue of free will and destiny
        Somayeh Heiran Abbas  Ahmadi Saiedi mohamad ali akhgar
        In this research, the issue of free will in humans and divine destiny in the views of Ibn Sina and Ibn Arabi are examined and then compared. The importance of the research is due to the distinction between Ibn Sina's philosophical approach and Ibn Arabi's mystical-theol More
        In this research, the issue of free will in humans and divine destiny in the views of Ibn Sina and Ibn Arabi are examined and then compared. The importance of the research is due to the distinction between Ibn Sina's philosophical approach and Ibn Arabi's mystical-theological approach to answer the question of free will in man and divine destiny, while both thinkers have the same procedure in explaining the issue of Qada, Qadr and free will in the philosophical discussion or There are mystics of unity. The most important similarity between the views of these two thinkers is in considering the will in humans as non-inherent, which they see in the light of God's innate will. The most important difference between Ibn Arabi's and Ibn Sina's opinions regarding divine judgment and destiny is Ibn Sina's reliance and emphasis on the knowledge of God's mercy and Ibn Arabi's emphasis on divine judgment. This difference is rooted in Ibn Sina's philosophical approach and Ibn Arabi's mystical-theological approach to analyze the subject. Regarding free will in man, Ibn Sina believes that by performing certain actions, a person has the ability to exercise his opinion and change his destiny, and God has decreed such that there is certainty and certainty in man's actions, and that judgment is based on his free will and will. And the divine decree has determined the free will in the actions of humans. According to Ibn Arabi, the judgment and fate of God's decree is in the order of fixed nobles and their requirements, and therefore the will and free will of man are also in their domain. And Qada and Qadr do not violate human free will. The method of this research is based on descriptive-analytical and using library texts. Manuscript profile