Explaining the concept of public service marketing
Subject Areas : improving the performance of the public sector; Taking advantage of the opportunities available to fulfill the needs of citizens
reza tayaran
Mohammad Taleghani
1 - phd student of management, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran,
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
Keywords: Marketing, services, public services, public service marketing, government services.,
Abstract :
Many experts believe that the legitimacy of governments depends on the amount of providing quality "public services". Public services are performed with the aim of providing public benefits, and if the government does not have the power to perform this task, it loses its competence. The legitimacy of governments depends not only on the nature of the services they provide, but also on how they are provided. (Vaazi, Reza; Sohrabi, Shahla, 2017). There is strong evidence that the private sector provides better quality services than the public sector. However, the public sector must always review and review its services; Because today's clients do not accept the slightest dissatisfaction. In this regard, according to the notification of the executive policies of Article 44 of the Constitution, government organizations must improve the quality of their services and seek the satisfaction of the clients in order to remain in the field of competition. In today's world, customers are at the center of attention of companies, and their satisfaction is the main factor in gaining a competitive advantage of organizations. Accurate identification of their expectations, tendencies, abilities and limitations in purchasing products has been more and more noticed by companies. In order to manage public services, obtain satisfaction and communicate with customers, a deep study and research should be done to examine and explain the concept of public service marketing, and this article is also compiled to investigate this general goal. Therefore, in this research, an effort has been made to identify, explain and investigate the methods, basic assumptions and basic concepts of public service marketing in the form of a set of opportunities, challenges and solutions. The current research method is descriptive and analytical based on documentary and library sources and tries to explain So
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