Prioritizing strategies using integrated approach of AHP and Fuzzy COPRAS
Subject Areas :
Ali Morovati Sharifabadi
Mohammad Mohsen Khodaei Meidaneshah
Pooria Malekinezhad
Milad Hamzehnezhadi
1 - Yazd University
2 -
3 - Yazd University
4 - Yazd University
Keywords: Prioritizing strategy, Pareto principle, Balanced Score Card, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Fuzzy COmplex PRoportional ASsessment of alternative (COPRAS),
Abstract :
According to the organizations additive growth in competition for increasing market share, the necessity of strategic planning is increasing which accordingly has attracted plenty of researchers. All strategic alternatives are never taken into consideration equally by strategists. Therefore, best alternatives should be selected. In this research, an integrated process is used for selecting the best strategy which includes three approaches named Sustainable Balanced Score Card (SBSC), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy COmplex PRoportional ASsessment of alternative (COPRAS). Firstly, thirty-three criteria were extracted after studying literature review and interviewing most conscious experts from one of the cabinet making companies. Secondly, they are filtered by Pareto principle. Afterward, nine strategies which are strategic planning outcome, prioritized by COPRAS technique. At the end, "Using blue ocean in order to form a principled marketing and branding" identified as the most important strategy and decision makers allocated the highest utility degree to it. Due to this issue that the organization is at the beginning of the path and consequently should be recognized, "Using blue ocean in order to form a principled marketing and branding" will be an appropriate and suitable strategy because it is the main concern of the newly established and start-ups companies.
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