A Comparative Study of Practical Faculty and Emotional Intelligence
Subject Areas :Najaf Yazdani 1 , Ruhollah Razini 2
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Keywords: Soul practical faculty emotional intelligence philosophy psychology,
Abstract :
A theme which is commonly discussed in philosophical psychology and modern psychology is attaining the knowledge of the various dimensions of human existence through different methods. One of these dimensions is the non-cognitive dimension of human beings, which has been mentioned in philosophical psychology in the discussion of practical faculty. Today, it has attracted the attention of psychologists under the title of emotional intelligence (EI) or emotional quotient (EQ). Some philosophers advocate a cognitive approach and some a non-cognitive one to this faculty. Still, some of them basically deny the existence of an independent practical faculty. Among the interpretations provided for Man’s practical faculty, the non-cognitive interpretation seems to be the correct one. In psychology, too, some capacity-based, non-cognitive, and competency-based models have been developed for EQ. From among them, the second and third models are more consistent with the selected interpretation of practical faculty in philosophy. The non-cognitive dimensions of human beings affect many human acts, and even their epistemological dimensions are sometimes influenced by their non-ideological aspects. Therefore, it is of great importance to study modern psychologists’ views of EQ and compare them with old psychological discussions of practical faculty. By comparing the views regarding this dimension in the two realms of modern psychology and philosophical psychology, this paper demonstrates that one of the important dimensions of Man’s development is the non-cognitive one, attaining a thorough knowledge of which can provide us with a more complete knowledge of human beings.
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