Review of Water Conveyance and Distribution Efficiency in Irrigation Networks in Iran and its Estimation Methods
Subject Areas : Environmental sustainability
zeynab sojoodi
Seyyed Mehdi Hashemy Shahedany
1 - University of Tehran
2 - Faculty member of Tehran University
Keywords: Canal, Conveyance, Distribution, Irrigation, Losses,
Abstract :
Irrigation networks are responsible for the distribution and delivery of agricultural water, so improving their performance reduces losses and increases the efficiency of water distribution, and thus leads to improved water efficiency. Investigating the operation of irrigation networks is essential for planning and improving irrigation networks and systems. The first purpose of the assessment is to determine the amount of losses that occur in the process of distribution and delivery of agricultural water in the network of irrigation canals. Losses in agricultural water conveyance and distribution systems occur for two main reasons: leakage and improper performance of canal structures that cause operating losses. Various factors such as weed growth in canals, accumulation of sediment in canals, accumulation of garbage in canals, cracking of canal cover, crushing or moving of concrete parts in canals, destruction due to poor quality of materials and lack of sufficient knowledge of total operation and the wisdom of the country's water decision-makers is increasing losses in agricultural distribution and delivery systems. Factors influencing the operation of networks include regular annual maintenance process and the operation of network operators to timely and correctly adjust the catchment structures to prevent unstable hydraulic conditions in the main and secondary channels, which can be invested in training operators and teams. Management and operation in irrigation networks significantly reduced the volume of operation losses. In this study, the results of studies on the determination of conveyance and distribution efficiencies in irrigation networks have been reviewed and summarized.
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