• List of Articles ideal city

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Place of the Prophet in Ibn Sina’s Ideal City
        Mohammad Akvan Fatemeh  Mohammad
        As a divine philosopher, Ibn Sina has dealt with politics in his metaphysical discussions. Apparently, he has not written an independent work on politics and has considered it to be a part of practical wisdom. In his view, the prophet represents the “ideal ruler” and re More
        As a divine philosopher, Ibn Sina has dealt with politics in his metaphysical discussions. Apparently, he has not written an independent work on politics and has considered it to be a part of practical wisdom. In his view, the prophet represents the “ideal ruler” and revelation and tradition represent the law. Since, before him, Farabi has discussed politics extensively in his al-Siyasah al-madaniyyah (Civil Politics), Ibn Sina does not see any need to provide more explanations in this regard and deals with this field in short without presenting the details. However, he has discussed the quality of choosing a leader and devising laws for his utopia extensively. In fact, he has completed the same prophetic politics that Farabi had initiated previously. The present paper briefly deals with Ibn Sina’s political system in order to clarify the place of the prophet in the hierarchy of his utopia. In this way, the quality of establishing a utopia based on the “definitive text” as the best method of electing a ruler is clearly illustrated. Moreover, the authors demonstrate how the nature of Ibn Sina’s view of the caliphate and the Prophet’s successor bring him closer to the Imamiyyah political philosophy. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A Comparative Study of Utopia in Islamic Thinkers: A Case Study of the Views of Khwajah Nasir al-Din Tusi and Ibn Sina
        Mahdi  Torkashvand Ali  Khajeh Naieni
        The negation of painful worldly affairs and trying to depict a purely good world in the mind of a human being who has experienced a descent from heaven to the earth has a long history. This thought has resulted in the development of the idea of Utopia by Western and Eas More
        The negation of painful worldly affairs and trying to depict a purely good world in the mind of a human being who has experienced a descent from heaven to the earth has a long history. This thought has resulted in the development of the idea of Utopia by Western and Eastern thinkers. Khwajah Nasir al-Din Tusi and Ibn Sina are among the scholars who have theorized in this regard and elaborated on the various dimensions of their own Utopia. The present study was conducted using a descriptive design and examining the existing documents regarding Ibn Sina and Tusi’s views of Utopia. The results of the study indicate that the differences between their descriptions of Utopia pertain to their theoretical approach, their views of the kind of leadership and attributes of the head of Utopia, Ibn Sina’s hierarchical and class-oriented view, and an accurate view of the components of Utopia in Ibn Sina’s philosophy in comparison to Tusi, while they both agree with each other with respect to their worldviews, the conditions they set for attaining the leadership of Utopia, and compromising view of the existing status. Evidently, given the Islamic worldview of both thinkers, the findings of this study could be a useful first step for portraying an Islamic city. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Comparative Analysis of the Views of Farabi and Ibn Arabi concerning the Place of Ethics and Gnosis in their Utopia
        Fereshteh  Nadry Abyaneh
        In this paper, by examining the ethical-gnostic identity of utopia in the views of Farabi (as the founder of Islamic philosophy) and Ibn Arabi (as the founder of Islamic gnosis), the writers portray the three main pillars of this state, namely, leadership, distinctive f More
        In this paper, by examining the ethical-gnostic identity of utopia in the views of Farabi (as the founder of Islamic philosophy) and Ibn Arabi (as the founder of Islamic gnosis), the writers portray the three main pillars of this state, namely, leadership, distinctive feature, and the purpose behind its establishment based on the fundamental concepts of perfection, justice, and ultimate happiness. They also demonstrate that these concepts are realized in their most sublime form in the Mahdawi Medina. From among the other problems discussed in this research, we can refer to the emphasis on the place of the intellect and knowledge in this regard as well as the instances of non-utopian cities in the eyes of these two thinkers. A comparative analysis of the ideas of Farabi and Ibn Arabi indicates that, in spite of their similar views concerning the main pillars of utopia, the basic principles of their gnostic and philosophical ideas and thoughts in this respect are different. From among these differences we can refer to the place of the problem of utopia, the foundations of the development of this idea, the language used to present it, determining its referent and expressing the level of its transcendence, and the quality of believing in the necessity of the objective realization of utopia. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Philosophical Training of Children
        Hosein  Ataie
        Plato in his Republic and Laws while describing the foundations of his ideal city, stressed that the training of people should commence from their childhood. Drawing attention to children as started from earlier ages extended to the contemporary period as well. Here a q More
        Plato in his Republic and Laws while describing the foundations of his ideal city, stressed that the training of people should commence from their childhood. Drawing attention to children as started from earlier ages extended to the contemporary period as well. Here a question may arise as why did philosophers concern about the training of children? Whether children also should follow the same ethical rules that elders do or they have to follow particular ethical rules? The present article, with reference to Islamic-Iranian thinking, tries to study the importance of philosophical approach in training children, and stress the necessary of philosophical training in religious training and outline the principles of philosophical training. But first the concept of training should be clarified. Manuscript profile