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        1 - Model and Guiding Framework for Innovative and Entrepreneurial University
        reza mahdi masoud shafiee
        Moving on the path of innovation and entrepreneurship (value-creating) and fulfilling the desired social responsibility is one of the axes of the evolution of universities in recent years, especially in the last two decades. Innovative and value-creating university, for More
        Moving on the path of innovation and entrepreneurship (value-creating) and fulfilling the desired social responsibility is one of the axes of the evolution of universities in recent years, especially in the last two decades. Innovative and value-creating university, for which various definitions have been proposed and various dimensions and criteria have been proposed for its introduction and creation, is one of the new initiatives and ideas for transformation in university systems. Despite identifying and introducing various components and criteria for an innovative and value-creating university, creating this type of university and purposeful and managed movement in the path of innovation and entrepreneurship requires a comprehensive roadmap and a balanced action guide. In order to evolve and achieve a comprehensive model, a guideline framework consisting of eight dimensions, as an action plan and operational model of an innovative and value-creating university by the European Commission and OECD, design and more than 600 universities and higher education institutes in Europe and OECD has evaluated this model. In this paper, through a review of documents, the guide to innovative and value-creating university is introduced as a guide for mainly European programs, for the gradual and systematic transformation of existing universities into innovative and value-creating universities with local considerations. All Iranian universities and higher education institutions with any mission, by learning and adapting actively and productively from this framework and gradually adapting their conditions to its dimensions and criteria, can take fundamental steps in the path of innovation and entrepreneurship and become an innovative and value-creating university in the Relation of Industry and University, Innovative and Entrepreneurial University, Value-creating University, Third Generation University, Guiding Framework for Innovative Higher Education Institute (HEInnovative)true and actual word. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Entrepreneurial University, Requirements and Musts
        heydar mirfakhreddin
        The change in the role of the university due to the change in economic-political orientations at the end of the Cold War, led to a change in attitudes toward research in academic centers. Given the new economic orientations that have shifted the role of economic managem More
        The change in the role of the university due to the change in economic-political orientations at the end of the Cold War, led to a change in attitudes toward research in academic centers. Given the new economic orientations that have shifted the role of economic management from government to market and have led to a change in attitudes toward research in universities and research centers, the demand has emerged that universities should minimize the public resources used in research. To compensate and play a more active role in the growth and development of society.At the same time, the formation of the knowledge-based economy has highlighted the role of knowledge as a more prominent factor in creating added value, wealth creation than the traditional factors of production in the economy, namely land, labor and capital. In addition to research and education, the university has another third role, which is to participate in the socio-economic development of society.These changes in the approach to resource allocation and the role of knowledge in wealth creation and the change in the direction of economic management have led to growing attention to the commercialization approach to research results in universities and research centers in developed countries. He concluded that research results should be sold to private and public sector companies in order to create other sources of revenue for these centers while funding research activities.Commercialization means turning research results into products, services, and processes that can be sold. Thus, this process emphasizes the application of research results and the creation of economic value for these results.As a result, fostering entrepreneurial ideas in the process of business development for wealth creation, value creation, taking advantage of comparative opportunities and advantages, and combining innovations and technologies in the direction of economic dynamism; Directing stray capital and directing investment flows in productive and entrepreneurial businesses within the university's capabilities;Social partners and students and teachers; It is recommended to prevent the erosion of entrepreneurial businesses in the light of continuous and process-oriented facilitations in the dimensions of consulting, financial, institutional, etc. Manuscript profile
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        3 - On the way to entrepreneurial university; Entrepreneurial University from theory to practice
        Hossein Samadi-Miarkolaei Hamzeh  Samadi-Miarkolaei
        Entrepreneurial University is a place where new jobs are created, this center supports entrepreneurial people. This support includes educational, financial and marketing support. In such universities, investors are provided with opportunities to anticipate their problem More
        Entrepreneurial University is a place where new jobs are created, this center supports entrepreneurial people. This support includes educational, financial and marketing support. In such universities, investors are provided with opportunities to anticipate their problems and take advantage of the opportunities gained, which is itself a valuable experience in the field of finance and marketing. The occupations that benefit from these universities will certainly be at the forefront of the development of new technology. This technology is used in the production of goods and will lead to a higher standard of living.In the meantime, the purpose of the present study is to explain the situation of the entrepreneurial university in the universities of the third millennium with an experimental research design through a fuzzy inference system. The method of this research is survey method in terms of data collection and applied in terms of research purposes. The statistical population of this research is professors, experts and officials of Babol University of Technology.Findings showed that among the studied indices, only multidisciplinary multidisciplinary indices; University vision and mission; Knowledge transfer and growth center component, risk financing in university-derived companies has been at a desirable level, but other indicators are in poor condition.According to the descriptive and analytical findings of the present study, it should be noted that the emergence of entrepreneurial university is in fact a response to the growing importance of knowledge in the national and regional system of innovation and new perception of the university. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The Rule of Academic Spin off Companies in the Development of Entrepreneurship at the Universities
        Atefeh Zolfaghari Seyed reza Hejazi Arta Farmodi
        This paper investigates the rule of spin off companies in the development of academic entrepreneurship at the University. Increasing attention to the entrepreneurship and highlighted the role of spin off companies in knowledge transfer and technology transfer have shown More
        This paper investigates the rule of spin off companies in the development of academic entrepreneurship at the University. Increasing attention to the entrepreneurship and highlighted the role of spin off companies in knowledge transfer and technology transfer have shown the increasingly importance of spin off companies in Iran. Considering to the formation and growth of spin off companies in the future industrial development and increased universities income especially in Iran would be a major subject for countries. This paper is a qualitative study that have shaped based on studied documents, database, technology transfer, spin off and entrepreneurship literatures. Based on the finding from depth interviews with universities experts and founders of academic spin offs this study has been integrated. Based on the collected data success of the spin off companies have strengthened the suitable formed of entrepreneurship team at universities and research institutions. Spin off company’s Entrepreneur founders with the good organizational conditions make growth and increased rate of income and employment which will increase attention to entrepreneurship in the universities. This paper has been reviewed the enormous changes in universities system to developing entrepreneurship culture and education in teaching and research activities in universities and has been investigated that attention to interact companies with industry through academic spin off is so vial. At the end if the interaction between the university environment and research organizations with industrial and economic business has been organized, and with effective mechanisms such as creation spin off, the resulting will be absorbing most employment and efficiency of sources. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Entrepreneurial University; Concepts, Backgrounds and How to Achieve
        Bahman Facoor
        Science systems in the world have been in transition for better responding to social and economic needs to knowledge and technology. Entrepreneurial university is a model for defining and describing a new and modified face for universities. The main impact of this model More
        Science systems in the world have been in transition for better responding to social and economic needs to knowledge and technology. Entrepreneurial university is a model for defining and describing a new and modified face for universities. The main impact of this model is to extend the interaction between university and society. This article is to review the entrepreneurial university concepts and the backgrounds, as well as to reveal the factors that contribute in transferring of traditional universities to entrepreneurial universities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Conceptual Model of University Incubators
        Tayebe Nikraftar
        Change and transition is one of the challenges of 21st century. Countries have faced with unanticipated situations because of developing the increasing range of changes so they can not guarantee their survival with small change in manner, structure, technology and so on More
        Change and transition is one of the challenges of 21st century. Countries have faced with unanticipated situations because of developing the increasing range of changes so they can not guarantee their survival with small change in manner, structure, technology and so on. Organizations should start a revolution in their managements and employees mind until the concepts of organization, work and competition basically change in their mind. In this situation we need entrepreneurs that can blow fresh blood in the economic state body through creativity, innovation, stability and self confidence and pacing effective step for solving employment crisis. It is obvious that entrepreneurial university is one of the strategic and key tools for this matter in the higher education level. Entrepreneurship University has made diversity mechanisms such as business incubators, science and technology parks, and entrepreneurship centers and so on for fulfilling their goals. The task of business incubators is to support the university graduates and young entrepreneurs that familiar with new technologies and owning creativity but they are often idle because founding a business by them is not possible without entering a high risk of failure. Business Incubators help these entrepreneurs to pass the primary growth stages and when they acquire the capabilities for activity in market they can leave/graduate the incubator. The concept of business incubator have been reviewed, analysis and habited in our country for some years. The object of this paper is to review the place of university incubators in developing employment and technology transfer. At first we pay attention to relations between the university, incubator and industry. Then we review the role of them in developing and transferring technology and finally we show a conceptual model for University Incubators. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Analysis of the Forces Operating in an Entrepreneurial University and Academic Technology Transfer; Interdisciplinary Approach
        Amin Pazhohesh Jahromy Javad Pour Karimy
        The formation of the entrepreneurial university from the traditional university,is the product of the interaction of the various forces that creativity and collective action is the common characteristics of it. When the University moved to a higher level of energy balan More
        The formation of the entrepreneurial university from the traditional university,is the product of the interaction of the various forces that creativity and collective action is the common characteristics of it. When the University moved to a higher level of energy balance, in other words, from the traditional to the entrepreneurial university level, balance of the forces to maintain the conditions is required so that university wouldn’t go back to the former situattion. After the formation of the entrepreneur university, similarly forces affect the process of technology transfer and commercialization of research findings As one of the most important topics of the third mission of the university. The present Research uses library research and with use of multidisciplinary perspective, analyzes the forces shaping the entrepreneurial university and technology transfer from the perspective of the dynamics, Social Change, linguistics, the physics of electricity, and psychology. The findings suggests that driving forces and restraining forces (The intensity of the applied research and becoming market university) due to circumstances may help to instability, Change, and finally, stability. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Discover and prioritize the factors affecting the structure of the entrepreneurial university: the Proposal for success in the university's third generation tasks
        With the passing of the era of the first and second generation of university that training-oriented universities and research-oriented universities are called, the third generation as an entrepreneurial university has been introduced. The aim of present article is Ident More
        With the passing of the era of the first and second generation of university that training-oriented universities and research-oriented universities are called, the third generation as an entrepreneurial university has been introduced. The aim of present article is Identifying and ranking Entrepreneurial University's Structure Dimension. Entrepreneurial university appearance as a center which focus on humanity knowledge and publication of that, investigation, preparation and university attendance on development of economic and social with more operational system, can be known as one of the most important events in recent years. By attention to necessity of developing these kind of universities, must examine structure basis of that and Iran,s universities should be noticed to this kind of university. In this investigation, researchers after library considerations, proceed to recognition of effective structural dimensions on entrepreneurial university using Delphi method in three rounds. then they ranked this dimensions by using AHP. After recognizing dimensions by using Delphi method they ordered by using networking process: integration, independence, professionalism, complexity, centralization and formality. The result of present article shows that scientific system of country should notice to a lot of structural dimension's in the universities especially in independence and integration and professionalism. Because Entrepreneurial University's Structure should persuade creativity and synergy. The leading role, combination of the components of the composition and independence, is the one of the most influential factors that affecting on the structure. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Investigating the Factors Effecting the Readiness of Universities to Become the University with the Entrepreneurial Features (Case Study: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)
        fereshte sadeghi yaghoob maharati alireza khorakian
        Today the successful experience of most developed countries as well as some developing countries in overcoming economic crises through the development of entrepreneurship in those countries has made other countries to pay more attention to entrepreneurship, entrepreneur More
        Today the successful experience of most developed countries as well as some developing countries in overcoming economic crises through the development of entrepreneurship in those countries has made other countries to pay more attention to entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs and the formation of innovative businesses. This affects the field of education more than anything else, which has led gradually to change universities towards entrepreneurship. Hence present study is aimed to investigate the factors effecting the readiness of Universities to become the University with the entrepreneurial features in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. According to Morgan table, 114 sample were randomly selected. Face validity were examined with point of view of a number of professors in the Department of Management of Ferdowsi University and construct validity were examined through factor analysis and Cronbach' s alpha coefficient was used to measure reliability. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling analysis and Lisrel software. the results showed that all factors examined in this study i.e. structure, culture, strategy, management and academic links with industry are determinant factors effecting on the readiness of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad to become the University with the entrepreneurial Features But culture and academic links with industry are not very determinant factors. In addition, it was shown that among the investigated factors, organizational structure is the most determinant factor effecting the readiness of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad to become the University with the entre preneurial Features. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Solutions for the Development of Entrepreneurial University in the Field of Humanities and Social Sciences Based on a Multiple Case Study
        mehdi goodarzi farzaneh khalouei
        One of the issues encountered by the Iranian Humanities and Social Sciences Society is the commercialization of knowledge and business creation in this field. As a result, the deprivation of business areas from the benefits and capacities of the humanities and social sc More
        One of the issues encountered by the Iranian Humanities and Social Sciences Society is the commercialization of knowledge and business creation in this field. As a result, the deprivation of business areas from the benefits and capacities of the humanities and social sciences, the wasting of the country's capital, the unemployment of a large number of graduates, immigration and employment in irrelevant businesses are the main consequences of this issue. Therefore, this paper attempts by reviewing the literature on entrepreneurship, the supporting ecosystem of entrepreneurship and the study of two domestic and international universities, provide some solutions for developing university entrepreneurship in the field of humanities and social sciences. The results show that in comprehensive universities, firstly, engineering faculties and then social sciences, economics and management schools engage in entrepreneurship. However, other colleges are resisting entrepreneurship. Therefore, at a humanities university, the stimulation of all faculties for entrepreneurship innovatively, along with the pursuit of scientific and research tasks, should be carefully addressed and start with the colleges whose products and services are closer to the market. In addition, there is no universal framework for creating an academic entrepreneurship ecosystem. Thus, the officials of the universities in the field of humanities must be able to create a environment in which, while preserving the traditional values of education and research, put the commercialization capacity of creating entrepreneurial culture in the university at the center of attention of students and staff. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Investigating the Determinant of Organization Structure Dimensions on the Readiness of Universities to become the University with the Entrepreneurial Features (Case Studi: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)
        fereshte sadeghi yaghoob maharati alireza khorakian
        Today, government agencies, including universities, are confronted with problems for entrepreneurship. But these organizations have a special potential for entrepreneurship that can be achieved by providing the necessary fields for optimal results in this field. To prov More
        Today, government agencies, including universities, are confronted with problems for entrepreneurship. But these organizations have a special potential for entrepreneurship that can be achieved by providing the necessary fields for optimal results in this field. To provide these areas, fundamental changes in the structure of these organizations are necessary. Therefore, the present research aims to investigate the determinant of organization structure dimensions on readiness of Universities to become the University with the entrepreneurial Features. In the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. According to Morgan table, 114 sample were randomly selected. Validity was examined with point of view of a number of professors in the Department of Management of Ferdowsi University through factor analysis and Cronbach' s alpha coefficient was used to measure reliability. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software. The results showed that In terms of managers all dimension of organization structure are determinant factors effecting on the readiness of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad to become the University with the entrepreneurial Features. In addition, it was shown that among the dimensions of organizational structure, Formalism is the highest determinant factor effecting on the readiness of Ferdowsi University to become the University with the entre preneurial Features. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Entrepreneurial University; Higher Education Sustainable and Consistent, Leverage on the Path to Sustainable Development
        HOSSEIN Samadi-Miarkolaei hamzeh Samadi-Miarkolaei
        Nowadays, the sustainable development has become an ideal and great challenge. The universities are obligated to realize this ideal in higher education, and undoubtedly, the role of universities in sustainable development is undeniable. In the meantime, the appearance o More
        Nowadays, the sustainable development has become an ideal and great challenge. The universities are obligated to realize this ideal in higher education, and undoubtedly, the role of universities in sustainable development is undeniable. In the meantime, the appearance of entrepreneurial university is a response to increasingly importance of knowledge in the national and regional innovation system and new understanding of university; i.e. the institution which is counted as a factor for development, knowledge and technology transfer, and the source of creative inventions, and is good and thrifty economically. Therefore, present research is conducted to explain and investigate the entrepreneurial university model toward achievement of sustainable development in Mazandaran universities. This research, in terms of purpose, is an applied research, and in terms of data gathering, is a descriptive research. First, by means of literature review and interview with experts, the primiarly questionnaire is designed and the principal indices of entrepreneurial university model are extracted. Then, the FDEMATEL is used to explore the causal relations between variables, and finally, the (FDISM) is used to design the structural model. Results showed, among explored indices, five variables play a causal role and five variables play an effectual role. Results of fuzzy weighting technique showed, among explored indices, the indices of vision, mission, and strategy in university possess the most weight and importance. Also, FDISM approach showed the variables have been categorized into seven levels, and the variables of vision, mission, and strategy in university, leadership in university, and organizational structure and design in university are more influential as infrastructural factors. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Explain the gap in entrepreneurship and technology commercialization in cooperation between industry and university
        yazdan moradi siamak noori
        T he present study aimed to evaluate the analysis of studies in the field of cooperation between industry and university Over the past three decades have done so through a gap in cooperation between them be explained. This study used a descriptive-analytic review of re More
        T he present study aimed to evaluate the analysis of studies in the field of cooperation between industry and university Over the past three decades have done so through a gap in cooperation between them be explained. This study used a descriptive-analytic review of research methods. And previous studies have been done and then get the experts from Through in-depth interviews with experts from both university and industry organizations.Continued Interviews conducted on the basis of theoretical adequacy of the data was stopped on 18 interviews. Of these, 8 out of university professors and experts in the subject, 3 persons CEO industrial companies,4 people, government officials and three experts in the field of entrepreneurship and CEO of intermediary companies participated in interviews. The results show that although University-industry cooperation in education, research and Knowledge-based entrepreneurship & technology commercialization is raised but over time the share of education and too research reduced and a desire for cooperation of Knowledge-based entrepreneurship and technology commercialization has increased. Review current approaches in cooperation between industry and universities prefer to Ability of the private sector and companies of intermediate (hub), especially in knowledge-based entrepreneurship and technology commercialization. The results show that the role of local patterns and human resources entrepreneur who has Commitment and sense of responsibility towards the country, industry and university cooperation with industry and university was found in successful models. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Amirkabir University of Technology as Innovative and Entrepreneurial University: The Achievements and Challenges
        Reza Mahdi masoud shafiee
        Entrepreneurship and innovation is one of the new policies to promote the level of social responsibility and achieve the goals of social change and sustainable development. Innovative and entrepreneurial university is one of the main scenarios for effective participatio More
        Entrepreneurship and innovation is one of the new policies to promote the level of social responsibility and achieve the goals of social change and sustainable development. Innovative and entrepreneurial university is one of the main scenarios for effective participation of higher education in the development process. Amirkabir University of Technology is one of the entrepreneurial universities based on the historical background of its establishment and activity, the efforts of the leaders and the academic community and the expectations of the stakeholders, which can be innovative and entrepreneur by interacting and influencing the target industry and society. In this article , based on the "Guiding Framework of Innovative and Entrepreneurial University", the joint product of EC and OECD, the level of innovation and entrepreneurship of the university and the fulfillment of the criteria of innovative and entrepreneurial university evaluated by case study method. According to the study, despite efforts and initiatives of the leaders and managers, its level of innovation and entrepreneurship is below and there is a significant gap between the current situation and the expectations. With its special mission to move towards innovation and entrepreneurship, this university should be in seven areas including governance, financial capacities, teaching-learning function, mechanisms to support entrepreneurs, knowledge exchange and synergistic cooperation with industrial communities, international scientific mobility, more use from the capabilities of digital transformation in scientific and organizational dimensions, act simultaneously and balanced. Designing and implementing a "Comprehensive Strategic-Operational Medium-Term Plan" based on the "Dimensions and Criteria of the Guiding Framework of Innovative and Entrepreneurial University" is a principled proposal for this university to become an innovative and entrepreneurial university. Manuscript profile