• List of Articles Simplicity

      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Study of the Rule of the One from the Viewpoint of Mīrzā Mahdī Āshtīyānī
        Rohollah Adineh Fatemeh Babaeiy Adeleh Fallah
        The rule of the one or al-wāḥid (nothing proceeds from the one, but one) is one of the most fundamental rules which is referred to in philosophy and, particularly, in discussions on the quality of the creation of the world. This principle has provoked several debates in More
        The rule of the one or al-wāḥid (nothing proceeds from the one, but one) is one of the most fundamental rules which is referred to in philosophy and, particularly, in discussions on the quality of the creation of the world. This principle has provoked several debates in the history of philosophy, and many philosophers have resorted to it when explaining their own cosmological views. However, some philosophers have found it completely inconsistent with the absolute power and will of Almighty Truth and harshly criticized it. Mīrzā Mahdī Āshtīyānī is one of the scholars, who, in spite of being a well-known philosopher and presenting a great number of innovative ideas, has not received the attention that he truly deserves. He studied the “rule of the one” extensively and intended to demonstrate it based on several rational and traditional arguments and through resorting to various Qur’anic verses and narrations. Following a descriptive-analytic method and based on several historical documents, the present study initially explores the origin of the rule of the one and its historical development among philosophers. Next, it presents the view of Mīrzā Mahdī Āshtīyānī regarding the rule of the one and analyzes and examines his rational and traditional arguments. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A Critical Study of Seyyed Sharif Jurjani’s Reasoning Regarding the Simplicity of the Derivative
        Seyyed Ahmad  Hosseini Sangchal Mohammad Saeedimehr
        The problem of the simplicity or combination of the derivative is one of the controversial issues which, in spite of its similarity to mentally-posited discussions, has sometimes affected philosophical debates. The present paper reports on the results of a critical stud More
        The problem of the simplicity or combination of the derivative is one of the controversial issues which, in spite of its similarity to mentally-posited discussions, has sometimes affected philosophical debates. The present paper reports on the results of a critical study of Jurjani’s reasoning regarding the simplicity of the derivative. In his view, whenever the derivative is assumed to consist of “shayin lahu …”, in case of attaining the concept of “shay”, interference of general accident in differentia occurs. However, in case of attaining the extension of “shay”, the transformation of the possible proposition through the necessary happens. In the first case, the differentia fails to be a differentia, and in the second case the direction of possibility is removed from the world of reality. In order to explain the quality of the transformation, a solution has been presented which analyzes the concept of portion and the role of limitation and determination in the predicate. Here, the writers, in spite of considering this argument to be perfect, clarify that the given reason for demonstrating the simplicity of the derivative is inefficient and is only capable of deriving the concept or referent of “shay” from the truth of the derivative. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Simple Human Intellect in Mulla Sadra
        Furugh al-Sadat  Rahimpoor Maryam  Fakhr al-Dini
        In this paper, through examining the meanings of the “simple intellect” in Mulla Sadra’s view, the writers have tried to clarify its specific meaning in relation to the human soul. He maintains that unity and simplicity are among the characteristics of the simple human More
        In this paper, through examining the meanings of the “simple intellect” in Mulla Sadra’s view, the writers have tried to clarify its specific meaning in relation to the human soul. He maintains that unity and simplicity are among the characteristics of the simple human intellect, and that the general acquisition of intelligible forms by the simple intellect is a particular attribute which distinguishes it from other levels of perception. The simple human intellect is a name coined for the level of acquired intellect in order to, firstly, explain the specific features of this level, that is, simplicity and unity, and secondly, to emphasize the ontological harmony of the acquired intellect with the “Active Intellect”, which is the origin of the emanation of intelligible forms and is in unity with the acquired reason. Mulla Sadra also uses the term “the simple intellect” to clarify the process of the descent of revelation and considers the descent of the Qu’ran to be the product of the union of the simple intellect of the human soul with the Active Intellect or the “Holy Spirit”. It is through this union that the “Divine Pen” or the same Active Intellect portrays intelligible forms on the tablet of the prophet’s rational soul. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Apriori Differentiated Knowledge and the Principle of “the Truth in its Simplicity Contains all Things”
        Rouhollah  Souri
        The most important realm of divine knowledge is the apriori knowledge (the knowledge of essence through the other at the level of essence). Some believe that if this knowledge is differentiated and is the same as essence, the simplicity of the divine essence will be alt More
        The most important realm of divine knowledge is the apriori knowledge (the knowledge of essence through the other at the level of essence). Some believe that if this knowledge is differentiated and is the same as essence, the simplicity of the divine essence will be altered. However, Mulla Sadra considers them to be consistent with each other based on the principle of “the truth in its simplicity contains all things”. He argues that the differentiatedness and distinction of the known are other than the differentiation of knowledge itself. The order of being enjoys vertical gradation (causal), and the effect is the weakened form of the cause. Therefore, the higher level (cause) contains the existence of the lower level (effect) in a superior from (without its defects). The Necessary Being enjoys the most supreme and simplest level of the order of being. Hence, He is the higher existence of all objects, and His presential knowledge of Himself is the same as the differentiated knowledge of objects before their creation. This type of knowledge is simple but provides a differentiated interpretation of objects. On the other hand, the essence of the Necessary lacks any limitation and defect. Thus some maintain that Mulla Sadra’s interpretation pertains to simple apriori knowledge. Based on the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, it can be said that the truth of being (the supreme existence of objects) is like a line the components of which lack actual realization. The limits of the truth of being do not fill the outside but are, indeed, true about it. Therefore, they are mortal and annihilated in the context of existence. Thus the knowledge of the supreme existence of itself reveals its own limits so that it does not result in the rise of multiplicity in essence. The meaning of “simple knowledge indicating differentiated explanations” is nothing other than what was said above. Accordingly, the realization of the limits of objects in the divine realm is like the annihilating realization of the line’s components. In other words, limits and their resulting multiplicity enjoy truth but lacks external existence. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Creativity of the Soul and its Anthropological Principles in the Transcendent Philosophy
        Fatemeh  Estesnaei Seyyed Morteza  Hosseini Shahroudi Jahangir  Masoudi
        In Mulla Sadra’s view the rational soul has been created in such a way that, immediately after having the knowledge and the will, it can actualize its intention as one of its own modes. However, this ability is of different stronger and weaker grades at different ontolo More
        In Mulla Sadra’s view the rational soul has been created in such a way that, immediately after having the knowledge and the will, it can actualize its intention as one of its own modes. However, this ability is of different stronger and weaker grades at different ontological configurations and levels of the souls. In the Transcendent Philosophy, the domain of the soul’s creativity is divided into two inner and outer fields. The inner field refers to the hidden worlds of the soul and the outer field contains nature and metaphysics. A clear example of inner creativity is the making of mental forms, and one example of external creativity is the miracles done by prophets and favorites of God. Some of the anthropological principles of creativity in the Transcendent Philosophy which are examined extensively in this paper include the immateriality of the soul, the immateriality of the imaginal faculty, being a knowing agent, simplicity of the soul, and the soul’s being a supreme paradigm. Accordingly, the human soul, as a divine existent who is the vicegerent and perfect manifestation of God Almighty, in addition to its internal creativity can be everything which is rationally manifested to its mind under its control and grant external existence to mental existents provided that it becomes identical with perfect immaterial things in terms of knowledge and act. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - An Explanation of the Ontological Principles, Genetic Place, and Effects of Mohammedan Truth in the Transcendent Philosophy
        Mahdi Ganjvar Naser Momeni
        The emanation of the First Intellect as the first thing which was created without an intermediary by Almighty Truth is one of the important problems in Islamic philosophy. The First Intellect or the First Emanated in the Transcendent Philosophy is the essence and transc More
        The emanation of the First Intellect as the first thing which was created without an intermediary by Almighty Truth is one of the important problems in Islamic philosophy. The First Intellect or the First Emanated in the Transcendent Philosophy is the essence and transcendent spirit of the Holy Prophet (s) or the same “Mohammedan truth”, which is confirmed based on transmitted proofs and rational principles. Following a descriptive-analytic method, this paper explains the ontological bases of this theory in the Transcendent Philosophy while clarifying its meaning and referents in Islamic philosophy and gnosis. Some of the philosophical fundamental principles upon which the understanding and explanation of Mohammedan truth depends include the principiality of existence, the principle of the One, the principle of the noblest possibility, simplicity of existence or the principle of simple truth, and the principle of the simplicity and diffusion of existence. In the final section of this paper, based on Mulla Sadra’s works, the writers have dealt with the genetic place of Mohammedan truth in the system of being and elaborated on some of the most important effects and ontological blessings of this transcendent truth, such as mediation in divine blessing and mercy, maintaining the basis and order of the world, providing guidance towards the right path and attainment of happiness, and gaining proximity to God and benefitting from His intercession. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - An Analytic-Comparative Study of the Theory of the Simplicity of Derivation in Sayyid Sanad and Mulla Sadra
        Fatemeh Abedini Ali  Arshad Riahi Mahmud  Zeraatpishe
        In some disciplines such as logic, usul al-fiqh, and philosophy, there are two main theories regarding the derivative and the truth of its component parts: conceptual superimposition of the derivative and its simplicity. Each of these two theories provides a different i More
        In some disciplines such as logic, usul al-fiqh, and philosophy, there are two main theories regarding the derivative and the truth of its component parts: conceptual superimposition of the derivative and its simplicity. Each of these two theories provides a different interpretation of philosophical problems. Hence, similar to other thinkers in the field of religious sciences, philosophers have exercised extreme care in choosing one of these stances. Among the related approaches, Sayyid Sanad has provided a different view and believes in the limitedness of the derivative. He maintains that this concept potentially (not actually) consists of three components. A study of Mulla Sadra’s views indicates that the theory which has been rejected in the name of Sayyid Sanad in Mulla Sadra’s works is not compatible with what we find in the words of Sayyid Sanad himself. Mulla Sadra is mainly interested in the view of Sayyid Sanad’s rival, that is, Muhaqqiq Dawani. Manuscript profile