Presenting a Method for Agile Enterprise Architecture Modeling
Subject Areas : ICT
Ali Razi
Reza Rezaei
Ahmad Ali Yazdanpanah
1 - Department of IT Management, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - گروه کامپیوتر، دانشکده فنی و مهندسی، واحد ساوه
3 - Faculty Member of Statistic Researches & Information Technology Group, Institute for Research & Planning in Higher Education (IRPHE), Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran, Islamic Rep
Keywords: Decision Model and Notation, Modeling Standards, Business Architecture Modeling, Agile Enterprise Architecture Modeling, Evaluating the Applicability and Simplicity.,
Abstract :
One of the important issues and concerns in agile enterprise architecture is the documenting and modeling of requirements and artifacts. Architectural models and documents should be produced and updated as necessary and while meeting the requirements and concerns of the stakeholders, they should be presented in the shortest time and at the lowest cost. On the other hand, methods and tools should be used that are applicable and simple, and while using agile practices and modeling standards, have the necessary comprehensiveness. Researches has been done regarding the modeling and documenting of agile enterprise architecture. Since there is no comprehensive, standard and minimal method for modeling and documenting agile enterprise architecture in related researches, therefore, in this paper, a method for modeling agile enterprise architecture is presented and evaluated by the combined (qualitative + quantitative) method. Qualitative evaluation is performed through a case study. For quantitative evaluation, the AHP method is used to weighting and ranking the criteria. Evaluation criteria are extracted based on library studies and experts' opinions. In order to quantitatively evaluate the proposed method, six criteria have been proposed in this paper, which are: production of required and necessary artifacts, reduction of modeling time, reduction of cost, improvement of stakeholders satisfaction, improvement of applicability and increase of simplicity, and criteria of production of required and necessary artifacts, has won the highest rank.
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