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        1 - A moral look at chapteristic sanctions regarding the legal implications of this, Bernslett II Human Rights
        حسین  اخوان Seyyed Bagher Mirabassi Abo-Mohammad Asgarkhani
        Since the establishment of the United Nations, many countries have been subject to sanctions by the Security Council under Chapter 7 of the Charter. The increase in sanctions imposed by the Security Council has raised concerns about the damage done to the citizens of th More
        Since the establishment of the United Nations, many countries have been subject to sanctions by the Security Council under Chapter 7 of the Charter. The increase in sanctions imposed by the Security Council has raised concerns about the damage done to the citizens of the sanctioned countries. Research on the effects of sanctions in countries such as Iraq, Haiti, Libya and Iran suggests that these sanctions increased the deaths of children, poverty, migration, food and drug deficits, and other social and economic disruptions. Consequently, there are widespread debates at the UN and abroad about criticism of the Security Council sanctions as well as the responsibility of the Council for the violation of human rights, especially the second generation of human rights of citizens. In this essay, the human rights dimensions of the bansel sanctions of the second Barnsl has been examined. According to the author, sanctions imposed by the Security Council on human rights violations, in particular with regard to economic and social rights and sanctions imposed by the Security Council, result in serious violations of the human rights of the Security Council because of its severe negative effects on the target countries. While the United Nations Charter has committed that organization to "promoting and respecting human rights," the UN Security Council's economic sanctions are in breach of the provisions of the Charter and are responsible for violating human rights. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Importance and Position of Principal Organs of United Nations Organization in the Framework of United Nations Charter
        Saeedeh  Golkar Seyyed Mohammad Hashemi
        The end of Word War II and in 1945, the United Nations Organization has formally established by50 countries as signatories of the Charter. Having 192 member states in 2006 of almost all countries of the world, the Organization is considered as the largest international More
        The end of Word War II and in 1945, the United Nations Organization has formally established by50 countries as signatories of the Charter. Having 192 member states in 2006 of almost all countries of the world, the Organization is considered as the largest international organization. Many organizations and bodies are active under the supervision of the United Nations. Among the principal organs, the strongest one is the Security Council that includes five permanent members who enjoy veto power in the Council’s making decisions. Enlargement of member states and activities of the United Nations and the plurality of its subsidiary international institutions and organizations, which include most parts and activities of the countries in vast fields, make it necessary to review the framework and performance of this Organization more than ever. The author of the present article tries to study the status of the principal organs in the framework of the United Nations Charter. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Ethical Conflict of Decisions of the International Court of Justice and the Security Council on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes
        Saeedeh  Golkar Seyed Mohammad  Hashemi Ali  Zare
        In the present study the structure, some considerations on the respective rolls of the security council and the internationalcourt of justice with respect to the “The revention of aggravation of disputes” in the domain of the pacific settlementof international disputes More
        In the present study the structure, some considerations on the respective rolls of the security council and the internationalcourt of justice with respect to the “The revention of aggravation of disputes” in the domain of the pacific settlementof international disputes or situations, according to the United Nations charter through comparing their functions and functionalities. Special focus is on the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as the sole United Nations judicial institution that carries not only the responsibility of peaceful resolution of international disputes between states and other subjects of international law but also has contributed to the expansion of international law. ICJ has a responsibility to supervise other organs of the United Nations but has failed to observe the resolutions of the Security Council despite the freedoms it enjoys to do so. The authority of the Security Council is still derived from the will of powers, not the international law which has resulted in silence and inaction of the ICJ with regard to the decisions of the Security Council in the cases of Lockerbie, Namibia, Bosnia and Herzegovinian and Montenegro; all out of political considerations. The study ends with a conclusion and a set of recommendations to minimize the adverse effects of the discussed contradictions including legal observations supported by some international principles and procedures as well as acceptance of the superiority of the decisions of the ICJ over decisions of other main UN bodies particularly the Security Council. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - G4, an Effort for Permanent Membership in the UN Security Council: Background and Future Trends
        آرمین امینی شمس عظیمی
        During the past two decades, many states and groups of states have offered proposals for structural reforms in the UN Security Council. Some proposals seek to increase the number of permanent members of the Council. The G4 –Germany, Japan, India and Brazil – seems to st More
        During the past two decades, many states and groups of states have offered proposals for structural reforms in the UN Security Council. Some proposals seek to increase the number of permanent members of the Council. The G4 –Germany, Japan, India and Brazil – seems to stand a better chance in this regard. This paper discusses special opportunities for permanent membership of this group in the Security Council while considering challenges facing it. All four countries enjoy comparative advantages in their own geographical regions which give them the chance to seek a permanent seat in the Security Council. On the other hand, they face two kinds of obstacles: regional and international obstacles. For some of these states, overcoming regional obstacles is more difficult than international ones and the opposite is true for others. This research aims to answer this question: What are the opportunities and challenges facing member states of this group in their effort to gain permanent seats in the Security Council? First, the necessity of structural reforms in the Security Council is discussed before analyzing the situation of these states and future outlook of the Council’s structure in the light of the existing situation of the international system Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Comparative Study of UNSC’s Performance vis-à-vis Developments in Libya, Yemen and Bahrain (2011-12) from Viewpoint of International Law
        رضا  موسی‌زاده رضا  رنجبر
        M.A in Diplomacy and International Organizations, Majoring in International Law, Faculty of International Relations; Ministry of Foreign Affairs Recent developments in Arab countries started in December 2010 with popular protests by Tunisian people against the country’ More
        M.A in Diplomacy and International Organizations, Majoring in International Law, Faculty of International Relations; Ministry of Foreign Affairs Recent developments in Arab countries started in December 2010 with popular protests by Tunisian people against the country’s dictatorship and soon spread to other countries like Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Jordan, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia. In Egypt, Libya and Yemen, they overthrew dictators in those countries. In other countries like Bahrain and Syria, the conflicts are still going on. This phenomenon can be viewed from various political, social and legal aspects. The present research aims to study measures taken by the United Nations Security Council vis-à-vis developments in Libya, Yemen and Bahrain from a legal standpoint. The researchers believe that the Security Council has adopted double standards in its treatment of those countries in line with the interests of big powers. This issue will become clearer through comparative study of the world body’s performance with regard to developments in those countries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Necessity and Possibility of Judicial Supervision over Security Council’s Performance in UN Legal System
        حسین شریفی طرازکوهی ساسان  مدرس سبزواری
        The issue of judicial supervision over the Security Council has two different, but interrelated aspects. First of all, the “necessity” of such supervision should be discussed. The present article assumes that the Security Council should be committed to the principles of More
        The issue of judicial supervision over the Security Council has two different, but interrelated aspects. First of all, the “necessity” of such supervision should be discussed. The present article assumes that the Security Council should be committed to the principles of international law, the goals of the United Nations, sovereign rights of member states, fundamental human rights guarantees, as well as the basic structure for the division of powers among various organs of the UN. Then it studies the Security Council’s procedure to show that this institution has been frequently found in violation of the aforesaid legal bounds. Security Council’s inattention to the limits of its powers can cast doubts on credibility of the entire UN system. It has been also shown that the “necessity” of judicial supervision can be proven on the basis of the requirements of the “rule of law.” Another aspect of this issue is the “possibility” of judicial supervision in view of the current state of international law. The present paper has shown that although the Charter of the United Nations has remained silent on this issue, it can be confirmed if final goals of this document are taken as basis for its interpretation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The Necessity of Power Sharing in the Security Council: A Pluralistic Model
        Enayatollah Yazadani Enayatollah Yazadani
        During the early years fllowing the Second World War, power sharing in the Security Council, the main responsible for maintaining international peace and security was to some extent equitable, given the Political, economic, military and demographic power of its five per More
        During the early years fllowing the Second World War, power sharing in the Security Council, the main responsible for maintaining international peace and security was to some extent equitable, given the Political, economic, military and demographic power of its five permanent members and their efforts to from the UN system. With the passage of time and given fundamental changes in the form and straucture of international system, and trasfor mation in the relative power of countries including the permanent members of Security Council, it seems that the present order governing the structure of the Council is unfair and undemocratic which necessitates a reform in the structure of the Security Council by incorporating influential global and regional powers. This article aims to present a pluralistic model to reform the structure of the Security Council, given the emergence of new global and regional powers Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Legitimacy of State’s Evaluation in Implementation of United Nations Security Council
        Malihe  Behfar Hassan   Savari
        In UNs history, the Legality of Security Council Resolutions, in many cases, is challenged. Generally these challenges take by states that affected Security Councils decisions. With notice that states are the representative for implementation of SCR's, they intervene th More
        In UNs history, the Legality of Security Council Resolutions, in many cases, is challenged. Generally these challenges take by states that affected Security Councils decisions. With notice that states are the representative for implementation of SCR's, they intervene their determination and interpretation in the way that implement SC decisions. In some cases domestic and regional courts evaluate the state's action in implementation SCRs. Although these cases couldn’t provide direct review on Resolutions but affected in the way of implementation. Evaluation by states is probable and arises some concerns about decrease effectiveness of SC in maintenance of international peace and security Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Primacy in Relation Between the International Court of Justice and UN Security Council
        همایون  مافی وحید بذّار
        Undoubtedly, United Nations is the most effective international organization that has played the most important role in relations between states and thus has acquired considerable prestige among the main subjects of international law (States). Security Council as the po More
        Undoubtedly, United Nations is the most effective international organization that has played the most important role in relations between states and thus has acquired considerable prestige among the main subjects of international law (States). Security Council as the political body and International Court of Justice as the judicial body of the organization, have had an important role in achieving this prestige. However, the relationship between the two organs has been always discussed in various fields because of the silence of the UN Charter. By considering of subjects such the possibility of simultaneously raising an issue in the Court and Security Council, the possibility of handling of political issues in the Court and handling of legal issues in Security Council, the possibility of creation of jurisdiction for the Court by Security Council, and the possibility of judicial supervision of the Court on the Council, this article endeavored to response to the main challenge which are there precedence interrelation those? Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - A New Structure for UN Security Council; The Need of Hegemony of Power
        Siamak Soltani Saleh  Rezaie Pishrobat
        Wisdom of League of Nations has failed because of inability to set a leadership for world order and award appropriate monetary to that day’s powers and bring again the disaster of war. These shortcomings with wisdom resolved with implementation of Veto in the UN system, More
        Wisdom of League of Nations has failed because of inability to set a leadership for world order and award appropriate monetary to that day’s powers and bring again the disaster of war. These shortcomings with wisdom resolved with implementation of Veto in the UN system, and the World found a new approach. But over time, the emergence of new powers followed by weakness of old ones and reaching most countries to the maturity of the collective life, resolves the global need for a leadership and the international community which still retains its old structure, dropped in another type of silliness which necessarily do not resolved by discussion. It is necessary to avoid another disastrous war, contribute all the international powers to the bureau of the international community in the Security Council and gave all of them clear shared responsibility to run the game of the world. (Such shared responsibilities may be Spiritual indices come every state and over the number of votes and the votes of every state in the decision making processes). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Hidden Veto and Its Impact on Decision-Making Process in the Security Council
        رضا  موسی‌زاده Arsalan Jamshidi
        This study provides a comprehensive insight and information about the concept of the right of veto and its various kinds, which practically have been formed in the procedure of the UN Security Council, and by focusing on concept of “the hidden veto”, it examines its fun More
        This study provides a comprehensive insight and information about the concept of the right of veto and its various kinds, which practically have been formed in the procedure of the UN Security Council, and by focusing on concept of “the hidden veto”, it examines its fundamental role in decision-making process of the Security Council. In the Post-Cold War era, the use of the hidden veto, mainly in the informal consultations, by the permanent members of the Security Council has increased dramatically. The hidden veto has shown its impact on the Security Council’s decision-making process in two two ways: First, by “controlling the agenda” and preventing the Security Council from putting particular issues on its agenda or in other words “exercising the five permanent members of the Security Council’s censorship”; and second, by “blocking action” in cases in which an unwanted issue is put on the agenda of the Security Council bringing forward some issues such as “weakening the definition of the crisis under international law”, “eliminating content, softening the language and weakening the wording of resolutions”, “self-censorship and the double hidden veto”, and “the reverse veto”. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - The Status of OIC Member States in the Main Organs of the United Nations
        ستار عزیزی
        The study of the status of OIC member states in the main organs of the United Nations and their contribution in the budget of the UN is the main subject addressed by this article. The member states of OIC make up more than a quarter of UN members and they could potentia More
        The study of the status of OIC member states in the main organs of the United Nations and their contribution in the budget of the UN is the main subject addressed by this article. The member states of OIC make up more than a quarter of UN members and they could potentially have an appropriate role and influence in this organization. The evaluation of the presence of Islamic countries during more than 70 years of United Nations activities show that their presence and role in some main organs such as the International Court of Justice, the UN Secretary General and the Security Council are not commensurate with the population and the size of these countries. On the other hand, however, 57 Islamic countries totally account for only about 6 percent of the budget of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Organization 173 United Nations member states in 2016 provided 15 percent of the budget of this organization, this percentage is significant. The major weakness of Islamic countries is that they do not participate as a single whole in competition for positions or in other activities of the organization but they pursue their own particular interests within the OIC individual or group outside of the OIC to follow. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Prerequisites for the Introduction of Regional Arrangements to Maintain International Peace and Security
        علی احدی کرنق Mehdi Hadadi
        Regional arrangements which are covering a wide range of international institutions, despite some criticisms, were foreseen both in the League of Nations and the United Nations system in order that their capacity to be used to maintain international peace and security. More
        Regional arrangements which are covering a wide range of international institutions, despite some criticisms, were foreseen both in the League of Nations and the United Nations system in order that their capacity to be used to maintain international peace and security. Accordingly, Chapter 8 of the United Nations Charter, while emphasizing the involvement of regional arrangements for the maintenance of regional peace and security, has laid down conditions and limits for their involvement. This article while paying attention to the role of regional arrangements in international peace and security, addresses the most important conditions and limits of these arrangements stipulated in the 8th chapter of the Charter. These conditions include: 1. Observance of the principles and objectives of the Charter: this is a condition for the coordination of the United Nations and regional arrangements for maintaining peace and security. 2. Enjoying the mechanism of the resolution of disputes: this condition suggests correspondence between the 6th and 7th chapters of the Charter of the United Nations, on the one hand, and the 8th chapter of the Charter. 3. Obtaining permission from the Security Council to take coercive measures: this condition is based on the primary responsibility of the Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security. 4. Informing the Security Council: this condition is a complement to the previous condition. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - The place of UN Security Council sanctions resolutions in the US sanctions strategy (2018-2020)
        Mahdi Pakzat Saeed Daghineh
        Iran’s Eleventh government efforts toward termination of UN security council resolutios were made on this perception that the resolutions shape the basis of all sanctions and the regime of sanctions (international and unilateral sanctions) would collapse by terminating More
        Iran’s Eleventh government efforts toward termination of UN security council resolutios were made on this perception that the resolutions shape the basis of all sanctions and the regime of sanctions (international and unilateral sanctions) would collapse by terminating UN security council resolutions. However, following US withdrawal from JCPOA and re-imposing unilateral sanctions in 2018, it became evident that the government’s perception wasn’t accurate. Thus, an important question rises up that what was the main goal in US efforts for making consensus against Iran in UN security council? In this article it is presumed that US efforts mainly made in order to fortify its regime of unilateral sanctions through UN security council resolutions. Therefore, this article in context of Wendt’s Constructivism and through document analysis aims to review sanction resolutions against Iran, deriving how these resolutions help US sanctions strategy on Iran. Accurate perception on UN security council resolutions’s role in US sanctions strategy could significantly help accuratley planning for better confronting economic and sanction pressure. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - COVID-19 and United Nations Peacekeeping Forces: New Challenges piled on Old Constraints
        Nasrin Mosaffa
        UN Peacekeeping forces are operational arms of security council with military, civil, administration and police mandate, active for more than 70 years in different parts of the world, to maintain international peace and security. By taking into account their historical More
        UN Peacekeeping forces are operational arms of security council with military, civil, administration and police mandate, active for more than 70 years in different parts of the world, to maintain international peace and security. By taking into account their historical experiences and lessons learnt from various challenges, this article considers the impact of COVID-19 global pandemic on UN Peacekeeping operations. By addressing the ways in which these forces dealt with pandemic related challenges and restrictions, it contextualizes it within their broader historical and institutional environment of adaptation. In short term, challenges emanating from COVID-19 intensifies the current challenges facing them. In longer term, it could trigger further institutional reassessment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - The place of UN Security Council sanctions resolutions in the US sanctions strategy (2018-2020)
        Mahdi Pakzat Saeed Daghineh
        Iran’s Eleventh government efforts toward termination of UN security council resolutios were made on this perception that the resolutions shape the basis of all sanctions and the regime of sanctions (international and unilateral sanctions) would collapse by terminating More
        Iran’s Eleventh government efforts toward termination of UN security council resolutios were made on this perception that the resolutions shape the basis of all sanctions and the regime of sanctions (international and unilateral sanctions) would collapse by terminating UN security council resolutions. However, following US withdrawal from JCPOA and re-imposing unilateral sanctions in 2018, it became evident that the government’s perception wasn’t accurate. Thus, an important question rises up that what was the main goal in US efforts for making consensus against Iran in UN security council? In this article it is presumed that US efforts mainly made in order to fortify its regime of unilateral sanctions through UN security council resolutions. Therefore, this article in context of Wendt’s Constructivism and through document analysis aims to review sanction resolutions against Iran, deriving how these resolutions help US sanctions strategy on Iran. Accurate perception on UN security council resolutions’s role in US sanctions strategy could significantly help accuratley planning for better confronting economic and sanction pressure. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - COVID-19 and United Nations Peacekeeping Forces: New Challenges piled on Old Constraints
        Nasrin Mosaffa
        UN Peacekeeping forces are operational arms of security council with military, civil, administration and police mandate, active for more than 70 years in different parts of the world, to maintain international peace and security. By taking into account their historical More
        UN Peacekeeping forces are operational arms of security council with military, civil, administration and police mandate, active for more than 70 years in different parts of the world, to maintain international peace and security. By taking into account their historical experiences and lessons learnt from various challenges, this article considers the impact of COVID-19 global pandemic on UN Peacekeeping operations. By addressing the ways in which these forces dealt with pandemic related challenges and restrictions, it contextualizes it within their broader historical and institutional environment of adaptation. In short term, challenges emanating from COVID-19 intensifies the current challenges facing them. In longer term, it could trigger further institutional reassessment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - The Legitimacy of State’s Evaluation in Implementation of United Nations Security Council
        Malihe  Behfar Hassan   Savari
        In UNs history, the Legality of Security Council Resolutions, in many cases, is challenged. Generally these challenges take by states that affected Security Councils decisions. With notice that states are the representative for implementation of SCR's, they intervene th More
        In UNs history, the Legality of Security Council Resolutions, in many cases, is challenged. Generally these challenges take by states that affected Security Councils decisions. With notice that states are the representative for implementation of SCR's, they intervene their determination and interpretation in the way that implement SC decisions. In some cases domestic and regional courts evaluate the state's action in implementation SCRs. Although these cases couldn’t provide direct review on Resolutions but affected in the way of implementation. Evaluation by states is probable and arises some concerns about decrease effectiveness of SC in maintenance of international peace and security. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Primacy in Relation Between the International Court of Justice and UN Security Council
        همایون  مافی وحید بذّار
        Undoubtedly, United Nations is the most effective international organization that has played the most important role in relations between states and thus has acquired considerable prestige among the main subjects of international law (States). Security Council as the po More
        Undoubtedly, United Nations is the most effective international organization that has played the most important role in relations between states and thus has acquired considerable prestige among the main subjects of international law (States). Security Council as the political body and International Court of Justice as the judicial body of the organization, have had an important role in achieving this prestige. However, the relationship between the two organs has been always discussed in various fields because of the silence of the UN Charter. By considering of subjects such the possibility of simultaneously raising an issue in the Court and Security Council, the possibility of handling of political issues in the Court and handling of legal issues in Security Council, the possibility of creation of jurisdiction for the Court by Security Council, and the possibility of judicial supervision of the Court on the Council, this article endeavored to response to the main challenge which are there precedence interrelation those? Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        20 - A New Structure for UN Security Council; The Need of Hegemony of Power
        Siamak Soltani Saleh  Rezaie Pishrobat
        Wisdom of League of Nations has failed because of inability to set a leadership for world order and award appropriate monetary to that day’s powers and bring again the disaster of war. These shortcomings with wisdom resolved with implementation of Veto in the UN system, More
        Wisdom of League of Nations has failed because of inability to set a leadership for world order and award appropriate monetary to that day’s powers and bring again the disaster of war. These shortcomings with wisdom resolved with implementation of Veto in the UN system, and the World found a new approach. But over time, the emergence of new powers followed by weakness of old ones and reaching most countries to the maturity of the collective life, resolves the global need for a leadership and the international community which still retains its old structure, dropped in another type of silliness which necessarily do not resolved by discussion. It is necessary to avoid another disastrous war, contribute all the international powers to the bureau of the international community in the Security Council and gave all of them clear shared responsibility to run the game of the world. (Such shared responsibilities may be Spiritual indices come every state and over the number of votes and the votes of every state in the decision making processes). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        21 - China's Foreign Policy and the Evolution of its Security Council Voting Behavior
        Hamid salehi Emad Aslani Minareh Bazaari
        To understand the behavior of governments, one of the most important areas of study is the views and opinions that are expressed by them in international organizations. China is Iran's most important trading partner, and examining its votes in the UN Security Council co More
        To understand the behavior of governments, one of the most important areas of study is the views and opinions that are expressed by them in international organizations. China is Iran's most important trading partner, and examining its votes in the UN Security Council could make prediction of its performance much more accurate in the face of developments in the region. In other words, by paying close attention to China's voting behavior in the UN Security Council, we can achieve a precise understanding about the gradual evolution of China's votes in the Security Council. This has made it especially important to know the country's voting framework in the Security Council. In this article, we try to examine the evolution of China's votes in the Security Council from a constructivist point of view and a pragmatic approach. The question we are trying to answer in this article is what will happen to China's foreign policy in light of the changes happened within China's voting behavior in framework of the Security Council? The hypothesis we introduce in response to this question is that the evolution of China's vote in the Security Council indicates an increase in influence and the creation of a network of Chinese allies in regional organizations. China is seeking to use its veto power to enhance its role as an emerging economic, security and political power on different international occasions and to achieve some sort of political-economic deterrent against US destructive-sanctions measures and, on the other hand, promote Chinese norms through the use of international expansion organizations in the international arena. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        22 - The Role of the UN Security Council in Adopting Resolutions Against ISIS
        ehsan jafari far Reza nasirihamed
        Today, terrorism is one of the most important issues for nations and governments in the world. Although certain parts of the world are more affected by this phenomenon than the others, its prevalence has almost become a security concern in most contemporary societies. W More
        Today, terrorism is one of the most important issues for nations and governments in the world. Although certain parts of the world are more affected by this phenomenon than the others, its prevalence has almost become a security concern in most contemporary societies. We are witnessing efforts by the United Nations to counter the growth and activities of terrorist groups, especially as the crisis of terrorism became more of a threat to global security with the rise of ISIS and its transnational actions. This article through analytical and descriptive methods and by using library and website resources seeks to answer the question of what resolutions the United Nations has adopted against the terrorist group ISIL. The novelty of this study is that, unlike previous studies that have dealt with the Iraq-Syria crisis and the role of the United Nations during it, it intends to address only the issue of UN resolutions on ISIL in a coherent manner. The research findings show that since 2014 up until 2021, resolutions 2169, 2170, 2178, 2199, 2347, 2249 and 2462 are the most important UN resolutions adopted against ISIL. Resolution 2169 on the identification of ISIL as a terrorist group, Resolution 2170 on the dissolution of ISIL, Resolution 2178 on the recruitment of foreign fighters to ISIL, Resolution 2199 on the prohibition of buying and trading in oil and gas, antiques and historical objects with terrorists, Resolution 2347 on the Security Council Regarding the protection of the common heritage of humanity and cultural heritage, Resolution 2249 to destroy ISIL sanctuaries in Iraq and Syria, and finally Resolution 2462 on the fight against terrorism and the financing of terrorism; all were adopted to contain the activities of this terrorist organization Manuscript profile