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        1 - Identify appropriate methods to block the flow of income businesses (Case Study: Firm ideal wallpaper (wallpaper industry))
        Sedigheh Bahrami Komeyl ali abdollahi
        Today's business environment is challenging and constantly changing face, trade and business, one of the most important areas that the adoption of information technologies is severely affected, many methods Earn evolved and new methods and frequency values ​​into being More
        Today's business environment is challenging and constantly changing face, trade and business, one of the most important areas that the adoption of information technologies is severely affected, many methods Earn evolved and new methods and frequency values ​​into being established. Business Models Companies a major factor in the success of their performance and the framework to earn money, to three key questions answered are, what activities, how and when to be done? The correct answer to these questions lead to good performance and provide optimal benefits to customers and ultimately profits for the company. If customers are the heart of business models, revenue streams that make up arteries. Companies need to ask themselves what value each customer segment really willing to pay for it? The main purpose of this paper is to identify appropriate methods to block e-business revenues in the industry are ideal for wallpaper. Research based on the theoretical framework given Astrvaldr model. The population in this study, senior managers, personnel of financial, marketing and sales is ideal. Then through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using content analysis Subject to the main component of revenue streams and cost of e-business model can be extracted Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Formation of Rentier State and its Impact on the Collapse of the Second Pahlavi Regime
        Aiming to survey how the increase in oil revenue influenced on the collapse of the second Pahlavi regime, the present article is formed based on the theory of “rentier state”. In this regard, the paper maintains that considering Mohammad-Reza`s government as a rentier s More
        Aiming to survey how the increase in oil revenue influenced on the collapse of the second Pahlavi regime, the present article is formed based on the theory of “rentier state”. In this regard, the paper maintains that considering Mohammad-Reza`s government as a rentier state would allow to conceive its structure and the ultimate decay. According to the theory, such description might be applicable to those states which a large majority of their overall revenue comes from regular foreign revenue rather than national production cycle. Such performance, negatively affecting the economic, social and political realm of the society, is much likely to end up in the legitimacy crisis and the collapse of the state itself. Accordingly, having become a rentier state from late1950s on, due to the rise in oil revenue, the second Pahlavi reign encountered some negative impact of such situation on its economy, politics, and society, which, all in all, had de-stabilizing effects on regime. Ever-increasing governmental domination over the economy, rise in the proportion of oil-driven revenues in governmental budget and development policies, a more autocrat king, extension of security/ intelligence services and, consequently, a more political oppression, taking control the society by bureaucracy, prevalence of financial corruption and promotion of rent-seeking ethos, and propagating the formal/ government-run culture by the regime are some of the most significant such effects. Hence, this situation caused to a gap between government and the people, their distrust in regime as an illegitimate one, and, consequently, contributed to its collapse in 1979. To explain the data, the present paper takes advantage of a descriptive-analytic method Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Effect of Natural Resource Abundance on Education Empirical Study for Persian Gulf Countries
        Hoda Zobeiri
        Natural resources abundance such as oil can lead to decrease economic growth known as resource curse hypothesis, have well documented in economic research. Abundance of natural resources, can also affect social variables such as education, besides macroeconomic variable More
        Natural resources abundance such as oil can lead to decrease economic growth known as resource curse hypothesis, have well documented in economic research. Abundance of natural resources, can also affect social variables such as education, besides macroeconomic variables. The income obtained from natural resources lead to insensitivity to education investments which could have adverse effects on long term economic performance. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of oil revenues on education by using the data of Persian Gulf countries during 18 years up to 2017. Three different variables that represent the quantity and quality of education have been selected to show human resource development. Using PMG, the estimation shows that oil rent cause to lower education quantity and quality in the long run. As 20% growth of oil rent lead to decrease 3.4% in tertiary enrollment rate, 1.8% in average years schooling and 0.8% qin uality of education of Persian Gulf countries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Science in the next 75 years, guidelines for Iran
        reza mansouri
        Science, along with research and technology, is part of the activities of human societies in which government management and planning play a key role. Government planning, whether annual or multi-year, is based on a long-term vision. The 75-year-old vision was recently More
        Science, along with research and technology, is part of the activities of human societies in which government management and planning play a key role. Government planning, whether annual or multi-year, is based on a long-term vision. The 75-year-old vision was recently released in the United States, which will undoubtedly affect world science. The perspective of science in Iran in upstream documents is very weak or dependent on global growth.We need to have a clearer perspective on the needs of the country in its unique historical context. In this article, I will discuss the history of government planning in science and its roots in Iran during the Ghazan Khan era, to the recent world era, which is the beginning of a serious government planning for science in the world. I will also elaborate on a recent US document outlining a 75-year vision. Finally, I would like to give a basic reflection on how Iran draws its own scientific and research perspective. Manuscript profile