• List of Articles Realism

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The explanation of conflict between the Iran and America in the Caspian geopolitical region
          hassan kamran محمدحسین  دشتی
        The Caspian Sea region is of high importance regarding energy related geopolitics, energy transporting lines and security within regional and international relation. After the fragmentation of USSR and the increase of number of the Caspian coastal countries from two to More
        The Caspian Sea region is of high importance regarding energy related geopolitics, energy transporting lines and security within regional and international relation. After the fragmentation of USSR and the increase of number of the Caspian coastal countries from two to five, the issue of determining a legal resolution for the Caspian Sea became more complicated. Thus, the regional and trans-regional countries benefits and maximize their power within the international system in the region among which the encounter between America and Iran is the most salient. In this paper it has been tried to explain this problem in the region employing the analytical – descriptive technique based on theoretical approaches of energy – related geopolitics. In this direction, findings indicate that the conflicting policy of the two countries, America's attempt to eliminate the geopolitical situation of Iran from transportation of energy in the region, the effectiveness of America on debates relative to determining a legal resolution on the Caspian region by resorting to military and security solution and threatening Iran's interests and national security are among the most important reasons for this encounter. Finally the Islamic Republic of Iran can obtain its main interests within the legal resolution for Caspian Sea and find its place as the connecting chain among producers and consumers of energy, by a correct understanding of its geopolitical capabilities within foreign policy and active and smart diplomacy. In fact, it is the best way to achieve the economic development, as well as to tie the international economy to its national security and to minimize the relative threats. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Syria's Strategic Position on Russia's Confrontation with America
        hamid dorj Ail  Bagheri Dolatabadi
        Syria is one of the countries that has a particular geopolitical and geo-strategic importance in Russian Middle East policy. Today, with the emergence of the political crisis in Syria, this country has become a geopolitical divide and rivalry between the two countries, More
        Syria is one of the countries that has a particular geopolitical and geo-strategic importance in Russian Middle East policy. Today, with the emergence of the political crisis in Syria, this country has become a geopolitical divide and rivalry between the two countries, the US and Russia, each playing a role in their own interests and goals.The main question of the present research is that the reasons for Syria's strategic importance in Russia's opposition to the United States? And why does Russia support Bashar al-Assad? The main hypothesis of the study is that in the US and Russia's competitions, Syria is the last winner of Moscow to maintain its regional power and stay in the major powers' jirga; therefore, Assad's defeat and overthrow of power decline in Moscow It leaves. According to the geopolitical position of Syria in the region and its strategic importance in international equations, Moscow is trying to preserve the Syrian political system by using various instruments (political, military, ...), play the most role in the future of Syria;In order to maintain the overall structure and order in the region, and to prevent the spread of Western interference and influence, especially in the United States. The preceeding article is formulated using a descriptive-analytic method and within the framework of an invasive realism theory. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Analyzing Some Realist Novels in Holy Defense Literature (Focusing on 3 Novels: Burnt Land, Twigs of Sour Cherry Tree and Journey to Heading 270 Degrees)
            hossain hasanpouralashty Zahra مقدسی
        Holy Defense Novel is one of the brilliant varieties in Persian Story Literature. Some of the committed Holy Defense authors, by following the Realist approach, have focused on presenting concrete pictures of Iran-Iraq War and producing simple and free of complexity. Re More
        Holy Defense Novel is one of the brilliant varieties in Persian Story Literature. Some of the committed Holy Defense authors, by following the Realist approach, have focused on presenting concrete pictures of Iran-Iraq War and producing simple and free of complexity. Reviews show that most Realist Holy Defense authors have applied components like real characters, narrative sequence, single point of view (First Person and Third Person), plot based on cause and effect relations, tangible and real time and place to increase truthfulness and realism mode of works and communicate their message to the intended audience. Methodological approach of the current study is Descriptive-Analytic and Unit of Analysis is composed of structures of Realist novels in Holy Defense Literature, case studies of 3 novels: 1- Burnt Land (Ahmad Mahmud), 2- Twigs of Sour Cherry Tree (Akbar Khalili) and 3- Journey to heading 270 Degrees (Ahmad Dehqan) and it also focuses on fictional elements of character, narration and point of view, plot, time and place. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Realism Fundementals and Structure in Fiction
        علی  شیخ مهدی محمود  طاووسی
        Realism, in a general sense, means fundamental will and tendency toward the objects outside the mind. Historically speaking, it has drawn the attention of the human mind. Aristotle has regarded the works of art as the imitation of nature. This idea has been strengthened More
        Realism, in a general sense, means fundamental will and tendency toward the objects outside the mind. Historically speaking, it has drawn the attention of the human mind. Aristotle has regarded the works of art as the imitation of nature. This idea has been strengthened even after his death. In the 19th century, first in France and then in the other countries, movements and schools emerged aiming at stabilizing the fundamentals of realism. The realist writer always uses convincing psychological innovations, internal and external causes to depict the characters interactions in social and personal structure. The present study describes realism, in a general sense and as a famous school in the 1990s. It also critically deals with its important types in fiction. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Naturalistic Novel (Nana), a Realistic Novel, (Lepere Goreiot); an Analytical Comparison
        عبدالله  حسن‌زاده ميرعلي
        Apparent similarity and difficult distinction between principles and rules of naturalism and realism, resulted in many mistakes for critics. So that sometimes naturalistic works introduced realistic works. In this essay principles and rules of these schools criticized More
        Apparent similarity and difficult distinction between principles and rules of naturalism and realism, resulted in many mistakes for critics. So that sometimes naturalistic works introduced realistic works. In this essay principles and rules of these schools criticized and analysed in prominent works of Emile zola (Nana) and Balzac (Le pere Goreiot). While persons of NaNa are ordinary and usual, each represents specific social stratum and the author don’t emphasize on type – making. But in Le pere Goreiot persones given special salience (type) though they selected from society. Criticism in naturalistic works considered as struggle with diseases targeting organic unitary of community. But in realistic works, the deepest origins of social conflicts are investigated. Although, scientific rules of naturalism allows to address any object, regardless of class, subjects of naturalistic works often include middle class and lower class. But the realist writer in his/her works mostly focuses on realities and labour class suffers, in spite of dramatizing both high class and lower class. Most of naturalistic novels ended sorrowfully and tragic and annoy readers. yet realistic works, in spite of their dramatic and tragic end, are not catastrophic to this extent. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Irony in Bayazid Bastami's Shathiyat
        الهام  روستایی‌راد مهين  پناهي
        Irony is a figure of speech which refers to the expression of the meaning by using a language which signifies the opposite. Irony is used to express a prominent meaning and to signify a special signified, and it results in highlighting a specific part of the discourse. More
        Irony is a figure of speech which refers to the expression of the meaning by using a language which signifies the opposite. Irony is used to express a prominent meaning and to signify a special signified, and it results in highlighting a specific part of the discourse. This figure of speech expresses the meaning implicitly through satire, metonymy, praising and blaming and contributes to the rhetoricity of the text. This research using a descriptive analytic approach aims at explaining the status of irony in Bayazid Bastami's Shathiyat. Bayazid Bastami has controversial Shathiyat rooted in mysticism and ascetisim accompanied by love. In this article, the concepts of irony, satire, and surrealism aspects are defined at first. Then, Shathiyat will be represented in their structural framework. By reflecting on the language in Shathiyat and their symmetries we can understand that wisdom or knowledge is related to surrealism too. Finally, surreal and paradoxical Shathiyat will be illustrated and explained within the principles of Sufism and mysticism. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Functions of Description in Some Contemporary Persian Short Stories
        مینا اعلایی محمد جواد شکریان
        In literary works, narratives and descriptions have always been interconnected in an indistinguishable way. In accordance with narratological studies during last decades, several theories have presented models of various functions of description in different literary wo More
        In literary works, narratives and descriptions have always been interconnected in an indistinguishable way. In accordance with narratological studies during last decades, several theories have presented models of various functions of description in different literary works and ascribed a specific form of description to each of the literary genres. Among these genres, the importance of description in realism and naturalism, and its role in developing the events and characters, is irrefutable. This research, aims at applying the theories an literary description to several realist, and naturalist contemporary Persian stories. After studying the history and importance of description in novels, this research tries to explain its role in defining spatio-temporal framework, and the educational and generally aesthetic goals of several Persian short stories. In this regard, stories from Jamalzadeh, Hedayat, Alavi, Al-e-Ahmad, and Choubak have been selected, and different functions of description in these stories have been investigated. The results of the Research show that in the above mentioned authors’ works, description has not been a neutral element, and it doesn’t put a stop to the narrative process, but it helps the development of the story through different ways of camouflaging it. In addition to expressing the behavior and actions of characters, in the stories studied, description occasionally results in the preparation of spatio- temporal framework of the story, and sometimes it turns into a collection of encyclopedic insights and finds an educational function. Manuscript profile
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        8 - A Comparative Critical Study of the Influence of “One Hundred Years of Solitude” on “Touba and the Meaning of Night” with an Emphasis on the Conflict between Tradition and Modernity
        Nader  Shayegan Far Zeynab Saber
        In this paper, the influence of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez on Touba and the Meaning of Night by Shahrnush Parsipur is discussed through a comparative-critical approach. In these two novels, confrontation and conflict between tradition and mo More
        In this paper, the influence of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez on Touba and the Meaning of Night by Shahrnush Parsipur is discussed through a comparative-critical approach. In these two novels, confrontation and conflict between tradition and modernity is one of the most significant themes. So, this paper tries to depict the discursive and inter-textual connection between the above mentioned novels based on their similar content and themes. It also aims at demonstrating the way these two work confront the modern world based on the voices in the novels, explaining how the authors of these two novels, had a dialogue with modern world through a fusion of reality and illusion, physical and metaphysical world; and death and life. After a comparative study, this paper aims at revealing different aspects in these two novels regarding the discourse of tradition and modernity, according to a critical approach. It will be revealed how Parsipur’s narration suffers from the lack of integrity and coherence, in a way that “Touba and the meaning of night” doesn’t have the same firmness and complexity of One Hundred Years of Solitude. As a result, it couldn’t make proper use of elements like irony, credibility of characters and significant correlation of the events. In One Hundred Years of Solitude, the reaction to the foreigners is evidently critical, explicit, and contradictory. While, in Touba and the Meaning of Night, this reaction is chaotic, confused and somehow passive Manuscript profile
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        9 - Evolution in Concept of Sovereignty in Political and International Approaches
        شهروز  ابراهيمي
        It seems that all the changes and evolutions in the concept of sovereignty have been occurred in theoretical framework, then in sphere of international relations and international laws and other forms of international affairs. National sovereignty and the concept of “na More
        It seems that all the changes and evolutions in the concept of sovereignty have been occurred in theoretical framework, then in sphere of international relations and international laws and other forms of international affairs. National sovereignty and the concept of “nation- state” came to essence as a normative and legal principle after Westphalian Treaty (1648); but this normative and legal principle has never been absolute. So in the 18th and 19th centuries, and in the course of different approaches, it evolved completely and its normative aspect has been declined. The paper attends to four major controversial trends in political and international sphere, which are: a) contrast between communitarianism and universalism, which emerged from the European enlightenment in 18th and 19th centuries; b) contrast between realism and idealism, which came out after the establishing the discipline of international relations and had lasted till to 1970; c) contrast between neo-realism and liberalism, from 1970 to 1990; and d) contrast between realism and neo-realism in one side and critical post-cold war theories. The main discrepancy of these trends is on extent and limits of the state sovereignty. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Islamic Realism and Understanding Modern International Relations
        hossein salimi
        In this article, it is tried to answer two fundamental questions about Islamic attitude in International Relations. First, is there any reality outside of Human mind from Islam view and can human intellect come to understand the real categories? Second is that, is Inter More
        In this article, it is tried to answer two fundamental questions about Islamic attitude in International Relations. First, is there any reality outside of Human mind from Islam view and can human intellect come to understand the real categories? Second is that, is International Relations a real and incontestable issue? If yes, can the intellectual knowledge and understanding of this category be the religious understanding base of International Relations? To answer these questions, among the available different faiths in Islamic and Shi’ism thought, we used the realistic attitude of Allame Tabatabaee and Ayatollah Motahari which they themselves call realism too. It is obvious that the concept of realism in their attitude is different with the current concept of realism among the theories of International Relations for which scientists like Morgenta and Walts are its deputies. This thinking school is concomitant and consistent with a kind of intellectualistic juristic attitude which considers an absolute argumentum for Intellect to understand juristic decrees. Then, It is showed that this attitude believes, not only in the existence of reality and the capability of intellect to comprehend it, but also they believe that the intellectual understanding of human from these incontestable phenomena is the main base for religious knowledge. In the last part of this article, along with a brief review of Modern International Relations foundations, it is showed that the entirety of International Relations and its foundations like nations-states, International organizations and International economy are incontestable issues which are developed in the last two decades and were not existed in lawgiver era and the Islamic attitude is dependent on their intellectual understanding and judgment in new condition. Manuscript profile
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        11 - The Effect of Globalization on Civil Institutions in Iran1
            Azadeh  Shabani
        In the field of social sciences and humanities in the 1980s, the phenomenon of “globalization” as well as “civil society” were in the spotlight. Meanwhile, the ratio of these two together has been at the center of attention and analysis of various scholars. The concept More
        In the field of social sciences and humanities in the 1980s, the phenomenon of “globalization” as well as “civil society” were in the spotlight. Meanwhile, the ratio of these two together has been at the center of attention and analysis of various scholars. The concept of civil society in Iran was considered in the mid-seventies (the late 1990s). In this article, using the method of critical realism, the effect of globalization on civil institutions in Iran has been analyzed and it has been shown that between 1997 and 2011 there was no relation between the transformation of civil institutions and globalization in Iran. Critical Realism means that the real, that is, civil institutions, consists of three levels ontological, actuality and factual. Public institutions (participatory) are regarded as the ontological level of the real, social institutions as the actuality level of the real and political institutions as the factual level of the real. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Arendt’s Political Thought and the Possibility of Change in International Relations
        Homeira  Moshirzadeh Arya Moknat
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s More
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s theory of political power as a non-violent and collective human action challenges this fundamental assumption and offers a new perspective on what constitutes the essence of politics. Arendt’s idea of “human condition” rejects all forms of essentialism with regard to human beings and opens up a theoretical space for a new understanding of international relations where human beings become the primary political agents (despite the fact that she sees the existing international relations more from a realist point of view). Contrary to mainstream IR theories in general, and to realism in particular, for Arendt the individuals, rather than the states, are ultimately the main players in international relations. In this paper, we bind different aspects of Arendt’s political thought together to offer a new theoretical perspective for a possible change in world politics. Manuscript profile
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        13 - The Critique of phillips’s view point about non_realism of the religious propositions
        One of the most boisterous topics of the philosophy of religion that has been rooted from the wittgenstien's view points, is the non-realisme of religios propositions. Phillips as a follower of wittgenstien has trid to offer a radical non-realistic. He thought that the More
        One of the most boisterous topics of the philosophy of religion that has been rooted from the wittgenstien's view points, is the non-realisme of religios propositions. Phillips as a follower of wittgenstien has trid to offer a radical non-realistic. He thought that the fact is completely linguistic and language is creator of all things. According of his positivist principles, religious concepts have no references to facts. Because this kind of reference is specially for Knowledge. Finally he has accepted the non-cognitive of religious belief and so, on the baisis of this non-realism, he has to deny the objectivity of the metaphysical concepts such as (God). primarily this thesis intended to express the principles that resulted non-cognitive religious language and then expresses the necessaries and criticisms of this theory. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Western Surrealism resonates in the Water footsteps of Sepahri
        Mehrdad Aghaei fazel abbaszade susan ghayebzadeh
        Abstract Surrealism, with all its misgivings and confusion, has thrown so much fire into the lives of literature that it has swept across the East like a devastating slave and has swept all over the world. Sohrab Sepehri, an Iranian poet and painter and naturalist, mad More
        Abstract Surrealism, with all its misgivings and confusion, has thrown so much fire into the lives of literature that it has swept across the East like a devastating slave and has swept all over the world. Sohrab Sepehri, an Iranian poet and painter and naturalist, made his surrealistic inspirations in his poetry during his travels to the East and West, as well as his acquaintance with Eastern mysticism and Western literature schools. This article seeks to introduce the school of surrealism to examine its features in Sepehri's poem "The Water footsteps." According to the evidence in this famous poem, it was concluded that Sepehri, in his poetic style in "The Water footsteps" had surpassed many of the surrealistic principles and grounded in the realities that even the Westerners themselves They need a hand. The purpose of this study is to depict the real world in a supernatural language and to reach the supreme truth through mental and spiritual affairs, by using the school of surrealism in this poet's work. Manuscript profile
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        15 - A Study of the Historical Background of Reductionism
        Mahdi  Ghiyasvand
        Reductionism has been so prevalent in contemporary philosophy in certain fields such as the philosophy of religion, the philosophy of science, and the philosophy of mind that some have called our time the period of reductionism. The naive form of the idea of reduction w More
        Reductionism has been so prevalent in contemporary philosophy in certain fields such as the philosophy of religion, the philosophy of science, and the philosophy of mind that some have called our time the period of reductionism. The naive form of the idea of reduction which is expressed as the very “A is nothing but B” has appeared in so many diverse forms and models since the second half of the 20th century that its primary form can be hardly observed today. In this study, the writer aims to investigate the historical background of reductionism as an idea. In doing so, he initially provides a brief historical-logical account of the background of this idea since the second half of the 20th century onwards. In the second part of the paper, he begins his discussion with the philosophy of ancient Greece. Then he brings it to an end through referring to the analysis of this idea by the members of the Vienna Circle and connecting it to the point at which he began the first part of the paper, i.e. the second half of the 20th century. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Plato’s Mathematical Ontology in Islamic and Western Interpretations
        Mohammad Saket Nalkiashari Ali Naqi  Baqershahi
        Mathematics has always been considered to be among certain sciences; however, the objects of mathematical knowledge have continually occupied the minds of mathematicians and philosophers of mathematics. The theory stating that the objects of mathematics consist of a num More
        Mathematics has always been considered to be among certain sciences; however, the objects of mathematical knowledge have continually occupied the minds of mathematicians and philosophers of mathematics. The theory stating that the objects of mathematics consist of a number of certain immaterial and separate affairs which are independent of the world of the human mind and thought has been attributed to Plato, and several realist philosophers who, in spite of all their differences, have been called neo-Platonists. Commentators of Plato have failed in providing any clear and consistent interpretation, whether in terms of ontology or semantics, of his philosophy of mathematics, which has resulted in some misunderstandings in this regard and some ambiguity in his whole philosophy. When completing his PhD dissertation at the University of Bristol, Paul Pritchard presented an interpretation of Plato’s ontology, according to which the objects of mathematics are the same sensible things. Here, the allegory of the divided line has been interpreted differently, and the existing ambiguities have been removed. In this paper, the authors have examined this interpretation and compared it with other interpretations of Plato’s ontology of mathematics. They also refer to its effects on Plato’s philosophy of mathematics in general and reveal that, unlike its traditional interpretation, his philosophy of mathematics does not conflict with Benacerraf’s identification problem. Moreover, the authors demonstrate that, based on Mulla Sadra’s arguments, the theory of Ideas is a completely consistent theory in terms of ontology and, thus, Plato’s philosophy of mathematics is a consistent body of philosophy. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Analysis of the fictional poem "From Gang to Kremlin" composed by contemporary Tajik poet, Mirza Tursunzadeh
        Marjan  Ali AkbarzadehZohtab
        The present article aims to explain the socio-political view of Mirza Torsonzadeh (1911-1977) - a contemporary Tajik poet - and examines his fictional poem "From Gang to Kremlin "(1966-1970) with a content approach. Also, with a descriptive-analytical method, it analyze More
        The present article aims to explain the socio-political view of Mirza Torsonzadeh (1911-1977) - a contemporary Tajik poet - and examines his fictional poem "From Gang to Kremlin "(1966-1970) with a content approach. Also, with a descriptive-analytical method, it analyzes the ultimate goal of the poet and its narrative course for the audience.The result of the research shows that Tursonzadeh, nicknamed "Tajikistan's national hero", whose image can still be seen on the common paper money of this country, created this work, like his other works, based on the school of socialist realism and in praise of the ruling system of the Soviet Union. In this 436-couplet poem, he repeats the name of Lenin (1870-1924) 28 times with fascination, while the name "Pratap", the main hero of the story, intends to travel from the Ganges River to the Kremlin to liberate India, has been used only 17 times. The story seems to be an excuse to praise Lenin, which is published in his centenary celebration, finally. Therefore, although the poet wrote it during the period of Khrushchev's (1894-1971) softness, the title "LENIN NAMEH" (For Lenin) is more worthy of the story than its current title.Regardless of some defects of weight and rhyme, this poem is written with imagery and imagination, and the poet's idealistic goal is "Alliance of the East against the West", which is represented in this poem in the form of the aim of "Pratap's travel". Manuscript profile
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        18 - Faith, Doubt and Education
        The essence of faith is a controversial issue, especially among Muslim and, more prevalently, among Christian thinkers. In this connection, the relation between faith and doubt is one of the main cases of the diffrences of this controversy. In an attempt to pin down the More
        The essence of faith is a controversial issue, especially among Muslim and, more prevalently, among Christian thinkers. In this connection, the relation between faith and doubt is one of the main cases of the diffrences of this controversy. In an attempt to pin down the sources of these differences, this paper trace their roots to matters such as differences in the contents of religious beliefs, the theoretical presuppositions of the religious thinkers, the different socio-political experiences of the religious societies and, finally, the differences in the intellectual-philosophical currents affecting these two religious fields. Admitting the important role of the last component, one can expect that the rapid growth of communications as the main channel of exchange of ideas may create opportunities for the Islamic thought to come into contact with rival and opposing views on account of which the Islamic Faith may face the same challenges that Christianity had to confront in recent centuries. This article, by using a concept analytical method toward explaining the relationship between faith and doubt, adopts an epistemological approach called constructivist realism as a basis for Islamic Faith and maintains that contrary to the belief by certain circles of Christianity, doubt cannot be regarded as an integral element of faith. Although the existence of doubt is undeniable, it is not a challenger vis-a-vis faith. This premise seems to predispose Islamic education to, on the one hand, promote tolerance regarding doubt and to emphasize effort and motivation for attaining certainty on the other. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Contending Theories and the Analysis of International Organizations and Institutions, Peace, Security and Justice
        Seyed Abdolali ghavam Samira Mohseni
        The analysis of international organizations and institutions, peace, security and justice based on contending theories, in different ontological, epistemological and methodological frameworks, can help us to achieve a better understanding of the concept of international More
        The analysis of international organizations and institutions, peace, security and justice based on contending theories, in different ontological, epistemological and methodological frameworks, can help us to achieve a better understanding of the concept of international relations and demonstrates a more realistic picture of international institutions, processes and events. Obviously, the precise analysis of phenomena and events largely depends on the above strengths and weaknesses of mainstream and critical theories in explaining the above mentioned concepts Manuscript profile
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        20 - An Analysis of the Political-Security Integration of the European Union within the Framework of Realist Approaches
        Seyed Davood Aghaee Yasser Nooralivand Ebrahim Bagheri
        The entrance of the European Union as a supranational actor into the field of political-security issues is a rare occurrence that has challenged realism as the most important state-centered theory in the international arena. Therefore, since the theory of realism as the More
        The entrance of the European Union as a supranational actor into the field of political-security issues is a rare occurrence that has challenged realism as the most important state-centered theory in the international arena. Therefore, since the theory of realism as the main theory in the field of security issues does not recognize any role for non-state actors in this field, the question is brought forward that how do this theory and its various branches analyze and evaluate the actions and role of the European Union regarding political-security issues? In response, it can be said that this theory, at first, did not pay enough attention to the EU's security developments, due to the fact that it did not consider the EU a non-state actor, but as the EU began to formulate a common foreign and security policy and European security and defense policy and to establish European rapid reaction forces, it was forced to present some views in this regard. Although all branches of realism, due to their belief in the monopoly of state actors in the international arena, and their emphasis on elements such as national interests and national sovereignty, do not provide a clear-cut view on the political and security integration of the European Union, defensive neo-realists have a clearer and more optimistic view on the evolution of political and security integration at the EU level, due to the importance attached by them to the role of institutions in establishing security cooperation between states. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Humanism in Nasim Marashi's "autumn novel is the last season of the year"
        Javan  Mohammad Ali َAbdollah toloeiazar
        Humanism is a concept that originated in Europe, spread throughout the world, and blended with different cultures. With the growth of human-centeredness, man became acquainted with his true position and position. Although sometimes man did not find his true dignity, but More
        Humanism is a concept that originated in Europe, spread throughout the world, and blended with different cultures. With the growth of human-centeredness, man became acquainted with his true position and position. Although sometimes man did not find his true dignity, but with the familiarity of man with his position, he always tried to gain this dignity. The main purpose of this article is to study the components of humanism in Nasim Marashi's novels. The research method is descriptive-analytical. The result of the article indicates that in Marashi's works and especially in the novel "Autumn is the last season of the year", elements such as rationalism, individualism, realism, human will, etc., which are the main features of humanism, can be observed. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Surrealism in the poems of Arab poets with an emphasis on Nizar Qabbani's love poems
        Mohammad Tala  Rakhshan
        Ansi Haj is a Lebanese poet, one of the standard bearers of literary modernism and one of the founders of prose poetry in the Arab world. His poetry is distinguished by its automatic writing, the dominance of the space of discontinuity and dreams, and the dominance of t More
        Ansi Haj is a Lebanese poet, one of the standard bearers of literary modernism and one of the founders of prose poetry in the Arab world. His poetry is distinguished by its automatic writing, the dominance of the space of discontinuity and dreams, and the dominance of the mind. Ansi Haj, especially in the early stages of his poetry, travels in a surrealistic atmosphere, but due to the transformation and revolution that the prose poetry pioneered by him and fellow poets such as Adonis created in the Arabic poetry process, the stylistics and aesthetics of his poetry did not receive much attention and attention from critics. Based on this, this research has tried to examine and criticize the surrealist components and characteristics of his first and most controversial poetry collection, "Len" with the approach of descriptive analysis. The results show that the poet was deeply affected by the surrealist aesthetics and epistemological resources of this school; In such a way that the abundance of rebellious and irrational concepts, contradictory images, unconventional defamiliarizations, breaking of the thread of time and failure of the logic of language in this collection of poems indicate the poet's narration of the world of dreams, which the surrealists call the superior reality. Nizar Qabbani made an important change in the form and content of contemporary Arab poetry, and because of this, the conservatives rebelled against him and attributed various slanders to him. After Jovin, Nizar Qabbani has changed his poetic approach from love to politics, and the question of how successful his poetic art has been in depicting the situation of the failed Arab society, opens another chapter for the exploration of his works in front of the readers of his poetry. In this article, surrealism in the poems of Arab poets is discussed with an emphasis on the love poems of Nizar Qabbani. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Analysis magical realism in the metamodernism approach in order to present its implications in creating intellectual exploration and empath
        mustafa Zabandan mohammadhassan mirzamohammadi Akbar panahi dorcheh
        This paper was conducted with the aim of analysis magical realism in the Metatmodernism approach in order to provide its implications in creating intellectual exploration and empathy. The main components of metamodernism include oscillation, magical realism, neo-romanti More
        This paper was conducted with the aim of analysis magical realism in the Metatmodernism approach in order to provide its implications in creating intellectual exploration and empathy. The main components of metamodernism include oscillation, magical realism, neo-romanticism, "As If" thinking and pragmatism. Although the use of magical realism predates metamodernism, this literary genre is now associated with neo-romanticism and metamodernism. This literary approach, as a mixture of imagination and reality, is considered one of the effective components of metamodernism. Considering the importance of this component in the approach of metamodernism, this research has analyzed magical realism in the approach of metamodernism in order to provide its implications creating intellectual exploration and empathy. The method of this research is of qualitative type and its library studies are conducted using the content analysis research method. Also, there is a research community, relevant and accessible documents and articles in the field of magical realism and metamodernism. The tool for recording and maintaining information in this research was the fiche. The result of this research shows that magical realism can significantly help the growth of learners, promote critical thinking and intellectual exploration, empathy, intercultural sensitivity and a deeper understanding of complex issues. . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        24 - Exploring Architectural Ornamentation: A Focus on Tile Decorations in Painting Schools
        Negar Hassani Fakhrabadi Mohammad Hossein Hassani Fakhrabadi
        <p>Visual documents, including paintings, are among the most important sources in researching the history of Iranian architecture. However, the capacities and special importance of these paintings have not been sufficiently emphasized and utilized in architectural resea More
        <p>Visual documents, including paintings, are among the most important sources in researching the history of Iranian architecture. However, the capacities and special importance of these paintings have not been sufficiently emphasized and utilized in architectural research. Therefore, there is a need for a deeper examination and analysis of these paintings and their effects on architecture. The Herat School stands as one of the significant schools in the history of Iranian architecture. This school is capable of realistically representing the architectural spaces of the Timurid period, which is particularly important because the architecture of this period exhibits realistic and reflective features of Islamic architectural elements. In this article, the level of realism of the tile decorations in Behzad's paintings has been investigated and analyzed. The current research method is non-experimental and based on an interpretive-historical approach. In fact, by prioritizing the logic of "the possibility of extracting documents in the field" and "the extraction of images used in the documents" as inferential and indicative conditions in the logic of research evidence, random sampling has been utilized. The research structure, relying on Behzad's images and architectural concepts depicted in his paintings, begins with an introduction from this artist and then proceeds to analyze the influential real buildings in those works.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        25 - An Analysis of Magical Realism in the Meta-modernism approach in order to Present its Educational Implications in Intellectual Inquiry and Empathy
        mustafa Zabandan mohammadhassan mirzamohammadi Akbar panahi dorcheh
        This research was conducted with the aim of analysis of magical realism in the Meta-modernism approach and looking for its educational implications in intellectual inquiry and empathy. The main components of Meta-modernism include oscillation, magical realism, neo-roman More
        This research was conducted with the aim of analysis of magical realism in the Meta-modernism approach and looking for its educational implications in intellectual inquiry and empathy. The main components of Meta-modernism include oscillation, magical realism, neo-romanticism, "As If" thinking and pragmatism. Although the use of magical realism predates Meta-modernism, this literary genre is now associated with neo-romanticism and Meta-modernism. Literary approach, as a mixture of imagination and reality, is considered as one of the effective components of Meta-modernism. Considering the importance of this component, this research has analyzed magical realism in this approach in order to provide its implications for education. The method of this research is of qualitative type and its library studies are conducted using content analysis in relation to the relevant and accessible documents and articles. The result of this research shows that magical realism can significantly help learners in intellectual growth, critical thinking, intellectual inquiry, empathy, intercultural sensitivity, and a deeper understanding of complex issues Manuscript profile