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        1 - The Analysis of Persian Language Status in Swahili Language and Literature
        امير بهرام   عرب احمدي
        Over the last millennium, Persian Language has influenced many parts of the world. Most researchers believe that the Persian language dominance is limited to Middle Asia and India Peninsula. There have been lots of researches in this regard, but there is little, if any, More
        Over the last millennium, Persian Language has influenced many parts of the world. Most researchers believe that the Persian language dominance is limited to Middle Asia and India Peninsula. There have been lots of researches in this regard, but there is little, if any, information about the status of Persian language and literature in East Africa. In fact, East Africa (particularly Tanzania, Independent Republic of Zanzibar, and south parts of Kenya) are among the areas which in spite of far distance from Iran, have accepted considerable effects from Persian language and literature and there remains many of Persian original words. This article attempts to provide information about the status of Persian language and literature in East Africa from very past up to now and explicates its role in formation and strengthening of Swahili language and literature. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Words Appearing to be Coined; yet Original
        فردوس  آقاگلزاده حسين  داوري
        The study of derivations of coined words in the Persian language shows that actually some of these words were originally Persian words; appearing in other languages and then after finding an estranged form and aspect, once again reappeared in the Persian language. Study More
        The study of derivations of coined words in the Persian language shows that actually some of these words were originally Persian words; appearing in other languages and then after finding an estranged form and aspect, once again reappeared in the Persian language. Studying the researches and the available works shows that this issue is mostly surveyed in the Arabic words; known as “moarab” words; yet this issue has not been of concern in other languages. Although this phenomenon is also a fact about the European vocabulary, and especially the most frequent French and English words used in the Persian language as well, still it has been mostly neglected not only in the general dictionaries; but also in the professional dictionaries which actually have discussed the coined European words too. This essay in brief points to some of the appearing coined European words in the Persian language which are originally Persian; based on some reliable European dictionaries in a documental and authoritative method. Then some of the deficiencies of the reliable Persian dictionaries has been mentioned and observed on the subject of word derivations. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Persian Writing in the Most Viewed Websites in Iran from a Technical Editing Point of View
        vahid khaliliardali Mohammad hakimazar asgar rezaporian
        The cyberspace and internet have caused so many problems for the national languages and writing systems all around the world due to the extensive access and the production of large-scale writing. There are not so many researches that have published accurate information More
        The cyberspace and internet have caused so many problems for the national languages and writing systems all around the world due to the extensive access and the production of large-scale writing. There are not so many researches that have published accurate information based on statistics about the status of Persian writing in different cyberspace platforms (Web, Desktop, and Mobile). In this study, through the non-probabilistic purposive sampling methods, about 8000 sentences from a corpus of 50 of the most popular databases in the country were examined in ten separate topics. The degree of deviation from Standard Persian Writing was estimated based on the "technical editing" criteria. Results show that the most common mistakes according to technical editing indexes were as follows: rules of writing (39%), punctuation (30%), word independence (22%), spacing (6%), number writing (2%), typographical or typing mistakes (1%). Finally, solutions and suggestions were made to help improve writing correctly in cyberspace. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Studying the Syntactic Position of Complement Clauses in Persian Language Based On Dependency Grammar
        Mohammad Dabirmoghaddam Ali Mehrjoo
        Complement Subordination is a process that the verb accepts a complement clause as one of its obligatory dependents, and its omission makes the sentence ungrammatical. Regarding the structure, the verbs which accept complements can be simple verbs (danestan, goftan), ve More
        Complement Subordination is a process that the verb accepts a complement clause as one of its obligatory dependents, and its omission makes the sentence ungrammatical. Regarding the structure, the verbs which accept complements can be simple verbs (danestan, goftan), verbs with prefixes (vagozashtan), and compound verbs (ragham zadan, agah kardan).The corpus of this research includes one thousand sentences of contemporary Persian stories. Dependency grammar is one of the formalist theories of grammar that considers the relationship between a head and its dependents in analyzing the syntactic structures. Syntactic structures of Persian language show that some verbs have one complement clause, thereby having a compliment clause is one of the specific features of the verb of the main clause. The present study tries to give a detailed description of complement clauses in Persian. In order to do so, the process of subordination will be analyzed in complex sentences in which the complement is the subordinate clause and depends on the main clause. It could be said that complement clauses which are made by the inflectional forms of the verbs, are often placed in the syntactic position of obligatory dependents of the verbs (subject, object, prepositional object). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Analysis of Rhetorical Fields in Saadi's Works and Their Generalization in Persian Language and Literature
        farhad mohammadi
        In order to understand the rhetoric of the Persian language and to discover its rules and principles, it is necessary to study and analyze its syntactic structures. By this manner, the order of syntactic structures in normal status can be recognized the changes that hap More
        In order to understand the rhetoric of the Persian language and to discover its rules and principles, it is necessary to study and analyze its syntactic structures. By this manner, the order of syntactic structures in normal status can be recognized the changes that happen due to rhetorical purposes could be distinguished; because the syntax structures, which are the various orders of the components, are forming according to meaning and rhetorical purposes. Any kind of "change in the grammatical position of the components", "change in sentence form" and any "deletion or addition" in the word are the result of rhetorical purposes. This article focuses on Sa'di's work as a prominent example of Persian rhetoric, examining the most important fields of rhetoric through which the transfer of meaning and the induction of rhetorical goals take place. The purpose of this research is to identify the general fields of Persian language syntax in inducing rhetorical goals, each of which can include many instances. It also attempts to show what meanings and purposes are usually expressed with each of these capacities. The results show that "displacement of word components", "change in structure and formation of sentences” and "syntactic increase and decrease" are the main means used to express rhetorical purposes in Persian syntax. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Rightward Scramblingin Translation (From Persian Language to English langugae)
        Mohammad Dabirmoghaddam Vida Shaghaghi Mojtaba Monshizadeh Seyyed Hussein Piri
        Scrambling has optional nature and a significant contribution to the discourse functional interpretation of clauses in Persian. Since scrambling is, unlike English, one of the features of Persian, the analysis of the scrambled clauses and their translated equivalents se More
        Scrambling has optional nature and a significant contribution to the discourse functional interpretation of clauses in Persian. Since scrambling is, unlike English, one of the features of Persian, the analysis of the scrambled clauses and their translated equivalents seem essential to improve their translation accuracy and quality. Therefore, this study which is of descriptive-analytical and corpus based aims to investigate the impact of rightward scrambling on Persian clauses and analyze their English translated equivalents. To this end, 297 Persian rightward scrambled clauses out of 5247 clauses were collected and analyzed along with their English translated equivalents within Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar (2014). The results show that rightward scrambling makes marked themes through rearrangements of themeta-functions. However, the translators have not paid enough attention to these clauses. In addition, Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar (2014) can be efficient means of evaluating the translation accuracy of these clauses into English. Manuscript profile
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        7 - A Study on How "Odors"are Descibed in Persian Written Texts
        azam estaji
        The present paper studies how odors are described in selected data from Persian written texts. For this purpose, instances of the use of the word "odor" and its dependents were extracted from two written corpus (including news and fiction texts, with about nine million More
        The present paper studies how odors are described in selected data from Persian written texts. For this purpose, instances of the use of the word "odor" and its dependents were extracted from two written corpus (including news and fiction texts, with about nine million words) and were classified and described based on structural and semantic features. Examination of the data shows that odors in Persian are described more with Ezafet constructions than descriptive constructions (82% vs. 18%). Regarding the method of describing odors, it was also found that Persian speakers prefer to describe odors with reference to their origin rather than using adjectives. In addition, it was found that in Ezafet constructions where odor is described with an noun, odor finds metaphorical usage and is used figuratively to mean "effect and sign". Regarding the adjectives used to describe odors, it was found that on the one hand there are limited adjectives to describe odors and on the other hand these adjectives can be semantically divided into three categories: pleasant adjectives, unpleasant adjectives and adjectives that emphasize odor specificity. In addition, the comparison of the two data sets showed that in the data extracted from news texts, the ratio of metaphorical use of smell was higher and in the data extracted from fictional texts, the ratio of describing smell by referring to its origin was higher, this difference can be explained by the nature of the texts being analyzed. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Discourse analysis of Persian language and literature education based on semantics, in order to Expand Cultural Diplomacy (case study: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Georgia)
        soheila  Rezaie Mehr Abbas Ali Vafaei davood   sparham gholamreza mastaliparsa
        Discourse analysis is an interdisciplinary approach in the fields of linguistics, semantics, literature, cultural relations, and international fields which analyzes and evaluates how meaning and message are crystallized and formed in relation to intra-lingual and extra- More
        Discourse analysis is an interdisciplinary approach in the fields of linguistics, semantics, literature, cultural relations, and international fields which analyzes and evaluates how meaning and message are crystallized and formed in relation to intra-lingual and extra-lingual factors. Discourses are a kind of language of power relations due to the use of language and linguistic power. Since coherent and common meanings and themes (Semantics-based) that are crystallized in language are also prominent manifestations of cultural power; the authors of this article sought to explain it on the basis of semantics and discourse analysis in the development of cultural relations. The most important findings of this study indicate that in the approaches of semantic discourse analysis based on common celebrities in the field of common (non-linguistic) civilization, themes, mental and especially mystical schemes between common Iranian and Turkmen celebrities are evident. It also has mystical and moral schemas for Iran and Uzbekistan, which can be of interest for the public. The themes and mental schemas of the Shahnameh and the themes of some of the love poems or even the themes of Omar Khayyam's poems, which have been most welcomed by Georgian scholars, can be considered in writing Persian language textbooks in Georgia to provide deep cultural ties with friendly countries in the field of common civilization. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Quran and Persian Vocabulary, Analysis and Criticism
        Mohammad Amiri
        This essay examines the Persian verses of the Quran and aims at analyzing the etymology of Persian vocabulary in the Quran and on what route have they entered the Quran? And what factors have led the Arabs to become acquainted with those words? And finally, how are thes More
        This essay examines the Persian verses of the Quran and aims at analyzing the etymology of Persian vocabulary in the Quran and on what route have they entered the Quran? And what factors have led the Arabs to become acquainted with those words? And finally, how are these words affected by the relationship with the Qur'an? Studies show that some Persian verses of the Quran belonged to the life of the royal kings and were used in aristocratic life situations. These vocabularies are: stebraq, Sonds, Sarabil, Marjan, Mesk, Zanjebil, Kas, Abrigh Sordaqa, Nirmagh, Zarabi, Abqiri, Araek, Abraghi, Zarabi, to commercial relations with the Quran. Some Persian phrases of the Qur'an were used in a religious position, such as:jonah, Magos, Afrit, Salib, and... The Persian words of the Sard, jond and... in the military position and the Persian vocabulary of Kanz ,Rezgh, and... were also used in economic situations. This vocabulary has come from direct or indirect paths based on Arabic and Persian language relations pre-Islamic due to trade, military, religious, and religious relations between the Arabs and Arabs in Arabic and, ultimately, the Qur'an. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Identity thinking in the works of Ebrahim Yunsi, Relying on Persian language and strengthening Iranian identity
        Mehdi Saeedi Seyedeh Narges  Rezaie
        identities and Iranian identity has been on the border between alignment, contradiction, conflict and rupture. Political and social narratives of the issue of Iranian identity and its elements are effective in weakening or strengthening this relationship. Among the t More
        identities and Iranian identity has been on the border between alignment, contradiction, conflict and rupture. Political and social narratives of the issue of Iranian identity and its elements are effective in weakening or strengthening this relationship. Among the three nationalistic, modern, postmodern and historical narratives, it is the only historical narrative that pays attention to the maximum consolidation and unity of Iran and Iranians by avoiding excess and exaggeration in explaining the problem. Ebrahim Yunsi, a political activist, translator and writer of Iranian Kurdish descent, is the author of several works in Persian. Some of what he translated is about Kurdish cultural and political history and contemporary political events. In the introduction or footnote of most of the translations, he pays attention to the relationship between Kurds and Iran, and in a way of Focusing on identity between Kurds and Iran, he establishes an aligned and consistent relationship. Also, in his works, he criticizes the opinion of writers who have highlighted some of the elements of ethnic identity in order to weaken Iranian identity, or who believe in the distinction and separation between ethnic identity and Iranian identity. He is especially aware of the role and function of the Kurdish language and the Persian language. Therefore, in spite of his primary political affiliation or contrary to what some political parties think, he believes that there is an equal relationship between the Kurdish language and the Persian language. Therefore, he uses the Persian language to write and tries to increase the richness of the Persian language and its lexical and cultural treasure in his works by using a lot of words and what is Kurdish knowledge and language. In this article, by analyzing the introductions of the translations and paying attention to the linguistic issues of the stories, this aspect of the identity in opinion of Ebrahim Yunsi has been discussed. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Design and Collection of Speech Data as the First Step of Localization the Intelligent Diagnosis of Autism in Iranian Children
        Maryam Alizadeh Shima tabibian
        Autism Spectrum Disorder is a type of disorder in which, the patients suffer from a developmental disorder that manifests itself by symptoms such as inability to social communication. Thus, the most apparent sign of autism is a speech disorder. The first part of this pa More
        Autism Spectrum Disorder is a type of disorder in which, the patients suffer from a developmental disorder that manifests itself by symptoms such as inability to social communication. Thus, the most apparent sign of autism is a speech disorder. The first part of this paper reviews research studies conducted to automatically diagnose autism based on speech processing methods. According to our review, the main speech processing approaches for diagnosing autism can be divided into two groups. The first group detects individuals with autism by processing their answers or feelings in response to questions or stories. The second group distinguishes people with autism from healthy people because of the accuracy of recognizing their spoken utterances based on automatic speech recognition systems. Despite much research being conducted outside Iran, few studies have been conducted in Iran. The most important reason for this is the lack of rich data that meet the needs of autism diagnosis based on the speech processing of suspected people. In the second part of the paper, we discuss the process of designing, collecting, and evaluating a speaker-independent dataset for autism diagnosis in Iranian children as the first step in the localization of the mentioned field. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Applications of moral restrictions in Kurdish and Persian literature
        amir msto muhammed abdolnaser nazariani mohammad amir obaydinia
        Persian and Kurdish languages are related and this closeness can be seen in grammatical and linguistic categories. The main goal of this research is the application of moral restrictions in Kurdish and Persian literature. The research method is descriptive-comparative; More
        Persian and Kurdish languages are related and this closeness can be seen in grammatical and linguistic categories. The main goal of this research is the application of moral restrictions in Kurdish and Persian literature. The research method is descriptive-comparative; more precisely, grammar is a part of linguistics that discusses the phonetic, morphological, syntactic and semantic construction of language. Anyway, this research is a grammatical research that deals with the comparative analysis of adverbs from the perspective of structure, dependence, usage, etc. in Persian and Kurdish languages.Each part is divided into smaller parts according to the requirements of the research. In each case, the relevant definitions were extracted from reliable sources and then examples were mentioned for it, and finally, the definitions and concepts were looked at with a critical eye and criticisms were made wherever needed. The results showed that although the review How to construct qidir to sub-inmeh in the group and in the sentence is subject to investigation, but in general, they are the same in the two languages under investigation. In such a way that in Persian and Kurdish languages, the qiid groups are of the same type and in the structural conditions of the qiid in Kurdish and Persian languages, they are similar to each other. Also, the constraint is not changeable in terms of word formation in Kurdish and Persian. From the point of view of meaning, all Kurdish and Persian words are the same. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Applying deep learning for improving the results of sentiment analysis of Persian comments of Online retail stores
        faezeh forootan Mohammad Rabiei
        چكيده انگليسيThe retail market industry is one of the industries that affects the economies of countries, the life of which depends on the level of satisfaction and trust of customers to buy from these markets. In such a situation, the retail market industry is trying t More
        چكيده انگليسيThe retail market industry is one of the industries that affects the economies of countries, the life of which depends on the level of satisfaction and trust of customers to buy from these markets. In such a situation, the retail market industry is trying to provide conditions for customer feedback and interaction with retailers based on web pages and online platforms. Because the analysis of published opinions play a role not only in determining customer satisfaction but also in improving products. Therefore, in recent years, sentiment analysis techniques in order to analyze and summarize opinions, has been considered by researchers in various fields, especially the retail market industry. Manuscript profile