• List of Articles Iraq

      • Open Access Article

        1 - An analysis of the geopolitics of the Kurdish region of Iraq after the collapse of ISIS
        Qiuomars Yazdanpanah Dero hassan kamran  
        The Kurdish regions of Iraq, centered on two traditional parties, the Patriotic Union and the Democratic Party, were created with the opportunities created after the collapse of the Ba'ath regime. They were able to take power and gain countless powers in the economic, s More
        The Kurdish regions of Iraq, centered on two traditional parties, the Patriotic Union and the Democratic Party, were created with the opportunities created after the collapse of the Ba'ath regime. They were able to take power and gain countless powers in the economic, security and political fields of the new Iraqi structure. In the new Iraqi structure, the Kurdistan Region is centered on the Democratic Party in the areas of security, economic, foreign policy, territoriality, and so on. Acting unilaterally And, instead of the nature of the intergovernmental pattern of interaction with the central government of Iraq, it has followed the pattern of opposition and has been challenged by the central government. Following the ISIS invasion of Iraq, the common enemy on the one hand has led to military cooperation between the Kurdistan Region and the central government of Iraq. On the other hand, the security vacuum created in the disputed areas has led to the cultivation and sale of oil in those areas by the climate and has exacerbated the challenges with the central government. The opposition of the Democratic Party to the central government in the fields of economic and security and the excessive alignment with Turkey has caused the crisis and dissatisfaction of other parties in the Kurdistan region. And this situation has made the Patriotic Union closer to Iran as a regional power, in order to balance the political currents with regard to the common historical background. This research uses a descriptive-analytical method and library-based sources and documents to analyze the geopolitical analysis of the Kurdistan region after the collapse of ISIS. The results of the research show that the ISIL war with regard to its capabilities has led the Democratic Party to intensify its opposition to the central government and the proximity to Turkey as well as to the balance of power in relation to the regional powers of the Patriotic Union toward Iran. It is more likely that the possibility of the geopolitical division of Iraqi Kurdistan between the regional powers (Iran and Turkey) is more likely. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The study of contemporary Kurdish history in Iran from the perspective of social textbooks, history and geography of high school of the Kurdistan region of Iraq
        The development of a national and ethnic identity in the periphery of Iran has become widespread in recent decades. The process of geopolitical developments and the formation of new political units around Iran has strengthened this in relation to shaping identity or fri More
        The development of a national and ethnic identity in the periphery of Iran has become widespread in recent decades. The process of geopolitical developments and the formation of new political units around Iran has strengthened this in relation to shaping identity or friction. Among these areas is the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which after being successful in autonomy, the regional culture began to formulate a formal reading of history to create an identity support for the people of this region. In historical studies, the relativity of this region with the history of Iran can be consider as three periods: in ancient times, the Islamic period and contemporary, these courses can be divided and differentiated. The two previous periods have been review in separate articles. The study of the official history of Kurdistan Region in contemporary history, especially in relation to the common political and historical events between Iran and the Kurdistan Region, is explore. This research based on descriptive-analytical method and with the data was gathering tool through library studies. The textbooks of social studies, history and geography of the high school of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, have been investigated and analyzed. The results indicate that the official education system approach in the Kurdistan region to the category of Iranian history and identity is not the same as the ancient era and in most cases, there is a kind of heterogeneity in the readings of the Kurds in Iran with what is in the Kurdistan Region textbooks. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Iraqi Kurdistan Geostrategy: Review of US and Iran Strategies
        The purpose of this article is investigating the geostrategic of Iraqi Kurdistan and analysis of US and Iranian Strategies in this environment. Different geographic spaces of the world in the three dimensions of internal, regional and global Geotechnical and geopoliti More
        The purpose of this article is investigating the geostrategic of Iraqi Kurdistan and analysis of US and Iranian Strategies in this environment. Different geographic spaces of the world in the three dimensions of internal, regional and global Geotechnical and geopolitical status in terms of geographic location as well as their cultural characteristics have from a different strategic position and on that basis they're playing Different role in policy implementation. The main question of the article is that what is the geostrategy of Iraqi Kurdistan? And what are the strategies of the United States and Iran in confronting this environment? The results of this article show that Iraqi political space environment is Somehow that Unlike Shiites and Sunnis in this land which they have from the relative support of the countries of the region, Kurds are Lacks strong regional support. This problem has driven Kurds to take strategic part and acquiring support from the United States, Israel, and some European countries. According to this, accordingly following the cultural spatial association of Iraq with the peripheral countries, Iraqi Kurdistan has become to the intersection of the interconnected geopolitical affairs and interests and cross country actors. Given this introduction in this article Will try by using Library resources and scientific and research articles to be paid to analyze and explain the geostrategy of Iraqi Kurdistan and analyzing the strategies of the United States and Iran in this environment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Petrology and geochemistry of basic rocks of the Piranshahr Ophiolitic complex in Zagros belt (NW Iran), compared with the similar rocks from Iraqi Zagros ophiolitic complex
        Maryam Yazdani
        The Piranshahr ophiolitic complex is located in NW Iran and in the north west of Piranshahr town. Tectonically, the NW Piranshahr ophiolitic complex is severely mingled and the boundary of different units in this complex is indistinguishable. Piranshahr ophiolite includ More
        The Piranshahr ophiolitic complex is located in NW Iran and in the north west of Piranshahr town. Tectonically, the NW Piranshahr ophiolitic complex is severely mingled and the boundary of different units in this complex is indistinguishable. Piranshahr ophiolite includes ultramafic, mafic, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Basic rocks with basalt and diabase compositions are exposed in several parts of the region. In this paper, whole rocks geochemistry and petrogenesis of basic rocks were studied in the Piramshahr ophiolite (in the Mashkan and Gerdikavalan areas) and were compared with the geochemistry of basic rocks located in the west of Mawat ophiolite in Iraq (in the Hasanbag, Walash and Neopurdan regions). Composition of basic rocks of Mashkan area in Piranshahr ophiolite and Hasanbag area in Iraq ophiolite is calc-alkaline in nature and depleted with respect to MREE, HREE,Zr, Hf, Y, Ti elements and enriched in Rb, Cs, Ba, U, Th, Pb, LREE elements with negative Ta, Nb anomalies. These geochemical features show that the source of magma was generated in the supra-subduction zone tectonic settings. Composition of basic rocks of Gerdikavalan area in Piranshahr ophiolite and similar rocks in the Walash-Neopurdan areas in Iraq ophiolite represent tholeiitic nature. Tholeiitic nature in these areas show both MORB and volcanic arc affinity. It seems that the tholeiitic magma was probably generated in the lithospheric extension over on subduction zone and these features conform asupra-subduction setting for basic rocks in Piranshahr ophiolite and similar rocks in western continuation of Iraq ophiolitic complex. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Components and value structure and lifestyle of Iraqi Muslims during the Abbasid period
        Ghelareh  Amiri
        Lifestyle is one of the most important issues in various sciences that has always existed since the beginning of human life and has continued to this day. Although this reform in its scientific meaning is almost new, but by studying and referring to the past, we can tra More
        Lifestyle is one of the most important issues in various sciences that has always existed since the beginning of human life and has continued to this day. Although this reform in its scientific meaning is almost new, but by studying and referring to the past, we can trace it. Observed among the dynasties, tribes, caliphs, and summaries of different eras. One of these eras that is considered in this article is Iraq during the time of the Abbasid caliphs. The present study seeks to examine the lifestyle of Iraqi Muslims in the Abbasid era. From this perspective, after expanding the conceptual space of the subject and expressing the historical aspect of the subject, he will study the Iraqi way of life in that period. According to the thematic documents presented in this research, the research method is analytical-historical and the data collection method in this research is a library. The findings of this study indicate that in the fourth to sixth centuries AH, coinciding with the rule of the Abbasids, Iraq in particular, Baghdad as the capital of the Caliphate, enjoyed great prosperity and brought about various cultural and social changes in the Muslim way of life. And because of the attention of the rulers, has had a great impact on the social life of Muslims, including attitudes and beliefs, social lifestyle, language, religion and customs. The conclusion of the article is that the growth of scientific and cultural circles in Iraq challenged the cultural traditions and lifestyle of Muslims in Iraq in the fifth and sixth centuries AH, by proposing genuine Islamic teachings and changing their behavioral patterns. Also, the lifestyle and culture of Iraqi Muslims have been influenced by other cultures, especially Iran, due to the increasing migration of other nations to Iraq. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Cultural and historical background of Iran's relations with Iraqi Kurdistan from the Qajar period to the present
        Iman  Anvari pour
        The people of present-day Iraqi Kurdistan, who are of Aryan descent and of Iranian origin, have been part of the history and culture of Iran since 8000 years ago, and the people have always maintained linguistic, racial, religious, political and social ties with the Ira More
        The people of present-day Iraqi Kurdistan, who are of Aryan descent and of Iranian origin, have been part of the history and culture of Iran since 8000 years ago, and the people have always maintained linguistic, racial, religious, political and social ties with the Iranian people and governments. And the Iranian governments have always considered this region as a part of their ancient history and culture and have been by their side in all the bitter and sweet events that happened to them. With the rise of Safavid power in the early tenth century AH (907 AH) to the present day (1398 Islamic Revolution of Iran) in Iran, this region played a key role in Iran's internal developments and foreign relations with neighboring Ottoman states, Iraq, Israel and Israel. It has played beyond the US and Britain, and although some of the previous Iranian governments have been politically separated from the central government of Iran due to their weakness, they have maintained their relations with Iran, so the Islamic Republic of Iran It has always been a supporter of these people and is sensitive to developments in the region, although it considers Iraqi Kurdistan a part of a unified Iraq and does not welcome the creation of an independent Kurdish state that would change the region's political geography. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Geopolitical, political, historical and cultural relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran with present-day Iraqi Kurdistan
        Iman  Anvari pour
        Undoubtedly, the geopolitical, political, historical and cultural situation of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the current Iraqi Kurdistan in terms of economic, political, cultural and. . . Intertwined in the context of history; In such a way that the fusion between t More
        Undoubtedly, the geopolitical, political, historical and cultural situation of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the current Iraqi Kurdistan in terms of economic, political, cultural and. . . Intertwined in the context of history; In such a way that the fusion between these domains can be seen in the new era. One of the regions that is highly influential and important in the new Iraq is the Kurdistan Autonomous Region, which in the light of geopolitical realities, has made it necessary to examine the opportunities and challenges facing the Islamic Republic of Iran. The present study states the geopolitical, political, historical and cultural relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran with present-day Iraqi Kurdistan. Opportunities and challenges for c. ا. Iran should lay the groundwork. The present research is a qualitative method with a descriptive and analytical approach. The results of the study confirm the fact that the geopolitical, political, historical and cultural relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran with modern-day Iraqi Kurdistan can be effective in threatening security and securing the interests of both parties. Manuscript profile