Components and value structure and lifestyle of Iraqi Muslims during the Abbasid period
Subject Areas : Ethical contexts of behavior in other sciences
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Keywords: Iraq, lifestyle, history, Abbasid caliphate. ,
Abstract :
Lifestyle is one of the most important issues in various sciences that has always existed since the beginning of human life and has continued to this day. Although this reform in its scientific meaning is almost new, but by studying and referring to the past, we can trace it. Observed among the dynasties, tribes, caliphs, and summaries of different eras. One of these eras that is considered in this article is Iraq during the time of the Abbasid caliphs. The present study seeks to examine the lifestyle of Iraqi Muslims in the Abbasid era. From this perspective, after expanding the conceptual space of the subject and expressing the historical aspect of the subject, he will study the Iraqi way of life in that period. According to the thematic documents presented in this research, the research method is analytical-historical and the data collection method in this research is a library. The findings of this study indicate that in the fourth to sixth centuries AH, coinciding with the rule of the Abbasids, Iraq in particular, Baghdad as the capital of the Caliphate, enjoyed great prosperity and brought about various cultural and social changes in the Muslim way of life. And because of the attention of the rulers, has had a great impact on the social life of Muslims, including attitudes and beliefs, social lifestyle, language, religion and customs. The conclusion of the article is that the growth of scientific and cultural circles in Iraq challenged the cultural traditions and lifestyle of Muslims in Iraq in the fifth and sixth centuries AH, by proposing genuine Islamic teachings and changing their behavioral patterns. Also, the lifestyle and culture of Iraqi Muslims have been influenced by other cultures, especially Iran, due to the increasing migration of other nations to Iraq.
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