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        1 - Analysis of Prophet Mohammad's Ascension Position in Meiybodi's Kashf-Al-Asrar Interpretation
        مجيد  سرمدي محمود  شيخ
        Prophet Mohammad and the events of his life enjoys a particular position befor the Muslims. The Islamic scholars- whether mystic, theologist, or philosopher- have constantly made an attempt to express and reveal his character and they have spoke of his position within t More
        Prophet Mohammad and the events of his life enjoys a particular position befor the Muslims. The Islamic scholars- whether mystic, theologist, or philosopher- have constantly made an attempt to express and reveal his character and they have spoke of his position within the universe and his stand compared to the other prophets. There is no doubt that initially, this attempt had affectionate roots; but then later on its theoretical aspects and dimensions overcame its passionate aspects. The purpose of this research is to identify two significant incidents in Prophets' life that express his character better considering how they are revealed in Kashf-Al-Asrar and then show the role of the Ascent in this relation as mentioned in this book. As Meiybodi had mystical tendencies himself in the interpretation and paraphrase of the Quran and in quoting the Ascent, he is more concerned about the mystical and passionate aspects. So he merely focuses on the knowledge and superiority of Prophet in the spiritual statue. Meanwhile he does not mention the borders on the theory of "perfect human" while the central issue is "the truth about Mohammad"; a discussion which later on became one of the most basic discussions for the mystics and the theoretical sophists. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Analyzing the Iranian, Islamic and Creek reflection components in Souhravardi’s interpretation upon the Rustam and Esfandiar Story
        حسن  شاهی‌پور
        Although, interpretation of the anecdotes has thousands – year history in the west and it is now considerable in the west literature, it has not been paid so much attention in Iran classic literature due to some reasons including their being profane. Along with the scat More
        Although, interpretation of the anecdotes has thousands – year history in the west and it is now considerable in the west literature, it has not been paid so much attention in Iran classic literature due to some reasons including their being profane. Along with the scattered and little interpretation by Sanaie, the poet of the 5th century, Sheikh Eshragh, the mystic and philosopher of the 6th century is the last person interpreted and reflected upon the Iran ancient myths. He wants to make a concrete link between three separate dimensions of Islamic culture, Iranian ancient wisdom and Creek philosophy. For he, as a believer Muslim, is familiar with Islamic culture and its components including mysticism in one hand and he is the heritance to the pre-Islamic period as Iranian generated one on the other hand and so can not ignore the Creek philosophy as the result of human valuable reason and wisdom. Souhravardi, with his especial perceptivity, has found that the three mentioned apparently opposing cultures essence is the same and in case of their unification and harmony, Men can have a great experience in Human development and leadership. This article tries to show this great genius attempts for linking the Human thinking follows reflected in his interpretation from the Rustam and Esfandiar Story, revealing and the reasons for such interpretation while showing the elements of the cultures said above. It is clear that during Souhravardi day, this story and Shahname stories were famous in such a way that,deconstructing them was not an easy task except for some specified reasons but, Sheikh Eshragh could do so by his special thought background and broke the structure of this story aimed at finding his views within the layers of it. Manuscript profile
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        3 - comparative research taught adam the names in interpretation of Allameh Jafari and allameh tabatabai
        Based on interpretations, something that leds the human to the highest position between creations, and puts him in the position of Caliph of Allah and the prostration of angles, depends on the same teaching of names. So, meditation and contemplation in this issue, is a More
        Based on interpretations, something that leds the human to the highest position between creations, and puts him in the position of Caliph of Allah and the prostration of angles, depends on the same teaching of names. So, meditation and contemplation in this issue, is a big step in the formation of personality and cultural infrastructure of human. This study, known as comparative research taught adam the names in interpretation of Quran of Allama Tabatabai and interpretation of Masnavi of Allameh Jafari, tried to fill the common and specific to each of the scholars Rabbani in this matter. Apart from common methods of scientific, intellectual, religious and knowledge, something that be considered as specific approach to each of these scholars Rabbani In interpreting the Quranic themes, is the interpretation of Quran to Quran commentary of Allameh Tabatabai and enter the field of psychological, anthropological and sociological, of Allameh Jafari. Including common views on the subject of these interpretations is the purpose of names here is the objective facts of the universe and the objects outside that included the intelligent creatures and purpose of the issue of teaching names is that God discovered and revealed the truth to people. Special comments of Allameh Tabatabai on this issue is that the names mentioned, and with their squash were organisms with life, science and unobtrusive behind a veil and God taught the people (Part of) the unseen of the heavens and the earth and Allameh Jafari also believes that the science of human has all the facts of the created world not the world that spirit is documented in it. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The investigation of Nasser Khusrow's interpretationand scholastic theology reviews based on Qur'an Verses in the Poems
        Shahrokh  Hekmat Abolfazl  Nick Ahd
        Naser khusrow is a unigue poet; one of the reasons is that he hs among few poets who found his way by searching and exploring- apart from any bias or special attitude – and to prove the veracity of his own way from a logical point of view, especially by resorting to the More
        Naser khusrow is a unigue poet; one of the reasons is that he hs among few poets who found his way by searching and exploring- apart from any bias or special attitude – and to prove the veracity of his own way from a logical point of view, especially by resorting to the word of revelation putting most effort in this direction has not deserted any ate mpt.He regards more attention to hermeneutice that finally this hemeneutice referring back to the origin and to the family of infallibility and purity. And by this view that he is also the advertiser agent, all of logical issues for following and getting results.He has enjoyed his Divan (poems collection) all interpretation,s and all Quranic words and word combinations. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Function of the Intellect in the Realms of Religion and Ethics in Qadi Abduljabbar Mu‘tazili
        Farzaneh  Mustafapour Hossein  Hooshanghi Seyyed Abbas  Zahabi
        This paper examines the functions of theoretical and practical intellects in the fields of religion and ethics in the view of Qadi Abduljabbar Mu‘tazili. Based on what appears from his views regarding the explanation of ethical propositions, we can refer to three episte More
        This paper examines the functions of theoretical and practical intellects in the fields of religion and ethics in the view of Qadi Abduljabbar Mu‘tazili. Based on what appears from his views regarding the explanation of ethical propositions, we can refer to three epistemological, motivational, and ontological approaches. The writers have investigated three categories in the field of epistemology: knowledge of fundamental values, goodness and ugliness of acts, and unveiling of ethical principles based on basic propositions; two functions of the intellect in the field of motivation: the origin of human ethical implications and the basis of Man’s responsibility, and the human voluntary and rational choice in the field of ontology. He maintains that the intellect plays an essential and fundamental role in each of them, and that moral principles have been explained based on rational reasoning. Regarding the functions of the intellect in the domain of understanding religion, the writers initially deal with God’s Oneness and Justice in the light of rational reason and, then, relying on religious principles and through granting a central role to the intellect, they interpret some Qur’anic verses. Finally, they try to interpret some cases which are in contrast to the intellect with reference to certain examples. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The Role of Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophical Thought in Understanding Religious Texts
        Seyyed Hossein  Azimidokht
        This study aims to explore Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thoughts, portray the salient features of his philosophy, and demonstrate the influence of philosophical thought on his understanding and interpretation of religious texts. Using a descriptive-analytic method, the a More
        This study aims to explore Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thoughts, portray the salient features of his philosophy, and demonstrate the influence of philosophical thought on his understanding and interpretation of religious texts. Using a descriptive-analytic method, the author describes some of the elements of Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophy in the fields of theology, cosmology, and anthropology and, in this way, tries to explain his hermeneutic principles in the perception of religious texts. Next, he presents some of his interpretations of such texts in order to reveal the influence of Sadrian philosophical trend and hermeneutic principles in understanding religious texts. Given his prominent role in the development of Shī‘ī philosophy and wisdom, it seems necessary to deliberate over his philosophical theories and works and examine his methods and principles of interpretation in the field of Sadrian studies. The findings of this study indicate that Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thought, in general, and his philosophical views, in particular, as well as his hermeneutic principles, which originate in the Transcendent Philosophy, and utilizing certain concepts in explaining philosophical problems distinguish him from other thinkers in the presentation and analysis of religious categories. Finally, the author concludes that benefitting from philosophical and metaphysical categories and theories, while being harmful in certain respects, could result in having a different understanding of religious texts. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Analysis of the relation of investment criteria in the development of technology based on plan, project and portfolio Using ISM and DEMATEL
        mohamadali afsharkazemi   hamed soufi
        Today, technology development success is a multi-dimensional concept that is linked to the dynamics and complexity of the environment. Hence, identifying fundamental performance indicators for investing in technology development is important. The purpose of this study i More
        Today, technology development success is a multi-dimensional concept that is linked to the dynamics and complexity of the environment. Hence, identifying fundamental performance indicators for investing in technology development is important. The purpose of this study is to achieve quantitative and qualitative analysis of key indicators together in the correct decision-making path for investment in technology development. In this research, the criteria for success with the new approach in terms of plan, project and portfolio differences are identified, categorized and their significance is measured by a questionnaire. In the following, the relationships between the criteria with two qualitative and quantitative approaches were determined and analyzed using interpretive structural modeling and DEMATEL technique using the opinions of industrial and academic experts in two separate groups. By comparing the results of the two groups, the difference Opinions in the judgments of academic and industrial experts are characterized by two quantitative and qualitative approaches. Achieving an analytical qualitative model of how the indicators interact, as well as determining the magnitude of the impact intensity and impact and the importance of each of them based on the level of interactions, the academic and industrial viewpoints, and the determination of the suitability of the judgments of the two groups, one of the research achievements. Correct analysis based on qualitative and quantitative results of research can be a basis for decision makers to develop different scenarios in the direction of making investments Successful in the field of technology development. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Presenting a Model to Explain the Empowerment of Knowledge Capitals with Using Interpretative Structural Modeling
        Ebrahim Rajabpour  
        With the emergence of the knowledge economy, human capabilities known as the most unique and sustainable competitive advantage for organizations in the current rapidly changing environment. Therefore, in this period it is essential and undeniable to paying special atten More
        With the emergence of the knowledge economy, human capabilities known as the most unique and sustainable competitive advantage for organizations in the current rapidly changing environment. Therefore, in this period it is essential and undeniable to paying special attention in the knowledge and skills of human resources and empowerment of these unmatched capitals in organizations. The aim of this study was to identify factors influencing the empowerment of knowledge capitals and ultimately provide a model for Research Institution of Petroleum Industry, using interpretative structural modeling. With comprehensive review of the literature, eight factors were identified to explain the empowerment of the Petroleum Industry Research; then using interpretation of structural modeling, factors graded at five levels. Then, after determining the levels each of the factors and taking into account the availability of the final matrix, the final model of interpretation were drawn. The results showed that factors such as training and development, characteristics of personality, organizational structure and the nature of the job effect more than other factors in relation to empowerment in Research Institute of Petroleum Industry. Manuscript profile
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        9 - A consideration of the implications for the interpretation of verse 35 of Surah Ahzab On a model of social development
        Ali Asghar Sadabadi
        Individual excellence and social development, natural need that every man seeks, and dignity of the Holy Quran and the authentic needs of real people. In this study, the researchers in the light of the interpretation and semantics of verse 35 of Surah Ahzab with interpr More
        Individual excellence and social development, natural need that every man seeks, and dignity of the Holy Quran and the authentic needs of real people. In this study, the researchers in the light of the interpretation and semantics of verse 35 of Surah Ahzab with interpretation method, a system of individual excellence and social developments have raised. In this method, after selecting a verse and reflect on it, meditate in the context of the verse, and finally, reflection takes place at all Syaqh next or previous chapter. And written statements extraction and matching them with the community to discuss the validity and interpretation. Base of the subject, the beginning of this evolutionary movement of Islam; it is meant to serve God and bring down the surrender of his. In this direction, noted that the mention of God, the last of this move of God's forgiveness and a great reward for human development, which will include and without resorting to the Prophet and Prophet's Inmate, moving in the direction of excellence and perfection is not possible and the highest manifestation of God mentioned, appreciate the grandeur and dignity of the Holy Prophet and send blessings upon him and Prophet's Inmate is precious. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Mechanism (process and methodology) of Interdisciplinary research of Holy Qur’an
        Ahmad Akoochekian Rezvane Dastjani
        Questioning from methodology of approach research of interdisciplinary is a question about development which, in a systematic view and mechanism contain levels of paradigmatic basics, theoretical, conceptual model, operational and discursive level. Moreover, it would be More
        Questioning from methodology of approach research of interdisciplinary is a question about development which, in a systematic view and mechanism contain levels of paradigmatic basics, theoretical, conceptual model, operational and discursive level. Moreover, it would be practical in religion via comprehensive system of perception focused on growth-development, in the evolution leadership pattern in two angles of leading comprehensive science and scientific map and with converging on the principal of Velayat Faqih in religion. Furthermore, existing the growth-development expectation from religion, in other words the issue of comprehensive developing, is necessity to have methodological studies of interdisciplinary and multi string based on understanding the progress. Having no alternative, this required three levels of problem ology, theology and forthcoming till with this could utilize from methodology of obtaining in religion and Velayat for managing culture and transition. Passing from approaches of components of knowledge and branch fields to interdisciplinary approaches, especially in Qur’anic studies, wasn’t find its interference paradigm, so this interference paradigm is the knowledge of developing. Furthermore, a reason for inability of entering to knowledgebase is ignoring the interference field. This article with approach of Qur’anic reference (the principal of guided to grow) with utilizing from progressive methodology of responding to a posteriori and research and developing and protective methodologies such as systematic methodology via matrix and algorithmic process tries with expanding Qur’anic thoughts for development (knowledge basis of interpretational Qur’anic school) achieve a methodological aspect of futurist research of Qur’anic developing through better ordering three system of ordinal, revelation and subjective futurist interpretation. In view of that, the article would discuss this interpretational school for modulation of basic model of Islamic developing. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Necessity and Possibility of Judicial Supervision over Security Council’s Performance in UN Legal System
        حسین شریفی طرازکوهی ساسان  مدرس سبزواری
        The issue of judicial supervision over the Security Council has two different, but interrelated aspects. First of all, the “necessity” of such supervision should be discussed. The present article assumes that the Security Council should be committed to the principles of More
        The issue of judicial supervision over the Security Council has two different, but interrelated aspects. First of all, the “necessity” of such supervision should be discussed. The present article assumes that the Security Council should be committed to the principles of international law, the goals of the United Nations, sovereign rights of member states, fundamental human rights guarantees, as well as the basic structure for the division of powers among various organs of the UN. Then it studies the Security Council’s procedure to show that this institution has been frequently found in violation of the aforesaid legal bounds. Security Council’s inattention to the limits of its powers can cast doubts on credibility of the entire UN system. It has been also shown that the “necessity” of judicial supervision can be proven on the basis of the requirements of the “rule of law.” Another aspect of this issue is the “possibility” of judicial supervision in view of the current state of international law. The present paper has shown that although the Charter of the United Nations has remained silent on this issue, it can be confirmed if final goals of this document are taken as basis for its interpretation. Manuscript profile