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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Effectiveness of Forgiveness-Based Group Therapy on Depression and Psychological Distress Symptoms of Elderly Women
        parvaneh Mohammadkhani
        Abstract: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of forgiveness-based group therapy on depression and psychological distress symptoms of elderly women who had been referred to Omid Gerontology Center in Theran. To evaluate the effectiveness of More
        Abstract: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of forgiveness-based group therapy on depression and psychological distress symptoms of elderly women who had been referred to Omid Gerontology Center in Theran. To evaluate the effectiveness of for-giveness-based intervenetion, quasi-experi-mental design with pre-test, post-test, and three-month follow up was used. The statistical population consisted of all elderly women who had been referred to Omid Gerontology Center in Tehran The sample consisted of 30 women meeting the research criteria who were ran-domly divided into control (N=15) and experi-mental group (N=15). Participants in both groups were assessed by Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and Brief Symptoms In-ventory (BSI). After pretest, the experimental group met for a total of 8 forgiveness-based intervention sessions (2 hours each). Data showed a reduction in depression severity in experimental group (P<0.05). It also showed remission on Brief Symptoms Inventory subscales and its 3 total indexes, namely Glo-bal Severity Index, Positive Symptom Total, and Positive Symptom Distress Index (P<0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that Forgiveness-based group therapy is an effec-tive intervention in depressed elderly women and could be useful in promoting mental health in this stage of life. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Identifying the effect of group counseling with a meaning therapy approach on the quality of life of divorced male and female teachers in Yasouj city
        Sajjad  Rashidnia Attabullah  Behesht
        This research was conducted with the main purpose of identifying the effect of group counseling based on meaning therapy approach on increasing the quality of life of divorced male and female teachers in Yasouj city. Considering the quality of life and lifestyle, we als More
        This research was conducted with the main purpose of identifying the effect of group counseling based on meaning therapy approach on increasing the quality of life of divorced male and female teachers in Yasouj city. Considering the quality of life and lifestyle, we also considered the effectiveness of this method of treatment on reducing depression as the second goal. The current research is applied and semi-experimental (unequal control group design). By using the purpose-based or available sampling method, 60 people were selected according to the considered criteria and divided into two experimental and proof groups. (30 people for each group), then Miller's life expectancy tests with a reliability coefficient of 80%, Fischer's post-divorce adjustment questionnaire (FDAS) with a reliability coefficient of 98%, and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale short form questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF) with a reliability coefficient The retest for the subscales of physical health was 0.77, mental health was 0.77, social relations was 0.75, and environmental health was 0.84. It was taken from both groups. The results of the statistical analysis of the T-test in the pre-test did not show a significant difference in the quality of life. The results showed that the effect of meaning therapy counseling on quality of life dimensions is significant and the attitude towards divorce is not significant. Manuscript profile