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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Participation of Three Brain Tissues in Alzheimer’s disease Diagnosis from Structural MRI
        Shima Tajeddini Habibollah  Danyali Mohammad Sadegh  Helfroush Yaghoub  Fatemi
        Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive and irreversible disease which gradually makes patients unable to do their daily routines. Although the present treatments can not cure the disease completely, its early detection can reduce symptoms and enhance the patients’ li More
        Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive and irreversible disease which gradually makes patients unable to do their daily routines. Although the present treatments can not cure the disease completely, its early detection can reduce symptoms and enhance the patients’ life quality. In the current literature, using the grey matter (GM) tissue which is known as an appropriate biomarker is highly common in AD diagnosis. However, two other brain tissues known as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and white matter (WM) seem to reveal beneficial information about the patients’ brain changes. The aim of the present study is to develop an automatic system for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease from structural MRI by simultaneously considering suitable features of all GM, CSF and WM tissues. A SVM-RBF classifier is trained and evaluated on the OASIS database to separate AD from healthy control (HC) subjects. The obtained results represent higher accuracy and sensitivity of the proposed algorithm in comparison with similar method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - An Improved Method for Detecting Phishing Websites Using Data Mining on Web Pages
        mahdiye baharloo Alireza Yari
        Phishing plays a negative role in reducing the trust among the users in the business network based on the E-commerce framework. therefore, in this research, we tried to detect phishing websites using data mining. The detection of the outstanding features of phishing is More
        Phishing plays a negative role in reducing the trust among the users in the business network based on the E-commerce framework. therefore, in this research, we tried to detect phishing websites using data mining. The detection of the outstanding features of phishing is regarded as one of the important prerequisites in designing an accurate detection system. Therefore, in order to detect phishing features, a list of 30 features suggested by phishing websites was first prepared. Then, a two-stage feature reduction method based on feature selection and extraction were proposed to enhance the efficiency of phishing detection systems, which was able to reduce the number of features significantly. Finally, the performance of decision tree J48, random forest, naïve Bayes methods were evaluated{cke_protected_1}{cke_protected_2}{cke_protected_3}{cke_protected_4} on the reduced features. The results indicated that accuracy of the model created to determine the phishing websites by using the two-stage feature reduction based Wrapper and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm in the random forest method of 96.58%, which is a desirable outcome compared to other methods. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Online Signature Verification: a Robust Approach for Persian Signatures
        Mohamamd Esmaeel Yahyatabar Yasser  Baleghi Mohammad Reza Karami-Mollaei
        In this paper, the specific trait of Persian signatures is applied to signature verification. Efficient features, which can discriminate among Persian signatures, are investigated in this approach. Persian signatures, in comparison with other languages signatures, have More
        In this paper, the specific trait of Persian signatures is applied to signature verification. Efficient features, which can discriminate among Persian signatures, are investigated in this approach. Persian signatures, in comparison with other languages signatures, have more curvature and end in a specific style. Usually, Persian signatures have special characteristics, in terms of speed, acceleration and pen pressure, during drawing curves. An experiment has been designed to determine the function indicating the most robust features of Persian signatures. Results obtained from this experiment are then used in feature extraction stage. To improve the performance of verification, a combination of shape based and dynamic extracted features is applied to Persian signature verification. To classify these signatures, Support Vector Machine (SVM) is applied. The proposed method is examined on two common Persian datasets, the new proposed Persian dataset in this paper (Noshirvani Dynamic Signature Dataset) and an international dataset (SVC2004). For three Persian datasets EER value are equal to 3, 3.93, 4.79, while for SVC2004 the EER value is 4.43. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Application of Curve Fitting in Hyperspectral Data Classification and Compression
        S. Abolfazl  Hosseini
        Regarding to the high between-band correlation and large volumes of hyperspectral data, feature reduction (either feature selection or extraction) is an important part of classification process for this data type. A variety of feature reduction methods have been develop More
        Regarding to the high between-band correlation and large volumes of hyperspectral data, feature reduction (either feature selection or extraction) is an important part of classification process for this data type. A variety of feature reduction methods have been developed using spectral and spatial domains. In this paper, a feature extracting technique is proposed based on rational function curve fitting. For each pixel of a hyperspectral image, a specific rational function approximation is developed to fit the spectral response curve of that pixel. Coefficients of the numerator and denominator polynomials of these functions are considered as new extracted features. This new technique is based on the fact that the sequence discipline - ordinance of reflectance coefficients in spectral response curve - contains some information which has not been considered by other statistical analysis based methods, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and their nonlinear versions. Also, we show that naturally different curves can be approximated by rational functions with equal form, but different amounts of coefficients. Maximum likelihood classification results demonstrate that the Rational Function Curve Fitting Feature Extraction (RFCF-FE) method provides better classification accuracies compared to competing feature extraction algorithms. The method, also, has the ability of lossy data compression. The original data can be reconstructed using the fitted curves. In addition, the proposed algorithm has the possibility to be applied to all pixels of image individually and simultaneously, unlike to PCA and other methods which need to know whole data for computing the transform matrix. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Eye Gaze Detection Based on Learning Automata by Using SURF Descriptor
        Hassan Farsi Reza Nasiripour Sajad Mohammadzadeh
        In the last decade, eye gaze detection system is one of the most important areas in image processing and computer vision. The performance of eye gaze detection system depends on iris detection and recognition (IR). Iris recognition is very important role for person iden More
        In the last decade, eye gaze detection system is one of the most important areas in image processing and computer vision. The performance of eye gaze detection system depends on iris detection and recognition (IR). Iris recognition is very important role for person identification. The aim of this paper is to achieve higher recognition rate compared to learning automata based methods. Usually, iris retrieval based systems consist of several parts as follows: pre-processing, iris detection, normalization, feature extraction and classification which are captured from eye region. In this paper, a new method without normalization step is proposed. Meanwhile, Speeded up Robust Features (SURF) descriptor is used to extract features of iris images. The descriptor of each iris image creates a vector with 64 dimensions. For classification step, learning automata classifier is applied. The proposed method is tested on three known iris databases; UBIRIS, MMU and UPOL database. The proposed method results in recognition rate of 100% for UBIRIS and UPOL databases and 99.86% for MMU iris database. Also, EER rate of the proposed method for UBIRIS, UPOL and MMU iris database are 0.00%, 0.00% and 0.008%, respectively. Experimental results show that the proposed learning automata classifier results in minimum classification error, and improves precision and computation time. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Drone Detection by Neural Network Using GLCM and SURF Features
        Tanzia  Ahmed Tanvir  Rahman Bir  Ballav Roy Jia Uddin
        This paper presents a vision-based drone detection method. There are a number of researches on object detection which includes different feature extraction methods – all of those are used distinctly for the experiments. But in the proposed model, a hybrid feature extrac More
        This paper presents a vision-based drone detection method. There are a number of researches on object detection which includes different feature extraction methods – all of those are used distinctly for the experiments. But in the proposed model, a hybrid feature extraction method using SURF and GLCM is used to detect object by Neural Network which has never been experimented before. Both are very popular ways of feature extraction. Speeded-up Robust Feature (SURF) is a blob detection algorithm which extracts the points of interest from an integral image, thus converts the image into a 2D vector. The Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) calculates the number of occurrences of consecutive pixels in same spatial relationship and represents it in a new vector- 8 × 8 matrix of best possible attributes of an image. SURF is a popular method of feature extraction and fast matching of images, whereas, GLCM method extracts the best attributes of the images. In the proposed model, the images were processed first to fit our feature extraction methods, then the SURF method was implemented to extract the features from those images into a 2D vector. Then for our next step GLCM was implemented which extracted the best possible features out of the previous vector, into a 8 × 8 matrix. Thus, image is processed in to a 2D vector and feature extracted from the combination of both SURF and GLCM methods ensures the quality of the training dataset by not just extracting features faster (with SURF) but also extracting the best of the point of interests (with GLCM). The extracted featured related to the pattern are used in the neural network for training and testing. Pattern recognition algorithm has been used as a machine learning tool for the training and testing of the model. In the experimental evaluation, the performance of proposed model is examined by cross entropy for each instance and percentage error. For the tested drone dataset, experimental results demonstrate improved performance over the state-of-art models by exhibiting less cross entropy and percentage error. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Farsi Font Detection using the Adaptive RKEM-SURF Algorithm
        Zahra Hossein-Nejad Hamed Agahi Azar Mahmoodzadeh
        Farsi font detection is considered as the first stage in the Farsi optical character recognition (FOCR) of scanned printed texts. To this aim, this paper proposes an improved version of the speeded-up robust features (SURF) algorithm, as the feature detector in the font More
        Farsi font detection is considered as the first stage in the Farsi optical character recognition (FOCR) of scanned printed texts. To this aim, this paper proposes an improved version of the speeded-up robust features (SURF) algorithm, as the feature detector in the font recognition process. The SURF algorithm suffers from creation of several redundant features during the detection phase. Thus, the presented version employs the redundant keypoint elimination method (RKEM) to enhance the matching performance of the SURF by reducing unnecessary keypoints. Although the performance of the RKEM is acceptable in this task, it exploits a fixed experimental threshold value which has a detrimental impact on the results. In this paper, an Adaptive RKEM is proposed for the SURF algorithm which considers image type and distortion, when adjusting the threshold value. Then, this improved version is applied to recognize Farsi fonts in texts. To do this, the proposed Adaptive RKEM-SURF detects the keypoints and then SURF is used as the descriptor for the features. Finally, the matching process is done using the nearest neighbor distance ratio. The proposed approach is compared with recently published algorithms for FOCR to confirm its superiority. This method has the capability to be generalized to other languages such as Arabic and English. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Beauty Products Reviews
        Kanika Jindal Rajni Aron
        Nowadays, social media platforms have become a mirror that imitates opinions and feelings about any specific product or event. These product reviews are capable of enhancing communication among entrepreneurs and their customers. These reviews need to be extracted and an More
        Nowadays, social media platforms have become a mirror that imitates opinions and feelings about any specific product or event. These product reviews are capable of enhancing communication among entrepreneurs and their customers. These reviews need to be extracted and analyzed to predict the sentiment polarity, i.e., whether the review is positive or negative. This paper aims to predict the human sentiments expressed for beauty product reviews extracted from Amazon and improve the classification accuracy. The three phases instigated in our work are data pre-processing, feature extraction using the Bag-of-Words (BoW) method, and sentiment classification using Machine Learning (ML) techniques. A Global Optimization-based Neural Network (GONN) is proposed for the sentimental classification. Then an empirical study is conducted to analyze the performance of the proposed GONN and compare it with the other machine learning algorithms, such as Random Forest (RF), Naive Bayes (NB), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). We dig further to cross-validate these techniques by ten folds to evaluate the most accurate classifier. These models have also been investigated on the Precision-Recall (PR) curve to assess and test the best technique. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is the most appropriate method to predict the classification accuracy for our defined dataset. Specifically, we exhibit that our work is adept at training the textual sentiment classifiers better, thereby enhancing the accuracy of sentiment prediction. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Optimized kernel Nonparametric Weighted Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Classification
        Mohammad Hasheminejad
        Hyperspectral image (HSI) classification is an essential means of the analysis of remotely sensed images. Remote sensing of natural resources, astronomy, medicine, agriculture, food health, and many other applications are examples of possible applications of this techni More
        Hyperspectral image (HSI) classification is an essential means of the analysis of remotely sensed images. Remote sensing of natural resources, astronomy, medicine, agriculture, food health, and many other applications are examples of possible applications of this technique. Since hyperspectral images contain redundant measurements, it is crucial to identify a subset of efficient features for modeling the classes. Kernel-based methods are widely used in this field. In this paper, we introduce a new kernel-based method that defines Hyperplane more optimally than previous methods. The presence of noise data in many kernel-based HSI classification methods causes changes in boundary samples and, as a result, incorrect class hyperplane training. We propose the optimized kernel non-parametric weighted feature extraction for hyperspectral image classification. KNWFE is a kernel-based feature extraction method, which has promising results in classifying remotely-sensed image data. However, it does not take the closeness or distance of the data to the target classes. Solving the problem, we propose optimized KNWFE, which results in better classification performance. Our extensive experiments show that the proposed method improves the accuracy of HSI classification and is superior to the state-of-the-art HIS classifiers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Feature selection for author identification of Persian online short texts
        somayeh arefi mohamad ehsan basiri omid roozmand
        The growing use of social media and online communication to express opinions, exchange ideas, and also the expanding use of of this platforms by Persian users has increased Persian texts on the Web. This remarkable growth, along with abusive use of the writer's anonymit More
        The growing use of social media and online communication to express opinions, exchange ideas, and also the expanding use of of this platforms by Persian users has increased Persian texts on the Web. This remarkable growth, along with abusive use of the writer's anonymity, reveals the need for the author's automatic identification system in this language. In this research, the purpose of the study is to investigate the factors affecting the identification of authors of Persian reviews produced by cell-phone buyers and also to evaluate supervised and unsupervised methods. The factors considered in this research include lexical, syntactic, semantic, structural, grammatical, text-specific, and specific to social networks. After extracting these features, selecting the best features is tested by four algorithms including feature correlation, gain ratio, OneR, and principal components analysis. In the following, K-means, EM and density-based clustering will be used for clustering and Bayesian network, random forest, and Bagging will be used for categorization. The evaluation of the above algorithms on Persian comments of Samsung phone buyers indicates that the best performance among the clustering algorithms is 59/16% obtained by the EM algorithm on top-15 features selected by OneR, while the random forest algorithm using top-90 features selected by gain ratio with 79/57% achieves the best performance among the classification algorithms. Also, the comparison of features showed that syntactic features had the most effect on the identification of the author of short texts, and then, lexical, text-specific, specific to social networks, structural, grammatical and semantic features, respectively. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Computer Aided Graphology for Farsi Handwriting
        A. A. Bahrami Sharif E. Kabir
        Graphology is the science of study and analysis of the personality of an individual from his/her style of handwriting. In western communities, the most important application of graphology is the recruitment of job applicants. In this regard, computer aided extraction an More
        Graphology is the science of study and analysis of the personality of an individual from his/her style of handwriting. In western communities, the most important application of graphology is the recruitment of job applicants. In this regard, computer aided extraction and analysis of features from handwriting can be of great assistance to graphologists. The most dominant features of handwriting employed in graphology include the shape of the page margins, line spacing, line skew, word slant, size of letters, text density, writing speed and regularity. In this paper a number of methods are proposed for automated extraction of some of these features from Farsi handwriting. Experimental results on 118 test samples of different writers are presented and discussed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - A New Approach for the Diagnosis of Mammographic Masses Based on BI-RADS Features and Opposition-Based Classification
        F. Saki A. Tahmasbi Shahriar  Baradaran Shokouhi
        Fast and accurate classification of benign and malignant patterns in digital mammograms is of significant importance in the diagnosis of breast cancers. In this paper, we develop a new Computer-aided Diagnosis (CADx) system using a novel Opposition-based classifier to e More
        Fast and accurate classification of benign and malignant patterns in digital mammograms is of significant importance in the diagnosis of breast cancers. In this paper, we develop a new Computer-aided Diagnosis (CADx) system using a novel Opposition-based classifier to enhance the accuracy and shorten the training time of the classification of breast masses. We extract a group of Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) features from preprocessed mammography images and feed them to a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). The MLP is then trained using a new learning rule which we will refer to as the Opposite Weighted Back Propagation (OWBP) algorithm. We evaluate the performance of the system, in terms of classification accuracy, using a Receiver Operational Characteristics (ROC) curve. The proposed system yields an area under ROC curve (Az) of 0.924 and an accuracy of 92.86 %. Furthermore, the speed analysis results suggest that, with the same network topology, the convergence rate of the proposed OWBP algorithm is almost 4 times faster than that of the traditional Back Propagation (BP) algorithm. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Structure-Texture Image Decomposition for Content-Based Image Retrieval
        S. Hayati S. Saryazdi H. Nezamabadi-pour
        In this paper, a novel low-level image feature extraction and indexing scheme based on structure-texture image decomposition is presented. The main idea of this work is to decompose database images to structure and texture sub-images to decrease the destructive effects More
        In this paper, a novel low-level image feature extraction and indexing scheme based on structure-texture image decomposition is presented. The main idea of this work is to decompose database images to structure and texture sub-images to decrease the destructive effects of simultaneous existence of structure and texture information in the image in indexing phase. It is also shown that precision in a typical content-based image retrieval system can considerably increase by combining the feature vectors extracted from structure and texture sub-images. An image database containing 10000 images of 82 different semantic groups is used to evaluate the proposed method. The results confirm the effectiveness of this method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Developing a New Version of Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
        M.  Pakdel M. H. Shakoor
        Texture classification is one of the main steps in image processing and computer vision applications. Feature extraction is the first step of texture classification process which plays a main role. Many approaches have proposed to classify textures since now. Among them More
        Texture classification is one of the main steps in image processing and computer vision applications. Feature extraction is the first step of texture classification process which plays a main role. Many approaches have proposed to classify textures since now. Among them, Local Binary Patterns and Modified Local Binary Patterns, because of simplicity and classification accuracy, have emerged as one of the most popular ones. The Local Binary Patterns have simple implementation, but with increase in the radius of neighborhood, computational complexity will be increased. Modified Local Binary Patterns assigns various labels to uniform textures and a unique label to all non-uniform ones. In this respect, the modified local binary pattern can't classify non uniform textures as well as uniform ones. In this paper a new version of Local Binary Pattern is proposed that has less computational complexity than Local Binary Patterns and more classification accuracy than Modified version. The proposed approach classifies non uniform textures as well as uniform ones. Also with change in the length of central gray level intervals, locality and globally of the features can be controlled. Classification accuracy on two standard datasets, Brodatz and Outex, indicates the efficiency of the proposed approach. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Using Context Dependent Information for Discriminative Spoken Term Detection
        S. Tabibian Ahmad Akbari B. Nasersharif
        Spoken Term Detection (STD) approaches can be divided into two main groups: Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based and Discriminative STD (DSTD) approaches. One of the important advantages of HMM-based methods is that they can use context dependent (diphone or triphones) infor More
        Spoken Term Detection (STD) approaches can be divided into two main groups: Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based and Discriminative STD (DSTD) approaches. One of the important advantages of HMM-based methods is that they can use context dependent (diphone or triphones) information to improve the whole STD system performance. On the other hand, lack of triphones information is one of the significant drawbacks of DSTD methods. In this paper, we propose a solution to overcome this drawback of DSTD systems. To this end, we modify the feature extraction part of an Evolutionary DSTD (EDSTD) system to consider triphones information. At first, we propose a monophone-based feature extraction part for the EDSTD system. Then, we propose an approach for exploiting triphones information in the EDSTD system. The results on TIMIT database indicate that the true detection rate of the triphone-based EDSTD (Tph-EDSTD) system, in false alarm per keyword per hour greater than two, is about 3% higher than that of the monophone-based EDSTD (Mph-SDSTD) system. This improvement costs about 36% degradation of the system response speed which is neglected. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Cluster Space Linear Discriminant Analysis and Small Training Set
        M. Imani H. Ghassemian
        The hyperspectral images allow us to discriminate between different classes with more details. There are lots of spectral bands in hyperspectral images. On the other hand, the limited number of available training samples causes difficulties in classification of high dim More
        The hyperspectral images allow us to discriminate between different classes with more details. There are lots of spectral bands in hyperspectral images. On the other hand, the limited number of available training samples causes difficulties in classification of high dimensional data. Since the gathering of training samples is hard and time consuming, feature reduction can considerably improve the performance of classification. So, feature extraction is one of the most important preprocessing steps in analysis and classification of hyperspectral images. Feature extraction methods such as LDA have not good efficiency in small sample size situation. A supervised feature extraction method is proposed in this paper. The proposed method, which is called cluster space linear discriminant analysis (CSLDA), without obtaining the label of testing samples and just with doing a clustering on testing data, finds the relationship between training and testing samples. Then, it uses the power of unlabeled samples together with training samples for estimation of within-class and between-class scatter matrices. The CSLDA improves the classification accuracy particularly in multimodal hyperspectral data. The experimental results on urban and agriculture hyperspectral images show the better performance of CSLDA compared to popular feature extraction methods such as LDA, GDA, and NWFE using limited number of training samples. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - A Novel Extended Mapping of Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification
        M. H. Shakoor M. H. Shakoor
        Texture classification is one of the important branches of image processing. The main point of texture classification is feature extraction. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is one of the important methods that are used for texture feature extraction. This method is widely us More
        Texture classification is one of the important branches of image processing. The main point of texture classification is feature extraction. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is one of the important methods that are used for texture feature extraction. This method is widely used because it has simple implementation and extracts high discriminative features from textures. Most of previous LBP methods used uniform patterns and only one feature is extracted from non-uniform patterns. In this paper, by extending non-uniform patterns a new mapping technique is proposed that extracts more discriminative features from non-uniform patterns. So in spite of almost all of the previous LBP methods, the proposed method extracts more discriminative features from non-uniform patterns and increases the classification accuracy of textures. The proposed method has all of the positive points of previous LBP variants. It is a rotation invariant and illumination invariant method and increase the classification accuracy. The implementation of proposed mapping on Outex dataset shows that proposed method can improve the accuracy of classifications significantly. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Feature Extraction and Lexicon Expanded in Opinion Mining through Persian Reviews
        E. Golpar-Rabooki S. Zarghamifar S. Zarghamifar
        Opinion mining deals with an analysis of user reviews for extracting their opinions, sentiments and demands in a specific area, which plays an important role in making major decisions in such areas. In general, opinion mining extracts user reviews at three levels of doc More
        Opinion mining deals with an analysis of user reviews for extracting their opinions, sentiments and demands in a specific area, which plays an important role in making major decisions in such areas. In general, opinion mining extracts user reviews at three levels of document, sentence and feature. Opinion mining at the feature level is taken into consideration more than the other two levels due to orientation analysis of different aspects of an area. In this paper, one method is introduced for a feature extraction. The recommended method consists of four main stages. First, opinion-mining lexicon for Persian is created. This lexicon is used to determine the orientation of users’ reviews. Second, the preprocessing stage includes unification of writing, tokenization, creating parts-of-speech tagging and syntactic dependency parsing for documents. Third, the extraction of features uses the method including dependency grammar based feature extraction. Fourth, the features and polarities of the word reviews extracted in the previous stage are modified and the final features' polarity is determined. To assess the suggested techniques, a set of user reviews in both scopes of university and cell phone areas were collected and the results of the method were compared with frequency-based feature extraction method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Anomaly Detection in the Car Trajectories Using Sparse Reconstruction
        Reyhane Taghizade Abbas Ebrahimi moghadam M. Khademi
        In traffic control and vehicle registration systems a big challenge is achieving a system that automatically detects abnormal driving behavior. In this paper a system for detection of vehicle anomalies proposed, which at first extracts spatio-temporal features form clus More
        In traffic control and vehicle registration systems a big challenge is achieving a system that automatically detects abnormal driving behavior. In this paper a system for detection of vehicle anomalies proposed, which at first extracts spatio-temporal features form clusters then creates dictionary from these features. This classification stage consists of processes such as, optimized clustering with the bee mating algorithm and sparse processing on spatiotemporal features derived from the training data. Finally the trained classifier is applied to the test data for anomaly detection. The distinction of this study from previous research is using new method of pre-processing to create a dictionary matrix and anomaly detection based on evaluation of matrix that related to each class dependency, which leads to higher accuracy of the proposed method compared to other leading methods. To evaluate the proposed method, UCSD database and video sequences recorded from vehicle traffic on Vakilabad Boulevard at the north side of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad are used and the performance of the proposed method is compare to other competing methods in this field. By analyzing the evaluation standards, we find that the proposed method performance is better than other methods. Manuscript profile