Drone Detection by Neural Network Using GLCM and SURF Features
Subject Areas : Image Processing
Tanzia Ahmed
Tanvir Rahman
Bir Ballav Roy
Jia Uddin
1 - Software Engineering
2 - Brac University
3 - Brac University
4 - Woosong University
Keywords: Feature Extraction, GLCM Method, Image Processing, Neural Network, SURF Algorithm,
Abstract :
This paper presents a vision-based drone detection method. There are a number of researches on object detection which includes different feature extraction methods – all of those are used distinctly for the experiments. But in the proposed model, a hybrid feature extraction method using SURF and GLCM is used to detect object by Neural Network which has never been experimented before. Both are very popular ways of feature extraction. Speeded-up Robust Feature (SURF) is a blob detection algorithm which extracts the points of interest from an integral image, thus converts the image into a 2D vector. The Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) calculates the number of occurrences of consecutive pixels in same spatial relationship and represents it in a new vector- 8 × 8 matrix of best possible attributes of an image. SURF is a popular method of feature extraction and fast matching of images, whereas, GLCM method extracts the best attributes of the images. In the proposed model, the images were processed first to fit our feature extraction methods, then the SURF method was implemented to extract the features from those images into a 2D vector. Then for our next step GLCM was implemented which extracted the best possible features out of the previous vector, into a 8 × 8 matrix. Thus, image is processed in to a 2D vector and feature extracted from the combination of both SURF and GLCM methods ensures the quality of the training dataset by not just extracting features faster (with SURF) but also extracting the best of the point of interests (with GLCM). The extracted featured related to the pattern are used in the neural network for training and testing. Pattern recognition algorithm has been used as a machine learning tool for the training and testing of the model. In the experimental evaluation, the performance of proposed model is examined by cross entropy for each instance and percentage error. For the tested drone dataset, experimental results demonstrate improved performance over the state-of-art models by exhibiting less cross entropy and percentage error.
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