• List of Articles Farabi

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Political Thought of Reza Davari Ardakani
        سيدرضا ‌ شاكري
        This essay is a look into the political thought of Reza Davari. The author seeks to address two basic pivots in Davari’s political thinking; first his deliberations on Farabi’s political philosophy; and second, his critique of modernity. It is claimed here that Davari’s More
        This essay is a look into the political thought of Reza Davari. The author seeks to address two basic pivots in Davari’s political thinking; first his deliberations on Farabi’s political philosophy; and second, his critique of modernity. It is claimed here that Davari’s political thought is primarely philosophical, and also necessarily affected by the historical context of his life. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Possibility of Paradigm Analysis in Political Philosophy of Farabi
        منصور میراحمدی Meisam Ghahreman
        So far, the political philosophy of Farabi has been thoroughly studied from different perspective; however, paradigm analysis is one of the approaches which are considerably influential and practical in this regard. The aim of present research isto investigate the possi More
        So far, the political philosophy of Farabi has been thoroughly studied from different perspective; however, paradigm analysis is one of the approaches which are considerably influential and practical in this regard. The aim of present research isto investigate the possibility of paradigm analysis in political philosophy of Farabi; in other words, we will examine whether five-aspect analysis and presuppositions of Farabi would able the researchers to have a paradigm analysis or not. The study hypothesis says that this matter is possible since such an analysis not only distinguishes the principles of ontology, epistemology, anthropology, sociology (knowledge of community)and teleology, but it also enables the depiction of a meaningfully logical line among these factors and consequently among the components of the political philosophy of Farabi. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Cosmology of Politics Al Farabi and the Lack of Need to Evaluate Propositions in Civil Philosophy
        Reza  Akbari Nouri
        The relationship between practical philosophy and theoretical philosophy is an old topic in the history of political philosophy. This relationship in the old philosophical system is mainly a secondary relationship between practical philosophy and theoretical philosophy. More
        The relationship between practical philosophy and theoretical philosophy is an old topic in the history of political philosophy. This relationship in the old philosophical system is mainly a secondary relationship between practical philosophy and theoretical philosophy.But the important issue is the degree of adherence of practical philosophy to theoretical philosophy, and the effect that one has on the other. Based on this assumption, the present article will argue on what this relationship is in the tenth century Abu Nasr M. Farabi's political philosophy, and the extent of his theoretical philosophy's influence on the reproduction of practical philosophy. For this purpose, by relying on a cognitive method in ancient philosophy (i.e., analogy) an attempt has been made to show how Farabi reproduced his political philosophy by placing theoretical philosophy as a basis. The article argues that Farabi has extracted his political philosophy from the heart of theoretical philosophy in a one-sided action, and this action has reached the reproduction of theoretical philosophy in political philosophy. By focusing on theoretical philosophy and transferring propositions from theoretical philosophy to political philosophy, Farabi doesnot recognize the need to re-evaluate the propositions transferred to political philosophy. In a similar context by matching one of these two to the other using the method of analogy or analogy, Farabi practically has seen no need to reassess his propositions in political philosophy.Therefore, his task as a political philosopher in describing the utopia and desirable order and the non-ideal and non-ideal cities is completed in a place that has not yet moved far from theoretical philosophy. In this article, an attempt has been made to show how the independence of political philosophy and its understanding in his opinions is subject to theoretical philosophy, relying on the method that Farabi has chosen to achieve political philosophy, and how this issue has caused his commentators to have very different views from each other. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Farabi and a Philosophical Reading of al-Huruf
        Ghasem  Purhassan
        The book al-Huruf has never been approached from a philosophical standpoint. Unlike the common belief, it is not a purely linguistic work and, rather, enjoys great significance regarding its philosophical aspect. Al-Huruf is considered to be one of the most important ph More
        The book al-Huruf has never been approached from a philosophical standpoint. Unlike the common belief, it is not a purely linguistic work and, rather, enjoys great significance regarding its philosophical aspect. Al-Huruf is considered to be one of the most important philosophical works of Farabi, and most of the studies conducted on this book emphasize that it is merely a commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics. That is why Farabi’s innovations have been disregarded there. This book is of great importance not only because of its focus on linguistic principles but also because of its discussing the relationships between language and philosophy, religion and philosophy, and everyday language and philosophical language. Here, the writer also reveals the nature of the 200-year conflicts between kalam, philosophy, syntax, and logic in the world of Islam. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze two fundamental principles and evaluate the related views. Therefore, the writer initially attends to the general and philosophical status and writing style of al-Huruf and explains the related ideas. This book is, first and foremost, a reaction to the enemies of philosophy and rationalist trends in understanding religion. Farabi begins the book with linguistic discussions and, then, in the light of his introduction, spells out the intricacies of logical and epistemological theories, and finally clarifies the nature of ontological thoughts. In this book, he discusses how ignoring fundamental linguistic principles could harm ontological and epistemological discussions. He also illustrates how linguistic studies could demystify philosophical principles and grant them more depth and essence. Second, in addition to examining the structure of al-Huruf, the writer tries to explore Farabi’s fundamental doctrine of reconciliation. In doing so, he begins with an analysis of the two schools of Kufa and Basrah and then reviews the mentioned doctrine. In the second part of this book, Farabi demonstrates in two chapters on the unity of philosophy and religion (al-Silah bayn al-falsafah wal millah) that there is no choice but to defend the doctrine of reconciliation. He emphasizes that an irrational religion is nothing but fantasy and maintains that the fundamental principles of religion are based on the intellect and reasoning. In his view, neither Abu Bishr nor Abu Saeid had grasped the significance of this view. Matta Ibn Yunus was not merely a representative of logic and wisdom; rather, he and his companions and advocates relied only on autonomous reasoning, which Farabi found insufficient. In contrast, Abu Saeid was not merely a representative of syntax as advocated by the School of Baghdad, but, in company with several people who defended a purely religious approach, he opposed the role of reason in understanding and justifying religious beliefs. In this book Farabi tries to pose and develop a third theory based on analyzing these two approaches. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Classification of Sciences in Ikhwan al-Safa and Farabi
        Seyyed Ahmad  Hosseinee Mehdi  Amiri
        Although many philosophers have spoken of the classification of sciences, none have referred to a single one agreed upon by all. Here, both the source of division and the divisions are different from each other in each classification, when classifying sciences, Ikhwan a More
        Although many philosophers have spoken of the classification of sciences, none have referred to a single one agreed upon by all. Here, both the source of division and the divisions are different from each other in each classification, when classifying sciences, Ikhwan al-Safa consider pure types of knowledge and, initially, divide them into two theoretical and practical arts. However, Farabi divides scientific rather than pure types of knowledge and classifies them into two instrumental and non-instrumental sciences based on their functions. In the classification of Ikhwan al-Safa, drawing on the neo-Platonic approach, the place of the soul, politics, logic, and ethics are different from that in the classification of the Peripatetics, such as Farabi. The most important basis for classification of sciences in the view of Ikhwan al-Safa is the end. Nevertheless, similar to Aristotle, Farabi relies on two main criteria for the classification of sciences: end and subject. This paper, in addition to examining the differences between Ikhwan al-Safa and Farabi in their classification of sciences, discusses the specific place of some of sciences from their points of view. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Farabi and his Distinction between Existence and Quiddity
        Ghasem  Purhassan
        One of the innovations of Farabi and Islamic philosophy is the theory of the distinction between existence and quiddity. This view was merely developed in the light of understanding the meaning of the reality of being. Islamic philosophers, particularly Farabi and Ibn S More
        One of the innovations of Farabi and Islamic philosophy is the theory of the distinction between existence and quiddity. This view was merely developed in the light of understanding the meaning of the reality of being. Islamic philosophers, particularly Farabi and Ibn Sina, because of their epistemological rupture with Greek tradition, sought to understand being differently from Aristotle and, in a way, abstained from reducing the question of being to the question of the whatness of objects. In addition to a conceptual and logical distinction, Farabi managed to develop and present an ontological distinction in the field of philosophy. Ibn Sina expanded it so vastly that some might consider this theory as one of his own philosophical achievements. After the problem of the evidence and principliality of existence, the quality of the relationship between existence and quiddity turned out to be one of the most important discussions in Islamic philosophy. At the beginning, under the influence of dividing being into necessary and possible types, Muslim philosophers tried to explain the fundamental difference between them through explaining the relationship between quiddity and existence. As a result, they considered two propositions as the basis of two interpretations of existence and the explanation of its relationship with quiddity. The theory of the synthetic nature of quiddative existents in terms of their existence and quiddity, the existence’s being superadded or accidental to quiddity, and the distinction between existence and quiddity in existents are the views that emerged in Islamic philosophy with Farabi and gradually came to the fore as the most important discussions concerning existence. Furthermore, Farabi’s discussion concerning the individuation of quiddities and the criterion for individuation, which was later accepted by all Islamic philosophers and emphasized by them, was developed under the influence of the above theories. In this paper, the writer has initially tried to provide a correct understanding of the theory of distinction through clarifying its fundamental bases. Then he has clarified its ontological and philosophical consequences and highlighted the importance of this theory in Islamic philosophy. Such an explanation necessitates an extensive investigation of Farabi’s ideas about existence, the meaning of existence, and the existence-quiddity relation. Manuscript profile
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        7 - A Comparison of Farabi’s Logico-Linguistic Theories with the Principles and Theories of Contemporary Linguistics
        Mahmoud Reza  Moradian
        The main purpose of the present article is to compare the logico-linguistic theories of Farabi with contemporary linguistic principles and theories. To this end, the writers initially review the history of the development of linguistics and its turning into an independe More
        The main purpose of the present article is to compare the logico-linguistic theories of Farabi with contemporary linguistic principles and theories. To this end, the writers initially review the history of the development of linguistics and its turning into an independent discipline. Then they introduce the most common fields and theories in contemporary linguistics. Finally, they compare Farabi’s logico-linguistic theories with more recent linguistic concepts and theories. Ten centuries ago, Farabi referred to linguistics as one of the sciences of his time and introduced certain fields, principles, and theories for it which bear amazing similarity to contemporary linguistic theories from several aspects. Moreover, in the science of the laws of singular words, which is the third part of his seven-part science of language, he studies letters, sounds, and words as discussed in the phonology and morphology of today. In the science of compound words (fourth part of his language science), he examines the syntactic structure of sentences and their components. His theories in this regard bear a strange similarity to Chomsky’s phrase structure grammar. By distinguishing grammar or syntax from logic, Farabi established a relationship between them which could be illuminating to the philosophers, logicians, and grammarians following him concerning some of the theories of contemporary linguistics such as the theory of the universal grammar and its principles and parameters, the theory of the language acquisition device and its innateness, and the theory of surface and deep structures. His ideas about syntax and logic and their relationship is extremely innovative and useful, and some clear traces about certain modern theories such as the concept of the phonological surface structure and semantic deep structure of sentences and the theory of the innateness of language can be found therein. This paper explains Farabi’s theories and their relationship with modern linguistic theories in order to reveal some aspects of the genius, breadth of knowledge, academic certitude, and magnanimity of this prominent Iranian and Islamic scientist, philosopher, and linguist following a scientific method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Aristotelian Golden Mean in Abu Nasr Farabi
        Zohreh  Tavaziany
        From among the views propounded in the field of ethics, Aristotle’s theory of golden mean has attracted the greatest attention of Muslim philosophers, including Farabi, who is considered to be the founder of Islamic philosophy. The problem here is whether Farabi himself More
        From among the views propounded in the field of ethics, Aristotle’s theory of golden mean has attracted the greatest attention of Muslim philosophers, including Farabi, who is considered to be the founder of Islamic philosophy. The problem here is whether Farabi himself was merely content with a pure imitation, explanation, and expansion of Aristotle’s theory in designing his ethical system or developed his independent view in the realm of ethics. Through presenting a documented report of Farabi’s views in ethics, the present paper intends to demonstrate that, in spite of Aristotle’s undeniable influence on his thoughts in the development of some of his philosophical principles in the field of ethics, such as considering happiness to be the ultimate goal and resorting to the theory of the mean in explaining virtues and posing Aristotle’s four-fold virtues, Farabi was never content with a mere explanation of Aristotle’s ideas in this regard and, on the contrary, presented his own specific theories. Clearly, Farabi promotes happiness from the level of a purely ethical concept with an individualistic bent to the level of a social concept and considers it to be the foundation of the political systems that are based on virtue. He also enters some purely religious features into this field and clearly explains them. However, his ideas in this regard are not immune to criticism. What places Farabi with regard to his ethical theories in the same line with Aristotelians is the problem of proposing the mean as the criterion for determining moral virtues. Through emphasizing this problem, this paper intends to demonstrate how Farabi has organized his ethical system based on the elements he has borrowed from Aristotle. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Place of Justice in Plato and Farabi’s Utopia
        Hossein  Kalbasi Ashtari Parviz  Hajizadeh
        Justice is the key term by which Farabi has managed to explicate the foundations of the genetic system of the world. Moreover, based on the same concept and following Plato, he has entered it into the structure of utopia and justified the system of individual ethics acc More
        Justice is the key term by which Farabi has managed to explicate the foundations of the genetic system of the world. Moreover, based on the same concept and following Plato, he has entered it into the structure of utopia and justified the system of individual ethics accordingly. Here, the writers maintain that it is only through matching the system of divine legislation to creation and using it as a model in establishing individual and social relationships that Man can attain happiness, which is the ultimate end of Plato and Farabi’s utopia. Manuscript profile
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        10 - A Study of Ibn Sina’s Encounter with Early Philosophers’ Views of the Whatness of Pleasure
        Hoorieh Shojaee Baghini Einollah  Khademi Amirhosein Mansori Noori
        The whatness of pleasure is a topic which demands a thorough and accurate investigation. The study of this topic was also of particular importance in the view of Ibn Sina. A part of this investigation concerns his mode of encounter with the related views of his predeces More
        The whatness of pleasure is a topic which demands a thorough and accurate investigation. The study of this topic was also of particular importance in the view of Ibn Sina. A part of this investigation concerns his mode of encounter with the related views of his predecessors. The purpose of this paper is to explore the development of early thinkers’ ideas regarding pleasure and the extent of their impact on Ibn Sina’s views. The findings of this study are two-fold: firstly, in his critical review of the definition provided by Zakariya al-Razi, Ibn Sina presents an accurate explanation of its defects. However, this critique has mostly been attributed to Fakhr al-Din Razi. Secondly, in his later examination of early thinkers’ views of pleasure, he benefits from the Second Teacher’s brief explanation regarding the definition of pleasure. Hence, he owes his insight in this respect to Farabi. Given the various criticisms of Razi’s definition, Ibn Sina overlooks it and, through resorting to Farabi’s ontological approach to the whatness of pleasure, adopts his view as the basis of his own definition. Next, based on his own Peripatetic and perfection-oriented principles, he completes his own definition of pleasure in his works so that the presented definition is later confirmed and accepted as the basis for the related discussions. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Development of the Theory of Categories from Aristotle to Ibn Sina
        Reza  Rasuli Sharabiyani
        Aristotle’s view of categories is not a merely linguistic one. His four-fold division of existents and referring to the features of being in the subject and being told in terms of the subject alongside each other indicate his ontological view of categories. In his eyes, More
        Aristotle’s view of categories is not a merely linguistic one. His four-fold division of existents and referring to the features of being in the subject and being told in terms of the subject alongside each other indicate his ontological view of categories. In his eyes, they are the windows linking subject and object to each other. He poses the issue of categories to bring thought and reality together. Therefore, the goal of the laws of Aristotelian logic, in addition to analyzing the forms of thinking, is to explain the knowledge of reality as it is reflected in the human mind. The discussion of categories in Aristotle’s logical works functions as a window to the entrance of essentialism in logic and the dominance of Aristotelian metaphysics on his logic. This aspect weakens Aristotle’s logic in presenting and analyzing many propositions and syllogisms and makes the semantic aspect of this logic more prominent in comparison to its formal aspect. The theory of categories existed in logic books before Ibn Sina. In several cases in the book of categories of al-Shifa, he mentions that there is no place for the discussion of categories in logic and puts it aside in the logic section of al-Isharat. Unlike Aristotle, Ibn Sina’s heedlessness of categories can reveal formalization in logic and its deviation from Aristotle’s essentialism and semanticism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Formalization of Knowledge and its Effect on the Theory of Imitative Images: An Analytic-Descriptive Study of Farabi’s Thought
        Ebrahim  Bazargani
        According to Farabi, knowledge means the acquisition of form by the mind or the intellect. He also considers the idea of imitative images as an artistic theory which an artist employs in creating images. Therefore, “from” is the link connecting Farabi’s epistemological More
        According to Farabi, knowledge means the acquisition of form by the mind or the intellect. He also considers the idea of imitative images as an artistic theory which an artist employs in creating images. Therefore, “from” is the link connecting Farabi’s epistemological and philosophical-artistic theories; without the existence of form, neither will knowledge be realized, nor imitative images will gain perfection. In this paper, the writer has tried to discover the relationship between Farabi’s epistemological and artistic theories following an analytic-descriptive method. In doing so, he considers the items listed below to be the most significant purpose that can be followed given their logical order in Farabi’s philosophy: 1) Attaining the theory of knowledge 2) Discovering the theory of imitative images and disclosing the content of this theory 3) Understanding the relationship between these two theories 4) Demonstrating that the theory of imitative images is purely based on the formalistic theory of knowledge Manuscript profile
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        13 - Place of Persuasion and Imagination in Leadership in Farabi
        Fattaneh  Tavanapanah Nadia  Maftooni
        Farabi has assigned to leaders certain tasks such as the administration, training, and coaching of people, spreading virtues and morality in cities and among nations and having people accustomed to such affairs, paving the ground for legislation and enforcing the laws t More
        Farabi has assigned to leaders certain tasks such as the administration, training, and coaching of people, spreading virtues and morality in cities and among nations and having people accustomed to such affairs, paving the ground for legislation and enforcing the laws through imparting their benefits to people, and familiarizing people with theoretical issues and political knowledge. In his conceptualization of all the skills required for leadership, Farabi considers imagination and contentment, as the products of two arts of poetry and sermon to be the necessary conditions. This point can be explained by resorting to the instrumental and communicative dimensions of imagination and persuasion. These two concepts can contribute to the perfection of the end of the first leader and help him perform his duties in both conceptual and judgmental dimensions. This is because the perceptual weakness of the majority of people usually does not allow them to understand anything unless in the light of imagination and persuasion. Therefore, through knowing his subjects, a leader should use the correct way of confronting and interacting with them while employing an appropriate language for all levels of perception. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Farabi’s Innovations in Logic and his Role in the Dissemination and Transformation of Aristotelian Logic in the World of Islam
        Akbar  Faydei Seyyed Ahmad  Hosseini
        Through clarifying the complex concepts in Aristotelian logic in his masterful commentary on all chapters of Aristotle’s Organon, as well as through his unprecedented innovations in the field of logic, particularly in his division of knowledge into “concept and judgment More
        Through clarifying the complex concepts in Aristotelian logic in his masterful commentary on all chapters of Aristotle’s Organon, as well as through his unprecedented innovations in the field of logic, particularly in his division of knowledge into “concept and judgment”, Farabi developed the Greek logical legacy in the world of Islam. In the present paper, the writers initially refer to and explore some of his ideas in the field of logic, such as the division of different types of knowledge into two categories of concept and judgment, his view of the particular and the universal and the origin of man’s knowledge, his division of universal concepts into the first and the second intelligible, his synthesis of Aristotle’s theory of predication with Porphyry’s five-fold universals, his definition of essentialism, his view of the inconsistency of modal negation with permissible negation, his specific theory of future possibility, his idea of induction and analogy, and his innovation regarding fallacy and the explanation and expansion of the different stand-points in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        15 - A Comparative Analysis of the Views of Farabi and Ibn Arabi concerning the Place of Ethics and Gnosis in their Utopia
        Fereshteh  Nadry Abyaneh
        In this paper, by examining the ethical-gnostic identity of utopia in the views of Farabi (as the founder of Islamic philosophy) and Ibn Arabi (as the founder of Islamic gnosis), the writers portray the three main pillars of this state, namely, leadership, distinctive f More
        In this paper, by examining the ethical-gnostic identity of utopia in the views of Farabi (as the founder of Islamic philosophy) and Ibn Arabi (as the founder of Islamic gnosis), the writers portray the three main pillars of this state, namely, leadership, distinctive feature, and the purpose behind its establishment based on the fundamental concepts of perfection, justice, and ultimate happiness. They also demonstrate that these concepts are realized in their most sublime form in the Mahdawi Medina. From among the other problems discussed in this research, we can refer to the emphasis on the place of the intellect and knowledge in this regard as well as the instances of non-utopian cities in the eyes of these two thinkers. A comparative analysis of the ideas of Farabi and Ibn Arabi indicates that, in spite of their similar views concerning the main pillars of utopia, the basic principles of their gnostic and philosophical ideas and thoughts in this respect are different. From among these differences we can refer to the place of the problem of utopia, the foundations of the development of this idea, the language used to present it, determining its referent and expressing the level of its transcendence, and the quality of believing in the necessity of the objective realization of utopia. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Place of Certainty in Five Arts in Farabi’s View
          Fattaneh  Tavanapanah
        Farabi attends to certainty in all the five-fold arts of logic in some way. Certainty is either essential or direct in an argument, while it is either accidental or indirect in other arts. In the art of dialectics, the well-known propositions for presenting dialectical More
        Farabi attends to certainty in all the five-fold arts of logic in some way. Certainty is either essential or direct in an argument, while it is either accidental or indirect in other arts. In the art of dialectics, the well-known propositions for presenting dialectical affirmations are employed in order to attain certain knowledge. In the art of sermon, certainty is emphasized in the form of satisfactory affirmation in proportion to the addressee’s level of perception and as the framework of sermon-related activities and the criterion for quality control. In the art of poetry, imaginal matters are related to certainty in terms of concept and judgment. Fallacy is also related to certainty through using pseudo-propositions, such as pseudo-certainties in two positive and negative dimensions. Therefore, the place of certainty in each of the dialectical, rhetorical, poetic, and fallacious structures is of great significance, and one can observe an instrumental relationship between these four arts and the argument. Manuscript profile
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        17 - ‌ A Comparative Study of the Views of Farabi, Ibn Sina, and Aristotle of the Substantiality of the Soul and its Immateriality and Immortality
        Qasim  Pourhassan Hosein  Gholizadeh
        Aristotle believes that the soul is necessarily a substance and views substance as the main ontological concept of his philosophy. Accordingly, it is important to learn about his idea of substance in order to perceive his view of the materiality or immateriality of the More
        Aristotle believes that the soul is necessarily a substance and views substance as the main ontological concept of his philosophy. Accordingly, it is important to learn about his idea of substance in order to perceive his view of the materiality or immateriality of the soul. Aristotle received great attention in the tradition of Islamic philosophy, particularly, the Peripatetic philosophy, and the stance of Islamic thinkers with regard to the soul bears some direct or close relationship with his theories. Farabi and Ibn Sina agree with Aristotle’s different definitions of substance and its general division into sensible and insensible types. However, the fundamental differences between their ideas and those of this Greek philosopher have yielded certain consequences which are quite noteworthy. The main purpose of this study is to explore such differences and discover their ultimate views on the immateriality and immortality of the soul. Accordingly, the writers initially examine the words that Aristotle used in order to define the meaning of substance and, secondly, refer to the various works in which he discussed the concept of substance. Finally, they compare his ideas in this regard with those of Farabi and Ibn Sina. Manuscript profile
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        18 - The problem of prophecy from the point of view of Farabi and Ibn Meimoun
        Mohammad Ali  Akhavian
        The issue of "prophecy" has long been the focus of philosophers' discussions. This research uses a library method to analyze the truth of prophecy between two philosophers, one from the Islamic school and the other from the Jewish Sharia. From the point of view of both More
        The issue of "prophecy" has long been the focus of philosophers' discussions. This research uses a library method to analyze the truth of prophecy between two philosophers, one from the Islamic school and the other from the Jewish Sharia. From the point of view of both philosophers, man was created to achieve true perfection and happiness, and the only way to reach true and lasting happiness is through the existence and guidance of the Prophet, and following the Prophet's instructions will make them reach It becomes perfection and happiness. In this research, firstly, we independently stated the views of both philosophers in relation to prophecy, and at the end of the research, we determined that their views are the same in relation to the truth, necessity, attributes, levels of prophets, duties and prophetic revelation. However, in the parts related to distinguishing a prophet from a non-prophet, divine law from non-divine, the best of prophets, and the ways of receiving revelation, their views differ from each other. Manuscript profile