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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Designing a Sustainable Outsourcing Model in Fajr Jam Gas Refining Company Based on Balanced scorecard with Analytic hierarchy process
        Hamidreza vakilifard
        Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to design a sustainable outsourcing model using a balanced scorecard and hierarchical analysis process. In this research, we first tried to identify the success factors and failures of outsourcing based on previous studies conduct More
        Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to design a sustainable outsourcing model using a balanced scorecard and hierarchical analysis process. In this research, we first tried to identify the success factors and failures of outsourcing based on previous studies conducted inside and outside the country. For the validity of these factors, using the content validity and the content validity index and for guarantee reliability also used the incompatibility rate of the coupled comparison questionnaire based on the EXPERT CHOICE report. Identify the strategic goals of this model using Affinity Diagram by Brain Storming. the findings indicated that to design sustainable outsourcing model using a balanced scorecard, we need to consider the economic, social and environmental sustainability in each of the balanced scorecard faces that Using this model, we can have sustainable learning and growth, sustainable domestic business processes, sustainable customer satisfaction, and sustainable financial performance. finally, the balanced scorecard with 26 strategic objectives was designed and implemented using paired comparisons of the importance of each strategic goal in every aspect of computing and prioritization. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Role of applying Business Process Management System in improving Organizations Performances
        Hosein Safarzadeh Mausomeh Ghoreyshi
        In today's world, the key to the success of each organization is the Business Process. Therefore, it is important to have a strong interpretation of Business Process Management in organizations. Organizations have experienced that Business Process Management is strong i More
        In today's world, the key to the success of each organization is the Business Process. Therefore, it is important to have a strong interpretation of Business Process Management in organizations. Organizations have experienced that Business Process Management is strong investment to come across the environmental changes. Business Process Management is a holistic management approach focused on aligning all aspects of an organization with the demands and needs of clients. It promotes business effectiveness and efficiency while striving for innovation, flexibility, and integration with technology. Business Process Management attempts to improve processes continuously. It can therefore be described as a "process optimization process." It is argued that BPM enables organizations to be more efficient, more effective and more capable of change than a functionally focused, traditional hierarchical management approach. Business process management activities can be grouped into five categories: designing, modeling, execution, monitoring, and optimization. With respect to the fact that Business Process Management System automates all the processes in organizations, every solution ends up in Business Process Management System as the essential core of organizational systems in order to improve their performance. In this paper, different types of data related to a specific Process will be mentioned, then a solid model will be explained in order to coordinate the data with Business Process Management, afterwards Business Process Management System will be introduced. At the end, the harmony for Business Process Management and Strategic Management will be explained because compiling a suitable strategy and, more importantly, its proper implementation using the Process Management improves the organization performance and beneficiaries' satisfaction. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Incubators Performance Measurement by means of Balanced Scorecard
        Sara Safari Mausome Madah
        ong with formation of incubators and science and technology parks, by direct support of ministry of Science, Research and Technology, ministry of Industries and Mines, ministry of Industrial Development and Renovation, Governors and etc., decided to develop the incubato More
        ong with formation of incubators and science and technology parks, by direct support of ministry of Science, Research and Technology, ministry of Industries and Mines, ministry of Industrial Development and Renovation, Governors and etc., decided to develop the incubators; this resulted in establishment of more than 40 incubators, with technical fields of activity, in Iran. One of the outstanding subjects regarding these incubators, with more than five years of activity, is that there has not yet been any studies and researches on incubators performance measurement, therefore this makes the judgment on effectiveness of performances quite complicated and difficult. In this paper, we have tried to provide a method which is adaptable with the features of these incubators for management and evaluation of them. The model used in this article is the "Balanced Scorecard"(BSC). By considering and focusing on different aspects of this model which are: Finance, Tenants(customers), Processes for service delivering in incubators and Growth and Development, first the effective indices for performance measurement were specified, then by means of TOPSIS method, a method for incubators -as non-profit governmental organizationsmeasurement was introduced. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Providing a Model for Evaluating Knowledge Management Systems Using Balanced Scorecard at Pars Khodro Company
        Behzad Hasani ٌRocxana Fekri
        The purpose of this research is to identify and prioritize the criteria of knowledge management systems using BSC. The research method is descriptive-survey and the type of applied developmental research is Friedman and AHP ranking tracking method. Statistical populatio More
        The purpose of this research is to identify and prioritize the criteria of knowledge management systems using BSC. The research method is descriptive-survey and the type of applied developmental research is Friedman and AHP ranking tracking method. Statistical population included all experts and top managers of Pars Khodro Company (157 people) and sample size was 111 people based on Cochran formula. Data were collected using a questionnaire designed by previous studies and expert opinions. Content validity index (CVR) was used to determine the validity of the questionnaire and Cranach’s alpha coefficient of 0.728 was used to determine its reliability. Data were analyzed using SPSS and EXPERT CHOICE statistical software. The results showed that: BSC's vision is financial, customer, growth and learning and internal processes respectively. From the financial point of view, the CEO's financial knowledge is the highest and avoidance of duplication of costs is the lowest, and from the customer's perspective, the highest priority is to improve the quality of customer service and the customer's least. And change in the system is the least important of the improvements, and lastly, the internal process view has the least degree of effectiveness of the system in achieving the most desirable organizational objectives and document size. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Strategy Prioritizing Using LFPP Method and Strategic Map Tracing by Path Analysis Method Case Study:Sepahan Oil Company
        سید مصطفی  رضوی حسین  صفری محمد هادی  علی احمدی
        Nowadays companies should have a good strategy and a close partnership with the other companies involved in their supply chain in order to achieve the excellence and sublimation. Balanced Scorecard is a new consept that can provide the necessary conditions for strategy More
        Nowadays companies should have a good strategy and a close partnership with the other companies involved in their supply chain in order to achieve the excellence and sublimation. Balanced Scorecard is a new consept that can provide the necessary conditions for strategy map and effective cooperation and a good Strategic Planning. Due to the novelty of this consept and lack of a comprehensive model in this issue, the purpose of this study is to define the consept of BSC and identify its factors and indicators and propose a conceptual model to trace it.finally we use BSC as a tool to model strategies of a real problem. This real case is Sepahan Oil Company. This model confirmed through factor analysis (PA) and structural equation model (LFPP) Techniques. The results of our survey in the case study showed that the Sepahan Oil Company strategies can have a effective and efficient prioritization.By using this segments and their prioritization Sepahan can pass the difficulties and lockouts.The strategic map traced in this paper,help the company managers to have a complete vision on the company and its situation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Human resources Strategic planning focused on the age composition of the workforce based on dynamic balanced scorecard.
        میثم  جعفری سيد يوسف  اوليائي مطلق
        Growing older is affecting on the size and composition of the workforce that has an important role in economic growth .the Countries with low or declining fertility rates, facing with a very little or maybe decrease in labor supply. Reduce in the number of employees ma More
        Growing older is affecting on the size and composition of the workforce that has an important role in economic growth .the Countries with low or declining fertility rates, facing with a very little or maybe decrease in labor supply. Reduce in the number of employees may have negative effects on economic growth and public welfare at the macro level. In the institutes' level, this object features itself in the different area such as increasing insurance costs, absence from a workplace, increasing wage costs and also at growing disjoins rate and losing knowledge. In this paper, we first survey the workforce composition trends in Iran. Then with surveying impacts of this object in Institute's performance with using logic of balanced scorecard model and drew the dynamic relation between structures and surveying the impacts of this changes and expresses a strategic overview at organization's human resources focused on composition of the workforce. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Performance Evaluation Model using the Balanced Scorecard and Fuzzy TOPSIS integrated approach BSC-FTOPSIS
        Mohammad Ehsanifar  
        ABSTRACT The present paper aims at presenting an incorporative fuzzy approach towards evaluating of performance using Balanced Scorecard (BSC). To do so, first, based on the data collected from evaluating the components of strategic management, main objectives, key fac More
        ABSTRACT The present paper aims at presenting an incorporative fuzzy approach towards evaluating of performance using Balanced Scorecard (BSC). To do so, first, based on the data collected from evaluating the components of strategic management, main objectives, key factors of success, and performance evaluation indices are identified. Next, using TOPSIS fuzzy method, the indices are prioritized and ranked so the indices with the highest impact on performance evaluation are identified and classified in the form of balanced scorecards. 29 people from among the elite, chiefs and key experts filled out a questionnaire, in order to achieve the goals of the study. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through the experts, and its reliability was defined using Cronbach's alpha (0.89%). At the end, the proposed model was executed in a branch of Saderat Bank in Tehran. The application of the improvisations resulted in the improvement in almost all defined indices, i.e., the Total Performance Index for the studied organization was 72.38% by April, 2015 (based on the last three months prior to that), which was raised to reach 79.16% three months after executing the model (the end of July, same year). Manuscript profile
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        8 - Selection a strategic process for applying the Lean Six Sigma methodology to improve performance by using a hybrid approach, BSC & DEA
        اردشیر  بذرکار Soleyma  Iranzadeh
        Most organizations to increase productivity and ultimately achieve sustainable competitive advantage for survival in the global business arena, focusing much of their attention to fix the problems, difficulties and weaknesses in their own systems and processes. Organiza More
        Most organizations to increase productivity and ultimately achieve sustainable competitive advantage for survival in the global business arena, focusing much of their attention to fix the problems, difficulties and weaknesses in their own systems and processes. Organizations spend a lot of time and resources to plan and develop their own strategies, but most of them fail in the implementation of the strategy.Organizations are looking for a breakthrough performance through integrated processes and technology to respond to the needs of our customers. The use of Lean Six Sigma methodology for organizations that operate in a competitive world is very functional. The importance of implementing Lean Six Sigma in an organization that is in issue or to be discovered process properly investigated and the selection process to the strategic objectives of the organization so that the organization can be targeted to improve process performance and take steps towards continuous improvement. The purpose of this research is a strategic process through the accounting department processes to improve performance through the application of Six Sigma methodology Ghavamin Bank was pure. Therefore, in this study, the criteria for the selection process to select a strategic process through six main measure Balanced Scorecard and by experts Ghavamin Bank, were identified. Then processes information related to the accounting department of the bank through a database of Ghavamin as well as interviews with experts were collected Bank. The final step using cross efficiency DEA model to assess the efficiency of the process was done, the results showed that the process was No. 18 in the first place. And as the bank's strategic process to make continuous improvement in the Lean Six Sigma methodology was introduced. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Developing a Performance evaluation model based on the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy process (FAHP) and the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach (Case Study one of the Iranian food industries)
        شیرین عادلی Rouzbeh Ghousi ramiar dabaghian
        The important role of food industries in promotion of the various health and economic indicators in the countries persuaded the industries involved in this affair to enforce fundamental reviews in the management approaches to enable them to perform the most efficient me More
        The important role of food industries in promotion of the various health and economic indicators in the countries persuaded the industries involved in this affair to enforce fundamental reviews in the management approaches to enable them to perform the most efficient methods for utilizing the limited available recourses to improve the society’s health and economic growth. The balanced scorecard, as one of the successful tools in performance evaluation system, does not show the importance degree for the perspectives and the indicators under each perspective. To eliminate this deficiency the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method is used in this research for weighting the perspectives and balanced scorecard indicators. In this study, first a list of performance evaluation indicators based on balanced scorecard approach was prepared and then the pairwise comparison was gained through field study and the standard AHP questionnaire with compatibility rate lower than 0.1. At the end the rate of balanced realization was evaluated for each. Regarding the pairwise comparison among perspectives done by the experts the customer perspective weighting 0.328 showed the maximum importance degree among other perspectives. The finance perspective weighting 0.290, the internal business process perspective weighting 0.239, and the learning and growth perspective weighting 0.143 were ranked as second to forth level respectively. According to the obtained certain weights, the added income comparison to the previous year weighing 0.121 was ranked in first level. The number of customer complains weighting 0.094, the customer satisfaction weighting 0.086 were ranked in second to fifth levels respectively. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Work-life quality and organizational performance, using the Balanced Scorecard (Case Study: University of Science and Technology)
        saeed khademian hamed dehghanan
        Today, the importance of human resources in organizations is obvious. On the other hand achieving improved organizational performance requires attention to staff motivation and continual improvement of these factors are factors. Therefore, the quality of working life of More
        Today, the importance of human resources in organizations is obvious. On the other hand achieving improved organizational performance requires attention to staff motivation and continual improvement of these factors are factors. Therefore, the quality of working life of the factors that on various topics such as productivity of people and organizational performance, impact. Balanced Scorecard is a performance evaluation of new methods In this method, organization or enterprise in the four-way learning, internal processes, financial and customer is assessed. Thus, according to the staff at the University of Science and Technology and their effective role in the performance of the organization, in the present study seeks to answer the question that Does the quality of work life and organizational performance using the Balanced Scorecard at the University of Science and Technology Indicators There is a significant relationship? The methodology of this research is descriptive-survey-correlation and it is aimed at applied research. The population of the research staff of the University of Science and Technology is a high school diploma or higher. The sample size was calculated using the Cochran 270. Sampling in this study was stratified random sampling. Library and field research data were collected in two parts, Walton's QWL model and evaluate the performance of two organizations with a research design was used. Prshnamh reliability using Cronbach's methods The more Tyb 907/0 and 890/0, respectively and the validity of the method has been validated using expert opinions To analyze the data, Pearson correlation test using LISREL is used. The main hypothesis of this study, the relationship between quality of work life and organizational performance Based on the results obtained in this study was confirmed.Based on the findings, the quality of working life in the layers in order on financial, learning and development, internal processes and client layers organizational performance had the greatest amount of influence Based on these results the organization should plan on financial topics and learning and growth Azparamtrhay quality of work life The payment of fair and sufficient and ongoing growth opportunity and security conditions improve staff productivity and provide organizational performance. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Performance measurement system in urban transportation usin BSC-ANP
        سید علی سرکشیکیان علیرضا معینی Alireza Aliahmadi  
        The main objective of this research is to develop a performance measurement system for a desired urban transportation system based on its values, mission, and vision. Based on investigating of different performance evaluation models, the performance measurement system w More
        The main objective of this research is to develop a performance measurement system for a desired urban transportation system based on its values, mission, and vision. Based on investigating of different performance evaluation models, the performance measurement system was designed through Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Prioritization of Balanced Scorecard perspectives and indicators was also conducted using Analysis Network Process (ANP) and questionnaires collected from the expert team. Nominal group technique was used by the expert’s team to determine and confirm the results. In addition, to determine performance evaluation indicators, related literature, general policies, successful experiences and scientific breakthroughs were considered and the opinions of experts were extracted in consecutive meetings. Eventually, development of a sustainable, Justly, safe, economical, fast, and comfortable transportation system, with maximum efficiency and minimum Undesirable effects on human health and environment, were defined as the most important values, and the missions of transportation managers have defined accordingly. Training, demand management and the average level of managers’ education and experience were selected respectively as the most important evaluation criteria in urban transportation measurement. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Evaluating performance of IT department a fuzzy AHP and BSC approach
        محسن ناظم بکایی
        In this ever-changing world, information technology (IT) is a must for the survival of a company, and the functions of IT department is becoming increasingly important. The assessment of IT department is critical to understand how the department contributes to organizat More
        In this ever-changing world, information technology (IT) is a must for the survival of a company, and the functions of IT department is becoming increasingly important. The assessment of IT department is critical to understand how the department contributes to organizational and strategic goals. Because IT department performs many tasks that cannot simply be measured by monetary units, evaluation methods that solely rely on financial measures are not adequate. The objective of this study is to construct an approach based on the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and balanced scorecard (BSC) for evaluating an IT department in the company studied. The BSC concept is applied to define the hierarchy with four major perspectives (i.e. financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growth), and performance indicators are selected for each perspective. A fuzzy AHP (FAHP) approach is then proposed in order to tolerate vagueness and ambiguity of information. A FAHP information system is finally constructed to facilitate the solving process. The results provide guidance to IT departments in the Industry Case Study regarding strategies for improving department performance. The constructed information system is suggested to be a good tool for solving other multiple-criteria decision-making problems. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Performance Evaluation Of Guilan Private Hospitals Using BSC Approach and ANP Method
        Hospitals need performance evaluation systems for the development and competitiveness of the efficiency and effectiveness of programs, processes and human resources. This study aimed to design an evaluation system for private hospitals using the Balanced Scorecard and n More
        Hospitals need performance evaluation systems for the development and competitiveness of the efficiency and effectiveness of programs, processes and human resources. This study aimed to design an evaluation system for private hospitals using the Balanced Scorecard and network analysis method was used.Hospitals in the study of inferential as is practical purpose. The population consisted of seven private hospitals Guilan province. The sampling method was census. First, a list of performance indicators was prepared with Balanced Scorecard approach. After holding several meetings with experts in the Delphi technique, 16 indicators in four dimensions scorecard as appropriate measures at the entrance to the questionnaire paired comparisons were demonstrated. The software Super Decision Software, based on the geometric mean of the data that was obtained Tuesday by four expert decision matrix Unweighted, weghited and limited offers and the share of each of the main indicators and details with regard to the inconsistency rate of less than 0.1 is calculated.According to the findings of the index rising incomes and increased employee satisfaction has always been considered the most effective measures in all hospitals. The increase in revenue due to the lack of dependence on the state budget and either And trying to maintain quality manpower that could be what attracts customers to the hospital air Can be one of the strategic goals of most private hospitals of the province.This research offers a hybrid approach (ANP-BSC) to further enhance performance evaluation for private hospitals. And this can enhance the quality of decision-making for managers and weak points and ultimately increase patient satisfaction and community action to be followed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Presenting a hybrid BSC-DEA Model with the presence of uncontrollable inputs and outputs to measure performance
        Ali  Namakin Seyyed Esmaeil  Najafi Mohammad Fallah Mehrdad  Javadi
        Strategy is the most crucial long-term source for the growth of organizations; and in the case, that there is a lack, in the implementation of successful strategy, even if appropriate ones are adopted, this process is incompetent. In order to execute and apply these pro More
        Strategy is the most crucial long-term source for the growth of organizations; and in the case, that there is a lack, in the implementation of successful strategy, even if appropriate ones are adopted, this process is incompetent. In order to execute and apply these programs appropriately, with the exception of the financial characteristics, organizations must also be assessed simultaneously from other facets. The Balanced Scorecard which focuses on four aspects, such as financial, as a result of performance in the past (past indexes) and the three aspects of, processes, customer, growth and learning and centers on the (future indexes), is considered as a comprehensive framework for assessing performance and the progress of strategy. Moreover, we are aware that many factors have an influence on organizations and some from the viewpoint of control get out of domain, and it is vital that from this angle, the amount of impact is assessed. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is one of the best mathematical methods to compute the efficiency of organizations. In that, the Balance Scorecard method proves to be of high standing for the evaluation of performance, one of its weak points is that, it lacks a quantitative measurement in respect to the organization’s performance in utilizing a mathematical mode. To solve this problem, DEA has been adopted. In this paper, we have attempted to combine these two abovementioned systems and efforts have been made to use BSC as a tool for designing the performance assessment indexes and from DEA, which has been used as a tool to evaluate the performance in the presence of uncontrollable indexes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Performance Evaluation Components (Case Study: Public Sector Purchasing Organization)
          Alireza Aliahmadi
        The evaluation of the organizational performance is an important area in management. The significance of the performance evaluation is mainly associated with its necessity for the originations and managers. In other words, if the performance of the organization is not e More
        The evaluation of the organizational performance is an important area in management. The significance of the performance evaluation is mainly associated with its necessity for the originations and managers. In other words, if the performance of the organization is not evaluated, its management is hampered. This study aims to examine the relationship between the components of organizational performance evaluation. The research population includes 30 cases chosen from the university lecturers and the elite in the fields of organizational performance evaluation, supply chain, logistics and support. The sample size was determined using the census approach. The research method was descriptive and correlational, and a self-constructed questionnaire—using the Delphi method— was used to collect the data. The validity and reliability of the scale were reported as 0.96 and 0.91, respectively. The obtained data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics in the form of tables and figures. The data were analyzed by Smart PLS and Structural Equation Modeling. Attempts were made to examine all the factors affecting the logistic organizational performance. Therefore, six main factors and 30 minor factors in the form of 101 items were examined. The results showed that infrastructure and input, growth and learning, results and consequences, stakeholders’ satisfaction, finance and procedures were confirmed as main factors of logistic organizational performance evaluation. The model was also reported powerful according to goodness of fit indices. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Estimation of Causality Coefficients in Strategy Maps Using Gravitational Search-Based Learning of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
        A. Jahanbeigi A. Jahanbeigi M. Rohani
        More than two decades ago, the balanced scorecard method was proposed to control and monitor the strategy of organizations. The most important outcome of this method is the strategy map. The causal relations among strategic goals (SGs) are established in this map which More
        More than two decades ago, the balanced scorecard method was proposed to control and monitor the strategy of organizations. The most important outcome of this method is the strategy map. The causal relations among strategic goals (SGs) are established in this map which can help managers in decision making process. To have a precise strategy map, it is necessary to estimate the strengths of each causal relation correctly. So, the estimation of causal coefficients has attracted research interest in forming strategy maps. In this way, DEMATEL and Delphi are two well-known methods that are based on the experts’ opinion. However, these opinions are not exact in the complex business fields; so, the computational intelligence (CI) algorithms have been employed for more precise estimation of causality coefficients. In this study, the relations among SGs and their coefficients have been provided by the experts of a banking institution as the input of the proposed method. The main purpose of this study is to improve the precision of causal coefficients using a CI-based algorithm. For this purpose, the strategy map is decomposed into multiple fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs) and then, the gravitational search algorithm (GSA) is employed for FCM training. In this way, two objective functions are used for determining the optimal value of causality coefficients. The first objective function is employed for reducing error in the prediction of SG realization percentages. The second objective function keeps causal coefficients in the intervals determined by the experts. Experimental results show that the total error of proposed model is lower than the expert-based model. In addition, GSA performs better than the following algorithms in finding the global optimum point in this real-world case study: particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Presenting a model for evaluating the company's performance using BSC and ranking indicators using the TOPSIS method(Case study:North Wood Industrial Company)
        malihe ebrahimi
        Objective: In today's competitive arena, all organizations need an effective performance evaluation system, so as to be able to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization, human resources and processes. On the other hand, Chipboard has many applicatio More
        Objective: In today's competitive arena, all organizations need an effective performance evaluation system, so as to be able to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization, human resources and processes. On the other hand, Chipboard has many applications in the construction industry, including cabinets, bedding and furniture, wooden doors except to anti-theft doors. In this industry, wood waste is used, which can be very useful and constructive for the country's economy. Therefore, improving the performance of this industry is very important both in terms of improving the economy of country and in terms of the companies included in this industry Methodology: . In this article, using the balanced scorecard approach, indicators in four perspectives (growth and learning, customer, internal and financial processes) were compiled and using a questionnaire and non-parametric Wilcoxon test with a marked rank, 27 indicators were approved out of 46 indicators. Then, the TOPSIS method was used to rank the approved indicators Conclusion: According to the research findings, the perspective of internal processes in chipboard industry is more important. Among the sub-criteria, the criteria of timely delivery of goods, compliance of employees' performance with regulations and instructions, service to the company's neighboring stakeholders and the level of employee satisfaction are very important in the performance of the chipboard industry. Manuscript profile
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        18 - The effect of Internet of Things (IOT) implementation on the Rail Freight Industry; A futures study approach
        Noureddin Taraz Monfared علی شایان ali rajabzadeh ghotri
        The rail freight industry in Iran has been faced several challenges which affected its performance. Notwithstanding that Internet of Things leverage is rapidly increasing in railway industries-as an experienced solution in other countries-, Iran’s rail freight industry More
        The rail freight industry in Iran has been faced several challenges which affected its performance. Notwithstanding that Internet of Things leverage is rapidly increasing in railway industries-as an experienced solution in other countries-, Iran’s rail freight industry has not been involved in, yet. Related research and experiment has not been identified in Iran, as well. The aim of this survey is to identify the effects of the implementation of Internet of Things in the Rail Freight Industry in Iran. To gather the data, the Delphi method was selected, and the Snowball technique was used for organizing a Panel including twenty experts. To evaluate the outcomes, IQR, Binomial tests, and Mean were calculated. Several statements were identified and there was broad consensus on most of them, which approved that their implementation affects the Iranian rail freight industry, but in different ranks. Finally, the results formed in the Balanced Scorecard’s format. The internal business process has been affected more than the other aspects by the approved statements. Eleven recognized elements are affected in different ranks, including Internal Business Process, Financial, Learning, and Growth, Customers. The Financial perspective remarked as least consensus and the Internal Business Process has received the extreme consensus. The research outcomes can be used to improve the strategic planning of the Iranian rail freight industry by applying the achievements of information technology in practice. Manuscript profile