• List of Articles Bakhtin

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Analyses of Definitions of Parody
        محمدرضا  صدريان
        ‘Naqizeh’ (parody) in Old Persian literature was both in serious and humorous forms, and it was not confined to poetry, but has been used in prose, as well. The closest term in English to ‘Naqizeh’ is parody. Parody has different forms; however, such diversity is not su More
        ‘Naqizeh’ (parody) in Old Persian literature was both in serious and humorous forms, and it was not confined to poetry, but has been used in prose, as well. The closest term in English to ‘Naqizeh’ is parody. Parody has different forms; however, such diversity is not suggestive of lacking a thorough agreement on the genre. Based on Bakhtin’s theory of Dialogue, and Genette’s and Barthes’s views, the present article provides a definition of parody in English literature covering most cases. Accordingly, parody can be defined as a deliberate imitation or transformation of a socio-cultural product (including literary and non-literary texts, and discourse in its Bakhtinian broad sense) so that it will recreate its original subject in a playful, not necessarily ironic way. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Bilateral contrasts and their functions in text; by focusing on contrast ofLight and Darkness in Farsi works of Sheikh e Ishraq
        m r
        Bilateral contrasts is a key term in Ferdinand de Saussure linguistics, constructuralism, deconstructuralism and Bakhtin school which plays a pivotal role in understanding the meaning and human thinking system. All these schools have a same approach in accepting contras More
        Bilateral contrasts is a key term in Ferdinand de Saussure linguistics, constructuralism, deconstructuralism and Bakhtin school which plays a pivotal role in understanding the meaning and human thinking system. All these schools have a same approach in accepting contrasts as a pivotal forming factor in different human life systems; however, they have different interpretations in the kind of encountering of both sides of a contrast. Regardless of the consequences of interpreting bilateral contrasts in different philosophical, social, cultural and historical fields, what is important is the difference in attitude and reading of literary text every one of which result in a different interpretation. This article analyzes the concept of interpreting contrasts in constructuralism, deconstructuralism and Bakhtin school; then proves the contrast of interpretations by concentrating on contrast of light and darkness in Suhrawardi's works; The results show that the attitude of creator of the literary text and text reading, based on these theories, result in bilateral contrasts and result in reproducing different texts which get different voices based on mono-vocal or multi-attitudinal approach of author. It is the same as Sheikh e Ishraq works, contrasts as the end that constructuralism gives to contrasts, they have besting or unifying quality. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Criticizing Misapplication of Theories:The role of misapplication of theories in creating false awareness
        Nowadays, the researches which are based upon one of the literary theories (Formalism, structuralism, narratology, deconstructionism …) have been very popular among researchers, and academic society. This increasing growth had and have been the subject of some critics t More
        Nowadays, the researches which are based upon one of the literary theories (Formalism, structuralism, narratology, deconstructionism …) have been very popular among researchers, and academic society. This increasing growth had and have been the subject of some critics too. Each one of them for some reasons have criticized the unconditional application of these theories, and asked for critical and pathological review of these theories, and the articles and books which have been written based on them. The present article has also a critical and pathological perspective in reviewing the researches (articles) which have been written and published based on Mikhail Bakhtin’s ideas and works (logic of dialogue and intertextuality). The results show that most of these articles have fundamental and numerous weak points, but the main ones are as follows: neglecting the backgrounds and presuppositions based on which these theories have been formed, making mistake in choosing the theories (inter textuality instead of structuralism, intertextuality instead of criticizing the resources, logic of dialogue instead of genealogy), simplification, arbitrary relation between theory and text, prejudice and ignoring the facts. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Dialogue of Civilizations Objective Grounds and Theoretical Guidelines
        محمود علی‌پور
        The present paper is inspired by part of a research titled “Dialogue of Civilizations and International Communications: An Analysis of the Actual and Theoretical Grounds of Realizing a Dialogue among Civilizations”. In part one, a review of various modern schools of pol More
        The present paper is inspired by part of a research titled “Dialogue of Civilizations and International Communications: An Analysis of the Actual and Theoretical Grounds of Realizing a Dialogue among Civilizations”. In part one, a review of various modern schools of political philosophy is carried out with a view to distilling models which would be congenial to the idea of the dialogue of civilizations. These are divided into the three categories of “interest-oriented liberal”, “liberal based on an ethical relationship”, and “non-liberal based on political solidarity”. Part two is an examination of the various patterns that have emerged in the field of communications in the past thirty years, as well as a brief account of their distinctive characteristics. The first paradigmatic order mainly encompasses a model critical of the prevailing capitalist system in the world. The second paradigmatic model, as underlined by Habermas, has stronger affinities to the notion of communication. The last model is more in tune with the views of communitarians. The final part is an attempt at ascertaining the degree to which the examined theories and guidelines lend philosophical and political substance to the idea of dialogue of civilizations as a scientific theory. Based on such an approach it becomes possible to establish stronger links between communitarian notions and the idea of dialogue among civilizations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Investigating on the Continuity of Structures of Iranshahri's politics In Iranian and Islamic Epistles (Case Study: The Era of Ardeshir and Khajeh Nizam-Al-Mulk eTusi)
        mohadese jazaee roh allah eslami
        The “Mirror of Prince’s genre” is one of the long-standing Iranian traditions, and unquestionably one that extended into the Islamic era. In this article, we examine the continuation of the structures of the Iranshahri concept, with the method of intertextuality, within More
        The “Mirror of Prince’s genre” is one of the long-standing Iranian traditions, and unquestionably one that extended into the Islamic era. In this article, we examine the continuation of the structures of the Iranshahri concept, with the method of intertextuality, within the ancient Iranian text of “The Era of Ardeshir’’ and ‘‘Siyar-al-muluk’’ of Nizam al-Mulk. Intertextuality claims that no text is separate from the past and no text can be viewed as a closed and self-contained system. In other words, each text gains meaning by concepts of the past and influences the understanding of the reader. According to this fact, all fundamental meanings and their logic is dependent on what has already been said. The texts reflect the political realities of society in their own way as reflected in dialogues or monologues. After explaining the theory of intertextuality, the authors show how structures such as the quality of governance and the emphasis on the Farah of Shah, the coherence of religion and politics, the importance of the ministry's institution, and the establishment of spies, and structures such as the methaphysical politics, despotism and patriarchal government stress on the relation of intertextuality between these two texts and make justifiable the possibility of countinuing The Mirror of Princes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Revisiting the Role of Children’s Voice in the Reformation and Improvement of Educational Programs and Policies
        amin izadpanah
        This article aims to study the role and value of children’s voices in the reformation of educational programs. This study is conducted through a critical philosophical inquiry method. The ultimate purpose of this method is the improvement of educational practice. Three More
        This article aims to study the role and value of children’s voices in the reformation of educational programs. This study is conducted through a critical philosophical inquiry method. The ultimate purpose of this method is the improvement of educational practice. Three questions are raised in this paper: 1.Why children’s voices have historically often been neglected in relation to their life matters? 2. Why children’s voices must be heard and been considered as criteria in their life matters? 3. How can children’s voices be demarginalized and exercised in children’s educational matters for the betterment educational programs? The findings show that the total rejection of childhood and its values, a deficit conception of childhood, and inadequacy and deficiency of adults’ conception of childhood are among the most significant reasons of historical ignorance of children’s voices. Prerequisites of appealing to children’s voices include: A critical theoretical revision of adult-centered approaches of childhood, rejection of the universal notion of childhood, adopting the plurality and difference of childhood and children’s voices around the world based on various cultural climates and contexts, and adhering to the equality of children’s rights and adults. Dialogue and inquiry with children are suggested as two strategies for listening to and representing children’s voices in the reformation and improvement of educational programs and procedures. These two strategies can provide us with an access to fresh and firsthand knowledge about children and issues related to their lives. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - A Comparative Analysis of the Novels "Farewell to Arms"and "Dar SholehāyeĀb" Based on Bakhtin's Theory of Dialogism
        fahimeh shafiee Zahra Ghoroghi hengamh Ashouri
        Dialogism, a key concept in Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of polyphony, posits that the author's voice is parallel to the voices of the characters and is reflected in the text through various techniques.The current research, which is based on the descriptive-analytical meth More
        Dialogism, a key concept in Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of polyphony, posits that the author's voice is parallel to the voices of the characters and is reflected in the text through various techniques.The current research, which is based on the descriptive-analytical method and based on library documents, compares the two novels "Farewell to Arms" written by Ernest Hemingway and "Dar SholehāyeĀb" written by MortezaMardiha.The purpose of this research is to explore the techniques employed by Iranian and American writers in the texts to convey their voices, as per Bakhtin's theory.The research findings reveal that both novelists although have some differences, they convey their intentions through character naming. In the novel "Dar SholehāyeĀb" the characters are archetypes and their names reflect this, while in "Farewell to Arms", the Catherine’s discourse and behavior, along with the narrator's indifferent attitude towards war, create a contrasting effect.In "Dar SholehāyeĀb", the indifferent voice of Ahanj conflicts with the sacred and serious voice of war. Military and religious discourse dominate the oral communication in "Farewell to Arms", whereas in "Dar SholehāyeĀb", the text is surrounded by the discourse of the fifth column, the Gurdian Corps, and the military. The hidden argumentative discourse in "Farewell to Arms" represents the voice of the military and religion, whereas in"Dar SholehāyeĀb", the voices of doubt and the military serve a similar purpose. Manuscript profile