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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Preventive Strategies towards Victimization of Labor Childeren; Activity-Based Pattern
        Mehdi Khaghani Esfahani
        Labor childeren, whether street and active in closed environments, works with customary practices (such as street peddler), semi-customary (such as garbage) and unconventional (such as prostitution). Several criminological theories, including Social Strain theory, Crimi More
        Labor childeren, whether street and active in closed environments, works with customary practices (such as street peddler), semi-customary (such as garbage) and unconventional (such as prostitution). Several criminological theories, including Social Strain theory, Criminal Ecology theory and Cultural Conflict theory, have provided important cognitive explanations of the phenomenon of child labor, but other criminological theories, such as the theory of Opportunity and the theory of Everyday Activities, can be used to model the type of conventional, semi-conventional and unconventional activities of children used the offenders who often fall victim to them. Inconsistencies in the habitat, inaccuracies in the perilous environment, inability/ignorance of counseling institutions in crisis intervention, perceptual and behavioral disorders and lack of citizenship rehabilitation skills provide the opportunity to commit certain crimes against child labor in turbulent metropolitan furniture. Awareness of what kind of activities by types of child labor, the context of victimization in which crimes increases, enables intelligent child labor victimization strategies to be given to custodial policemen in the field of child protection. Adopting a prevention strategy without a specific knowledge about the status of environmental conditions harmful to children, the sustained failure of these strategies persists. This article, after applying the criminological theories on the factors and the process of child victimization, explains the meaningful relationship between the crimes committed against these children by their type of work (conventional, semi-conventional and unconventional) and strategies for increasing the crime of committing crimes against these children and enhancing immunity. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Social Protection of Street and Labor Children
        Nasim Khodakhah
        Throughout history the child has been exposed to various abuses due to certain physical and mental characteristics. The specific situation of street children has caused them to be exposed to various types of abuse and harm in the community in the family environment, and More
        Throughout history the child has been exposed to various abuses due to certain physical and mental characteristics. The specific situation of street children has caused them to be exposed to various types of abuse and harm in the community in the family environment, and they need a lot of support, including legal protection. The phenomenon of street children and work is one of the problems facing most of the major cities in the contemporary world. Children are forced to work due to their particular circumstances, and this has led to positive and negative changes in their self-reflection of their peers. The issue of addressing poverty and children and solving street children's problems is a matter that will only be solved with the cooperation of international governments, international governmental organizations and international NGOs, such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, and will work closely with the rights of children's rights activists. The social status of these children is very unfavorable and street children are more likely to be subjected to sexual assaults and illnesses such as AIDS, sexual violence and forced pregnancy if they are girls. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Critical Analysis and Survey Politics and Presented Solutions to Protection from Working and Street Children
        Hosein Khobbakht Bentolhoda Niknami
        Problem of working children and street children is one of the most issues related to children in developing and developed societies, there are between 100 up 150 million street children in the world. Cannot presented estimated right from number of this children, because More
        Problem of working children and street children is one of the most issues related to children in developing and developed societies, there are between 100 up 150 million street children in the world. Cannot presented estimated right from number of this children, because there is no definition accurate from this issue and states don’t express breadth of this the phenomenon in yourself country clearly, different and damaging politics by authorities and social factors and family .unfortunately it has provoked to this problem such as unmatched the rules in country and no conformity of existence ruled and a lack of sanctions in encounter of offenders and lack of awareness families from laws of children that indicates this is necessity to confront to the phenomenon more than ever the present article is trying to express solutions direction improvement of children situations after cash politics and survey problems of this children. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Preventive Strategies towards Victimization of Labor Childeren; Activity-Based Pattern
        Mehdi Khaghani Esfahani Ghasem Mohamadi
        Labor childeren, whether street and active in closed environments, works with customary practices (such as street peddler), semi-customary (such as garbage) and unconventional (such as prostitution). Several criminological theories, including Social Strain theory, Crimi More
        Labor childeren, whether street and active in closed environments, works with customary practices (such as street peddler), semi-customary (such as garbage) and unconventional (such as prostitution). Several criminological theories, including Social Strain theory, Criminal Ecology theory and Cultural Conflict theory, have provided important cognitive explanations of the phenomenon of child labor, but other criminological theories, such as the theory of Opportunity and the theory of Everyday Activities, can be used to model the type of conventional, semi-conventional and unconventional activities of children used the offenders who often fall victim to them. Inconsistencies in the habitat, inaccuracies in the perilous environment, inability/ignorance of counseling institutions in crisis intervention, perceptual and behavioral disorders and lack of citizenship rehabilitation skills provide the opportunity to commit certain crimes against child labor in turbulent metropolitan furniture. Awareness of what kind of activities by types of child labor, the context of victimization in which crimes increases, enables intelligent child labor victimization strategies to be given to custodial policemen in the field of child protection. Adopting a prevention strategy without a specific knowledge about the status of environmental conditions harmful to children, the sustained failure of these strategies persists. This article, after applying the criminological theories on the factors and the process of child victimization, explains the meaningful relationship between the crimes committed against these children by their type of work (conventional, semi-conventional and unconventional) and strategies for increasing the crime of committing crimes against these children and enhancing immunity. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Introduction of Work and Street Children's Database (1923-2011): Addressing and Solutions to Children's Social Damages and Problems
        Khosro Salehi
        The existence of social problems in every society puts children at greater risk than others and damages their health and well-being. In our country, children are facing with various problems and this problems comes from different reasons (economic, social, cultural, etc More
        The existence of social problems in every society puts children at greater risk than others and damages their health and well-being. In our country, children are facing with various problems and this problems comes from different reasons (economic, social, cultural, etc.). Street children and children who are vulnerable to harm, mainly for economic reasons, who work on the streets and, in fact, spend most of their time in unsafe and risky streets and, as a result, are more exposed to these children, especially girls. There are various risks. Understanding the status, problems and harm of these children, gathering statistics, information and resources about them, getting acquainted with the causes and factors causing these injuries and increasing them, is the first step in helping these children and trying to make the necessary changes in their lives. It means to benefit from their rights. The lack of information and their distribution in relation to children exposed to harm in general and working and street children are in particular a barrier to planning and organizing activities to relieve them of harm. Designing a database of street children and children can be promising in this field, and it is necessary to transfer it through the database to future generations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Develop a Structural Model of Unconditional Self-acceptance, Rejection Sensitivity, Imagine the Future and Childhood Experience of Care in Working Children and Adolescents
        Narhes Ghasemi Yasser Rezapour Mirsaleh Mohammad Hadi Safi
        Child labor is one of the social ills of today's society. This study aimed to investigate a structural model of unconditional self-acceptance, rejection sensitivity, future expectations, and childhood experience care in working children. A correlational design using str More
        Child labor is one of the social ills of today's society. This study aimed to investigate a structural model of unconditional self-acceptance, rejection sensitivity, future expectations, and childhood experience care in working children. A correlational design using structural equation modeling was conducted. The statistical population of this study include the working child who lived in Yazd and Isfahan cities in 2020. A total of 160 children was selected using available sampling methid and answered to Chamberlin and Haaga’s unconditional self acceptance cale, Downey and Feldman’s sensitivity to rejection scale, Mcwhirter’s future expectations scale, and Bifulco, Brown and Harris’s childhood experience of care questionnaire. The findings showed that unconditional acceptance had a negative and significant effect on sensitivity to rejection (P<0.05). Childhood experience of care had a negative and significant relationship with future expectations while being positively and significantly related to sensitivity to rejection. Likewise, rejection sensitivity had a significant and negative effect on future expectations (P<0.05). The results did not support the direct effect of unconditional acceptance on future expectations. Regarding the results, it can be concluded that improving childhood care, reducing sensitivity to rejection, and working on the unconditional acceptance of these children, helped to improve their lives. Manuscript profile