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        1 - Categories of criteria and factors influencing the selection of appropriate methods of technology transfer
        mahdi hamidi hojjatollah hajhosseini mehdi mohammadi
        Nowadays, by developing and advancing sciences and becoming technology development processes more complicated, technical cooperation between companies is a substantial aspect of companies’ strategies and an important public policy for technology development across the More
        Nowadays, by developing and advancing sciences and becoming technology development processes more complicated, technical cooperation between companies is a substantial aspect of companies’ strategies and an important public policy for technology development across the World. Technology transfer issue, as a concept of technical cooperation is considered by researchers and managers of agencies and organizations, as the most important approaches in this regards. In this research, after reviewing the literature by using library studies, introducing the concept and describes various methods of technology transfer. After describing the different models of technology transfer and comparing indices used in each model with others, we compare and eliminate the common indices and the last selected 28 of most important criteria have been identified to present appropriate methods of technology transfer. We also classified the criteria into four general groups as : capability and policies of technology receiver, capability and policies of technology owner, common policies between technology owner and receiver, and technology features. Finally, some recommendations and research directions are provided for future researches. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Driving and restraining forces technological collaboration between large and small technology based firms
        shaban elahi Arman khaledi mahdi majidpour reza asadifard
        With regard to the competitive environment of the business over the past few decades, companies have been innovative to maintain their vitality and position in the business environment. However, since the innovation does not occur in isolation, companies are collaborati More
        With regard to the competitive environment of the business over the past few decades, companies have been innovative to maintain their vitality and position in the business environment. However, since the innovation does not occur in isolation, companies are collaborating with each other to create innovation and technology. Meanwhile, the intensity of technological collaboration between large and small technology based firms is greater in term of their different characteristics, as well as their access to complementary resources. The technological collaboration between companies is a complex and challenging subject, which different factors influencing its formation and success. Therefore, identifying the factors (Driving and restraining forces) affecting technological collaboration and pay attention to them in the process of interaction between large and small technology based firms can help to succeed. for this purpose, using a systematic literature review and searching the "web of Knowledge" database, 1488 articles about technological collaboration were extracted which after evaluating them,57 of them were identified as valid and related articles. In the following, using meta-synthesis methods to analyze and coding the selected articles. The results of coding and their composition suggest that, in total, the factors (Driving and restraining forces) affecting the technological collaboration between large and small technology based firms can be categorized as six dimensions: strategic, organizational features, legal and institutional infrastructures, technology and industry, relational.  It is worth noting that in the article, in addition to the fact that all the factors influencing technological collaboration are identified comprehensively, the type and condition of the influence of factors (Driving forces and Restraining forces) are also discussed Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Investigating the barriers perceived by small and medium industries (SMEs) in technological cooperation with universities
        syamak nouri yazdan moradi
        The development of the relationship between academia and small and medium-sized industries (SMEs) has recently attracted the attention of policymakers due to its positive consequences in the economic and social fields, and efforts have been made to establish an effectiv More
        The development of the relationship between academia and small and medium-sized industries (SMEs) has recently attracted the attention of policymakers due to its positive consequences in the economic and social fields, and efforts have been made to establish an effective link between the two. Despite these efforts, the current state of this relationship does not seem to be favorable, so the present study examines the perceived barriers in this area. For this purpose, after reviewing the literature and identifying some of these obstacles, a questionnaire was designed and distributed among craftsmen / entrepreneurs participating in the "20th National Congress of Government, University and Industry Cooperation for National Development" to highlight the importance of each of these barriers in creating Identify effective collaboration between universities and SMEs from their perspective. Also, the research was completed by conducting in-depth interviews with 10 experts active in this field and analyzing the interviews while achieving theoretical saturation and stopping the interviews. Findings show that the lack of supportive structure and intermediary institutions, differences in views and cultural barriers, as well as barriers related to administrative processes and administrative and educational mechanisms in the university are the most important barriers to the development of technological cooperation between universities and SMEs, respectively. Also, SPSS software was used to analyze the data and Friedman analysis of variance was used to compare the barriers to cooperation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - ارائه مدل مناسب براي انتقال فناوری در صنایع برترICT مورد مطالعاتی : محصول فناورانه STM16
        Fatemeh Saghafi mahdi hamidi بهروز  محمودی