• List of Articles مسجد

      • Open Access Article

        1 - In search of Seven kingdom of Attar in the Houses of God
        ايمان  زكريايي كرماني
        Mysticism has had a great impact on the Iranian art. In order to reach the most paramount stage in suffism, there are several stages to go through. Each of these stages are defined by different mystics differently. Suffism has even penetrated into industries and art, an More
        Mysticism has had a great impact on the Iranian art. In order to reach the most paramount stage in suffism, there are several stages to go through. Each of these stages are defined by different mystics differently. Suffism has even penetrated into industries and art, and this way it was manifested in architecture of mosques. The structure of mosques can be taken as one of the manifestations of mysticism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Discourse in “The Guest-Killing Mosque” Story in Masnavi Based on Michel Foucault’s Ideas
        Ali Dehghan nazila yakhdansaz
        Language and discourse are the two important elements of life that sometimes generate other elements. One of these elements is the category of “power” which itself is the cause of the creation of other processes like “threat”, “resistance”, “blame”, and “terror”. Molana More
        Language and discourse are the two important elements of life that sometimes generate other elements. One of these elements is the category of “power” which itself is the cause of the creation of other processes like “threat”, “resistance”, “blame”, and “terror”. Molana Jalal Adin Mohammad Balkhi, the great poet of seventh century (AH), has been able to state the cultural, political and ideological discourses of that time in an artistic and implicit way through the characters of Masnavi stories. The main goal and domain of this research is to analyze one of the stories in Masnavi from the recent historicism point of view to shed light on its features and functions within the new definition that Michel Foucault, the French philosopher, has proposed. The discourses discussed in this research indicate the plurality of power in texts of the stories under study, and consequently in Molavi’s era. Language as a power tool is considered to be a power factor in the relationship between story characters and the society. Believe in superstition and encouraging it is considered to be the main discourse and the main code in “The Guest- Killing Mosque”. According to the discourse under studied, Molavi lives in a society which is covered by the dust of darkness. This mysterious fable reveals Molavi’s concern for such atmosphere. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Recognizing the Position of the Minaret in the Architecture of Mosques from the Point Of View of Shiite Jurisprudence
        amir Sadeghi nejad Abas Masoudi
        During different historical periods, a significant number of elements and components of the mosque, such as the minaret with different appearances and bodies, have been displayed and used in mosques and it seems that it has become an integral part of the mosque over tim More
        During different historical periods, a significant number of elements and components of the mosque, such as the minaret with different appearances and bodies, have been displayed and used in mosques and it seems that it has become an integral part of the mosque over time. Architects, researchers and scholars have expressed a variety of analyzes, theories and interpretations with different views on the position of the minaret in the architecture of mosques. However, there is no mention of the attitude of the Twelver Shiite jurisprudence regarding the position of the minaret in the architecture of mosques, and this issue is still facing ambiguous points. While the minaret has been used in mosques for centuries, some scholars consider single-minaret mosques as a symbol of Sunnis and mosques with two minarets as a symbol of the Shiite religion. This research tries to study the necessity of the minaret in the architecture of mosques in the attitude of Shiite jurisprudence. The rules of Shiite jurisprudence of the Twelve Imams are obtained through research in the Qur’an, Sunnah, consensus and reasoning. Since it is not possible to study all the sources mentioned in this research, studying the Qur’an and the consensus will be sufficient. The present research is fundamental in terms of subject matter and is considered qualitative from the perspective of research method. The data collection method of the research is through library and data analysis method is of content analysis type. The results of this study show the commonalities and differences in the attitude of the Qur’an and consensus on the necessity of requiring a minaret in mosques. According to the analysis, interpretation and elaboration of verses 17 and 18 of Surah Tawbah (Quran) and analyzing the content of the attitude of contemporary and non-contemporary (i.e. who are not at the same time as contemporary) authorities and jurists of the Shiite religion (consensus) regarding the necessity of minaret in the architecture of mosques, In general, it can be said that from the viewpoint of the Qur’an and non-contemporary jurists, the minaret does not have the necessary harmony with the architecture of mosques. In contemporary jurists’ attitude, there is nothing wrong with the minaret in mosques; but the minarets or tall minarets in the mosques are considered disapproved. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The role of the physical structure of contemporary mosques in promoting social capital Case study: Vali-e-Asr Mosque in Tehran
        Ehsan Ghorbani Mahmoud  Teymouri
        Social capital is formed and built in the heart of social relations, the sacred institution of the mosque plays an effective role in cohesion and solidarity between people, which is effective in the formation of commitment and cooperation between the people present in t More
        Social capital is formed and built in the heart of social relations, the sacred institution of the mosque plays an effective role in cohesion and solidarity between people, which is effective in the formation of commitment and cooperation between the people present in the mosque. The present article aims to identify the effect of indicators of social capital promotion on the physical structure of contemporary mosques. Case study: Vali-Asr Mosque is on the agenda. This research is descriptive-analytical in terms of applied purpose and method. In this process, in accordance with the data required for the research, the library method and reference sources were used. The data collection tool was a general questionnaire among 375 people and the specialized questionnaire and Likert scale had five options. The first category includes specialists and city managers who are randomly selected by 50 people. The results obtained from the Demtel technique, such as the sense of belonging to the mosque, (15.17) commitment to voluntary organizations, (14.94) participation in religious affairs and celebrations, (14.58), the presence of collective spaces in the mosque, (14.58), are in the first to third places. And the factors that are positive indicate how effective they are. Among these, indicators such as the perception of common values, proper access to mosque facilities and facilities, the existence of collective spaces in the mosque, a sense of belonging to the mosque, the existence of leisure in the mosque, participation in religious affairs and celebrations are in the first place. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Evaluation and Ranking of Factors Affecting the Perception of Spirituality Sense in the Interior of Mosques; Case study: Nasir Al-Molk Mosque – Shiraz
        MOHAMMADREZA MALEKI Qader Bayzidi Ali Yoonessi Farzin Charehjoo
        The design of mosques in the history of Iranian architecture seems to be the Climax of Islamic art and architecture. The architecture of mosques seeks inspiration of concepts of the divine world in order to create an atmosphere that connect the material world to the imm More
        The design of mosques in the history of Iranian architecture seems to be the Climax of Islamic art and architecture. The architecture of mosques seeks inspiration of concepts of the divine world in order to create an atmosphere that connect the material world to the immaterial world and creates a single spiritual space. In this study, the effect of factors affecting the perception of spirituality in the interior of Nasir Al-Molk Mosque in Shiraz has been investigated. In this regard, first the parameters that affect the perception of the sense of spirituality are determined and then 120 questionnaires are collected from architecture and urban planning students of Shiraz University, the validity and reliability of which has been confirmed by Cronbach’s alpha. Then, by modeling the structural equations of partial least squares (PLS-SEM), it is analyzed to determine the relationship between the parameters on each other. Factors affecting the perception of spirituality are social, sensory, somatic and environmental factors that the results show that there is a significant difference in the ranking of indicators. In the following, the indicators are arranged based on the degree of impact on the perception of spirituality from rank 1 meaning the most impact to rank 15 meaning the least impact. Findings show that the greatest impact on the perception of spirituality is related to somatic indicators. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Study of mosque distribution in the Tehran 8 region with spatial analyses in Geographic Information System
        One of the main indicators among Muslim people is the spatial distribution of mosque in relation with population density and location of mosque in the cities In this study the spatial distribution of mosques in the region 8 Tehran municipality based on spatial analysis More
        One of the main indicators among Muslim people is the spatial distribution of mosque in relation with population density and location of mosque in the cities In this study the spatial distribution of mosques in the region 8 Tehran municipality based on spatial analysis techniques in the GIS environment studied After creating a mosque geodatabase in the GIS environment for the distribution of mosques in the region 8 Tehran, density analysis and distance analysis for distribution of mosques with population density. Based on spatial analyses studied. Based on this research results, 43.3 percent of region 8 Tehran had a normal condition of proportion population and mosque distribution. Although 32.2 percent of region 8 that are located in the east part of this region, doesn’t have good relation among population density and mosque distribution. The lack of land for development in this region is one of problem for increase mosque in this area Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Designing organizational structure in accordance with the functional activities of the mosque
        Morteza  Rojouei seyyed morteza ghayour mostafa sanati hajjar
        The mosque is the most important religious institution in Islam. At the first centuries of Islam in the Islamic community, the mosque as the most prominent institution of Islam has been manifested. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of the ha More
        The mosque is the most important religious institution in Islam. At the first centuries of Islam in the Islamic community, the mosque as the most prominent institution of Islam has been manifested. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of the hardware and software of the mosque as an important and driving tool of growth and excellence, commensurate with the requirements of the time in order to maintain its strategic position in society. The mosque seems to require a structural change in the way it performs its functions effectively in order to adapt to new needs and respond to new needs stemming from new ways of thinking. Understanding this importance, the present study, using data from library sources and the qualitative content analysis method, first extracts new functions that fit the needs of the time in the modern mosque's functions and then with the help of research literature and findings has provided a structure appropriate to these functions. Due to the popular and voluntary nature of the mosque, the proposed structure for the mosque is a kind of adhocracy that has seven working groups in the form of worship-worship, social, cultural-propaganda, economic, scientific-educational, and military-political and support functions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Editpr's Note
        Zohreh Hosaini Khamenei
        مساجد و فرهنگسراها و تشكلهاي مردمي و نقش تربيتي آنان در تربيت و شكل‌دهي شخصيت كودكان و نوجوانان با شروع دهة 90 شمسي بسياري اعتقاد داشتند كه انقلاب تمام شده و تفكر انقلابي و بسيجي مربوط به دهه‌هاي قبل بوده است و با پير شدن شيرمردان جبهه‌ها و تأثيرات فرهنگي فضاي مجازي، More
        مساجد و فرهنگسراها و تشكلهاي مردمي و نقش تربيتي آنان در تربيت و شكل‌دهي شخصيت كودكان و نوجوانان با شروع دهة 90 شمسي بسياري اعتقاد داشتند كه انقلاب تمام شده و تفكر انقلابي و بسيجي مربوط به دهه‌هاي قبل بوده است و با پير شدن شيرمردان جبهه‌ها و تأثيرات فرهنگي فضاي مجازي، جوانان به راه پدران خود نمي‌انديشند و ارزشها تغيير كرده است... . بسياري گفتند و بسياري باور كردند كه زمانة جديدي آغاز شده است، البته بدون ياد امام و راه امام و خط امام ... ولي برخي از شاگردان انقلاب اسلامي، هوشمندانه از مساجد، مدارسي ساختند تا براي سالهاي بعدي راه و سخن امام زنده بماند. مساجد كه در دوران انقلاب بهترين پايگاه براي مبارزه با طاغوت زمان بود اكنون نيز ميتوانست مدرسه‌يي براي پرورش نسلهاي بعد باشد... در اين «مدارس مسجدي» شاگردان خود صاحب مكتب شدند و در دهه‌هاي بعد منشأ اتفاقات بزرگي گرديدند؛ جواناني كه نيازهاي به روز انقلاب و نظام را شناخته و پاسخي مناسب براي آنها ارائه ميدهند، وظايف بر زمين ماندة دولتها را بر دوش ميكشند و گمنام و غريب، نهضت امام خميني را پيش ميبرند. شهيد مصطفي صدرزاده نمونه خوبي است از مكتب «مسجد النبي» كُهَنز (منطقه‌يي در شهريار). او متولد 1365 و بمعناي واقعي، تربيت شدة مسجد است. شهيد مصطفي در نظام تربيت غيررسمي مسجد مانند طرح تربيتي «صالحين» پرورش يافت و جز خدمت به مردم و حفظ آرمان شهدا به چيزي فكر نميكرد. در تمام بحرانهاي طبيعي و سازمان‌يافته (سياسي) به كمك مردم شتافت و سرانجام به خط مقدم مبارزه عليه داعش در خاك سوريه رسيد. دفاع از مظلوم مرز نميشناسد. در مكتب مصطفي‌ها در ميانة ميدان، تقابل جبهه حق و باطل است؛ نه صرفاً در داخل مرزهاي ايران كه حتي در پشت سيمهاي خاردار اسرائيل. در اين تربيت غيررسمي و متعالي، هدف، تعالي است و پرورش يافتة اين نظام تربيتي، بازوي قدرتمند جمهوري اسلامي است. آمار نشان ميدهد كه مستشاران، فرماندهان و رزمندگان جوان در ميدان نبرد با تكفيريهاي سوريه كه تربيتشان در پايگاههاي بسيج شكل گرفته بود، توانستند نيروهاي تراز انقلاب اسلامي باشند (در مكتب مصطفي، 1399). از آنجا كه اين پايگاههاي تربيتي با سياستهاي فرهنگي غرب و غربزدگان مغاير بود طرح تأسيس «فرهنگسرا» مطرح شد. بجرئت ميتوان گفت فرهنگسراها با هدف نابود كردن نقش تربيتي مساجد تأسيس شدند؛ اتفاقي كه در رنسانس اروپا افتاد. در قرون وسطي و حاكميت كليسا، مركز فرهنگي و هنري همان كليسا بود و نقش تربيتي اين مركز فرهنگي با كنترل عقايد مذهبي شكل ميگرفت. بعد از رنسانس فرهنگي فرهنگسراها بوجود آمدند كه برخي نقش هنري داشت و برخي تربيتي و فرهنگي. در اروپا فرهنگسرا را «آكادمي» ميناميدند مثل «آكادمي علوم روسيه» يا «آكادمي هنر» (هاشمي، 1373). با جستجوي تاريخ درمي‌يابيم كه اولين فرهنگسرا در ايران همان مساجد، حسينيه‌ها و هيئتهاي مذهبي بوده‌اند، مانند «تكيه دولت» كه در سال 1285 هـ . ق به دستور ناصرالدين شاه ساخته شد و اولين بناي مذهبي ـ فرهنگي در ايران است. در زمان پهلويها مراكز فرهنگي بسياري ايجاد و وجهة مذهبي از آنها گرفته شد و اين روند تا زمان انقلاب اسلامي ادامه داشت (يكاني، 1374). انقلاب از مساجد شروع شد و با مساجد پيروز شد و مساجد بعنوان پايگاههاي فرهنگي و هنري و خدماتي و حتي نظامي، فعاليتهاي جدي خود را پررنگتر كردند و اين برخلاف خواستة دشمن بود... . تأسيس فرهنگسراي شهرداري تهران در زمان آقاي كرباسچي شروع برنامه‌يي جدي و هدفمند بود براي جدا كردن دين و اهداف انقلاب از نسل جوان كشور كه تا حدودي موفق شد. فرهنگسراها تحت كنترل امام جماعت نبودند و زمان اذان، صفوف نماز جماعت در آنجا تشكيل نميشد. نفوذ در فرهنگسراها و جهتدهي به افكار نسل جوان كه تشنة دانش هستند بسيار آسان بود. كم‌كم با توسعة فرهنگسراها، مساجد از حضور جوانان خلوت شد و قهرماناني كه توانستند مساجد را بعنوان كانون تعليم و تربيت اسلامي نگه دارند، نسل شهيد مصطفي صدرزاده‌ها را تربيت كردند. نسل دهة هفتادي‌ها و حججي‌ها و عزيزاني كه در اين محيط ولنگاري فرهنگي و فضاي مجازي مسموم، همراه با تمام تلاش دشمن براي گمراهي جوانان، توانستند در تاريكي، راه روشن هدايت را پيدا كنند و به سعادت برسند. تأسيس فرهنگسراها دانسته يا ندانسته ضربة مهلكي بود بر پيكر نقش تربيتي مساجد. شايد اگر هزينه و بودجة اين مراكز را در مساجد خرج ميكردند... شايد... و حال ما مدعيان فرهنگ و تربيت كشور چه بايد بكنيم؟! زهره‌حسيني خامنه‌اي Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Investigating the factors affecting the mental image of citizens of worn-out tissue and ways to improve it (a case study of worn-out tissue around the Qom Grand Mosque)
        ashraf mandani
        Dilapidated urban structures, regardless of their different species, are the product of some negligence of urban management, which over time has become an area of ​​the city that lacks the necessary physical stability and strength, does not provide adequate access to th More
        Dilapidated urban structures, regardless of their different species, are the product of some negligence of urban management, which over time has become an area of ​​the city that lacks the necessary physical stability and strength, does not provide adequate access to their homes and lacks Severe service suffer. For this reason, due to the low quality of life in some parts of them, the housing of deprived and rural immigrants and some non-Iranians have become and finally have become unsafe places with many social anomalies at the lowest level of environmental quality. What has faced the problem of intervention, improvement and renovation of worn-out structures in our country is the lack of a clear strategy based on the identification of worn-out tissue species and the serious determination of urban management to renovate and improve them. In many areas, contextual improvement and micro-partnership with the people living in it, offers a very desirable and sustainable method that can be done over a short period of time. Qom city is one of the cities that is clearly facing the problem of erosion due to having about 1074 hectares of historical and dilapidated texture and the residential texture around Qom Grand Mosque, due to its special location and being located in the central and historical area of ​​Qom city and its erosion. He faces certain problems. The findings show that a survey of residents' satisfaction shows that 32% completely agree with the demolition and renovation of the building, 23% agree, 20% somewhat agree, and there are those who are interested in this area and intend to continue living in the area. 15% of the residents of the area agree with the repair and reconstruction of the area but oppose the demolition and renovation. 10% are also dissatisfied with any changes in the buildings and structures of the area. The Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - A comparison of construction and location of mosques of the early Islamic period and mosques of the Qajar period based on Quran verses
        هانیه  اخوت
        The mosque is a subject that the Quran has dealt with in a comprehensive manner. One of the aspects of mosque emphasis in the Quran that has received less attention is the issue of construction and location of mosques. This article has been written using the method of d More
        The mosque is a subject that the Quran has dealt with in a comprehensive manner. One of the aspects of mosque emphasis in the Quran that has received less attention is the issue of construction and location of mosques. This article has been written using the method of descriptive-analytical research and by selecting a case study of the early mosques of the Islamic period and mosques of the Qajar period in Iran. This article has been prepared with the aim of comparative study of two different periods of mosque construction in Iran and also the evolution of their construction based on Quranic verses and Islamic traditions. To analyze the subject, 8 principles of mosque construction were extracted from Quranic verses and Islamic narration, and then the extent and manner of the effect of the extracted principles on the mosques of the Islamic period and Qajar mosques were measured and finally comparatively examined. Based on the results of the research, the Quranic principles of mosque construction were classified into 8 principles, all of which were observed in the samples of early Islamic mosques. If in the mosques of the Qajar period, 4 principles have been observed, which include stability and strength (even in this case, the use of lower quality materials and the use of rapid construction techniques, the strength of mosques compared to previous periods and to Especially in the early Islamic period. Manuscript profile
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        11 - تحلیل اختلاف الحدیثی روایات مکان اعتکاف در منابع روایی شیعه
        mohammad javad hasani
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        12 - Comparative analysis of form transformation in mosques without naves during Safavid and contemporary Iran (Case study: Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque and Al Ghadir Mosque in Tehran)
        Ali Mashhadi Mohammadreza Namdari
        The transformation of form in architecture in a historical trajectory has been the result of countless factors that have led to the change of principles and indicators in some situations. The purpose of the present research is to investigate the factors and dimensions o More
        The transformation of form in architecture in a historical trajectory has been the result of countless factors that have led to the change of principles and indicators in some situations. The purpose of the present research is to investigate the factors and dimensions of the transformations that occurred in mosques without naves during the Safavid and contemporary periods of Iran through a comparative analysis of the form of Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque in Isfahan and Al-Ghadir Mosque in Tehran. The hypotheses proposed to achieve this goal are that the mosque of Al-Ghadir in Tehran and the mosque of Sheikh Lotfollah in Isfahan are similar to each other in terms of formal structure, and the metamorphosis of the form occurred in the form of some physical and spatial indicators. The current research has investigated the metamorphosis factors that have played a role in the formation of these two works in the visible and hidden layers using descriptive and inductive analysis method. The results of the research indicate that the principles of transformation in the form of Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque have taken place due to the index of spatial geometry through rotation and change of direction and translational movement by structural and physical elements, external walls and connecting internal spaces. that in the Al-Ghadir Mosque of Tehran, which was built in the contemporary period, the principles of transformation have taken place not only by changing the form, but also by ignoring and removing the prominent elements of the mosque, including the dome and the minaret. In addition, the rectangular shape of the space under the dome and the pyramid shape of the dome are also other factors of metamorphosis. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Reconstruction of Asmari Formation Sedimentary Environment in Asmari and Gurpi Anticlines in the oil field of Masjed Soleiman (Southwest of Iran)
        Navab Varnaseri Davood Jahani Nader Kohansal Ghadimvand Mohsen Pourkermani
        In this research, the process of lithological changes and diagenetic processes of Asmari formation with Oligo-Miocene age has been investigated. For this purpose, 400 samples were selected and collected from a section of the Masjid Suleiman oil field and the surface sec More
        In this research, the process of lithological changes and diagenetic processes of Asmari formation with Oligo-Miocene age has been investigated. For this purpose, 400 samples were selected and collected from a section of the Masjid Suleiman oil field and the surface section of the Asmari anticline in the Dezful depression and the Gurpi anticline in the Izeh zone. Petrographic studies revealed 18 sedimentary microfacies that were deposited on a ramp-type carbonate platform. Among the significant diagenetic processes in the region are the process of micritization, bioturbation and the influence of burrowing organisms, cementation (types of cement related to marine, meteoric and burial diagenesis environments), dissolution (meteoric and burial dissolution), dolomitization (in different phases), silicification, pyritization, phosphatization, mechanical compaction, chemical compaction, fracture and porosity. Based on the identification of the sequence boundaries and following the facies depth changes, the carbonate sequence of the Asmari formation in the subsurface section and the Asmari anticline section are introduced in the form of 3 sedimentary sequences of the third order shallowing upwards, which are the former Aquitanian, the late Aquitanian and Bordigalin belong. Among the dominant porosities in the Asmari Formation, we can mention the hole, mold and fracture porosities. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Modernity and its effects on the architecture of contemporary mosques in Iran
        seyyed ehsan mousavi Mohsen golriz
        <p>In the contemporary era, one of the most obvious cultural features of contemporary philosophy is the phenomenon of modernity and as a style, modernism thinking. Modern architecture, which was formed based on the evolution of the traditional society, industrialization More
        <p>In the contemporary era, one of the most obvious cultural features of contemporary philosophy is the phenomenon of modernity and as a style, modernism thinking. Modern architecture, which was formed based on the evolution of the traditional society, industrialization and change in the way of life and people's views in the West, is a style that has influenced the architecture and urban planning of Iran more than other western architectural styles. This modern view, followed by modern and academic architects of the new generation, has had a great impact on the design of buildings, including the design of mosques. One of these most important effects is the change in the form and spaces of the building in the contemporary era. Meanwhile, there are many variations and imaginative patterns in design, and mosques cannot be considered to have specific shape characteristics. This article aims to recognize the design trends of mosques in the contemporary era with the influence of modernity on such designs, and by identifying indicators and by describing and analyzing the design, it has classified them in a way. The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical and the method of collecting information is library and documentary. Finally, based on the investigations carried out in this way, it can be acknowledged that some special works in architecture (such as shrine buildings) have a stable core that is beyond time, which can be considered the soul and body of the imitation work.</p> Manuscript profile