• List of Articles فضیلت

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Theology and Politics in Political Thought of Frankfurt School
        Iraj Ranjbar  
        According to theoretical view of Habermas on “relation between ethics and politics” in history of western political thought, the ethics and politics in classic era and aristotelian tradition are ingrained around the concept of welfare, because the ethics defines the wel More
        According to theoretical view of Habermas on “relation between ethics and politics” in history of western political thought, the ethics and politics in classic era and aristotelian tradition are ingrained around the concept of welfare, because the ethics defines the welfare and the politics serves as achieving welfare concept. Although, in the modern political thought and in Hobbsian tradition, the ethics and politics are seperated from each other, because the politics defines its goal, not as prospering and giving excellence to its citizens, but as controlling and managing the human instinct for the creation of “security” and achieving “prosperity”. With this description and according to the theoretical framework of Habermas, the present paper believes that in the views of Frankfurt school intellectuals, the ethics and politics merge around the ethical concept like the classic tradition, the only difference is that the joining of ethics and politics is not “prosperity" concept but it is the “salvation” concepts; the concept that is compatible with “excellence concept”. We should add this point that any of this school intellectuals considers the “salvation” achievement way in its special mechanism. Horkhimer, “the objective intellect”, Adorno, “aeshetics”, Markoze, “the intellectual reconstruction of society”And Hobermas, “the dialogue” is the way of achieving the salvation. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Civil Relation and Empowerment: Comparative Study of Hannah Arendt and Amartya Sen
        attaallah karimzadeh A m
        Hannah Ardent as a political philosopher, offering the concept of “civic virtue” and criticizing Liberal democracy, tried to constitute a way of good life in her time. In her version of civic virtue, human as a citizen should be able to secure his/her liberty and equali More
        Hannah Ardent as a political philosopher, offering the concept of “civic virtue” and criticizing Liberal democracy, tried to constitute a way of good life in her time. In her version of civic virtue, human as a citizen should be able to secure his/her liberty and equality, in a context of dialogue and interaction. On the other hand, Amartya Sen in his human development approach, tried to moralize economy in context of Political thought by taking a critical view toward the concept of modernization and economic development. Sen, with the concept of Empowerment, introduced development as freedom, and considered Empowerment as a road to freedom. This notion takes place in an equal and moral context in which each entity of humankind, besides being an agent and capable toward others, has the possibility of dialogue and discussion in democratic situation. In this article, we propose that how the concept of civic virtue in Hannah Ardent has related to human development approach in Amartya Sen, considering human agency in the context. Based on the mentioned question, we assume that the human development approach is in line with civic virtue; which in both the essential priority is human agency. We show that from a civic viewpoint, Empowerment in the context of understanding and interaction has common conceptual and practical grounds with civic virtue as citizenship responsibility in context of dialogue and interaction. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The study of Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' From viewpoint of Aristotle and Ibn Miskeweyh
        The Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' is one of issues that are traditionally focus of social ethics thinkers. The study and compaire of two big thinkers ideal –one from of ancient Greece and the other from Islamic philosophies- is important. The pr More
        The Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' is one of issues that are traditionally focus of social ethics thinkers. The study and compaire of two big thinkers ideal –one from of ancient Greece and the other from Islamic philosophies- is important. The present research has been aim to clear the circumstance of the relationship of this two topics in analytical-applicational ways and also to explain the points of their ideas participations and differences in this text. Both Aristotle and Ibn Miskeweyh believies the earning to happiness is aim of the politics and political society and proponde the elements of earning to happiness, principles of obtaining to desirable political society, similarly. In attention to effect Aristotle viewpoints upon Ibn Miskeweyh thouthghs, the difference between this two thinkers ideologies, has been cause difference in some of the discussions. Aristotle believies criteria of desirability in political society and earning to happiness is living on base of virtue, but in according to Ibn Miskewayh's monalistic ideology, he believies the religion is inseparable element of politics and introduced the best politics is divine politics Manuscript profile
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        4 - Query on the Robert Merrihew Adams's theory of virtue and the moral argument from the best explanation of objective moral values for the existence of God
        امیرعباس علیزمانی  
        With the advent of scientific advances in recent centuries, widespread philosophical criticisms weakened the traditional evidences and compelled the theistic to pursue novel evidences such as ethics to support their ideas., the moral argument of Robert Merrihew Adams is More
        With the advent of scientific advances in recent centuries, widespread philosophical criticisms weakened the traditional evidences and compelled the theistic to pursue novel evidences such as ethics to support their ideas., the moral argument of Robert Merrihew Adams is one of the contemporary moral argument for the existence of God. By devised the theory of virtue by Adams, offers a new explanation of moral values which have ability to justify the objectivity of moral values, as the most important element of Ethics Meaningful, and also have ability to justify The truth of theism, as a important part of this explanation. In this article we have tried to explain this idea and described this theory and analyzed the argument which raised from this theory and prepared evidences and reasons for the existence of God and then we examine the critics of that Manuscript profile
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        5 - Threefold meanings of happiness in kant
          mohsen javady
        In his moral theory, kant has argued the three concepts of happiness that we could interpret about them as desire happiness, moral happiness and final happiness. Although it seems he faild to state a determinate concept of happiness, there is a organic unity between con More
        In his moral theory, kant has argued the three concepts of happiness that we could interpret about them as desire happiness, moral happiness and final happiness. Although it seems he faild to state a determinate concept of happiness, there is a organic unity between concepts of apparently conflicting of happiness. This paper aims to indicate this unity and reveal the important that kant gives to moral happiness. Moreover, it indicate According to Kant, whereas happiness is lower than the virtue, has two important role: happiness at the beginning of ethics, preventing of temptation to the violation of duties, help our to be virtuous and at the end of ethics serve as reward of virtue. So kant argues that trying to get happy in the context of ethics, is indirect duty of reason, which could indicate it as moral happiness. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The ethical obligations of the parties in oil bunk contracts in Iran
        zohre azadi Abdullah  Nasri
        The article attempts to examine the contractual principles governing the Baikon contracts in Iran, which is frequently used by the National Iranian Oil Company, which serves as the Ministry of Oil. Iran, with its significant reserves of oil and natural gas, is ranked a More
        The article attempts to examine the contractual principles governing the Baikon contracts in Iran, which is frequently used by the National Iranian Oil Company, which serves as the Ministry of Oil. Iran, with its significant reserves of oil and natural gas, is ranked as the world's second largest oil producer and exporter, as well as the world's second-largest gas reserves holder in the world, in terms of two highly desirable areas for investment. Investors (foreign) in Iran can mention the development of oil and natural gas, which still requires a drastic investment. Manuscript profile
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        7 - A philosophical approach to the intersection of ethics and emotion
        Seyyed Ahmad  Fazeli Mojtaba  Jafari
        Emotions are concerned about by philosophers because knowledge, happiness, and ethics that have been a longstanding concern of philosophy, have some intersects with emotions. They have, therefore, tried to show the value and place of emotions in the acquisition of knowl More
        Emotions are concerned about by philosophers because knowledge, happiness, and ethics that have been a longstanding concern of philosophy, have some intersects with emotions. They have, therefore, tried to show the value and place of emotions in the acquisition of knowledge of happiness and moral life. Their focus, in comparison with scientists, is more on an abstract analysis of emotions. Exploring the nature of emotion leads to several philosophical issues, such as: What are the differences between emotions? Is it evaluating, that is, whether it has to be taken as evaluative judgments, or perceptions, or something else? What is the epistemological status of emotions and their relation to evaluative judgments? What is the relationship between motivation and emotion? And finally, what its role in the moral life, and what effect does it have on the development of virtues and moral character?. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Compatibility of the theory of virtue with religious ethics
        Jafar  Morvarid Javad  Raqavi Zahra  Hosseini
        The important issue raised in this study is that the ethics of virtue can be the best and most consistent explanation of religious ethics. To achieve this, first the theories of normative ethics deontological ethics and purposefulness and virtue - are explained and comp More
        The important issue raised in this study is that the ethics of virtue can be the best and most consistent explanation of religious ethics. To achieve this, first the theories of normative ethics deontological ethics and purposefulness and virtue - are explained and compared. The superiority of the theory of virtue over the two clearly competing theories is explained by the explanation of virtue-based ethics, each of its main components such as: virtue, happiness, intention, practical wisdom, moral model and middle ground. In continuation, some components of religious ethics - such as theism and resurrection, cultivation of inner property and self-improvement, the position of moral model in religious ethics, the role of intention in religious ethics, the middle of the straight path or the way of salvation, etc. - are examined. Also, considering the closeness of the subject and the end of morality of virtue and religious morality - in the order of self-knowledge and happiness - it can be concluded that their morality of virtue and religious morality is their view of evolutionary and transcendent moral agent. It is also possible to provide the ground for the compatibility of these two morals with religious color and divine direction to the end - happiness - in the morality of virtue. Manuscript profile
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        9 - the moderate insight from the view points of the muslim scholars Farabi and Qazali
        Hamidreza Hajibabaeei Mahboubeh  Yazdanpanah
        The present study was conducted with the aim of explaining the moral boundary from the viewpoint of Islamic scholars (Farabi, Ibn Maskawayh, Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Mohammad Naraghi). The research method was library study type. The library research method is used in a More
        The present study was conducted with the aim of explaining the moral boundary from the viewpoint of Islamic scholars (Farabi, Ibn Maskawayh, Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Mohammad Naraghi). The research method was library study type. The library research method is used in all scientific research, and in some of them the subject of research in terms the method, from the beginning to the end, is based on the findings of the library research. In this group of researcher's researches, one should study literature and subject matter and research subject. In the present research, the researcher, in order to explain the moral boundary according to the method of library study, is one of the most important foundations and components related to the moral boundary that includes goodness, happiness, power, moderation, virtues and vices, from the perspective of great philosophers Islamic (including al-Farabi, al-Ghazali), which is largely a follower of Aristotle and Plato. In connection with the general results of the explanation of the moral boundaries, it can be said that Farabi's, Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Mohammad Naraghi's views are very similar to Aristotle's school and have not had a particular initiative in explaining the moral norms, but Ibn Meshkui's views and ideas, especially in the subject of moderation There have been innovations that followed the pure pursuit of Aristotle and Plato. Finally, the researcher in the form of the present research has discussed the above in the further research, which includes the first to fifth chapters of the study, in detail. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Virtue ethics from the point of view of Imam Ali in Nahj al-Balaghah
        Maryam  Khatami
        In contemporary times, one of the major branches in ethics and philosophy of ethics is “virtue ethics". In general, the ethical question is: “What is good?” So far, three fundamental answers have been given to this question that in the three schools of Consequentialism More
        In contemporary times, one of the major branches in ethics and philosophy of ethics is “virtue ethics". In general, the ethical question is: “What is good?” So far, three fundamental answers have been given to this question that in the three schools of Consequentialism, Deontologism, and ethics of virtue is classified. Of these three, Virtue ethics in the contemporary era has attracted the attention of Islamic and non-Islamic scholars and thinkers. This study attempts to examine how this type of ethics is reflected in the teachings of Imam Ali Based on the findings of the research, it can be said that the ethics of virtue is the dominant theory in viewpoints of Imam Ali and mystics. For example, where Imam Ali in Nahj al-Balaghah, Wisdom 32 says: “A good person is better than a good deed, and a bad person is worse than a bad deed”. In the manifestations of the ethics of virtue in the teachings of Imam Ali, the "justice" as the main virtue is emphasized. This research has been done with interpretive analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        11 - The Mediating Role of Self-Compassion in the Relationship between Perfectionism and Eudaimonic
        Farzaneh Yazdani razieh sheikholeslami
        In the present study, the mediating role of self-compassion in the relationship between perfectionism and eudaimonic well-being was investigated. To do so, 210 Master students from Shiraz University were selected through multistage random cluster sampling method. Partic More
        In the present study, the mediating role of self-compassion in the relationship between perfectionism and eudaimonic well-being was investigated. To do so, 210 Master students from Shiraz University were selected through multistage random cluster sampling method. Participants answered to Almost-Perfect-Scale-Revised, (Slaney et al, 2001), Self-Compassion Scale (Neff, 2003), and Eudaimonic Well-being Scale (Waterman et al, 2010). Data were analyzed using path analysis through Amos software. Results showed that standard component (as adaptive perfectionism) has a positive effect, and discrepancy component (as maladaptive perfectionism) has a negative effect on eudaimonic well-being. Self-compassion showed a mediating role in the relationship between discrepancy component of perfectionism and eudaimonic well-being. In the base of these results, self-compassion can be considered as a buffer against the negative impact of maladaptive perfectionism on eudaimonic well-being. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - A Different Version of Immortality in Plato’s Symposium
        Hamidreza  Mahboobi Arani
        A well-established and common view in Plato’s philosophy is that the immortality of the soul after death is a persistent and fixed type of immortality. The human soul, or at least an important part of it, which is the same intellect, is a substance of a different type a More
        A well-established and common view in Plato’s philosophy is that the immortality of the soul after death is a persistent and fixed type of immortality. The human soul, or at least an important part of it, which is the same intellect, is a substance of a different type and from a different world, which remains alive after death. However, Plato’s Symposium portrays a perspective of immortality that, through creating a phenomenological image of the soul and attributing the tendency for immortality to Eros, considers the soul to be vulnerable to change. Hence, he maintains that the immortality of the soul is different from the common sense interpretation of this concept. The present paper argues that, in order to understand and interpret Plato’s intended meaning of immortality in Symposium, it is necessary to pay careful attention to some of his remarks in this regard, as well as to his discussions of birth and education, and remembrance and reminiscence. In this way, one could infer a dynamic and creative model of immortality which neither necessitates the after-death subsistence of the identical soul, which enjoys the passive and stagnant introversion of the Ideas, nor presupposes the existence of a soul of another type. The present paper, while referring to and describing Plato’s four-fold model of immortality, explains their important, similar, and, in some cases, different characteristics. It also demonstrates that this immortality is in permanent unity with the creation of certain words regarding true virtue or its images and life in the memory of future generations and indirectly affects the world affairs. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Priority of Sophia to Phronesis and its Significance in Aristotle’s Philosophy of Ethics
        Ali Nazemi Ardakani Reza Davari Ardakani Malek Hosseini
        The relationship between phronesis or practical wisdom and Sophia or theoretical wisdom and, at another level, the relationship between ethical virtues and intellectual virtues are among the important subjects in Aristotle’s philosophy of ethics. Their importance is due More
        The relationship between phronesis or practical wisdom and Sophia or theoretical wisdom and, at another level, the relationship between ethical virtues and intellectual virtues are among the important subjects in Aristotle’s philosophy of ethics. Their importance is due to the fact that not only in case of the priority of phronesis to sophia, contradiction will arise between Aristotle’s teachings in Metaphysics and Nichomachean Ethics, but also because it seems that such a priority will eventually lead to a kind of diversion from prime philosophy and, hence, considering human being as the noblest subject in philosophy. Of course, Aristotle himself disagrees with this position. This paper mainly inquires whether in Aristotle’s philosophy priority belongs to sophia or phronesis, and what the significance and consequences of the priority of one over the other is. The authors argue that, although phronesis has a supreme place in his philosophy, it is sophia which enjoys fundamental priority. On the other hand, in Aristotle’s system of thought, eudaimonia or the highest human good cannot be attained unless through possessing phronesis and Sophia at the same time. Hence, it seems that, in order to learn about the ultimate goal of philosophy, it is necessary to further deliberate over the concepts of sophia and phronesis and their relationships with each other and with other virtues. Manuscript profile
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        14 - رویکرد شخص‌گرا به تربیت اخلاقی و اهداف آن
        nasrin chire
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        15 - An Investigation of Paul Hirst's View of Religious Education Based on Plato's Theory of Virtuous Education
        Hirst, the contemporary analytical thinker, considers the religious education impossible; because he believes that it is a compulsory education and thus it will deprive the student of the opportunity to live a critical and creative life, therefore, it is meaningless and More
        Hirst, the contemporary analytical thinker, considers the religious education impossible; because he believes that it is a compulsory education and thus it will deprive the student of the opportunity to live a critical and creative life, therefore, it is meaningless and impedes the student's intellectual development. According to Hirst, the goal of education is to liberate the mind from all that excludes the mind from its particular function, rationality, the liberation of thought and action of human from error and without any external necessity. This is the virtuous cultivation that goes back to Plato. Given that virtuous cultivation requires a kind of rationality, there is no difference between Plato and Hirst; however, Plato did not devote himself in any of his works to the virtuous cultivation of religious education, but has always identified virtue-based education at a lower level of religious education. Their difference is in accordance with their validities, and the contrast between them is in a vertical relation, because according to Platonic metaphysics, virtue-based education, with the exception of religion, will end the evolutionary process. On the other hand, the result of rejecting religious education and accepting the plurality of cultures in Hirst's theory of education is a negation to the educational principles. From the point of view of Plato, when a conflict occurs among the principles of education, it is necessary to derive non-experimental and non-deductive principles for education from intuitive judgments; the principles that have been neglected in Hirst's theory of education. Manuscript profile
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        16 - A critical approach to the application of normative ethics classification in explaining the moral theory of the Holy Quran
        سیدمازیار حسینی
        Although a critical approach to the achievements of modern humanities has been very common in the Islamic world, and in particular in Iran, for decades, it So far, dealing with the sample and producing science has not been able to enjoy significant acceptance. Normativ More
        Although a critical approach to the achievements of modern humanities has been very common in the Islamic world, and in particular in Iran, for decades, it So far, dealing with the sample and producing science has not been able to enjoy significant acceptance. Normative moral theories in the West are divided into three categories: teleological, consequentialist, task-oriented, and virtue-based, based on their interpretation of the criterion of right and wrong in moral judgments and propositions. Through a methodical study of the verses, it is concluded that not only does the Holy Qur'an not limit its moral design to one of these three categories: end (result), duty and virtue; At the same time, it pays attention to the moral agent and emphasizes the observance of moral rules and limits, as well as to moral actions and behaviors that have an irreplaceable role in human well-being, and does not consider them as independent and separate from each other. . The design of "faith" as a set of moral values ​​and the existence of virtues - such as piety - that can only be defended and justified in religious ethics shows that the use of classification (result / task / virtue) in explanation and theorizing Islamic ethics is not as effective as it seems. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Analysis of the virtues and capabilities of Lili in the system of Lili and Majnoon Nizami from the point of view of positive psychology
        Narges  Keshavarzi kobra nodehi
        Humans have long been plagued by moral issues and psychological problems throughout their lives, and psychology as an independent science since the nineteenth century has sought to be effective in the treatment of mental illness; But about two decades ago, a branch of p More
        Humans have long been plagued by moral issues and psychological problems throughout their lives, and psychology as an independent science since the nineteenth century has sought to be effective in the treatment of mental illness; But about two decades ago, a branch of psychology called positivist psychology, instead of focusing on mental illness and disorders, relied on positive emotions and human virtues and abilities. This new branch of psychology aims to emphasize the six moral virtues such as wisdom, courage, justice, moderation, love and compassion, transcendence and twenty-four abilities such as honesty, hope, gratitude, leadership. . . . He seeks to find what is called the "good life." Positive psychology, by relying on virtues and abilities and by discovering the hidden angles of human existence, causes the use of hidden human capabilities. Realizing these virtues in each person causes him to flourish and limit his existential vices. Lily and Majnoon, one of the five nezami's systems, can be examined from this point of view. Knowing these virtues and abilities can have a great impact on showing Lily's personality. In this poem, Lily's character reaches prosperity and excellence with the virtue of compassion, love, moderation and transcendence, as well as the abilities of love, foresight and hope. Manuscript profile