• List of Articles ضرورت

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Necessity of quality improvement in Iran Higher Education
        jafar tofighi
        Higher education in Iran has faced with two important challenges after Islamic revolution. Firestone is the historical underdevelopment in quantitative expansion of higher education and the second is rapid population growth, which caused high demand for enhancement of More
        Higher education in Iran has faced with two important challenges after Islamic revolution. Firestone is the historical underdevelopment in quantitative expansion of higher education and the second is rapid population growth, which caused high demand for enhancement of higher education. Of course, other factors such as cultural context and lack of job opportunities for secondary school graduates had also have played important role in demand for providing more places for university applicants. This situation caused the quantitative expansion of higher education to be considered as the first priority of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. Foundation of Payame-Nour University (distance learning), private higher education institutions, Islamic Azad University, e-learning courses, evening courses and joint diplomas with International universities were among higher education policies in recent years. As a result students’ population increased from 150,000 in 1978 to 3,500,000 in 2008. In Particular, increase in the post graduate studies, besides human resources development caused a great advancement in the research status of the country. There is no doubt that quantitative expansion of higher education in Iran is one of the most glorious achievements after the revolution, but at the same time along with expansion of students’ population and diversification of higher education systems particular ,in private sector, the quality of higher education should be of main concern for policy makers in this sector. This paper would review the most important challenges of higher education as the roles of total quality management systems encounter the involved factors Manuscript profile
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        2 - Infill development: capacities and necessities of growth management and spatial rearrangement of Tehran
        The lands in cities are areas for urban development and infill development is the process of optimization of land use. Planning and growth management by infill development policy, compare with other growth policies is closer and more consistent to sustainability. In thi More
        The lands in cities are areas for urban development and infill development is the process of optimization of land use. Planning and growth management by infill development policy, compare with other growth policies is closer and more consistent to sustainability. In this paper, we are going to study capacities and necessities of infill development of Tehran, by means of descriptive analytic and by use of documentary data. Findings indicate Tehran has the capacity of development and subsequently ready to growth management and special rearrangement via infill development. More than 18000 hectares of lands with infill development capacities that occupied 30% of city areas and 52% of vacant spaces and areas with developmental goals and high availability along with distribution and increment process, from east to west and north to south, makes possible not only physical growth management, but also facilitate spatial rearrangement to balance of inequality among regions and city zones by means of the policy of infill development and topical and local capacities. Redevelopment of north ,east and south areas, new development of west area and revitalization of central area, are general strategies of infill development in Tehran. Manuscript profile
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        3 - An Introduction to Equine Dentistry; Necessity of Much More Consideration
        Alireza Raayat jahromi
        Dental problems are one of the main challenges in equine medicine and its management has a considerable effect on horse’s performance and profitability in equine industry. Considering the fact that prevention is better than treatment, a regular dental care program based More
        Dental problems are one of the main challenges in equine medicine and its management has a considerable effect on horse’s performance and profitability in equine industry. Considering the fact that prevention is better than treatment, a regular dental care program based on a scientific plan can lead to an early and definitive diagnosis; which results in a correct intervention and treatment. Dental and oral observation, necessary diagnostic and restraint equipment and instruments, attritional lesions and injuries will be explained and discussed. Finally, the current situation of equine dentistry in our country will be evaluated so that its necessity would be much more seriously considered. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Teaching Conservation of Environment to Children (with Reference to Religious Teachings)
        esmaeil kharestani
        Developing necessary outlook, values, commitment, and skills for the sake of conserving environment usually begins from the childhood. Teaching seems to be most important and effective ways for enhancing people’s awareness of the environmental problems, and this may bri More
        Developing necessary outlook, values, commitment, and skills for the sake of conserving environment usually begins from the childhood. Teaching seems to be most important and effective ways for enhancing people’s awareness of the environmental problems, and this may bring in its wake a kind of positive and lasting change in one’s behavior in conserving the environment. If teaching the environment begins from childhood then certain changes may occur in their views, awareness, and skills following which they can practically proceed to conserve the environment and use their resources properly. The present study aims at analyzing the teaching of environment in an analytic- descriptive method to children with reference to religious teachings. In this research after referring to certain works on this topic, the author presents its definitions and specific terms in his research work, then proceeds to study the following issues: the place of environment, the importance of conserving environment, teaching, the main domain of environment, the necessity of teaching environment, philosophy of teaching environment, aim of teaching environment, impact of untainted environment upon man, and the necessary of teaching children for conserving the environment. The main conclusion of this study is that teaching the protection and conservation of the environment in childhood will lead to their active participation in conserving environment in later years. Manuscript profile
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        5 - An Introduction to the Philosophy of History of Philosophy
        Masoud  Omid
        Although the discipline of history of philosophy and the related questions existed in the past, they have greatly occupied the minds of philosophers during the last two centuries. Some of the important questions in the field of the history of philosophy include the foll More
        Although the discipline of history of philosophy and the related questions existed in the past, they have greatly occupied the minds of philosophers during the last two centuries. Some of the important questions in the field of the history of philosophy include the following: what is the meaning and nature of history of philosophy? What is its station of confirmation and demonstration? Is history of philosophy a perfect field or it is still in the process of development and expansion? What is the relationship between us and history of philosophy or what should it be like? Is this field the same as history or philosophy or of the type of philosophy? What is the difference between the history of philosophy and the history of science, religion, art, or the like? Due to the increasing attention to the problems related to the history of philosophy (in Iran and in the world), the present paper is intended to deal with some issues in relation to history of philosophy while discussing it in a framework entitled the philosophy of history of philosophy. In the past, philosophers referred to the theoretical philosophy of history and the philosophy of the science of history; however, it seems that it is now the right time to discuss the philosophy of the history of philosophy. The most fundamental themes which are propounded in this paper regarding this field include the place of philosophy of history of philosophy in various schools of philosophy and the possibility, necessity, and desirability of this field of knowledge. Finally, it appears that the philosophy of history of philosophy can be considered to be a branch of related philosophical fields, and it can even be offered as a new course at universities. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Limitation of the Modes of Propositions to Necessity and Possibility
        Ahmad Ahmadi
        One of the accurate and profound discussions in logic pertains to the problem of modality in propositions. In the common books of logic, the definition of modality begins with the concepts of necessity, possibility, and impossibility and is later extended to perpetuity, More
        One of the accurate and profound discussions in logic pertains to the problem of modality in propositions. In the common books of logic, the definition of modality begins with the concepts of necessity, possibility, and impossibility and is later extended to perpetuity, eternity, activity, and temporality. Some logicians have referred to a maximum of 28 modes. Nevertheless, Kant maintains that the modes of propositions are only limited to possibility and impossibility, existence (actuality or in actuality) and non-existence, and necessity and contingency. In this paper, given the author’s epistemological stance, he argues that the modes of propositions are merely limited to necessity and possibility. This is because a proposition is either affirmative, with a necessity mode, or negative, again with a necessity mode. The former is called a “necessary proposition” and the latter an “impossible proposition”. In fact, it is the structures of affirmation and negation which are different from each other; otherwise, both share the same necessity mode. The mode of possibility is also related to the mind’s hesitation regarding the quality of the relationship between the predicate and the subject. If enough care is not exercised in extracting the predicate from the subject, or if the product of this process is manipulated, possibility will arise. Manuscript profile
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        7 - A Critical Study of the Objections against Ḥakīm Ghomsheī’s Argument on Demonstrating the Necessity of God’s Existence
        Reza Hesari Mojtaba Mirdamadi Abolfazl Rezai
        Several arguments have been adduced on demonstrating the individual unity of being. Most of these arguments, which have been presented by such gnostics as Dāvood Qayṣarī, Ḥamzah Fanārī, and Ibn Turkah, suffer from some defects in terms of a confusion of concept and refe More
        Several arguments have been adduced on demonstrating the individual unity of being. Most of these arguments, which have been presented by such gnostics as Dāvood Qayṣarī, Ḥamzah Fanārī, and Ibn Turkah, suffer from some defects in terms of a confusion of concept and referent. In his glosses on Tamhīd al-qawā’id (the section on the arguments on the demonstration of the individual unity of existence), Ḥakīm Moḥammad Rezā Ghomsheī has presented an argument which demonstrates the pre-eternal necessity of God. However, three criticisms have been advanced against it. The first concerns the meaning of the absolute nature of being, which has been stated ambiguously. The second criticism questions the confusion of concept and referent. The first part of the third criticism targets the whole argument, based on the presupposition of the realization of the essence of nature, and its second part objects to the consistency of the realization of the essence of the nature of existence with limited existences, as acknowledged in Ghomsheī’s argument. Finally, the fourth focuses on the absence of any kind of innovation in this argument. Following an analytic-comparative method, this paper examines all these criticisms and responds to the first three of them. Accordingly, the authors acknowledge the truth of Ḥakīm Ghomsheī’s argument by presenting a detailed discussion in this paper. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Editor's Notes
        Seyyed Mohammad Khamenei
        يكي از پديده‌هاي بشري در تاريخ كه از آن با اهميت زياد ياد ميكنند، اختراع «خط» در هزاره‌هاي سوم يا پنجم ق.م در ايران، و شايد در نقاطي ديگر، ميباشد. كشف و اختراع خط سبب شد كه دورانهاي گذشته را به دو دورة پيش از تاريخ و پس از تاريخ تقسيم كنند. اهميت خط در اين است كه ميراث More
        يكي از پديده‌هاي بشري در تاريخ كه از آن با اهميت زياد ياد ميكنند، اختراع «خط» در هزاره‌هاي سوم يا پنجم ق.م در ايران، و شايد در نقاطي ديگر، ميباشد. كشف و اختراع خط سبب شد كه دورانهاي گذشته را به دو دورة پيش از تاريخ و پس از تاريخ تقسيم كنند. اهميت خط در اين است كه ميراث تجربه و دانش بشر كه شفاهي و سينه بسينه منتقل ميشد بصورت نگارش در اوراقي محفوظ براي آيندگان و نسلهاي بعد باقي ميماند و از بركت خط و كتاب و كتابت و صنعت چاپ بود كه دانش بشري بسرعت رشد كرد و فرهنگها را غني ساخت و تمدنها را گسترش داد. «كتاب» يكي از دستاوردهاي مهم بشر براي حراست از دانش و تجربه» خود و سپردن به نسلهاي پس از خود است و تاريخ در اهميت كتاب ‌نشان ميدهد كه دشمنان تمدن و دانش ايران باستان كه از يونان به ايران سرازير شده بودند، چگونه در كنار تخريب آثار ظاهري تمدن، به نابود كردن كتابهاي علمي آن زمان همت گمارده و تا چه اندازه از اين طريق ايران امروز را از ثروتهاي كهن خود محروم ساختند. امروز گرچه پديده و ابزارهايي رسانه‌يي كه به «فضاي مجازي» مشهور شده‌اند و رقيب كتاب گرديده و ارتباط اذهان بشر را با آورده‌هاي خود ‌كه گاه بدآموزي اخلاقي و سياسي دارد بهم مي‌آميزند و در واقع خطري براي رواج كتاب شمرده ميشود و دور از دسترس عوامل و موانع حكومتي به تخريب عقايد و فرهنگ و اخلاق مردم ايران ميپردازد، امّا خطر ديگري نيز رشد دانش و فرهنگ و آموزش و پژوهش را دچار ضعف و فتور مينمايد و مقصود اصلي از اين نگارش است و آن موضوعي بظاهر ساده و كوچك بنام مسئلة «كاغذ» است اما بقدري مهم و اساسي است كه كمبود و گراني آن سبب شده بسياري از كتب مهم و مجلات مفيد از نعمت چاپ محروم بمانند يا در تعدادي اندك چاپ شوند و بدست افراد كمتري برسند و بدلايلي از اينگونه، بهاي كتاب نيز گران شده و بسياري از اربابان نياز، از خريد آن نااميد باشند و بدينصورت، سدي بزرگ ميان كتاب و كتابخوان قرار گيرد، و اين يك ضايعه» علمي و فرهنگي است. كاغذ در حوزة كتاب و نشريات تمدنساز، تنها يك كالا نيست كه دستخوش تغييرات بازار شود و بهاي آن فراز و نشيب داشته باشد بلكه موضوعي مهم و داراي موقعيت سوق‌الجيشي فرهنگي و سياسي (استراتژيك) است، زيرا دشمن ميتواند از اين ناحيه، افراد اين ملت را از تأليف و طبع و نشر كتاب ‌كه تا حدودي تحت نظارت دولت است دور نمايد و از سوي ديگر از فضاهاي رسانه‌يي خود به تأثيرگذاري بر اعتقاد و انديشه و دانش مردم ما روي آورده و به نابودي آن بپردازد. در صحنه‌يي چنين، ضروري است كه به اين موضوع حساس در عرصة جنگ نرم دشمن با ما، بيشتر توجه شود و سياستي جداي از ديگر امور و مقدماتي اقتصادي براي ارزاني بهاي تمام شده كتاب تدوين گردد. گرچه برخي اقدامات جزئي دولتي در جريان است اما خطر دور شدن مردم دانش‌پژوه و دانشجوي ما از كتاب، و هضم و جذب شدن آنها در ابزارها و رسانه‌هاي دشمن در كمين، همچنان باقي است و همتي بلند و عزمي جزم و نظارتي ويژه ميطلبد. Manuscript profile
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        9 - An Analytic Study of the Arguments for the Necessity of Corporeal Dimension of Man in Mullā Ṣadrā
        Hadi  Jafary Ali  Arshad Riahi
        Philosophical anthropology is one of the important and interesting categories which has attracted the attention of philosophers since the beginning of the history of philosophy. As one of the distinguished philosophers of the world of Islam, Mullā Ṣadrā has paid particu More
        Philosophical anthropology is one of the important and interesting categories which has attracted the attention of philosophers since the beginning of the history of philosophy. As one of the distinguished philosophers of the world of Islam, Mullā Ṣadrā has paid particular attention to Man and the related problems. One of the important issues in the realm of anthropology is Man’s corporeal dimension and the relevant issues. This paper deals with the necessity of the corporeal dimension of human beings in the view of Mullā Ṣadrā. The authors conclude that this necessity can be demonstrated in the light of some of the philosophical principles of Mullā Ṣadrā such as commensurability, gradation of existence, corporeal origination and spiritual subsistence of the soul, possibility of the lower, Man’s potency for receiving trust, as well as the principle of opposition and some others. They also argue that in Mullā Ṣadrā’s view, the corporeal dimension is in fact necessary for developing a human identity and promoting and perfecting human existence. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Application of Allameh Tabatabai and Allameh Mesbah Yazdi's views on the origin of obligation and moral value
        seyed morteza hoseini motlagh Mehdi  Imani Moghaddam
        The general philosophers of Muslim ethics, in accordance with the application and permanence of Islamic law and the eternal authority of the tradition of the Infallibles (pbuh) and also in accordance with rational reasoning and stability of human nature and despite the More
        The general philosophers of Muslim ethics, in accordance with the application and permanence of Islamic law and the eternal authority of the tradition of the Infallibles (pbuh) and also in accordance with rational reasoning and stability of human nature and despite the difference in the method of explanation, consider the criteria for values and They have become moral norms. Two great philosophers of Shiite ethics in the contemporary period, namely Allameh Tabatabai and Allameh Mesbah Yazdi, have theorized in their seemingly different explanation of moral realism and the application of moral criteria; The present article seeks to prove that these two explanations can be referred to a single explanation.Allameh Tabatabai (in the common interpretation of his theory) considers moral necessity as a matter of credit and considers the real and developmental necessity between the action of the active force and its objective effect, figuratively (meaning unity in meaning and difference in instance) to the resulting mental and sensual necessity. It has spread from the idea of a mental end, but Allameh Mesbah has reached the necessity of moral requirements due to the necessity of comparison to others. By considering the necessity of comparative necessity and referring it to the necessity of others, these two theories can be considered as different interpretations of a truth. The present research has explained this important point. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Criticism and examination of the rational evidences of the theory of metamorphosis and reincarnation (focusing on two books "Philosophical Psychology" and "Reincarnation from the Perspective of Reason and Revelation")
        Mohammad Mahdi Gorjian Ahmad Fakur  Efshaghar
        Reincarnation is one of the most important issues theogy and soul science; Throughout history, human thought has occupied itself and many fans in different societies and events, in a wide geographical and historical area and has been discussed in various sciences such a More
        Reincarnation is one of the most important issues theogy and soul science; Throughout history, human thought has occupied itself and many fans in different societies and events, in a wide geographical and historical area and has been discussed in various sciences such as philosophy, theology, interpretation, differences and religions; On the other hand, tying the fate of some religious teachings such as resurrection, physical resurrection, resurrection of the dead, the underworld, return, etc. with the issue of reincarnation has increased the sensitivity of the issue. Almost all the main arguments for the transformation of reincarnation have been reviewed in the two books "Philosophical theogy and soul science " and "Reincarnation from the point of view of reason and narration", and the author of the book presents almost all the arguments of those who believe in the transformation of reincarnation In this article, which is a descriptive-analytical-critical method, the points of view of these two works on some of the most important rational reasons of the theory of reincarnation transformation have been reviewed and examined. Has been accepted. Manuscript profile