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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The relationship between decision-making styles and competitive advantage in small and medium enterprises
        naser poursadegh
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between modes of decision-making is a competitive advantage for small industries in west Azarbaijan province. The licensed Food Research of Industrial Estates in West Azarbaijan is considered as the population. More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between modes of decision-making is a competitive advantage for small industries in west Azarbaijan province. The licensed Food Research of Industrial Estates in West Azarbaijan is considered as the population. Due to limited population, the census method used. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of the test light Decision (752/0) and competitive advantage (857/0) is estimated. After collecting the questionnaires, the resulting data using descriptive and inferential statistics such as Pearson's correlation test was analyzed by spss software. Hypothesis test results confirm the main hypothesis and sub hypothesis suggests. In other words, there is a significant relationship between decision-style small industries with competitive advantage in West Azarbaijan Province, and there is a significant relationship between Decision style and entrepreneurial, adaptive planning, competitive advantage for small and medium industries in West Azarbaijan . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The analysis of Strategic Thinking on Strategic Innovation of SMEs (Case Study: Khazra Industrial Park of Kerman)
        Seyed Ali ruholamini davood feiz
        The strategic importance of SMEs in the economic development of nations, has been detected by many developed and developing countries. In many countries, policies to develop small and medium industries have become an important policy and Development of the industries pl More
        The strategic importance of SMEs in the economic development of nations, has been detected by many developed and developing countries. In many countries, policies to develop small and medium industries have become an important policy and Development of the industries plays an important role in economic – social development. The more a country has a higher level in terms of economic development, industrial development, The more relying on small and medium industries should be regarded as irrefutable fact. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of strategic thinking and business strategies to gain competitive advantage through the mediation of strategic innovation.  This is a descriptive correlational study clearly based on structural equation modeling (SEM). The participants of this study who were 125 managers of SME’s Khazra industrial park of Kerman, were selected by random sampling. Participants completed business strategies to gain competitive advantage questionnaire (by Lilly et al, 2006), strategic thinking questionnaire (by Jean liedtka, 1998) and strategic innovation questionnaire (by Researcher) by individual method and Reliability and validity of these questionnaires was obtained. Results of Pearson correlation showed that all strategic thinking, business strategies to gain competitive advantage and strategic innovation components are mutually correlated with each other (P Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Developing a Framework for Technology Intelligence Process in SMEs
        mahdi hajari hojjatollah hajhosseini mahdi hamidi
        Technology intelligence is a concept that enables firms to detect technological opportunities and risks which influence their future progress and performance of trade, therefore using this concept by organizations and corporations can be noteworthy. On the other hand, l More
        Technology intelligence is a concept that enables firms to detect technological opportunities and risks which influence their future progress and performance of trade, therefore using this concept by organizations and corporations can be noteworthy. On the other hand, literature has dealt with different models for realization of technology intelligence, and in any of them, multiple stages are introduced. Hence in this research, surveying four models and concluding relevant stages of each, we introduced a model for implementation of technology intelligence concept. In this model three elements which are ignored by existing models - time, requisite activity and management of technology intelligence - are regarded as proposed factors. In this research we used information from libraries to collect the literature. At the end of this article, there is also a suggestion in order to implement further researches. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Identifying and Ranking Innovative Capabilities in SME of IRAN
        emad shieh
        Success of organizations is mainly rooted in innovation. Nowadays innovation in the current theological place plays significant and crucial role for the organizations and most organizations seek for creation of new ideas so that utilize the knowledge for supplying new p More
        Success of organizations is mainly rooted in innovation. Nowadays innovation in the current theological place plays significant and crucial role for the organizations and most organizations seek for creation of new ideas so that utilize the knowledge for supplying new products and services for the customers and stakeholders, and accordingly they can develop necessary infrastructures for innovation. This research was conducted in order to identify factors and indexes affecting innovative capabilities in small and medium-sized enterprises with five main factors and 20 dimensions. These factors and dimensions included: Individual factor (knowledge, skill, personality characteristics, and motivation), team factor (combination, solidarity, relationship, size), organizational factor (culture, systems and processes, strategies, leadership and organization, learning), industrial factor (networking, suppliers, customers, and competition), national factor (governmental incentives, regulations, environmental conditions), and 86 indexes. Effectiveness level of these indexes on innovative capabilities was evaluated following designing the questionnaire and distributing it among 306 experts and staff of small and medium-sized enterprises of Markazi province, and research model was fitted using structural equations and IMOS software. Finally 80 indexes with 5 main factors and 20 dimensions were accepted for the designed model. According to the research, successful innovative capabilities in small and medium-sized enterprises of Markazi province require attention to all above factors, dimensions, and indexes. Also results suggested that national factor gained first rank, industry factor gained second rank, organizational factor ranked as third, group factor ranked fourth, and individual factor ranked fifth. National dimension had the strongest relationship with innovative capabilities (R2 = 0.65), and individual dimension had weakest relationship with innovative capabilities (R2= 0.15). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Investigating the Mediating Effect of Organizational Learning Orientation-Performance Relationship under Moderating Market Turbulence (Case Study: Birjand Industrial Park SMEs)
        Morteza Maleki
        According to single-dimensional researches in entrepreneurial orientation-business performance literature and lack of existence for variables contributing more clarity and progress in our understanding, more study is required to be done. The main purpose of this article More
        According to single-dimensional researches in entrepreneurial orientation-business performance literature and lack of existence for variables contributing more clarity and progress in our understanding, more study is required to be done. The main purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance with regard to organizational learning orientation, as a mediator, and market turbulence, as a moderator.  To assess the claim, we collected data by census method from senior managers or/and executives of all 55 active and semi-active SMEs in the Birjand Industrial Park. Findings showed that small firms having high entrepreneurial orientation show more inclination to organizational learning in the turbulent markets, but organizational learning tendency does not necessarily affect positively the performance of small firms even in changing markets. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Organizational Intelligence as a strong device in the management of Knowledge based firms
        Gholamreza Malekzadeh
        Knowledge based enterprises are faced with the rapidly changing events in economical, technological, social, cultural, and political environment. Successful reaction to these organizations in a very dynamic and inimical trade ambiance depends on their ability to provide More
        Knowledge based enterprises are faced with the rapidly changing events in economical, technological, social, cultural, and political environment. Successful reaction to these organizations in a very dynamic and inimical trade ambiance depends on their ability to provide relevant information and find adequate solutions to the problems that they are faced with. The attention of managers must be focused on designing of the so called “Organizational intelligence” and intellectual abilities of an organization (organizational learning, communication and memory). As a result of these trends, a relatively new concept in organizational theory has developed – Organizational Intelligence. The aim of this paper, after determining the concept of organizational intelligence, is to identify organizational intelligence and learning as one of the most powerful tools in managing knowledge based organizations and enterprises Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - An Investigation of Knowledge Management capability success factors in small Technology based enterprises in Technology Incubators
        مصطفی  کاظمی Gholamreza Malekzadeh
        Success Factors in Knowledge Management (KM) capability in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have less been systematically investigated. Existing studies have derived their CSFs from large companies' perspectives and have not considered the needs of small businesses. More
        Success Factors in Knowledge Management (KM) capability in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have less been systematically investigated. Existing studies have derived their CSFs from large companies' perspectives and have not considered the needs of small businesses. In this article, existing studies on Knowledge Management capability success factors were reviewed and their limitations were identified. By integrating insights drawn from these studies, the authors proposed a set of 11 CSFs which is believed to be more suitable for SMEs. An empirical assessment was conducted to evaluate the extent of success of proposed propositions using experts’ opinions. The overall results from the empirical assessment were positive, thus reflecting the appropriateness of the proposed success factors. The set of success factors can act as a list of items for SMEs to address when adopting KM. However it can provide a common language for managers to discuss and study the factors crucial for the success of KM in SMEs. The results show that adequate and suitable leadership and management supports, use of Information Technology, bussiness strategies, motivation, resource availability, personnel education, human resource management, performance assessment measures, infrastructures and Knowledge Management processes can increase Knowledge Management capability in small firms. Organization culture, Leadership and management and leader supports and Information Technology were the most important factors Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Providing a pattern of digital entrepreneurship in small and medium companies in South Khorasan province During COVID-19
        Asma Tavazoeifar Mohim Tash Soheila Keshavarz
        During the Quidd-19 epidemic, the importance of paying attention to digital businesses has increased and the need for the growth and survival of such businesses is to pay attention to competitive advantages. One of these competitive advantages is the innovativeness of b More
        During the Quidd-19 epidemic, the importance of paying attention to digital businesses has increased and the need for the growth and survival of such businesses is to pay attention to competitive advantages. One of these competitive advantages is the innovativeness of business products, which is a fundamental and inseparable indicator of the concept of entrepreneurship; Therefore, paying attention to digital entrepreneurship in businesses in the current situation will play a significant role in the economic development of societies; Therefore, the purpose of this study is to Providing a pattern of digital entrepreneurship in small and medium companies in South Khorasan province. This research is a descriptive, survey and correlational research, and in terms of classification based on results and application, it is an applied research. The statistical population of questionnaire 1 consists of experts of companies in Birjand Industrial Town. In order to prioritize the dimensions, components and indicators of the model, Questionnaire was designed that to use hierarchical analysis, senior managers of companies in Birjand Industrial Park were selected as the statistical population. To analyze the data, confirmatory factor analysis and modeling of structural equations with Smart pls software and in order to prioritize the dimensions and components, the method of hierarchical analysis using Expert choice software has been used. The results show that all model indicators affect small and medium enterprises in South Khorasan province. And the most important dimension, component and index of the research model are, respectively, internal organization, organizational capabilities and government support Manuscript profile